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Resize from letter to POSTER size

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Pete Crosta

Oct 20, 2002, 7:54:06 AM10/20/02
I have been asked by my school district to print large 30x40 posters. I have the necessary printer and have can print the 30x40 w/no problem. Often I have to create an 8.5x11 up to 11x17 for them to approve. Sadly, I'm forced to create the smaller version first because in my office I use a local Epson 3000 printer. The wide-format printer is located in another part of the building.

Is there an EASY way to take the 8.5x11 up to 30x40 without having to LITERALLY recreate and rescale each text paragraph or clipart piece to the new image size????


Scott Weichert

Oct 20, 2002, 9:18:48 AM10/20/02
With illustrator you gan simply groups everythign and scale it to the size you need. You can also simply set the increase percentage int he print dialog without having to rework the are at all.

Of course, this is for Illustrator files that do not contain embedded or linked raster images.

Philippe JACQUES

Oct 20, 2002, 7:59:19 PM10/20/02
Don't forget to validate "Scale Stroke and Effect" in the Preferences before to scale.

I suppose you are aware that the Transform palette suppose you press the "Command" (Apple) key while pressing Enter to proceed proportionnaly on the high and width…

Philippe JACQUES

PS Our old SignofNCS freeware could be useful for the banner of your school
Just take a look at <>

Pete Crosta

Oct 20, 2002, 11:15:20 PM10/20/02
I did not know about the "Scale Stroke & Effect" Preference!! I cannot wait to try it out at work tomorrow!! Thank you!!!

Mark Durgee

Oct 21, 2002, 12:33:40 PM10/21/02
Design at full scale. Do a "save as" to PDF. Open PDF in Acrobat Reader.
Print to your Epson, but make sure "Shrink oversize pages to paper size" is

A "fit to page" printing feature has been requested numerous times here.

Big Giant Head

Oct 22, 2002, 2:47:32 PM10/22/02
I’m very sorry but…
You seriously did not know how to scale something!

Mark Durgee

Oct 22, 2002, 10:08:25 PM10/22/02
> You seriously did not know how to scale something!

Is your Big Giant Head actual size, or just scaled up? <just kidding>

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