Google adwords receiving unable to connect to host error

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не прочитано,
14 дек. 2017 г., 17:12:4314.12.2017
– AdWords API Forum

I am receiving following error while working on adwords using php library. Please help me to resolve the error:-

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Could not connect to host in C:\xampp\php\pear\vendor\googleads\googleads-php-lib\src\Google\AdsApi\Common\AdsSoapClient.php:91 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\php\pear\vendor\googleads\googleads-php-lib\src\Google\AdsApi\Common\AdsSoapClient.php(91): SoapClient->__doRequest('<?xml version="...', 'https://adwords...', '', 1, 0) #1 [internal function]: Google\AdsApi\Common\AdsSoapClient->__doRequest('<?xml version="...', 'https://adwords...', '', 1, 0) #2 C:\xampp\php\pear\vendor\googleads\googleads-php-lib\src\Google\AdsApi\Common\AdsSoapClient.php(131): SoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array, NULL, Array, Array) #3 C:\xampp\php\pear\vendor\googleads\googleads-php-lib\src\Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\cm\CampaignService.php(158): Google\AdsApi\Common\AdsSoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array) #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\adwords_copy\examples\AdWords\v201710\BasicOperations\GetCampaigns.php(53): Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\cm\CampaignService->get(Object(Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201710\cm\Selecto in C:\xampp\php\pear\vendor\googleads\googleads-php-lib\src\Google\AdsApi\Common\AdsSoapClient.php on line 91


Peter Oliquino

не прочитано,
15 дек. 2017 г., 02:42:2215.12.2017
– AdWords API Forum

The error you are encountering appears to be specific to the PHP client library. Could you check this thread on StackOverflow if the suggestions would resolve your issue? If the suggestions in the thread still doesn't work, I would recommend that you get in touch with the PHP library owners via this link for further assistance.

Best regards,
AdWords API Team
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