Migrate From JCS-SX to either VBCS or JCS

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tushar pant

Jun 26, 2019, 1:03:25 PM6/26/19
to ADF Enterprise Methodology Group

Dear Community Members,

As you might know that Oracle is now recommending its customers to move from JCS-SX to JCS , we are analysing alternative options to JCS.
We are exploring options to replace JCS-Sx with either JCS or VBCS (Autonomous).

Suggestions/Pointers on following would really help us take a well formed decision :-

1. SSO Security in VBCS compared to JCS and if IDCS needed for both?
2. When to use VBCS and when JCS?
3. Concurrency comparison in both technologies
4. Disaster recover strategy for both
5. Any performance challenges or limitation of VBCS over JCS?


Shay Shmeltzer

Jun 26, 2019, 2:06:27 PM6/26/19
to adf-met...@googlegroups.com
To answer a couple of your questions:

1. Both VB and JCS will use IDCS to set single sign on with Oracle SaaS

2. VB is focused on creating UIs using Oracle JET for both mobile and web apps. It is a client centric architecture that connects to REST backends.
JCS is about running Java EE on the server - it can be used for UI with ADF Faces, but if you are starting a new UI project it is likely that you’ll want to do that part with JET (and possibly VB).
JCS can also run business logic exposed as REST on the backend - and a common pattern we are seeing is actually using both VB and JCS - JCS handles the business logic (ADF BC for example) and VB handle the UI.

3&5 - The architecture of VB is JavaScript on the client talking to REST in the back - stateless - so scales very well
JCS if you are using ADF Faces is stateful on the server. Or you can use just the ADF BC part as REST as mentioned above.


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