USAID Local Capacity Feedback Forum

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David Jacobstein

Aug 21, 2023, 4:56:36 PM8/21/23
to Adaptive Development | #AdaptDev, TWP.Learning
Hi all,

I thought a number of people on these lists might be interested to register for sessions of the first Local Capacity Strengthening Feedback Forum, which is happening this October. It's open to anyone, please share with your own networks for anyone who might want to participate:
One year after the launch of the Local Capacity Strengthening (LCS) Policy, USAID is excited to host the first annual Learning and Feedback Forum, which will take place virtually over six days between Tuesday, October 10, 2023 and Thursday, October 19, 2023. The Forum will help inform the direction of LCS Policy implementation for the coming year and consists of 11 virtual one-hour sessions that are open to the public and USAID staff. Sessions include translation in Spanish, French, Arabic, Kiswahili, and American Sign Language. View the full schedule and register here.


David Jacobstein 

DCHA/DRG Policy, Coordination and Integration Team

United States Agency for International Development

T: (202) 712-1469

Context-Driven Adaptation Collection:

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