Upcoming Events

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David Schott

Mar 28, 2015, 8:45:13 PM3/28/15
to ADK-GVC Younger Members
Hey folks,

I've just added a few events to our calendar for spring and summer, with many more (including our popular kayak paddles) in the works.
As always, if there is a specific activity that interests you or place that you'd like to explore, please let me know!
Keep you eye on the calendar at adk-gvc.org (YM events are in yellow).

See you on the trails!

David Schott
Adirondack Mountain Club
Genesee Valley Chapter
Younger Members Chair

Conservation • Advocacy • Recreation • Environment • Stewardship

Visit us at ADK-GVC.org

Full Moon Lilac Hike
Highland Park
Sunday, May 3
Class A
Meet at 7:15 the parking lot off of South Ave near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and bus loop. We will start hiking at 7:30.
Celebrate the arrival of spring in Rochester with a hike along the lilacs in Highland Park. They should be just starting to bloom! OK, so this casual hike is more of a stroll, in that there is no set route. Once the sun sets at 7:53, we’ll, let the full moon guide us as we wander along intersecting pathways. There are some moderate hills such as the reservoir embankment, but nothing too extreme. We’ll aim to cover about 4 miles in 2 to 2-1/2 hours, depending on how much we “stop to smell the roses” … er, lilacs. Following the hike, we’ll grab refreshments at a nearby watering hole.
We will use the moon as our light source; please bring a headlamp or flashlight as backup, but don’t plan to use it.
Any questions, please text or call David at 314-8092, or email david...@rochester.rr.com.
Reservations are greatly appreciated but not mandatory. This hike is appropriate for all levels of hikers. You don’t need to be an ADK member, so bring your friends!
THE WEATHER IS CRAZY THIS TIME OF YEAR. In case of inclement weather, check Facebook or the GoogleGroup email 1 hour before the meet-up time. If enough people are interested, we will still hike!
Beginner Backpack
Saturday-Sunday, May 23-24
Are you interested in trying backpacking, but haven’t wanted to venture out on your own? Or are you new to backpacking and looking for interested folks to join up with?
Come join us the weekend of May 23rd through May 24th as trip Co-Leaders Patrick Ciervo and David Schott lead a beginner backpack into the lean-to at Middle Branch lake in the southwestern Adirondacks.
This trip is designed to be beginner friendly. We will hike 3.5 miles in at a leisurely pace over relatively easy terrain, ensuring that all members are comfortable — even if it is your first time carrying a pack.
We will meet in Rochester Saturday Morning to carpool and do a last-minute review to make sure all trip members are adequately prepared then head up to the trailhead, hike in and establish our camp, spend the evening enjoying the great outdoors, overnight in a lean-to and hike out as a group on Sunday.
If you are interested but unsure if you have the appropriate gear or equipment please contact Patrick or David well in advance; we may have a limited supply of “loaner” gear, or may be able to point you in the direction of several local retailers who have rental equipment available — perfect for someone who may be interested in backpacking but not wanting to make the investment before trying it out.
Participants will be responsible for all personal gear such as clothing, proper footwear, backpack, sleeping bag, food, and utensils. Trip leaders will have stoves and water filters for group usage and would be happy to help make suggestions or answer questions to ensure everyone is well outfitted and will has a positive experience.
If interested please contact Patrick at Patrick...@GMail.com or David at David....@Gmail.com.
NPT Section Hike, Part 3: Piseco to Wakely Dam (~35mi)
Saturday-Tuesday, June 27-30
Class B
This is a four-day backpacking trip beginning at Wakely Dam and ending at 28N. This trip is part 3 of a 4-part series of section hikes of the entire Northville-Placid Trail.
Participants must be able to demonstrate the ability to hike up to 12 miles in a day at a moderate pace, and must have overnight backpacking experience and all of their own gear. A maximum of 7 participants can go on this trip. Please be prepared to assist with spotting cars. Due to the nature of a multi-day backpacking trip, all participants should arrange to have a contact person available to assist them in exiting the trail should they need/want to do so.
This is an 18 and over trip. Rating: B, based on daily mileage and terrain. 
Trailhead car spotting will be discussed as participants sign up.
Contact: Trip leader Russ Byer at rb...@hotmail.com by May 13 to sign up.
This is a joint-chapter hike hosted by the Northville-Placid Chapter. It’s a great chance to meet some awesome new people!

0627-30 NPT Section Hike 3.jpg.ics
0523-24 Beginner Backpack.ics
0503 Full Moon Lilac Hike.ics
0408 Chapter Presentation.ics

David Schott

Apr 6, 2015, 3:26:20 AM4/6/15
to ADK-GVC Younger Members
Hey Folks!

Spring is upon us! We have a #$%!-load of awesome events coming up, so don't miss out!
Come to as many as you can, and you'll have an unforgettable season!

Here's a preview…

Wednesday, April 8: Chapter Presentation — Discovery of HMS Ontario; & YM Social
Saturday, April 11: Hike and lunch at Letchworth Park
Sunday, May 3: Moonlit Hike at Highland Park
Monday, May 11: Evening Bike Ride along the Genesee & Erie Canal
May 15-16: Beginners' Backpack, Middle Branch Lake, ADKs
Saturday, June 13: ADK OUTDOOR EXPO — Don't miss — We plan for this all year!
June 27-30: NPT Section Hike: Piseco to Wakely Dam (~35mi)
August 15-17: Johns Brook Jamboree
Plus Monthly Kayak/Canoe/SUP Paddles, High Peaks hikes, social events, and much, much more!

There are many more events in the works, but I'm always open to suggestions!
We will be planning some hikes in the High Peaks, but we'll also have a lot of "unofficial" trips up there. 
Coming to the Chapter Meeting and socials are a great way to meet people to hike with, even when we don't have something on the schedule.

Full details for these and more can be found on our calendar: www.adk-gvc.org/YM, or on Facebook, "ADK-GVC Younger Members."
Unless otherwise noted (which is rare), you do not need to be an ADK member to come to any of these; guests are always welcome!
(Of course, memberships do support us, and they give you loads of cool benefits.)

See you on the trails — and on the water!
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