Sandbox Over Quota

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Colin Ramsay

Sep 25, 2009, 3:32:09 AM9/25/09
to AdWords API Forum
I'm getting an over quota error on the sandbox:

"QuotaExceededError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED @ ; trigger:'You have exceeded the
quota in the following categories:DB_OPERATIONS'"

How can I resolve this?

AdWords API Advisor

Sep 25, 2009, 9:41:37 AM9/25/09
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Colin,

Quota exceptions like these are usually triggered when you've made a
large number of requests over the course of the day. The error should
disappear by the next day, once your quota has reset.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team


Oct 1, 2009, 6:30:16 PM10/1/09
to AdWords API Forum
In my case this exception didn't disappear by the next day.
Is there any limits on number of items in AdGroupService.mutate

On 25 Вер, 16:41, AdWords API Advisor <>

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 1, 2009, 7:47:59 PM10/1/09
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Allvin,

The exact limit isn't public and is subject to change. However, the
maximum number of ad groups allowed in a campaign is 2000, so I would
recommend staying at or below that threshold.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team


Oct 2, 2009, 2:48:41 PM10/2/09
to AdWords API Forum
Is this limitation connected only to a sandbox?


Oct 5, 2009, 5:22:33 PM10/5/09
to AdWords API Forum
I was receiving this error on my sandbox after only a few requests
last week. Being frustrated with wasting my time last week, today I
started working on my real account, eating the cost. But even working
from my paying account I'm still getting the same error after only
trying to retrieve all campaigns, then all ad groups for these
campaigns. I have plenty of paid for API requests left in my

So what causes this error? And is there something we can do to prevent

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 6, 2009, 2:56:08 PM10/6/09
to AdWords API Forum

To answer Andy's question, this limitation is also present on the
production environment.

As for your question Steven, the limitation is on the number of
objects updated (campaigns, ad groups, etc) per day, and should not be
triggered by get requests. Can you reliably replicate this error?
After how many requests do you start to see it?

- Eric

Oct 27, 2009, 8:06:29 AM10/27/09
to AdWords API Forum
I'm getting the same error on a campaign level.

All my script does is grab a list of campaigns, and then deletes them.

So far none of the campaigns have been delete (not sure if my code

Then I started getting 'You have exceeded the quota in the following


On Oct 6, 6:56 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>
> Hi,
> To answer Andy's question, this limitation is also present on the
> production environment.
> As for your question Steven, the limitation is on the number of
> objects updated (campaigns, ad groups, etc) per day, and should not be
> triggered by get requests.  Can you reliably replicate this error?
> After how many requests do you start to see it?
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Oct 5, 5:22 pm, Stephen <> wrote:
> > I was receiving this error on mysandboxafter only a few requests

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 27, 2009, 10:54:21 AM10/27/09
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Daniel,

The error message indicates you are running into another type of quota
limit, which is requests per second. The likely cause is that you are
sending requests too quickly, and perhaps from multiple threads. To
avoid this error put a delay between your requests or limit the usage
of concurrent threads.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Oct 27, 8:06 am, "" <>

Oct 27, 2009, 11:03:07 AM10/27/09
to AdWords API Forum


Is there a list some where the explains all the limits for v200909?

How many requests per second are allowed?



On Oct 27, 2:54 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 27, 2009, 11:38:00 AM10/27/09
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Dan,

Unfortunately the exact limits are not made public, and they are
subject to change over time. We recommend that developers catch these
types of exceptions and handle them appropriately, usually by pausing
and re-trying the request.

- Eric

On Oct 27, 11:03 am, "" <>


Oct 27, 2009, 5:20:56 PM10/27/09
to AdWords API Forum
Can someone please provide a place where we know what the actual quota
limit exceptions mean, as well as how long we have to wait until we
can start submitting again? Here is my current limit exceeded:

"You have exceeded the quota in the following

I have no idea what that means to solve for future problems, and no
telling when I can start submitting again.


On Oct 27, 9:38 am, AdWords API Advisor <>

Oct 28, 2009, 5:51:49 AM10/28/09
to AdWords API Forum
this is only a guess, but based on my error, it looks like your
submitting too many queries per second (QPS).

I put a 200 millisecond delay between calls, and that fixed my


AdWords API Advisor

Oct 28, 2009, 9:58:56 AM10/28/09
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Pat,

Unfortunately these categories aren't yet documented, and I've raised
the issue with the AdWords API team. Dan's assumption is correct,
that you've exceeded the allowed number of requests per second.
Adding a small delay between requests, or batching small requests into
larger ones, can be an effective way to avoid these types of errors.
When you get an error like this it's best to wait for a minute or two
before resuming requests, after which the lock should be removed from
your account.

- Eric

On Oct 28, 5:51 am, "" <>

Nov 16, 2009, 3:17:19 PM11/16/09
to AdWords API Forum
I have this problem in v200909 version too. But in v13 version I don't
have this problem...
It is problem only for v200909 version Adwords API???

AdWords API Advisor

Nov 16, 2009, 6:35:36 PM11/16/09
to AdWords API Forum

Yes, this specific type of quota was introduced in v2009. We have
been working to better fine tune the quota though and these errors
should be rare in the sandbox. What is the exact error message you
are receiving?

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Nov 16, 3:17 pm, ""

Nov 17, 2009, 3:48:07 AM11/17/09
to AdWords API Forum
But this error I get in the production environment.
The exact error is:
"QuotaExceededError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED @ ; trigger:'You have exceeded the
quota in the following categories:bulk_light_api_type,bulk_light_qps'"

On 17. Nov, 00:35 h., AdWords API Advisor

AdWords API Advisor

Nov 17, 2009, 11:41:57 AM11/17/09
to AdWords API Forum

What service and methods did you use? Did you use the
BulkMutateJobService at all?

- Eric

On Nov 17, 3:48 am, ""

Nov 17, 2009, 12:13:41 PM11/17/09
to AdWords API Forum
I use only CampaignService, AdGroupService, AdGroupCriterionService
services and get, mutate functions...
No I don't use BulkMutateJobService...

On 17. Nov, 17:41 h., AdWords API Advisor

AdWords API Advisor

Nov 17, 2009, 2:32:16 PM11/17/09
to AdWords API Forum

There have been other reports of this happening when the
BulkMutateJobService wasn't used, and our core engineering team in
looking into it.

- Eric

On Nov 17, 12:13 pm, ""


Nov 22, 2009, 3:43:13 PM11/22/09
to AdWords API Forum
I am seeing the same error when I try to create a campign in the
sandbox. Funny thing is I am pretty sure that I have *not* any made
any calls at all to the adwords api today. I am not sure if you guys
realize how much of an inconvenience this is to us.

I am also not sure about the secrecy around exactly how many calls we
can make in a day. We plan to upload a large number of keywords to a
new account that we are creating and if production has similar quota
limits, it is going to be a big problem for us.

On Nov 17, 11:32 am, AdWords API Advisor
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> There have been other reports of this happening when the
> BulkMutateJobService wasn't used, and our core engineering team in
> looking into it.
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Nov 17, 12:13 pm, ""
> <> wrote:
> > I use only CampaignService, AdGroupService, AdGroupCriterionService
> > services and get, mutate functions...
> > No I don't use BulkMutateJobService...
> > On 17. Nov, 17:41 h., AdWords API Advisor
> > <> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > What service and methods did you use?  Did you use the
> > > BulkMutateJobService at all?
> > > Best,
> > > - Eric
> > > On Nov 17, 3:48 am, ""
> > > <> wrote:
> > > > But this error I get in the production environment.
> > > > The exact error is:
> > > > "QuotaExceededError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED@ ; trigger:'You have exceeded the
> > > > quota in the following categories:bulk_light_api_type,bulk_light_qps'"
> > > > On 17. Nov, 00:35 h., AdWords API Advisor
> > > > <> wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > Yes, this specific type of quota was introduced in v2009.  We have
> > > > > been working to better fine tune the quota though and these errors
> > > > > should be rare in the sandbox.  What is the exact error message you
> > > > > are receiving?
> > > > > Best,
> > > > > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > > > > On Nov 16, 3:17 pm, ""
> > > > > <> wrote:
> > > > > > I have this problem in v200909 version too. But in v13 version I don't
> > > > > > have this problem...
> > > > > > It is problem only for v200909 version Adwords API???
> > > > > > On 25. Sep., 08:32 h., Colin Ramsay <> wrote:
> > > > > > > I'm getting an over quota error on the sandbox:
> > > > > > > "QuotaExceededError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED@ ; trigger:'You have exceeded the


Nov 23, 2009, 12:44:29 PM11/23/09
to AdWords API Forum
This continues to be a problem for us. I ran the one test that I'm
trying to get working which created one campaign and one adgroup under
it. The second time I try to run this test, it fails! Here is the
actual error:

QuotaExceededError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED @ ; trigger:'You have exceeded the
quota in the following categories:bulk_new_qps,bulk_new_api_type'

I am using the CampaignService.mutate method to add a new campaign.
Would it be possible for someone to look at this and let us know whats
going on. At this point, our development has to come to a complete
standstill unless we can resolve this. I can send you the SOAP
messages if that helps or provide our sanbox information.

Thanks in advance.

AdWords API Advisor

Nov 23, 2009, 6:45:18 PM11/23/09
to AdWords API Forum

Thank you for the feedback regarding this problem. We are actively
working to address this issue and hope to have a resolution soon.

- Eric

AdWords API Advisor

Dec 18, 2009, 5:57:37 PM12/18/09
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Everyone,

A fix was developed for this problem and deployed to the servers. My
testing has shown that the bulk mutate rate limit errors are no longer
triggered by non-bulk mutate operations. Be aware though that there
are other rate limits in the system that you may run in to when making
excessive requests.

- Eric

On Nov 23, 6:45 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>

Feb 16, 2010, 12:19:35 PM2/16/10
to AdWords API Forum

We develop a commercial SEM solution that currently processes hundreds
of client accounts each day from a hosted environment. We're two weeks
away from pushing a version into production which supports the 2009
APIs. I can't run the risk of the system failing because of unknown/
unadvertised limitations. Is there somewhere or someone who can talk
with us regarding these limitations? We'll gladly code around them but
we have to know exactly what they all are in order to do so.


On Dec 18 2009, 5:57 pm, AdWords API Advisor

Feb 16, 2010, 12:26:01 PM2/16/10
to AdWords API Forum
I should add that we received a "You have exceeded the quota in the
following categories : RequestsPerMinute,ServicesUsagePerMinute'" in
our QA environment. This environment processes 6 of our clients. If
it's too much for the 2009 APIs, my production environment won't stand
a chance. I need help here.


On Feb 16, 12:19 pm, ""

AdWords API Advisor

Feb 17, 2010, 6:14:49 PM2/17/10
to AdWords API Forum
Hi John,

Our current policy is not to expose these limits, but we understand
the burden this places on your development and we'd be glad to further
discuss the issue with you offline. The best course of action would
be to contact your AdWords Account Representative and they can forward
your request on to the relevant parties.

- Eric

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