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Traffic Estimator Service blog post

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AdWords API Advisor

Jul 2, 2008, 3:47:21 PM7/2/08
to AdWords API Forum
Hey Folks,

For those of your out there who don't subscribe to the AdWords API
blog's RSS feed, I wanted to draw your attention to a new post. It
details the differences between the estimateKeywordList() and
estimateCampaignList() methods of the AdWords API's Traffic Estimator
Service, and hopefully clears up some long-standing confusion about
exactly which method is the correct one to use for different

(Preemptive note: we are still investigating some issues previously
reported in this forum related to inconsistent results returned by the
Traffic Estimator Service. Using the right API methods to begin with
is definitely the first step in getting reliable estimates.)

If there are other AdWords API-related topics that folks would like
to see explored in a longer blog post, please reply and let us know!

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
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