4 to 2 Unit conversion without permit

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biniam berhe

Jan 19, 2023, 7:29:44 PM1/19/23
to DC Accessory Apartments Forum
Hello All,

I have a situation that I recently bought a 2-unit property and I was in the process of transferring the Certificate of Occupancy (CO), the CO I got from the seller shows 4 units and when I apply for a CO I come to know that this property has to be 4 unit but looks like the seller has changed it to 2 units a few years ago without a permit and I feel like I am in trouble right now and DCRA notified me inspection will fail for sure and I have to get all the permits from scratch (Structural, Mechanical, Fire, Electrical, Plumbing...etc). Does anyone have such an experience before? I appreciate for sharing your experience and if there is a better recommendation for me.

Cheryl Cort

Jan 26, 2023, 9:42:37 AM1/26/23
to DC Accessory Apartments Forum
That sounds pretty messy. DOB has options set up meeting with reviewers (might be for a cost). I'm more familiar with the Zoning meetings, but I bet you could get a building codes meeting too. 

Jean Poitevien might also have some knowledge, but I think this is a building code issue mostly.

Jeremy Davila

Jan 26, 2023, 10:14:06 AM1/26/23
to Cheryl Cort, DC Accessory Apartments Forum
@Original Poster - Is it more than 10 years since the last CofO was issued?  if not then they wouldn't require an inspection and they should just do a change of ownership.  

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biniam berhe

Jan 26, 2023, 9:24:11 PM1/26/23
to DC Accessory Apartments Forum
Yes, it is and something I learned when buying a multi-family, it is a great idea to check the CO the seller has. Looks like need to get a permit though I didn't do the conversion from 4 units to 2 units.


Jan 26, 2023, 9:34:10 PM1/26/23
to Jeremy Davila, Cheryl Cort, DC Accessory Apartments Forum
DOB will require a change of use building permit (from 4 units to 2 units). 

Unfortunately there are lots of properties that have been converted without permits and the buyer is usually stuck with the cost of converting, as well as processing a new CO. Jean 

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Jean Poitevien


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From: ad...@googlegroups.com <ad...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Jeremy Davila <jdavi...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 10:13:51 AM
To: Cheryl Cort <che...@smartergrowth.net>
Cc: DC Accessory Apartments Forum <ad...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [DC Accessory Apartments Forum] Re: 4 to 2 Unit conversion without permit

Jim P

Feb 4, 2023, 4:24:03 PM2/4/23
to Jeremy Davila, Cheryl Cort, DC Accessory Apartments Forum
Hi everyone. A friend was just offered a crazy high offer for her big near-Petworth-Metro house due to her large lot. She thinks my row with quite deep lot may be worth a lot more than I thought because a developer might be able to plink down 8 condos here.  Any suggestions who has the eyes or ears of developer(s) who might be able to estimate value to a condo builder?


biniam berhe

Mar 23, 2023, 8:55:18 PM3/23/23
to DC Accessory Apartments Forum
I have received this message from DCRA today:

"Mr. XXX: Your application was reviewed by Zoning and it has been hold for corrections (HFC) with the following language:

Pursuant to U - 421.1, the proposed Flat, [Two-Family Dwelling] can only be approved as special exception by Board of Zoning Adjustment. Below text excerpt from the Zoning Regulations of 2016.
“In the RA-1 and RA-6 zones, all new residential developments, except those comprising all one-family detached and semi-detached dwellings, shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment as special exceptions under Subtitle X, in accordance with the standards and requirements in this section.
But this is not a new development I still have the 4 unit certificate of occupancy from the Seller, it is just the seller has converted it to two UNITS. I think U-421.1 is for all new development. 
Any thoughts on how to respond to it? I don't think with the evidence I have and what U-421-1 says, it needs to go to the Board of Zoning.

Ileana Schinder, PLLC

Mar 24, 2023, 8:16:04 AM3/24/23
to biniam berhe, DC Accessory Apartments Forum
Hi Biniam,
This response is pretty typical when previous alterations may not have been done by the book. 
I suggest you submit existing conditions to BZA and they are very likely to approve it. 
I hope it helps,

Pardon per le tpyo. Sent from a iphone.

On Mar 23, 2023, at 8:55 PM, biniam berhe <biniam...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have received this message from DCRA today:
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biniam berhe

Mar 24, 2023, 8:18:16 AM3/24/23
to Ileana Schinder, PLLC, DC Accessory Apartments Forum
Thanks So much. You think BZA takes long to approve it, you have an estimate if months or weeks?
With deep gratitude,

Ileana Schinder, PLLC

Mar 24, 2023, 8:55:38 AM3/24/23
to biniam berhe, DC Accessory Apartments Forum
In my experience it takes 4-6 months if they have no comments on the documents you present to make your case. 

Pardon per le tpyo. Sent from a iphone.

On Mar 24, 2023, at 8:18 AM, biniam berhe <biniam...@gmail.com> wrote:

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