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illustrator 10/windows installation problem HELP

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yvette m

Jul 4, 2002, 4:39:34 AM7/4/02
I bought a brand new HP Windows PC and installed a copy of illustrator 10 that was offered to me. I'm not sure if it was legal/illegal? After using it for a couple of months, I was working on something when a window came up stating something about memory problem, then the screen went blank and it came back on with the color and graphics all distorted. I decided to buy a legal version and tried after uninstalling the old one, and doing a search for any file, even hidden, with the words adobe illustrator in them and deleted them. I reinstalled the new c.d. and I am still having the same problems. The screen turns off and the colors and graphics are distorted (on the whole computer, even other programs that are running), I have no layer options at all, and it takes anywhere forever for illustrator to load up at all. It gets stuck where it says "scanning for plug-ins...illustrator.exe) I tried to look for the aipref file, there is none. I looked in documents and settings/username/and found no application data file? Also, I am missing all of the filter options. PLEASE HELP!!! I am taking a class at school where I need this program. Also- I have windows XP and I created a new user account. I deleted everything again and tried to install it in the new user account. It doesn't change my color and graphics like the first account, but I am still missing the layer options and all of that and it takes anywhere from 8-12 hrs. to open. While it is trying to open, if you go to your task manager, it says that 99% of the CPU usage is used by illustrator.exe. PLEASE HELP!!!!! thanks, yvette


Jul 4, 2002, 11:11:17 AM7/4/02

I suspect your are using XP Pro and in order to install and use the program you MUST be logged in as the System Administrator especially to install Illustrator. Next in order to use Illustrator properly you must either be logged in as the System Administrator OR have the administrator assign you full Administrative rights to programs. Do you have anything by Norton on your system? Be sure to either remove it or disable it, if you do, prior to installing Illustrator, and although some can work with Norton active, it's best for many to deactivate it at least while working Illustrator.


yvette mouer

Jul 4, 2002, 7:22:09 PM7/4/02
No I am using Windows XP home edition(you don't mean XP plus, do you?). I can't even find the application data file folder. I can go to my computer/HP_PAVILION (C)/Documents and settings/ and then my options are an adobe folder , an all user folder, and an
owner folder. I've opened every single one and I can't find an application data folder? I hope if I can find that and can restore my settings to default I will be okay. Is there anywhere where I can get a list of the files and folders that are supposed to come with ai 10? Also, I can't figure out why on my new user account I just created my color is okay and on my user account that I originally had and installed the first bad version of AI 10, my computer turns off for a second then it comes back on and it looks like all the pictures are maybe you'd call it pixelated. Please help. Thank you, Yvette


Jul 5, 2002, 7:51:54 AM7/5/02

C:\Documents & Settings\yourusername\Application Data\Adobe Illustrator 10\AIPrefs.

In order to see the file, in Explorer, click Tools, Folder Options, View, and Check SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS.

The AIPrefs file is NOT stored inside Illustrator folder.

Illustrator is a vector imaging program. Why are you looking at "pictures" in it? And if you wish to Place a raster image into your Illustrator layout, if you enlarge the image, you certainly WILL see pixelation if the image is less than optimum resolution.

Vector images as created by the tools of Illustrator will NOT pixelate as they aren't pixels to begin with. Only raster (PhotoShop type) iamges can pixelate. And since they are scaled to print size when placed into your Illustrator layout, it's easy to pixelate them especially if less than good printing resolution, which is 150ppi to 300ppi.


yvette m

Jul 6, 2002, 1:31:23 PM7/6/02
Bob, I found the application data folder. I opened illustrator 10 folder and there are two folders in it. one says plug-ins and the other says AI color settings . the plug-ins folder is empty and in tools/view/ i checked show hidden files. still, there is nothing in it. i can't find AIprefs. what next???? please, i am so frustrated. yvette

yvette m

Jul 6, 2002, 1:15:14 PM7/6/02
when i mentioned "pictures" i meant that even my desktop and all of my icons are distorted or maybe pixelated before i even turn on illustrator. i will click on the ill. icon in the start menu and immediately my computer turns off for a second and the desktop, everything, looks different before i even load illustrator. have you heard of this before? when i say pixelated, i mean this: an icon for example, will be larger or the pixels that make up the icon are larger, maybe even square shaped instead of round and some are black instead of the color they used to be. i wish i could show you somehow. would java have anything to do with illustrator? i am going to try to find the file folder, but like i said before, nowhere does it say application data. also, my problem is that illustrator takes forever to load. it gets stuck at "scanning for plug-ins... illustrator.exe." thank you, yvette


Jul 6, 2002, 3:07:07 PM7/6/02

If your desktop and other items somehow are warped, I'd say you have a monitor or operating system problem and that would require repair prior to using Illustrator. Have you checked your monitor settings to see if you need to reset it, or perhaps even get a new monitor? Check your monitor manual.


yvette mouer

Jul 6, 2002, 10:08:39 PM7/6/02
Bob- I opened a new user account on my xp and in that account the pictures aren't distorted, just in the original account where the first version of illustrator was created. the pictures are only distorted after i open illustrator, but still both accounts take forever to load. Also, even in my adobe illustrator file folder there is no AIpref folder. the only folder is one that says plug- ins and it is empty. I choose to view hidden files and folders, that is how i found the application data file(it used to be hidden) if i go start/my computer/ c drive/ program files/ adobe/ adobe illustrator 10/ plug-ins/ i see a whole bunch of plug-ins listed. Shouldn't they be in both locations? Could this be my problem? thanks, yvette

yvette mouer

Jul 6, 2002, 10:46:50 PM7/6/02
Bob- A couple of things I noticed which might help.
1. In documents and settings/second user account/ i have a empty plug-ins folder and a AI color setting folder.
In same place but first user account I don't have the AI color settings folder folder.
My second user account is where i don't have any picture problems. Should that folder be in there or do you know what that folder is?
2. When I went to c:/ program files/adobe/ai10/plug-ins and right clicked on the folder/went to properties, it said the folder was in read-only mode. I read in help that this meant that the files can't be deleted. So, should this folder be read-only? If it has material that can't be deleted, when I do a clean reinstall, would these files still be in my computer and they may have damaged material in them?
what do you think?


Jul 7, 2002, 6:13:08 AM7/7/02

Under c:\documents and settings\~Username\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe
Illustrator 10 you should have :

1) A Plugins folder which will be empty
2) Ai Color Settings
3) AiPrefs
4)Plug-in Cache ARTX

Under your c:\ program files\adobe\ai10\ folder you should have:

1) Legal Folder
2) Plug-ins folder containing around 199 files in 10 Folders (Depends upon
which plugins you chose to install)
This folder should NOT be read only.
3) Presets Folder with 11 subfolders. The Brushes, Patterns and S4Web
folders have additional sub-folders.
4) Support Files folder with 4 sub-folders, each sub-foldr having other
5) Utilities folder 4 sub-folders


Posted from the UK

yvette mouer

Jul 7, 2002, 9:08:34 PM7/7/02
what do i do if i just don't have the aiprefs folder and plug-in cache artx? and every time i open the plug-in folder in the program files it says it is read-only. even if i change the attributes click apply and click ok, the next time i right click on the plug-in folder it says it is read only again. All of the folders are read-only. in ai 10 in program files i have these folders:
1. utilities w/ 9 files and 4 folders.
2. adobe ill. shortcut
3. legal folder w/ 1 file
4. plug-ins w/ 198 files & 11 folders
5. presets w/ 85 files and 13 folders
6. sample files w/ 25 files & 7 folders
7. support file w/ 1174 files & 12 folders
8. tempcmaps w/ 119 files
9. tempcmaps acrobat w/ 50 files
10. tempcolor profiles w/ 18 files & 2 folders
11. readme. pdf
I can't delete the folders either, even if I do a clean uninstall? any suggestions?
thanks, yvette


Jul 8, 2002, 4:03:47 AM7/8/02

>>what do i do if i just don't have the aiprefs folder and plug-in cache
artx? <

Those are FILES not FOLDERS and will be set to System and Hidden, so unless
you set your Windows Explorer settings to show system and hidden files you
will not see them.

>>even if i change the attributes click apply and click ok, the next time i
right click on the plug-in folder it says it is read only again. <<

That sounds more like a problem with your o/s installation than Illustrator.

However, just referring back to your original post, it does sound as though
you are running an illegal copy of Illustrator...

russ d

Jul 9, 2002, 4:42:41 AM7/9/02
has a solution been found to this problem yet??? I originally ran the trial, then just bought the full version. however, it always hangs on startup at scanning for plugins - illustrator.exe. I bought this program and it wont work!!! I deleted aiprefs, did full uninstall, searched and deleted all hidden, uninstalled Norton, restarted, defragged, restarted again, and installed in safe mode. Restarted it and ran program only to hang AGAIN!!! is there no official help from adobe on this??? - Russ


Jul 9, 2002, 9:07:53 AM7/9/02

After removing all the items as you did, did you also use Explorer to remove any and all files/folders left that the uninstall didn't remove from Illustrator? Then reinstall, especially in Safe Mode or from TASK LIST, END TASK everything but Explorer and Systray to be sure you are doing a clean install?

You can always call Adobe Tech support at 1-800-649-3875 (if you still have a free service available) or 1-900-555-2200 (which costs you).


Adam Lane

Jul 9, 2002, 11:28:26 AM7/9/02
Check your default printer to make sure it's properly configured and available. Have you added any fonts to the system?

yvette m

Jul 10, 2002, 1:28:14 AM7/10/02
hace added fonts, could that be a problem? OH- if this the answer, I will be so thankful. The free Adobe tech line I've never heard of this before. I will call for sure. Thank you, Yvette


Jul 10, 2002, 8:50:31 AM7/10/02

Read page 8 of your manual. When you register your Illustrator you automatically get free support for the first 90 days, then it becomes a Pay per call support (the 900 number).

If you have many fonts over the recommended max of 150 fonts, you need to reduce that number, or better yet, purchase an after market font manager (Adobe ATM Deluxe 4.1 or Bitstream's Font Navigator or Font Reserve). But until then if you eliminate fonts, be sure NOT to remove any that are required by Windows. List below for Win98 .. other operating system fonts available in MS knowledge base:

Required fonts:


These are the fonts installed by the U.S. version of Windows 98. Other language versions and other Code Page choices will obviously produce different sets of installed fonts. The font files themselves reside in C:\WINDOWS\FONTS. Both font names and file names are given below. (Do not delete files from here. Only use font mgr in Control Panel for TrueType font uninstall.)

TrueType Fonts (scalable outline fonts)
Arial arial .ttf
Arial Bold arialbd .ttf
Arial Bold Italic arialbi .ttf
Arial Italic ariali .ttf
Courier New cour .ttf
Courier New Bold courbd .ttf
Courier New Bold Italic courbi .ttf
Courier New Italic couri .ttf
Symbol symbol .ttf
Times New Roman times .ttf
Times New Roman Bold timesbd .ttf
Times New Roman Bold Italic timesbi .ttf
Times New Roman Italic timesi .ttf
Wingdings wingding.ttf

These are the 14 core Windows TrueType fonts

Plotter Font (scalable vector font)
Modern modern .fon

This sans serif font is included for compatibility with plotters
System Screen Fonts (raster bitmaps)

"Small Fonts" (96x96 dpi)
Courier 10,12,15 coure .fon
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24
                        sserife .fon
MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24
                        serife .fon
Small Fonts smalle .fon
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 symbole .fon

"Large Fonts" (120x120 dpi)
Courier 10,12,15 courf .fon
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24
                        sseriff .fon
MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 seriff .fon
Small Fonts smallf .fon
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 symbolf .fon

The "e" in the first set of filenames is the letter code for "VGA resolution" (640x480); the "f" in the second set of filenames is the letter code for "8514/a resolution" (1024x768 -- the resolution of IBM's Model 8514/a monitor, an early hi-res monitor). Whether the "e" filenames or the "f" filenames appear in C:\WINDOWS\FONTS depends on whether "Small Fonts" or "Large Fonts" is chosen in Control
Panel-->Display-->Settings-->Font Size. (Whichever set one chooses, the other set's file names will become hidden.) Either way (i.e., whether one chooses "Large Fonts" or "Small Fonts" in Display Settings), the font names in Control Panel-->Fonts will appear the same. (The default is "Small Fonts.")

HIDDEN System Screen Fonts (raster bitmaps)

VGA resolution (640x480)("A" icon fonts)
Fixedsys vgafix .fon
Terminal vgaoem .fon
System vgasys .fon

8514/a resolution (1024x768)
Fixedsys 8514fix .fon
Terminal 8514oem .fon
System 8514sys .fon

For DOS application compatibility:
Terminal dosapp .fon

HIDDEN TrueType Font
Marlett marlett .ttf

This font MUST be present for Windows 98 to run. It contains the symbols used on windows (e.g., the upward and downward pointing triangles on the scrollbar; the X, box, and underline for closing, maximizing, or minimizing a window, etc.) -- and I'm not sure what all else.

TrueType "Web Fonts"
Arial Black ariblk .ttf
Comic Sans MS comic .ttf
Comic Sans MS Bold comicbd .ttf
Impact impact .ttf
Verdana verdaba .ttf
Verdana Bold verdanab.ttf
Verdana Bold Italic verdanaz.ttf
Verdana Italic verdanai.ttf

For users of original release Win98, these fonts will be installed only when and if MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) is installed.
Minitel TrueType Fonts (scalable outline fonts)
Arial Alternative Regular arialalt.ttf
Arial Alternative Symbol arialals.ttf

These fonts are available on the Win98 CD-ROM (in the \Other\Minitel folder) as more readable alternatives for use by HyperTerminal. They must be installed manually (i.e., copied from the CD-ROM to the C:\WINDOWS\FONTS folder).


The following fonts are installed by Windows 98 Plus! When these four options (and all their sub-options) are selected for installation: System Agent, Desktop Themes, Dial-Up Networking Server, Visual Enhancements. For this experiment, I did not select the following Win98 Plus! options: DriveSpace3, Internet Jumpstart Kit, 3-D Pinball. Which fonts are installed depends, in part, on which Desktop Themes
are selected (in this case, I selected them all).

Abadi MT Condensed Light ABALC .TTF
Book Antiqua BKANT .TTF
Century Gothic GOTHIC .TTF
Century Gothic Bold GOTHICB .TTF
Century Gothic Bold Italic GOTHICBI.TTF
Century Gothic Italic GOTHICI .TTF
Copperplate Gothic Bold COPRGTB .TTF
Copperplate Gothic Light COPRGTL .TTF
Lucida Console LUCON .TTF
Lucida Handwriting Italic LHANDW .TTF
Lucida Sans Italic LSANSI .TTF
Lucida Sans Unicode LSANSUNI.TTF
News Gothic MT NWGTHC .TTF
News Gothic MT Bold NWGTHCB .TTF
News Gothic MT Italic NWGTHCI .TTF


yvette m

Jul 10, 2002, 2:21:33 PM7/10/02
if i had an illegal version when i purchased my computer in it,and since then i've purchased the real version, can i get rid of the illegal bad files?


Jul 11, 2002, 3:40:45 AM7/11/02

Assuming you purchased the FULL version and not an upgrade (the only legal
way in your circumstances), just un-install the version on your machine from
C/Panel Add/Remove Programs, delete the whole of the Illustrator folder
tree, and then install from your newly purchased CD.

russ d

Jul 13, 2002, 1:00:55 AM7/13/02
I tried the things Bob Hill Suggested (#13 of this thread) to a tee, with no success. There must be additional files left behind aside from the illustrator folder and the application data folder. The reason i say this is because i installed it perfectly on my friends machine which is almost identical to my own in every hardware, and OS feature. The only difference is he never previously installed a hacked/ "not very" legal version of illustrator 10. Could the problem be in the system registry? thats one of the few places Im not too familiar with.


Jul 14, 2002, 10:24:17 AM7/14/02

See your other Post on this. See if cleaning your Registry helps, prior to installing your purchased version and cleaning all remnants of it from your system.


jane wong

Jul 14, 2002, 10:55:14 PM7/14/02
Hi, I am having somewhat the same problems with Illustrator 10. I've read through the posts and am not quite sure what the fix is although I did delete some fonts. I am running it on W2K and it does get stuck when it gets to scanning for plugins... illustrator.exe I've tried numerous times installing and uninstalling it... I'm also a student and need this program to do my work... This is very fustrating... Does it have anything to do with installing Photoshop first??? Please help!


Jul 15, 2002, 12:24:31 PM7/15/02

Using Win2K are you logged in as the system administrator?


Samantha Kingston

Jul 26, 2002, 11:21:54 AM7/26/02
Hi All,

I originally came here for some help on Monday when mine stopped working (and had the same problem as yours... illustrator.exe). I thought that I tried everything (thanks Bob, but nothing worked) until I took a shot at it for myself and did this: Uninstall Illustrator and then search for all adobefnt files (they're .lst files and a .db file) and delete them! They are shared, but when you restart and install Illustrator again, it creates new files. No messing with regedit, and I have a million fonts installed (actually about 532) Problem solved! (well, for me at least)

Hope this helps!


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