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how to be a learner ?

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Mar 10, 2009, 9:46:02 AM3/10/09
to Adaptive Learning
this is an intresting course and i want to be an active member of this
course.i am an engineering 2nd year,computer science student and i
want to enhance my programming skills as well.kinly give me guidelines
to proceed furthur.

Parag Shah

Mar 10, 2009, 1:09:22 PM3/10/09
Hello Aanchal,

Read the main page of the course:

This page explains the way this course can be done. I would like to stress on one fact though: this course is not like a regular course where you have to follow some fixed steps and submit a well defined project. We do have tasks and code to be done, but they exist to guide the learner rather than to dictate specific tasks to the learner.

The main page also defines 16 tasks which you can work on and submit for review as explained.

I have suggested a period of 16 weeks to complete the tasks, but that period also exists to set some sort of timelines help the learner. Nothing here is set in stone. Think of this as a space to help people learn.

However, I do strongly suggest that you spend whatever time is appropriate for you, on a regular (weekly) basis, and work on something related to this course.

Feel free to ask questions if you need any clarification.

Good Luck.

Thanks & Regards
Parag Shah
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