How can i get Adsense Management API scope authentication

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Jess Jiao

Sep 14, 2021, 11:02:18 AM9/14/21
to AdSense API Forum
Hello, need help with dsense Management API, thanks  in-advance

When we trying to request data from Adsense Management API, the error message is 
"error":"code": 403, "message":"Request had insufficient authentication scopes ","errors" :[i"message": "Insufficient Permission ", "domain": " "PERMISSION DENIED"]

However when we go to oathplayground, we are not able to find Adsense Management API scope . If this scope is not supported yet, how can we request data through Adsense Management API ?

Ad Sense API

Sep 16, 2021, 11:49:49 AM9/16/21
Hi, Jess.

The AdSense Management API scopes can be found in our Authorizing Requests guide. It's strange they are not present in the OAuth playground scopes list. I can look into that. However, you can enter your own scope in the text field below the list, so you can use that method in the meantime.

As for the 403 error, does the user that is authenticating for the API have access to the AdSense account you're trying to access? Also, did you register your API application either in the Google Cloud Project Console or on our developer docs?

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Donovan McMurray
AdSense API Team


Jess Jiao

Sep 27, 2021, 11:22:44 AM9/27/21
to Ad Sense API,
Hello Google Support Team
Thanks. very much for help, manually add scope in the text field does work
Kind regards
焦旸 Jess AM Manager of Commercialization Growth
+86 138 1402 3290
Building H, 21 Ruanjian Avenue, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
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