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Java sample code update (v13, java from WSDL generation, and more)

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AdWords API Advisor

Nov 24, 2008, 7:11:13 PM11/24/08
to AdWords API Forum
Hello all,

As some of you may have noticed in the past, the Java sample code has
always differed a bit from the client library. We recently made it a
goal to unify the code between the client library and sample code, and
help developers get on their feet a bit quicker. I am pleased to
announce a new updated sample code package is now available:

In the past, some developers found it a bit hard to generate the
proper Java files to get the sample code working. Even if you managed
to generate a set of Java files from the WSDLs, if you used the wrong
version of axis, the example files did not work. We fixed this by
including an ANT build script which will now allow you to generate
your own Java files from the WSDLs for both v12 and v13 that the
examples are based on. As well, the script will generate a local copy
of the JavaDocs for your own edification. You will also notice that we
have packaged up all of the necessary jar files in lib_jars.tar.gz,
which should be extracted to the /lib folder.

All of this and more is fully explained in the README.

If you have any feedback or comments, please let us know!

Adam Rogal, AdWords API Team
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