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AdWords API Advisor

Dec 2, 2008, 4:24:05 PM12/2/08
to AdWords API Forum
I just noticed that the AdWords API Sandbox environment is currently
returning internal errors for all requests made to it. I'm notifying
the core engineering team.

I'm sure others have noticed this as well, so I wanted to let folks
know that we'll be looking into it.

AdWords API Advisor

Dec 3, 2008, 11:11:10 AM12/3/08
to AdWords API Forum
...and the Sandbox should be back up again (though you'll likely have
to recreate your accounts with a getClientAccounts() call).

This downtime was unexpected, obviously, and appear to me at least to
be similar to what happened on November 21. I'm doing what I can to
try to get the root cause of this fully investigated, as I know
Sandbox downtime can be very disruptive for the development and
testing cycle.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Dec 2, 4:24 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>
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