ADK-GVC organization just uploaded the December Meeting Video

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Larry Telle

Dec 18, 2016, 3:19:45 AM12/18/16
to Larry Telle

ADK-GVC organization has uploaded ADK GVC Meeting 2016_12_14 CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF ADK-GVC On December 14, in place of...

ADK-GVC organization has uploaded ADK GVC Meeting 2016_12_14 CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF ADK-GVC
ADK-GVC organization
On December 14, in place of a regular chapter meeting and our usual holiday program, the Genesee Valley Chapter (GVC) of ADK will celebrate its 50th anniversary from 6:30 to 8:45pm with a fun-filled evening of music, food, guest speakers, ADK trivia games and photos at the Eisenhart Auditorium of the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
The evening’s program will begin with hors d’oeuvres and light dinner fare being served from 6:30 until 7:30 while background music is played by Paul Halberstadt and Benjamin Henderson, students from the Eastman School of Music. A trivia game centered on members’ activities in the Adirondacks will also occur during this first hour.
From 7:30 until about 8:15, two outstanding speakers will talk about the GVC and its role in ADK. Neil Woodworth, Executive Director and Counsel of ADK, will talk first about the club in general and its perspective from headquarters in Lake George and will be followed by Jim Bird, a member of our Chapter and former Preside... (More)
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