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Mapping recurrent causal pathways: theory, explanation and storytelling in theories of change

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Florencia Guerzovich

Oct 23, 2023, 8:01:22 AM10/23/23
to Adaptive Development | #AdaptDev, TWP.Learning
Hi all, 

Tom Aston and I published two posts about  turning theories of change into tools that help deep reflection, rather than checking boxes, have explanatory and storytelling value. 

Each one of us discusses the causal pathways that we have most frequently found in our respective work, largely in the governance space. As usual plenty of links to the work of many colleagues and reference to examples from many organizations / portfolios on both posts ... because building theories and telling stories that support learning takes a village (or more fashionably many interactions in a system)

Enjoy and please share thoughts about which are the top causal mechanisms/ pathways in your work - a shared resource that  might be handy for many colleagues  ;-)

Florencia Guerzovich, PhD  

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