[success story] our business plan has been shortlisted for iDiya 2012 Round 2 (By ISB)

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Oct 25, 2012, 12:52:45 PM10/25/12
to AYUSH google group, adik...@googlegroups.com


AYUSH success stories

This mail sent you to share success story.
We believe sharing success stories will be definitely can impact your life positively. We are sharing story received from reference. If you have any success story please send to us with necessary details [mentioned below]

अपले कडलि बिजि लोखा फ़ार सुधरेल आहात. त अपले त्याहि काय वेगला केला त्या समजुन घेव ना आपले हो काहि नविन करुन पाहु. माना माहित आहे अपले सगले फ़ार मोहरप जाव.

Pride of being with AYUSH Team


Proud of being utilized our skill & talent for tribal development activities!


Pride of working with AYUSH team !


We are very excited to share with you that our business plan has been shortlisted for iDiya 2012 Round 2


Our Social Plan :

Social Networking for creating awareness in youth



iDiya 2012 : Is National Social Venture competition, Organized by ISB (Indian School of Business),

India’s top B School



Let us utilize our time for social awareness & tribal empowerment,

Saying just hi, gm, gn on social network instead!



isb 2012.gif




For source of information, please visit -

Note -
1. This mail is to share success story
2. The above information are referred by reference
3. AYUSH opinions may not match in all case with individual opinions
4. You can check old mails sent to our group at - https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#forum/adiyuva
5. to know details about our policies, please visit disclaimer at right bottom side of AYUSH home page
6. If you want to share your/friends success story please write us [name, address, educational baground, business/career, story, success criteria, etc]
7. You can share your stories , send us at ay...@adiyuva.in

8. You can submit the AYUSHonline membership form at www.join.adiyuva.in




Adivasi Mitra Mandal Thane

Oct 25, 2012, 1:05:15 PM10/25/12
to AYUSH google group, adik...@googlegroups.com, AYUSH
Awesome........ We always with u sachine da

This mail is sent you by AYUSHgoogle group
AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti | www.adiyuva.in
Group of professionals who want to take initiative to develope tribal community, Let us do it together
Our Online contact points :
Home Page : www.adiyuva.in
Join AYUSH : www.join.adiyuva.in
Let us do it together : www.do.adiyuva.in
Warli Art | India's Global Art, Proudly Tribal Art : www.warli.in
Tribal Tourism : www.tourism.adiyuva.in
Face book : www.facebook.com/adiyuva www.facebook.com/adiyuva1
You Tube : http://youtube.com/adiyuva
twitter : http://twitter.com/adiyuva
Linked In : www.linkedin.com/in/adiyuva
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti" group.
To post to this group, send email to adi...@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/adiyuva?hl=en.

dalit adivasi duniya

Oct 26, 2012, 12:22:29 AM10/26/12
to adi...@googlegroups.com
Kindly send us your business plan for publication in our Hindi weekly, "DALIT ADIVASI DUNIYA" published from Delhi.
Mukti Tirkey, editor

Jayesh Narale

Oct 31, 2012, 2:48:24 AM10/31/12
to adi...@googlegroups.com, dalit adivasi duniya


Er. Tejashri Date

Oct 31, 2012, 4:26:14 AM10/31/12
to adi...@googlegroups.com
Can it be post poned or preponed?? I am new to Adiyuva, and really want to join you all. I am going home for diwali so will be enable to join you on 11th.
Thank you.
Tejashri Date

Adivasi Mitra Mandal Thane

Oct 31, 2012, 10:43:41 AM10/31/12
to dalit adivasi duniya, AYUSH, AYUSH google group, Jayesh Narale, Er. Tejashri Date, adik...@googlegroups.com
Auto-generated message: Adivasi Mitra Mandal Thane has left this conversation and will no longer see your messages


Home Page : www.adiyuva..in

Join AYUSH : www.join.adiyuva.in
Let us do it together : www.do.adiyuva.in
Warli Art | India's Global Art, Proudly Tribal Art : www.warli.in
Tribal Tourism : www.tourism.adiyuva.in
Face book : www.facebook.com/adiyuvawww.facebook.com/adiyuva1
You Tube : http://youtube.com/adiyuva
twitter : http://twitter.com/adiyuva
Linked In : www.linkedin.com/in/adiyuva
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti" group.
To post to this group, send email to adi...@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/adiyuva?hl=en.

This mail is sent you by AYUSHgoogle group
AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti | www.adiyuva.in
Group of professionals who want to take initiative to develope tribal community, Let us do it together
Our Online contact points :
Home Page : www.adiyuva..in

Join AYUSH : www.join.adiyuva.in
Let us do it together : www.do.adiyuva.in
Warli Art | India's Global Art, Proudly Tribal Art : www.warli.in
Tribal Tourism : www.tourism.adiyuva.in
Face book : www.facebook.com/adiyuvawww.facebook.com/adiyuva1
You Tube : http://youtube.com/adiyuva
twitter : http://twitter.com/adiyuva
Linked In : www.linkedin.com/in/adiyuva
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti" group.
To post to this group, send email to adi...@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/adiyuva?hl=en.

Thank you.
Tejashri Date

Adivasi Mitra Mandal Thane

Oct 31, 2012, 10:43:56 AM10/31/12
to dalit adivasi duniya, AYUSH, AYUSH google group, Jayesh Narale, Er. Tejashri Date, adik...@googlegroups.com
Auto-generated message: Adivasi Mitra Mandal Thane has left this conversation and will no longer see your messages

Shailesh Chaudhari

Oct 31, 2012, 4:10:00 AM10/31/12
to adi...@googlegroups.com
its nice

On 10/25/12, AYUSH <ay...@adiyuva.in> wrote:
> AYUSH success stories
> This mail sent you to share success story.
> We believe sharing success stories will be definitely can impact your life
> positively. We are sharing story received from reference. If you have any
> success story please send to us with necessary details [mentioned below]
> अपले कडलि बिजि लोखा फ़ार सुधरेल आहात. त अपले त्याहि काय वेगला केला त्या समजुन
> घेव ना आपले हो काहि नविन करुन पाहु. माना माहित आहे अपले सगले फ़ार मोहरप जाव.
> Pride of being with AYUSH Team
> Proud of being utilized our skill & talent for tribal development
> activities!
> Pride of working with AYUSH team !
> We are very excited to share with you that our business plan has been
> shortlisted for iDiya 2012 Round 2
> Our Social Plan :
> Social Networking for creating awareness in youth
> iDiya 2012 : Is National Social Venture competition, Organized by ISB
> (Indian School of Business),
> India’s top B School
> Let us utilize our time for social awareness & tribal empowerment,
> Saying just hi, gm, gn on social network instead!
> isb 2012.gif
> For source of information, please visit -
> Note -
> 1. This mail is to share success story
> 2. The above information are referred by reference
> 3. AYUSH opinions may not match in all case with individual opinions
> 4. You can check old mails sent to our group at -
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#forum/adiyuva
> 5. to know details about our policies, please visit disclaimer at right
> bottom side of AYUSH home page
> 6. If you want to share your/friends success story please write us [name,
> address, educational baground, business/career, story, success criteria,
> etc]
> 7. You can share your stories , send us at ay...@adiyuva.in
> 8. You can submit the AYUSHonline membership form at www.join.adiyuva.in
> <http://www.adiyuva.in/> www.adiyuva.in
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This mail is sent you by AYUSHgoogle group
> AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti | www.adiyuva.in
> Group of professionals who want to take initiative to develope tribal
> community, Let us do it together
> Our Online contact points :
> Home Page : www.adiyuva.in
> Join AYUSH : www.join.adiyuva.in
> Let us do it together : www.do.adiyuva.in
> Warli Art | India's Global Art, Proudly Tribal Art : www.warli.in
> Tribal Tourism : www.tourism.adiyuva.in
> Face book : www.facebook.com/adiyuva www.facebook.com/adiyuva1
> You Tube : http://youtube.com/adiyuva
> twitter : http://twitter.com/adiyuva
> Linked In : www.linkedin.com/in/adiyuva
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti" group.
> To post to this group, send email to adi...@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/adiyuva?hl=en.

With Regards,

Mr.Shailesh Chaudhari,
Area Manager
GAIL- IL&FS Skills School
Dediyapada - (Gujarat) India
Phone:+91 9727997883
E-mail: shaileshc...@gmail.com

Jayesh Narale

Nov 5, 2012, 11:57:40 PM11/5/12
to dalit adivasi duniya, AYUSH, AYUSH google group, Er. Tejashri Date, adik...@googlegroups.com, Adivasi Mitra Mandal Thane
Thank you

AYUSH - Adivasi Yuva Shakti

Apr 6, 2015, 8:26:52 AM4/6/15
to adik...@googlegroups.com, ay...@adiyuva.in, AYUSH google group
If any Tribal Entreprenuer in this group, please get in touch with us. at ay...@adiyuva.in
Thanks & regards
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