Get Google Ads Details For Competition

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Pretty Sammy

Sep 4, 2019, 5:17:59 PM9/4/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Everyone,

I would like to know if with Google Adwords API we can get details for Google Ads of our competition. Details like keywords they are bidding on, Ads they are running, Ads Duration, Used Keywords, Landing Page Url. I searched alot about this but didn't find how its possible. Even if it's not possible with Google Adwords API can anyone please tell me from which API i can do that?

I am asking this question because i already know that this is possible because there is these 2 websites which are doing this.

I have tried both and they do show details of competitor ads. We just need to search competitor brand keyword or website url.

So if anyone knows a way to do this, please share it will be a great help.


Chris Larkin

Sep 5, 2019, 3:13:46 PM9/5/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
There is no such API. Any sites that do competitive analytics are scraping pages in violation of Google’s terms of service, and, worse, the data isn’t very accurate.

Depending on the domain, the data is so incomplete as to be almost useless. For example, today I glanced at semrush and ahrefs on the same domain, got completely different keyword sets: one with brand related terms only and the other with competitors names as keywords. There was nothing in terms of generic keywords at all. There’s no way these sites were close to comprehensive.

Google doesn’t share competitor data, which makes sense since we wouldn’t want to have our keyword data read by our competitors or their agencies right? 👍

You might find auction insights helpful, or even impression share.

Better question: what exactly do you want to use competitor ad data for?

Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Sep 6, 2019, 1:17:12 AM9/6/19

Thank you for reaching out.

In the AdWords API perspective, I am afraid you cannot have access to other accounts to retrieve information.

Let me know if you have other concerns regarding the AdWords API.

Google Ads API Team

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