Support for Intel machine

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Jul 3, 2012, 7:27:57 PM7/3/12
to ADSM Users
I am using a intel core 3rd Gen processor with the NVIDIA GeForce
graphics card. I guess still there is no GMAC support for this
platfrom. I downloaded those GMAC files and tried running it on my
machine, I am getting an error like C:\Program files\AMD App\....
\OpenCL.lib file is not found.

But I do have installed on my machine NVIDIA GPU SDK and it has a
OpenCL.lib file there. Can I somehow use that one ?

As I understand, GMAC is the Unified virtual addressing for OpenCL. So
there must be someway to know where exactly a variable lived
physically, which was residing at some location in the Virtual address
space. Can someone tell me how can this be done in GMAC?

I have one more query. I don't know much about this but this is one of
the primary step in what I want to do. I want the GPU to initiate the
transaction; be it read or write operation. Usually the CPU initiates
the transaction, if its device to host, CPU writes the data to the
device and while getting the results back from GPU, the CPU reads from
the device.
Can this same thing be done by the GPU exclusively..?

Jul 5, 2012, 8:25:14 PM7/5/12
Guys someone pls pitch in and help me out.
I am getting stuck at this point especially with the GPU accessing the system memory. Not finding much resources.

Isaac Gelado

Jul 7, 2012, 5:47:07 PM7/7/12
from the error message you are getting it seems like you need to
change the project settings in Visual Studio to point to NVIDIA's
implementation of OpenCL. I do not have any Windows/NVIDIA machine at
hand, so I have no idea where NVIDIA installs OpenCL.lib. I guess you
can just search for it :-).

Isaac Gelado

'As gold which he cannot spend will make no man rich
so knowledge which he cannot apply will make no man wise'
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