Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Data

Contact owners and managers
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ADNI Data User Group

This group is devoted to questions from users of the ADNI data. Please check the documentation available from Laboratory of NeuroImaging at USC, in particular, before posting your question. To subscribe to list, send an email to

ADNIMERGE data package for R

For users of Rwe have developed a data package "ADNIMERGE" which contains coded data, documentation, and analysis vignettes. The package documentation can be found at and more information about ADNI is available from The R package depends on Frank Harrrel's Hmisc package which can be installed from the R package repository (CRAN) by:

R prompt> install.packages("Hmisc")

To downloading the compressed ADNIMERGE_0.0.1.tar.gz file, direct your browser to > Login > Download > Study Info > Merged ADNI 1/GO/2 Package for R

The package can be installed to your R system by entering the following at an R prompt:

R prompt> install.packages("ADNIMERGE_0.0.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

If you have trouble installing, more information can be found here.

To view, for example, documentation for the adas:

R prompt> ?adas


R prompt> ??cognitive

ADNI Data Packages for SAS, Stata, SPSS

Similar packages are available for SAS, Stata, and SPSS. To install, change the working directory to /path/to/ADNIMERGE_SAS/path/to/ADNIMERGE_STATA, or /path/to/ADNIMERGE_SPSS as appropriate and source the code files.