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MASTER PAGES reapply after page shuffling

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curt snarr

Jun 10, 2002, 10:13:36 AM6/10/02
Here is my problem with the master pages. If I create a master page with a graphic on it... say a red box. Then i apply it to a page, but MOVE the box on the page. Now.. this is where the problem occures. IF I ADD A PAGE to the document before the page that has been altered, then the altered page shuffles one page down on the document layout. This is fine except that the box is still moved BUT THE SHUFFLING REAPPLIES THE MASTER PAGE TO THE PAGE.. in affect, adding a second box to the page.

Is there any way to keep this from happening? I have already applied the master to the page, and have made alterations, flowing the document should NOT force the master page to reapply all the graphics and elements to the page AGAIN.

Is there any ideas on how to stop this?

Curt Snarr

Don Picard

Jun 10, 2002, 4:56:55 PM6/10/02
I suspect you're using "facing pages." When you add a page to the beginning of the doucment, it forces right-hand pages to a become left-hand pages, and vice-versa.

That means a different Master Page applies to the page where you moved the box. If it was a right-hand page, for example, it's suddenly a left-hand page, and InDesign reapplies the left-hand-page master for left-hand pages.

You should be able to avoid that by avoiding using facing pages. This won't let you use different inner and outer margins, of course. You could also add two pages as a time, which would keep the orientation of each page the same.

I'm not sure that's what's happening from you description, but it sounds like it. I do run into that from time to time.


curt snarr

Jun 10, 2002, 5:21:53 PM6/10/02
Don, you have hit the nail on the head there.. that is exactly what is going on. I think it is a facing pages issue.... thank you so much for replying to my questions. However, sometimes one designs so that the right and left pages are exactly the same.. so I wish there were a way to block that from happening. Does that make sense?

Scott Citron

Jun 11, 2002, 12:25:00 PM6/11/02
Curt: You can always choose to turn off Display Master Items via the View menu.


curt snarr

Jun 11, 2002, 12:55:22 PM6/11/02
this is true, but some of the master items I want to be displayed. It seems like their should be an option to click off or on the ability to re-apply the master items when the pages shuffle...

wishful thinking..

thanks for your input.. I will experiment with the idea though... Curt

Alan Claytor

Jun 11, 2002, 4:40:19 PM6/11/02
You can specify how many pages a master page has. If both the right and left are Identical then just make the master page options one page that can be applied all the way down.

Splitting the master into two one page masters will also prevent the reflow effect.


curt snarr

Jun 11, 2002, 6:03:17 PM6/11/02
Alan, when you said "Splitting the master into two one page masters will also prevent the reflow effect." do you mean just deleting the masters that are connected in a spread and then making two individual ones instead? I assume so. I have tried the single page master and that works perfect for not reflowing the elements... just making sure I understand your input fully.. thanks again,


curt snarr

Jun 11, 2002, 5:53:30 PM6/11/02
aha!!!! now that makes sense!!! bravo! wow.. thanks so much.. that is good.. very good.. hey.. thanks so much. I really appreciate the input.


Alan Claytor

Jun 12, 2002, 9:16:11 AM6/12/02
Sorry about my disjointed speech, I'm not liking the warm weather. You understood close enough for it to work. Alan


Jun 12, 2002, 3:02:52 PM6/12/02
A little different question along the same lines...

If you have 2 linked text boxes on a master page is there anyway to get them to "unlock from the master" without having to group them on the master (I hope you understand what I mean)


How come, if there are 2 text boxes overlapping each other - one with a wrap that causes text to flow around it - that if I change the wrap distance values on themaster they don't take effect in the body of the document. I mean you can change colour & even positioning and it transfers over but not the wrap??


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