Unexpected Error In IdentityVerificationService

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Tayler Dunn

Oct 22, 2024, 8:24:14 PM10/22/24
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
After following the Google Ads API Guide on retrieving the advertiser verification service using the IdentityVerificationService, I am getting the following unexpected error:

error: Request contains an invalid argument.
code: InvalidArgument
detail: errors:{error_code:{
message:API advertiser verification is only open to customers with billing setup for monthly invoicing.

After thoroughly reviewing the documentation and release change logs, there is no mention of any restrictions for GET requests using this service related to monthly invoicing. Please note that I am NOT attempting to mutate the resource, but want to simply retrieve a list of advertiser verification requirements for our customers.

Has a recent restriction been placed on this service? I am confused as to why it is claiming the request is limited to monthly invoiced customers when advertiser verification is required for non-monthly customers.

Any help is much appreciated,

Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Oct 23, 2024, 4:36:53 AM10/23/24
to tay...@usestyle.ai, adwor...@googlegroups.com


Thank you for reaching out to Google Ads API Support.

In order to assist you regrading identity_verification_error:BILLING_NOT_ON_MONTHLY_INVOICING, kindly provide us with below details:

If you are using a client library and haven't enabled the logging yet, I would request you to enable logging for the specific client library that you are using. You can refer to the guides Java, .Net, PHP, Python, Ruby or Perl to enable logging at your end. For REST interface requests, you can enable logging via the curl command by using the -i flag. 


This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGfuM:ref" (ADR-00272619)

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