second I can't see any previews of artwork when searching for a file on our WIN 2000 server, but when it's on my desktop there isn't any problem.
Any clues,OS is 10. 1.5 .
Also, when I go to save the document, it says "Cannot save document. Error -47". It DOES actually save the file, but it also creates a visible temp file in my current work folder every time I save (meaning I have to go delete them when I'm done working). This error seems to go hand-in-hand with the modification message.
OS 10.2, Illustrator 10.0.
Some server software will also cause problems by having out of sync timestamps on the files.
We are not running Norton anything anywhere, we have a NT server housing our files... a mystery.
I recently updated OSx to 10.2.2 effectively rendering Mac Systemworks non-functioning...
I am trying to figure out how software companies sell products off the shelf, only to have 2 updates within a 3 or 4 week period........
And then, Apple just made a Minor update that apparently rendered the NORTON patches non-functioning, till the next update......
on both OSx AND 9............
NOT FUN.............
It's kind of ironic that by TTP & NUM being late to the OSX game they have actually done some people a favor.
I stopped using Norton Utililites years ago and have had far fewer problems since and never a system that refuses to boot anymore.
A senior technician for Macs in Pasadena, CA told me a few years ago that if I used Norton and other such apps less (or not at all) I would have less problems. At the time I was skeptical but since I stopped using them my systems have run better. Norton had hosed two hard drives in the past for me and another person's Mac I had 'repaired' with it.
I believe if you use only DFA; Disk Permissions Repair; DiskWarrior; and DiskJanitor (freeware - or just leave your system on 24 hours a day often so the crons can run) you'll find out that you will have less problems... not more.
Modified outside of Illustrator issuse.
No previews of artwork on a WIN2K server.
I'm less concerned about the latter.
I am now booting in System 9.2.2
Should I run Norton Speed Disk on the Severely fragmented drive first???
I was under the assumption that I should use Speed Disk to De-fragment my hard disks, but now, I am completely URKED BY THIS SYMANTIC COMPANY...........
yet, I have used it for relatively good results for so long.
So........... whut do i do?????
anything Norton-related????
Why would Adobe's Technicians NOT HAVE A CLUE about possible NORTON conflicts with this SYMPTOM of writing TEMP files to the hard disk and locking up File saving functionality???
R U applying for a job at Adobe????
Perhaps APPLE should BUY ADOBE and SYMANTIC...... at least then the LEADER would have MORE CONTROL over application functionality.
OS 10.2, Illustrator 10.0.
No clue about the original problem with respect to something modifying the file outside of Illustrator. As far as thumbnails not showing up over a network from a W2K server, that could be an Apple/Windows file incompatibility issue, as Apple's resource fork is not always strongly supported in the Windows world.
and this just started happening.
I thought it might be due to DISK Fragmentation. THEREFORE, i was going to use NORTON Disk Doctor and NORTON Speed disk to OPTIMIZE my drive....
but, apparently, NORTON is causing this problem, so i dont know what to do....
EXCEPT USE SYSTEM 9....... with Illustrator 9.........
10 and 10........ seem to be WACKING OUT FOR NOW.......
I'm using Jaguar on dual G4.
I get "File has been modified outside of Illustrator" when I try and save and then get some kind of "Error in Acrobat PDF" even when I don't check the box to create a PDF file when saving as 10.
Seems like the files are fine afterwards but it's very disconcerting to say the least.
For the first problem- I am not using Norton or any similar
For the second problem is seems related only to the OSX & ILLUS X format, on systems using illustrator 9, OS9 the previews are there.
VERY annoying..time for a real update Adobe.
Every time Illustrator saves a file, it remembers 4 things about that file...the creation date, the modification date, the creator type and the file type. If, on a subsequent save, the file on disk does not match what Illustrator remembers the last time you saved the get this warning. It is a good indication that something altered an Illustrator file that was not Illustrator...generally a Bad Thing, but perhaps it is a side effect of something benign happening on your machine.
I cannot reproduce problem #2 and suspect that it may be a network related issue. There is nothing about 10.0.3 and OSX by itself that would prevent previews from being visible...there is another factor at play with that problem. However, I may not have a Windows 2000 server configured like yours.
As for problem #1, I'm having this happen constantly with one particular file, and my experience is the same as Konstantin's: despite the error message, the file does seem to save OK, but it's very disconcerting, especially when I close it and it asks me to save AGAIN as if it never happened.
Sometimes if the server doesn't have the service packs(microsoft's friendly bug fixes) for NT 4.0 you'll get a message saying the file's locked.
Resource forks are stored on all drives with any file you create from a mac. It doesn't matter if it's on an NT volume or a zip or floppy or etc....
If you can't see the preview while you're physically on your NT server it's because it's a Pict Preview... (this is if you're using the thumbnail viewing method in 2000.) pc's don't see these.. You can see it on your mac fine because macs read the pict header of your file.
If you're looking on your server with your mac and you can't see the preview then your server is altering the file header in some way when the file is stored. Or your network may be adding a bit when it opens the file header.
Don't work over the network.. it slows the whole network down... Work local, backup over the network. Your machine and your network will run alot faster...
Also try not to run file sharing. This slows a network down tremendously.
-Network administrator for a newspaper.
and I am still having this problem saving my files to my local SCSI internal drives.
When I launch Illustrator 10 in System 9, it works SLOOOOOWWWW and crashes.
So I am forced into 9 IN SYSTEM 9......
and cant use 10 with System 10 or 9.....
SO MUCH FOR PROGRESS..............
I suddenly got this notice everyone is talking about: "Adobe PDF is having difficulties.." and then the other one:... "has been changed outside Illustrator" The only way I could Save as or Save a Copy was to unclick the Make PDF Compatable button.
But I wasnt satisfied with having to stick with that so I looked for an explanation.
The only notable change I made in the artwork since I saved last time was to add bar codes to the product packaging.
Making the barcode font to outline now allows me to save as usual.
I have not checked fully, but it seems that AI 10 is hypersensitive about fonts.
Maybe this will give a different angle on the problem?
THIS ISSUE is kinda ridiculous....
I spoke with APPLE and they were defending JAGUAR...... stating, that JAG users are not complaining that JAG is creating TEMP files randomly....
so, APPLE blames ADOBE,
then when u speak to ADOBE, they are MUM.
The only one who had a slight clue was on this FORUM... he was saying that the problem is from NORTON utilities....
Well, this could be TRUE...... BUT,
try talking to someone @ SYMANTEC....
APPLE, ADOBE, SYMANTEC (norton maker)
or is it my fault......cuz,
I may have done some random customizing of my system... (according to APPLE's techs, i am the evildoer.... tweeking my own preferences.....)
I AM KINDA SICK of these companies putting out products.... that seemingly DONT WORK TOGETHER..........
The best way to troubleshoot a problem like this is strip off all of your fonts. Verify that your issue is gone...if it isn't then fonts aren't the problem...then add the fonts back on an as-needed basis until you see the problem again.
As far as temporary files...Illustrator writes temporary files temporarily as it is saving a document...if you are experiencing a CRASH when saving a document...that explains why temporary files are being left around. Eliminate the crash and the temp files will "disappear". They are actually the file you are will be renamed upon a successful save.
Also, I seem to recall some issues with fonts installed by OSX...Something about Helvetica.dfont conflicting with another Helvetica font and causing great confusion to the system as a whole. I'm hoping that another user who has encountered and solved that problem can fill in the details...
I have, on occasion, even had this problem with Illustrator files generated by my Windows Laptop. It to get's the "modified outside of Illustrator" error.
I actually lost two days worth of work when the server started playing this game and actually permanently screwed my files.