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cs3 extended to cs4 (non-extended) upgrade still not worked out... hopes dim

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da leggere,
5 nov 2008, 16:35:2205/11/08
Chat InformationPlease hold as we route your chat to an Adobe Representative.
Chat InformationWelcome to! My name is Heath. May I assist you with your selection today?
Heath: Hello, how can I help you?
Visitor: hi heath, i'm dave milbut.
Heath: Hi Dave.
Heath: How can I help you today?
Visitor: i was wondering about the eligibility for upgrading photoshop cs3 extended edition to cs4 (non-extended). jack nack seemed to think there was an oversight in the pricing schemes under
Visitor: oops... cont...
Heath: I will be glad to help you with that.
Heath: We do not have the option to upgraded from Photoshop CS3 Extended to Photoshop CS4.
Visitor: under upgrade eligibility on the store screen. he posted this immediatly after cs4 was released, but the site still hasn't been updated. any word on if us cs3 ee users will be able to go to the standard version or are we going to be stuck doing ee forever now?
Visitor: i suppose i can use my cs2 to upgrade to cs4 standard, right?
Heath: Do you own Photoshop CS2?
Visitor: yep. full version was v6. own every upgrade since then.
Heath: Thank you.
Heath: Have you used the Photoshop CS2 to upgraded to Photoshop CS3 Extended?
Visitor: yes.
Heath: Okay.
Heath: If that's the case, you will not be able to use the Photoshop CS2 to upgraded to Photoshop CS4 again.
Heath: Since, Photoshop CS2 has already been use for upgrading to Photoshop CS3 Extended.
Visitor: ok. any idea if this is the policy going foreward, or if as jack suggested, it's a temporary thing until it gets worked out?
Heath: Our customer service team can better assist you with your question. Please call 1-800-833-6687 to reach our service team.
Heath: You'll certainly be helped regarding this issue.
Heath: I’m happy to help. Do you have any further questions for me?
Visitor: nope thanks.
Heath: Thank you for visiting today! We'd like to hear your comments. Please click on the 'Close' button in the upper right corner and take a moment to complete a short survey. Thank you!

da leggere,
6 nov 2008, 09:35:4106/11/08

anyone heard from john nack on this? can he comment here? or can anyone in the know comment? i'd like to get a copy, but i'm not sure what direction i'm going yet. probably the extended, but i'd like to know my options before proceeding, and i'd like to get it cleared up for others with the same question, if possible.

John Joslin

da leggere,
6 nov 2008, 11:36:1006/11/08
You could always put a comment on his blog dave.

da leggere,
6 nov 2008, 13:08:3506/11/08
I guess. ...

da leggere,
6 nov 2008, 13:33:4506/11/08
dave: Don't sound so dejected, it's not like we're forcing you to comment and when have you ever been shy about your opinion?

da leggere,
15 nov 2008, 13:48:1915/11/08

da leggere,
15 nov 2008, 15:18:3715/11/08
Dave, I did, in fact, upgrade from CS3 Extended to CS4 (standard). Ordered it online and got a discount off of upgrading to LR2 at the same time.

da leggere,
15 nov 2008, 15:30:0315/11/08
hmm... i wonder if that's "official" or if the installer just doesn't check. i still have cs2 installed on this box, as well as cs3 ee. the rep said that didn't matter as far as the terms of the license went though. (i still say that's not clear and is up for interpretation.) i still haven't decided which i'm going for. the point of my query with the online rep was really to get it cleared up once and for all.

do you still have cs2 or cs installed there too? or just cs3 ee and cs4 standard?

thanks for the info nick.

da leggere,
15 nov 2008, 15:48:1115/11/08
I have CS2, CS3 Extended and CS4.

I'm probably breaking some kind of rule with all three installed. Let 'em sue me.

da leggere,
16 nov 2008, 00:54:3016/11/08
If you call Adobe they will unlock the program for you. I could be wrong but I don’t think the installer thinks you have an invalid install path (extended to non).
This is a routine call and can be unlocked in about 10 minutes.


da leggere,
10 dic 2008, 13:53:3310/12/08
From Photoshop Extended CS3 to Photoshop CS4 (non-extended) is a valid uopgrade. You will need to call up either customer service or technical support to unlock the product when it asks for the upgrade check though, most likely. At least, to the best of my recollection that is the case.

For more information and confirmation, rather than just purchasing it over the web, go ahead and call Adobe Sales, and they can confirm. :)

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