Is there any way to keep this from happening? I have already applied the master to the page, and have made alterations, flowing the document should NOT force the master page to reapply all the graphics and elements to the page AGAIN.
Is there any ideas on how to stop this?
Curt Snarr
That means a different Master Page applies to the page where you moved the box. If it was a right-hand page, for example, it's suddenly a left-hand page, and InDesign reapplies the left-hand-page master for left-hand pages.
You should be able to avoid that by avoiding using facing pages. This won't let you use different inner and outer margins, of course. You could also add two pages as a time, which would keep the orientation of each page the same.
I'm not sure that's what's happening from you description, but it sounds like it. I do run into that from time to time.
wishful thinking..
thanks for your input.. I will experiment with the idea though... Curt
Splitting the master into two one page masters will also prevent the reflow effect.
If you have 2 linked text boxes on a master page is there anyway to get them to "unlock from the master" without having to group them on the master (I hope you understand what I mean)
How come, if there are 2 text boxes overlapping each other - one with a wrap that causes text to flow around it - that if I change the wrap distance values on themaster they don't take effect in the body of the document. I mean you can change colour & even positioning and it transfers over but not the wrap??