Welcome to AYUSH┬аGroup mail!
AYUSH is a social networking platform┬аto┬аpromote a┬аcollaborative┬а& constructive approach of Tribal┬аEmpowerment┬аby┬аknowledge & skill sharing.┬а
Aim to utilize and translate all individual/organizational energies to common vision & mission of┬аSustainable┬аTribal┬аDevelopment
Expecting you to initiate a similar┬аeffort at┬аyour level. Let's do it together!┬а┬а
AYUSH team works on the principle of back to the community on a volunteer basis!
Goal: Towards a┬аbetter planet for all┬а(Nature, Animals & Humans)
Major Objectives: Tribal┬аEmpowerment┬а
- Establish┬аknowledge & skill sharing pool┬аto Educational/Career/Professional┬аsuccess┬аof tribal youth
-┬аStrengthening┬аSocial Responsibility awareness towards a common constructive platform for Tribal┬аEmpowerment
-┬аEncouragement to Preserve and promote Traditional Knowledge of Tribal communities (Cultural values, Art, handicrafts, Music,┬аMedicines, Language, Lifestyle,┬аSocial┬аIntegrity, Sustainability, Economy, Etc)
-┬аEfforts┬аto Preserve Nature, Resources, Human & Planet.┬аearth as one family.
It's your platform,┬аwelcoming┬аyour views/suggestions/opinions to enhance activities┬а(mail us at ayush@adiyuva.in)
Let us establish a common platform┬аfor Tribal┬аempowerment, Let us do it together!
Thanks & regards
AYUSHonline team
Adivasi Yuva Shakti
# Links for Your reference #
As of today AYUSH mails directly reach 50,000+ Users on Social Networking.
Online Link :
-┬аHome Page :┬аwww.adiyuva.in
- Online Membership Form :┬аwww.join.adiyuva.in
Social Awareness :
- Adivasi Bachavo Andolan :┬аwww.jago.adiyuva.in
- Tribal Tourism : www.tourism.adiyuva.in
- Warli Painting :┬аwww.warli.in┬а
Social Networking┬а : Status as on Jan 2021
- Fb Page : www.facebook.com/adiyuva1┬а(3,906+ Fans)
- G+ :┬аhttp://gplus.to/adiyuva┬а(2,836+ Views) - [down]
Online Gallery :
Note : To know more┬аabout┬аAYUSH activities┬аgoogle┬аsearch┬аby тАЬadiyuvaтАЭ. ┬а
Let's spread social responsibility awareness!