enableSeparateContentBids for new Campaigns

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Sep 12, 2008, 3:27:18 PM9/12/08
to AdWords API Forum
When I add a new campaign using the api, my request includes a
Campaign with enableSeparateContentBids = false, but the Campaign in
the addCampaignList response has enableSeparateContentBids = true.

Any ideas ? Are there other Campaign settings that might cause this to
happen ? I am using api v12, java / axis. I can post the soap request
if that is helpful,



Sep 15, 2008, 11:59:19 AM9/15/08
to AdWords API Forum
Here are the soap request body and soap response body:

<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
<addCampaignList xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v12">
<budgetOptimizerSettings xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://
www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
<contentTargeting xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/
2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
<name>Google Campaign-13533367</name>
<schedule xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/
XMLSchema-instance" />


<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
<addCampaignListResponse xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/
<regionTargets xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/
2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
<metroTargets xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/
XMLSchema-instance" />
<cityTargets xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/
XMLSchema-instance" />
<proximityTargets xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/
2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
<name>Google Campaign-13533367</name>

On Sep 12, 3:27 pm, "jegrima...@gmail.com" <jegrima...@gmail.com>

Peer Jakobsen

Sep 15, 2008, 12:09:23 PM9/15/08
to AdWords API Forum
It happens for me too, but as soon as you add the first adgroup to the
campaign it lets you change the value.

On Sep 12, 12:27 pm, "jegrima...@gmail.com" <jegrima...@gmail.com>


Sep 15, 2008, 4:04:00 PM9/15/08
to AdWords API Forum
I have seen this as well. Anyone have any ideas on what is wrong and
when it will be fixed?


On Sep 12, 12:27 pm, "jegrima...@gmail.com" <jegrima...@gmail.com>

AdWords API Advisor

Sep 17, 2008, 10:44:20 AM9/17/08
to AdWords API Forum
Thanks for bringing up this behavior, and apologies for any
inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. As of last week,
regardless of what value is set for enableSeparateContentBids in the
addCampaign()/addCampaignList() call, the new AdWords campaign will be
created with the enableSeparateContentBids value set to true.

While you can currently make a call to updateCampaign() and manually
set this value to false, last week's change to the default behavior of
new campaigns was made in anticipation of a larger change that is in
the works for the AdWords API. We are planning on changing the
behavior of the enableSeparateContentBids campaign attribute in v12 of
the AdWords API so that it is always set to true.

Here's a rundown of the implications for developers of this planned

If you currently have an existing campaign with
enableSeparateContentBids set to false, then your campaign will
automatically have this attribute swtiched to true once this change
goes live. The keywordContentMaxCpc values of the ad groups in such a
campaign will default to 0, though, meaning that the keywordMaxCpc bid
value will be used instead. This effectively means that the campaign
will behave as it previously did, with the keywordMaxCpc bid used for
both the search and content networks.

If you currently have an existing campaign with
enableSeparateContentBids set to true, your campaign's settings will
remain the same once this change goes live and any
keywordContentMaxCpc bids in ad groups will continue to be used for
the content network. If an ad group doesn't have an explicit
keywordContentMaxCpc set then the keywordMaxCpc value will continue to
be used for both the search and content network as before.

The most noticeable difference takes place if you make an
updateCampaign()/updateCampaignList() call on a campaign and set
enableSeparateContentBids to false in your update. First of all, the
enableSeparateContentBids attribute will continue to be returned as
true--it will not be possible to set this to false. Additionally, the
value of the keywordContentMaxCpc attribute in any ad groups in that
camapaign will be set to 0, which will effectively disable separate
content bids and ensure that that default keywordContentCpc value is
used instead. This means that the end result will be the same behavior
as what would previously happen if enableSeparateContentBids were
false. Please do note that the previous value of keywordContentMaxCpc
in each ad group will be wiped out in the process.

There will be an official update to the documentation to reflect all
this when the changes go live, but it's important enough that we
wanted to give everyone a heads-up in advance.

We expect the changes mentioned above to be implemented next week,
around September 23. I'll post again when the changes are live.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Sep 17, 2008, 8:30:23 PM9/17/08
to AdWords API Forum

Thanks for the update. Just to clarify, does this change affect the
NetworkTargeting setting? So if the campaign is only targeting the
search network, this change should have no effect?


On Sep 17, 7:44 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>

AdWords API Advisor

Sep 18, 2008, 11:12:28 AM9/18/08
to AdWords API Forum
Hello Bryan,

There won't be any mass update to the NetworkTargeting setting. If
you don't already target the content network then nothing should
change regarding that.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Oct 6, 2008, 4:31:36 PM10/6/08
to AdWords API Forum

We are still receiving responses with enableSeparateContentBids =
false. What is the status of this change? What is the best way to be
notified when the change goes live?


On Sep 17, 5:30 pm, bryanjj <brya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jeff,
> Thanks for the update.  Just to clarify, does this change affect the
> NetworkTargeting setting?  So if the campaign is only targeting the
> search network, this change should have no effect?
> -Bryan
> On Sep 17, 7:44 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for bringing up this behavior, and apologies for any
> > inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. As of last week,
> > regardless of what value is set forenableSeparateContentBidsin the
> > addCampaign()/addCampaignList() call, the new AdWords campaign will be
> > created with theenableSeparateContentBidsvalue set to true.
> > While you can currently make a call to updateCampaign() and manually
> > set this value to false, last week's change to the default behavior of
> > new campaigns was made in anticipation of a larger change that is in
> > the works for the AdWords API. We are planning on changing the
> > behavior of theenableSeparateContentBidscampaign attribute in v12 of
> > the AdWords API so that it is always set to true.
> > Here's a rundown of the implications for developers of this planned
> > change:
> > If you currently have an existing campaign with
> >enableSeparateContentBidsset to false, then your campaign will
> > automatically have this attribute swtiched to true once this change
> > goes live. The keywordContentMaxCpc values of the ad groups in such a
> > campaign will default to 0, though, meaning that the keywordMaxCpc bid
> > value will be used instead. This effectively means that the campaign
> > will behave as it previously did, with the keywordMaxCpc bid used for
> > both the search and content networks.
> > If you currently have an existing campaign with
> >enableSeparateContentBidsset to true, your campaign's settings will
> > remain the same once this change goes live and any
> > keywordContentMaxCpc bids in ad groups will continue to be used for
> > the content network. If an ad group doesn't have an explicit
> > keywordContentMaxCpc set then the keywordMaxCpc value will continue to
> > be used for both the search and content network as before.
> > The most noticeable difference takes place if you make an
> > updateCampaign()/updateCampaignList() call on a campaign and set
> >enableSeparateContentBidsto false in your update. First of all, the
> >enableSeparateContentBidsattribute will continue to be returned as
> > true--it will not be possible to set this to false. Additionally, the
> > value of the keywordContentMaxCpc attribute in any ad groups in that
> > camapaign will be set to 0, which will effectively disable separate
> > content bids and ensure that that default keywordContentCpc value is
> > used instead. This means that the end result will be the same behavior
> > as what would previously happen ifenableSeparateContentBidswere
> > false. Please do note that the previous value of keywordContentMaxCpc
> > in each ad group will be wiped out in the process.
> > There will be an official update to the documentation to reflect all
> > this when the changes go live, but it's important enough that we
> > wanted to give everyone a heads-up in advance.
> > We expect the changes mentioned above to be implemented next week,
> > around September 23. I'll post again when the changes are live.
> > Cheers,
> > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > On Sep 15, 4:04 pm, bryanjj <brya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have seen this as well.  Anyone have any ideas on what is wrong and
> > > when it will be fixed?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Bryan
> > > On Sep 12, 12:27 pm, "jegrima...@gmail.com" <jegrima...@gmail.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > > When I add a new campaign using the api, my request includes a
> > > > Campaign withenableSeparateContentBids= false, but the Campaign in
> > > > the addCampaignList response hasenableSeparateContentBids= true.


Oct 14, 2008, 2:04:20 PM10/14/08
to AdWords API Forum
Any updates?


AdWords API Advisor

Oct 15, 2008, 2:03:42 PM10/15/08
to AdWords API Forum
Hello Bryan,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. This behavior should
already have gone live. I'm not sure whether you're seeing a
discrepancy while updating an existing campaign or creating a new one,
but it would be great if you could provide either an anonymized SOAP
request/response illustrating the behavior or if you could just
provide the value of the requestId SOAP response header so that I
could pull that information from our logs.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Oct 15, 2008, 8:10:30 PM10/15/08
to AdWords API Forum
This is simply a getCampaign() service call which is returning
enableSeparateContentBids = false. According to your previous post:
"your campaign will automatically have this attribute swtiched to true
once this change goes live."


On Oct 15, 11:03 am, AdWords API Advisor

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 16, 2008, 12:36:29 PM10/16/08
to AdWords API Forum
That's true, my understanding is that all existing campaigns were
being switched over to enable separate content bids as part of the
larger change.

Could you either pass along the requestId of the call you're making or
at least provide the campaign id in question? I'm not seeing the same
behavior in my tests and I want to know with which campaign you're
seeing this behavior.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team


Oct 16, 2008, 1:54:53 PM10/16/08
to AdWords API Forum
I'm seeing the same thin - I did a spot check and didn't see any with
enableSeparateContentBids set to "true." Here are a couple of
campaign IDs:

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 16, 2008, 3:52:07 PM10/16/08
to AdWords API Forum
Thanks, I'll pass those along to the engineering team and let you know
what I hear back.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 16, 2008, 6:00:15 PM10/16/08
to AdWords API Forum
I've gotten the following update from the engineering team: one change
has already been put in place for all accounts, which is that
enableSeparateContentBids is always set to "true" when creating a new
campaign with the AdWords API, regardless of whether its set to "true"
or "false" in the request. This is the behavior that prompted this
thread to begin with.

The other changes mentioned in my earlier post, which were planned to
go live around September 23, have not yet been widely rolled out. I'm
hearing the familiar timeframe of "next week" as to when accounts
should start seeing that new behavior, and that the changed behavior
will be rolled out in batches of accounts, so it may take longer for
some users to start seeing them.

Apologies for the initial confusion.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Oct 16, 3:52 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>


Oct 16, 2008, 6:15:25 PM10/16/08
to AdWords API Forum

Thanks for the update. Is there an official online location where the
status of this update will be announced, or should we just check back
at this thread?


On Oct 16, 3:00 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>

AdWords API Advisor

Oct 21, 2008, 2:12:43 PM10/21/08
to AdWords API Forum
Hello Bryan,

This behavior won't be rolled out all at once, and some accounts will
see it earlier than others. (I don't know what the exact criteria is
for determining which accounts will see the change first.)

For that reason, I'd recommend that you just empirically determine
whether your account has been updated to the new behavior by running
the API call and checking the response.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

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