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Masterclass on Use of AI, Paid, April

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Ann-Murray Brown

Apr 3, 2024, 7:48:30 AM4/3/24

Dear Colleagues,

Do you know that you can now customise your very own GPT?

Watch this video with Philip Adu, PhD to learn how to develop your personalised GPT or AI assistant to do whatever you want it to do - from analysing data, translations to writing emails and reports. Just as how you train a human assistant to know your way of working and what you expect, your customised AI assistant already knows the context, the data set etc. This way, you don't have to give detailed instructions everytime you interact with the AI. For example, if you work in the health sector, the AI model knows to only give you output related to this sector.

The best part? You do not need any technical skills to make your own GPT. If you can use a mobile phone, you can create your own GPT. It is very easy.

How To Develop A Custom GPT png.png

In the upcoming paid onlinemasterclass Philip Adu, PhD and I will give live demonstrations on how to use ChatGPT, and for your evaluation and research purposes.  

We start at a beginner level and walk you through step by step in interactive and 'hands on' sessions. We cover how to write better prompts, ethics, data protection and security.

Join the online paid masterclass from Monday, April 22, 2024 - Thursday, April 25, 2024

We are almost full, so sign up  NOW to not miss out:Get more details and register here:

Warm regards,

AMB Consulting 

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists

The Hague, The Netherlands

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