Error downloading report

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Jul 1, 2010, 5:55:39 PM7/1/10
to AdWords API Forum
I'm trying to use the ReportDefinitionService. I'm able to add the
ReportDefinition successfully but most of the time when I tried to
download the report I get an Unspecified Error from the dotNET API
function DownloadReportDefinition. Is there a status I need to check
first to see if the report is available for download. I didn't see any
mention of a report status in v201003.

From the help doc it says "When an HTTP request is sent to this URL,
the AdWords server generates a report based on the report definition
ID specified in the URL. This request is inherently synchronous, but
most reports take only a few seconds to generate (the request will
time out after 3 minutes). For report definitions that could generate
large reports, use GZIPPED_CSV as the download format to minimize the
transfer size.".

I assumed that meant I could download the report right away. I'm using
the GZIPPED_CSV format also.

Any help is much appreciated!


Jul 2, 2010, 4:24:04 AM7/2/10
to AdWords API Forum
Hi coldsurf,

to download a report, you have to do a HTTP request to the URL
mentioned on

DownloadReportDefinition sounds like it's the method to fetch existing
ReportDefinitions, but not the reports themselve. For Java there is
example code in the client download file.

AdWords API Advisor

Jul 2, 2010, 5:49:57 PM7/2/10
to AdWords API Forum

DownloadReportDefinition() is the right utility to use. There are
currently some issues in the reporting system that are causing
downloads to fail for some field combinations. We are working to
correct these issues and hope to have them resolved within the next
couple of weeks.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 2, 4:24 am, manolator <> wrote:
> Hi coldsurf,
> to download a report, you have to do a HTTP request to the URL
> mentioned on
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