Gradle 4.2.1 error with GAP 3 beta 6+, build tools 26.0.2 :Cannot create variant 'android-lint' after configuration ':module:debugRuntimeElements' has been resolved

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Stephane Nicolas

Oct 5, 2017, 3:04:14 PM10/5/17
to adt-dev
Hi there,

When we upgrade from gradle 4.1 to gradle 4.2.1, we have an issue when we use a custom gradle plugin in a module.
Cannot create variant 'android-lint' after configuration ':module:debugRuntimeElements' has been resolved

We are using GAP 3 beta 7,  build tools 26.0.2 and  the error also happens with beta 6 and build tools 26.0.1. It's really related to gradle.

We tried to make the plugin empty, removing all the code, etc, but the error persists. Did anyone face it, or have any idea of what is causing the issue ?
(we don't do lint stuff in the plugin, and it has no lint rule).

Thanks in advance !

Stephane Nicolas

Oct 8, 2017, 7:57:27 PM10/8/17
to adt-dev
This was answered. Thanks !

Paul Wang

Oct 28, 2017, 11:38:31 AM10/28/17
to adt-dev
Could you please post the answer here and share with others? I have the exact same problem right now, thanks in advance!
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