New Attributes on File DownLoadListener to provide Waiting PopUp (Proposal)

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Daniel Diaz

Oct 20, 2018, 2:48:01 PM10/20/18
to ADF Enterprise Methodology Group
Hi Experts, I am doing this post because of a Requirement which solution has been hair pulling for me.

They report to our team one incident when the users press a button while the the file is being downloaded by fileDownloadListener.

I figure out to show a waiting popup that block all the screen and do not let the user to do anything in the page. 

I found the blog:

This is in jdev version but I am trying in version.

And through the link above I make the Waiting PopUp works in those pages which have fragments (.jsff) but I have to implemented in other pages where the fileDownload is inside a fragment but it does not work.

Any implementation while the component  af:fileDownloadListener is downloading is hard due to the fact that any javaScript event is override. I tried everything! by java and javascript.

This is the problem reported in my oracle community:

Nobody knew how to solve this or help me out.

This is a very simple requirement to the point of view of our client and some people do not understand how something as simple at the view is too complicated.

To make this brief: 

I would make a proposal to make easier the providing of this requirements:

My proposal is to add two attributes to the af:fileDownloadListener:

<af:link text="Download"  id="lInv"


      <af:fileDownloadActionListener  filename="#{viewScope.RM011000VSBean.fileName}" 


waitingPopUp="true"  popUpId="waitPU"



<af:popup id="waitPU" contentDelivery="immediate">

               <af:dialog id="d2" type="none" closeIconVisible="false">

                  <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl7" layout="vertical" halign="center">

                      <af:outputText value=" Please wait a moment..." id="ot11"/>

                       <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl8">

                                <af:image source="/sbdcr/images/Loading Icon.gif" id="i1"

                                          inlineStyle="width:50px; height:50px;"/>

                         <af:spacer width="40" height="10" id="s8"/>





As you may imagine this 2 attributes indicates:

waitingPopUp --> if a popUp is showed while the download is in process.

 popUpId--> the popUp id of the one popup who is going to appear as the file download is executing.

It would to be good to add this two attributes to the af:fileDownload.

I do not know how complex is to implement this but it can be done with the attribute ShowPopUpBehaviour if its factible.

These are details that make other developers attack our framework hastily and relentlessly.

These are little details or requirements that has to be easy to do and it is not acceptable to a modern development tool that a lot of tricks has to be done to achieve this.

There some people that criticize our framework and most of all in the Layer or client View because of some difficulties to do easy things, I think this is one of this.

I know JSF Lifecycle is different and hard but there some functionalities that we need to add to evolve as the competence does.

I am defending the use of ADF at all cost, is the framework that gave me work with good salary for almost four years in differents countries but we need to improve some details.

Please experts support me, I know the creators or managers of the framework in some way are watching this posts.

PD: If you know any solution to provide this requirement, please answer me either in oracle community or here.

Best Regards.
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