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Re: Receiving Error "A Number Is Out of Range" in Acrobat 8.1.2 and 7.0

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Sep 23, 2008, 5:21:53 PM9/23/08
I'm getting this error also, and I don't think it's a font issue. Here's my situation.

I created a 144-page manual in Adobe FrameMaker 8.0 using the same template and fonts that I have used in several other large manuals. I saved the manual as a PDF using Acrobat 3D 8.0, and is get the mind-numbingly vague error "A number is out of range." I didn't get this error in previous versions of this manual, nor do I get this error with the other manuals on which I am currently working. I had inserted some EPS technical drawings, so I opened all of them in Illustrator CS3 and Created Outlines for any text that appeared in the illustrations.

After two days of replacing all of the fonts, optomizing PDFs, and distilling, distilling, and distilling again, I was not able to get rid of this message using Acrobat. I finally pulled out my MacBook Pro, opened the PDF manual using Preview, saved the PDF under a different name (no need to apply a Quartz filter), and (abracadabra!) the vague error message is gone!

Fonts may be one cause of the annoyingly vague "A number is out of range" error, but they are not the only one. And with such informative error messages as that, I doubt I'll ever know what is really wrong with my PDF.

Michael Opsteegh

Russ Jones

Sep 24, 2008, 6:41:09 PM9/24/08

This may be of no help whatsoever but;

We used to get this error quite a bit when trying to print or scroll through one particular clients documents.

After having slowly deleted several pages and then 'saving as' [NOT 'save'] we eventually located the offending pages.

The 'number out of range' problem turned out to be caused by a photo that had been saved as 16 bit instead of 8 bit. When we opened them in Photoshop and saved them back down as 8 bit the problem went away.

Perhaps that may help.

Russ Jones

Sep 24, 2008, 7:18:48 PM9/24/08

That's an interesting observation. I'll have go back and check my graphics files to investigate. It's nice to know that the depth of graphics is a possible cause of this error.


Jan 29, 2009, 5:13:00 PM1/29/09
We upload quarterly newsletters to our HOA website using pdf files. We have recently started getting this same error. What is interesting is our residents using Foxit can view the file with no problem. It's definitely an issue with Acrobat.

Feb 5, 2009, 2:13:23 AM2/5/09
I had also been having the "number is out of range" error when trying to delete pages from an existing pdf which contains text pages, charts, etc, combined from various sources. The problem seemed to be caused by pages which were originally huge charts (petroleum well logs). I am using Acrobat Professional v8.1.0.

Thanks to Roger Mac's suggestion on Apr 11, 2008, I opened the pdf then did a SaveAs a postscript file, then opened that postscript file in Acrobat during which process it was automatically converted to a pdf. Success!! I can now delete the offending pages!

Good luck folks.

Jun 4, 2020, 9:13:55 PM6/4/20
This worked PERFECTLY! Thank you!!!

ali hossain

Jul 1, 2022, 1:56:33 AM7/1/22
The following is the error message that appears when a user attempts to view a PDF or delete a page from a PDF:
`A number is out of range`
The similar error message may appear when you attempt to combine the PDF with another PDF or insert a new page on the document.
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