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Re: Illustrator CS3 13.0.2 update failed to install

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Sep 7, 2007, 10:31:04 AM9/7/07
Working with Technote: "Updating or reinstalling a Creative Suite 3 application fails with the following error: "The update cannot be applied to the product."

Places cause as: "You removed, moved, or altered some files installed during the original installation. For example, if you removed or renamed the Read Me file for the CS3 application being updated you may receive the error above when running an update for that application."

I did not remove, move, or alter any files installed during the original installation. But, I would think the previous Adobe updates have.

Reading the installer log, the error comes out as: "The patcher with which you are trying to patch the product cannot patch this version of the product."

Technote solution is to uninstall, reinstall or repair.

Went throug fire and brimstone the first time I installed this suite product, so sure don't want to risk that again.

Partial patch log at point of error:

09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Patcher is validating the product on target machine against the <AdobeCode>.patch file
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Loading CAPS library.
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Successfully loaded the function "capsGetPayload" from CAPS library.
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Version obtained from CAPS: 13.0
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Version of the product as installed on the target machine: 13.0
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Old Version as read from config.xml file: 13.0.1
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO New Version as read from config.xml file: 13.0.2
09/07/07 08:40:04 ERROR Patcher is unable to match the version numbers.
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Successfully loaded the AUM library: C:\DOCUME~1\xxxxxxxxxx\LOCALS~1\Temp\Patcher\Patcher3168\InstallerResults.dll
09/07/07 08:40:04 INFO Successfully loaded the "AUMSetInstallerResults" function from AUM library.
09/07/07 08:40:05 ERROR The patcher with which you are trying to patch the product cannot patch this version of the product.
09/07/07 08:40:05 INFO Successfully unloaded the AUM library.
09/07/07 08:40:05 INFO patching ends.

Sep 7, 2007, 9:58:43 AM9/7/07
Received an automatic update. When I clicked to install, the update returned this message:

Installation Incomplete
Adobe Illustrator CS3 13.0.2 update failed to install

The update cannot be applied to the product.

Say what?
I'm at Illustrator CS3 13.0.1. First time an CS3 update dug in its heels and sneered back at me.

Anybody got a clue about this? Bad update?

Sep 8, 2007, 3:10:59 PM9/8/07
Since I drew no responses, apparently this is not a common or interesting problem. So, I gritted my teeth and followed the technote.

I reinstalled Illustrator over the installed copy. This reset the version to 13.0.0. Then downloaded and sucessfully installed 13.0.1. Then, I downloaded and sucessfully installed 13.0.2.

So, except for understanding why the update balked in the first place, I'm good to go.

Mar 31, 2008, 10:24:18 AM3/31/08
I'm running CS3 on Windows XP. I'm dealing with a lot of bugs issues, and thought this might be due to and update of the .exe

I'm still encountering problems with v.1?
"Illustrator CS3 13.0.1 update failed to install"

Any luck on this?

Mar 31, 2008, 10:57:02 AM3/31/08
Join the club, I really don't know what Adobe thinks it up to as this is the not good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 31, 2008, 5:11:51 PM3/31/08
No luck whatsoever. And it seems every day a new bug shows up in PS as well. Going down hill fast. The gimp looks more and more appealing every day.

Apr 6, 2008, 3:21:52 PM4/6/08
Here is a new solution Adobe is offering that should help these installer and update problems.

One point they mention, specific registry permissions, is what had blocked an update for me until manually fixed. So I think they are on a right track.

Good fortune, to those who have problems. Note that there are instructions on how to use the script, some of them quite detailed, backups to do before hand, and apparently with the possible need to run the script multiple times.

But in the end, you should have cleaned up the problems and be able to do a clean install.

Kind regards,

Aug 5, 2008, 11:17:57 AM8/5/08
Hi. We have CS3 Standard on one of our XP Pro computers, which just today automatically downloaded and installed the Illustrator 13.0.2 update, as did my Vista computer which has CS3 Premium, except now the other computer gives the following error on launching Illustrator: "Licensing has stopped working for this product..."

I tried everything suggested here but to no avail:

I tried the patch, FNP was running, tried resetting security and ownership for everything, etc., but nothing. I wonder if some Registry security settings are messed-up.

Oddly enough, InDesign and other CS3 applications would run okay.

So right now we're attempting to reinstall Illustrator only from the DVD (as the full CS3 install is hella slow, and we have things to do).

One thing to note, XP crashed once and everything needed reinstalled, and I had to use WinCS3Clean because InDesign wouldn't reinstall correctly, and anyway now applications seem dependent on both the All Users, and a newer All Users.DESIGN2, folder. I think this update for the most part, if not fully, used All Users.DESIGN2, which it should.

Jay Jhabrix

Sep 9, 2008, 2:03:36 PM9/9/08
This has been the buggiest install of an Adobe Suite. I finally got it going by reformatting my C: drive - fortunately not too much of a major issue as all data is *always* on other drives - I keep C: only for programmes. But still, a bit of a PIA. Then on a fresh XP installation, apart from the essential drivers, i first installed the Suite. Updates followed as they came out, without too much of a problem... fingers massively crossed!

But no other Adobe installation has given these kind of hassles...

Sep 9, 2008, 11:11:21 AM9/9/08
I had the same problem as all of you on my vista updating to 13.0.1. Returned with "Update did not worked". Following this thread, I downloaded 13.0.1 update, stopped the automatic installation after download, went to the vista folder with the download and double clicked on it. It returned with "Installation Unsuccessful" with the reason being that the update has "already been applied". However, IL shows 13.0.0. I also tried skipping 13.0.1 and installing 13.0.2, but that returned with "cannot be applied to this product" message.


Sep 9, 2008, 11:33:05 AM9/9/08
To followup, reinstalling just Illustrator from the DVD got it working again.

Sep 9, 2008, 2:35:50 PM9/9/08
I installed a new drive. Same problem. But yeah, this isn't the only bug. There's a ton right thru the whole suite.

Sep 18, 2008, 8:08:55 AM9/18/08
Why is there no solution to this ongoing problem after a year???

Also why does Adobe have a junk spyware application in acrobatinfo.exe using up to 50% or more of our CPU cycles at the booting of Windows... many may never have noticed!!!

Where is the fix for Illustrator to upgrade from 13.01 to 13.02??? It does not work on more than half or the persons I telephoned about this problem and no fix!

Sep 18, 2008, 11:48:57 AM9/18/08
Also why does Adobe have a junk spyware application in acrobatinfo.exe using up to 50% or more of our CPU cycles at the booting of Windows... many may never have noticed!!!

How you you get rid of it???

I too am still waiting for waiting for answer as all the work rounds have failed to resolve the problem. Have to use the copy on my laptop if Illustrator is needed.

Sep 20, 2008, 9:14:49 PM9/20/08

Problem is that these Adobe geeks are APPLE/MAC guys and really suck at Windows programming it appears!

When they do not answer a query that is a major problem after a year and simply want to keep getting us to buy new versions every year it is rediculous. Their Acrobat 8 is also full of problems on most Windows machines that are running the newer Microsoft Office versions as it conflicts in its file handling. They are writing code that is not Microsoft compliant and this came directly from a Microsoft Technical support guru! When will the get this right is probably never and when they have a forum and do not answer questions it is a real sign of problems. The program package is simply not worth the money being charged if it does not work. How do you complain when their support eMail is innactive and their direct support online is also down for some type of fix for a month! Are they actually still going to be in business with a few more of this type of faux pas??? I want a fix now for the CPU drain as I actually went to StopSign/E-Accelleration and we got a custom patch to block the acrobatinfo.exe from running... it was being attacked by Trojans all of the time when a PDF file was opened in Internet Explorer...

Oct 5, 2008, 4:57:54 PM10/5/08
Mac Quicksilver Dual Gig Tiger 10.4.11

I also had the problem getting the AI 13.0.2 updater to work. Adobe Updater successfully got me to 13.0.1 but would fail 13.0.2 with the error messages seen above. Manually downloading and installing the updater would also fail. I tried removing the "Installers" folder as suggested above but this also did not allow the 13.0.2 update to install. (I then put the original "Installers" folder with all of its contents back in its original location.)

Here is what worked for me... I downloaded (directly from Adobe's site) the Mac version of the 13.0.1 and 13.0.2 updaters. Mind you, my AI was currently at 13.0.1... I ran the 13.0.1 updater and a message displayed saying the there was a newer patch available and asked if I wanted it to install... I clicked the affirmative and then watched the detailed progress bar proceed and successfully complete. I then launched AI and sure enough the version number was still 13.0.1. I then quit AI and ran the 13.0.2 updater... was greeted with the same message that a newer patch was available... again clicked the affirmative and again watched a detailed progress bar proceed and successfully complete. Launched AI again and was pleased to see that the version number was now 13.0.2 both in the splash screen and also in the "Get Info" window in the finder.

All seems OK at this point. For what it is worth, I too think that this is a dismal failure on Adobe's part in sooooo many ways.

Oct 6, 2008, 8:48:55 AM10/6/08
The inherent problem is that if a user has installed the trial version or installed the Illustrator package to any folder or drive other than the recommended drive and folder then their update does not work but it redownloads at each boot.

At least this is the consensus from Windows users... as for Mac users... there are not enough in the communication group to respond. My report to Computer Week is a pretty scathing announcement of the dismal failure of Adobe to care about its customers concerns and complaints.

The urge to sell newer versions without fixing the core upgrade necessities shuold actually warrant a much more bold and attacking comment but I am giving ADOBE 30 days to answer my complete query of the non-approved building and inter-link handles that are being used to write the core product. Their spyware application running in acrodist.exe that takes half of my operating resource for some ten minutes each time I rebot my computer is the bigger problem than the upgrade. This suite is simply not worth the money paid because of just this type of non-support issue.

Why after a year can they not get their collective arses together and get a proper handle on customer queries about such basics as an upgrade failing??? Many should be asking but are not doing so because they probably just simply do not know what is going on with their computer!!! I am totally fed up with ADOBE and their sending me eMails multiple times a week trying to sell me something else when they cannot fix what I have already purchased!

Oct 16, 2008, 9:49:32 PM10/16/08
Adobe does not want to support their product. They sure want to sell us another version in CS4 though. I am quite tired of this crap!

TOO Much money for nothing new!

Oct 17, 2008, 1:39:27 AM10/17/08
What do you mean? Only $200 will catch Illustrator's page handling up to what other programs were doing 15 years ago.

In another 10 years, you might have only spent only $2000 to get things like user-defined drawing scales, live shape primitives, proper cutting tools, actual rounded corners by radii, etc.--catching those features up to what will then be a mere 25 year old status quo.




Oct 29, 2008, 4:25:32 PM10/29/08
"Problem is that these Adobe geeks are APPLE/MAC guys and really suck at Windows programming it appears!"

We get the same or similar problems on the Mac - so I think the problem is simply that they are cutting corners and not testing sufficiently (or not fixing the issues they find).

I have had to reinstall several times on the my Mac because of the "Licensing has stopped working for this product" problem.
For both Windows & Mac users Adobe have failed to support their customers by introducing DRM that significantly impacts our ability to work productively.

If they think I am buying CS4 they have got to be joking.

Oct 29, 2008, 5:03:49 PM10/29/08
Yeah I get the "licensing" notice once in a while. Just open bridge and then open a pic and all is well. At least for a few more weeks til you get the notice again. Quality programming.

As far as CS4... it's a gotcha. Looks like just navigation upgrades so it looks like one to skip. BUT... I noticed that you can only upgrade from CS3. So if you skip it... big money again. (not that the upgrade cost is slight to begin with)

Since they have the market cornered, it's like a monopoly.

Oct 29, 2008, 5:11:56 PM10/29/08

I noticed that you can only upgrade from CS3.

Not so, according to Adobe's upgrade eligibility information <>.

Oct 29, 2008, 6:03:23 PM10/29/08
Last time I looked you could up from older versions directly from adobe, but it's time sensitive and then you're out of luck. (I am talking about the whole suite. I can only assume it's for the individual products as well)

According to amazon..."Licensed owners of Creative Suite 3 Design Premium, Design Standard, Web Premium, Web Standard, Production Premium, or Master Collection can upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium for special pricing."

From Adobe email... "Save up to US$200 for a limited time.*
Available to owners of Creative Suite 1 or 2, MacromediaŽ Studio 8, Studio MX 2004, or Production Studio who upgrade to Creative Suite 4 before February 28, 2009."

So after February... you pay $200 more unless you have CS3.

Dec 6, 2008, 9:11:34 PM12/6/08
I could not install update 13.0.1 or 13.0.2 to CS3 Illustrator (Win XP Pro). Adobe technical posted an answer via online customer support within 2 days of my submitting the issue with them. The fix worked and 13.0.1 installed. Next I download update 13.0.2 and installed it with no problems. Here is the text from Adobe's fix. I hope it works for you too.

"Do the following:
1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Common

2. Locate the {C4519961-AC64-4565-B3AF-9050296B5D5A}.patch file and
delete it.

3. Download the 13.0.1 update installer from the following web page:

4. Install the update manually. For instructions, see web page in Step 3 above.

If the issue persists, repeat the process – except, delete all of the
.patch files in the location listed in step 1 above."

Dec 7, 2008, 2:18:02 AM12/7/08
Have given up on CS3 problems and moved on to CS4. Illustrator is now fine but I have not had to update it yet but Fireworks CS4 installs but will not run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 3, 2009, 4:40:23 PM1/3/09
Have tried all of the suggestions listed above but still unable to update to 13.0.1. Any other suggestions? Thank you

Jan 3, 2009, 4:55:44 PM1/3/09
CS4 has all the bugs of CS3. Not one has been addressed.
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