The Adventures In Deep Space mailing list is available to all visual observational amateur astronomers. While there are numerous mailing lists/forums for amateur astronomy across the Internet universe, very few have the sole raison d’état of visual/observational astronomy. Adventures In Deep Space provides a natural and resource rich environment, let's keep that our highly focused purpose!
Here is how to join, and our simple rules :
Join the list following the link above.
Your subscription type must be "all-email" as "digest" creates technical threading issues.
If "all-mail" is not preferred, please filter your incoming e-mails instead.
Keep your posts relevant to visual/observational astronomy. This includes:
Posting observing reports.
Discussion about observing report content.
Discussing the static content found on ADS.
Asking questions about how to observe.
Visual astronomy gear.
Literally anything else visual astronomy related, but only visual astronomy related.
Your first post will be moderated, so we can identify and eliminate spammers.
The list is visible across the web.
Only subscribers may post.
No flame wars or off-topic conversations; we will privately advise people as needed.