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Apr 8, 2013, 11:02:57 AM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com


Apr 8, 2013, 3:16:07 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Having followed the Newtown, Connecticut shooting from that terrible December day, any new information that is released, I dutifully follow, but I also believe that it is time to leave the town alone and let them get on with their grieving and/or lives. This informative, yet emotional, article announces some very disturbing evidence that was found in Adam Lanza's room- drawings of dead bodies with severe injuries, and sometimes clutching children. The article also states that Lanza's mother had a genetic disease that Adam could have also had, and that she was becoming increasingly disturbed by his behavior in the weeks leading up to the shooting, yet chose not to do anything about it. A family friend also shared that Lanza was bullied at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, so his actions may have been some type of revenge. The article finishes up with a few very emotional statements from victims' parents, many believing that something had to be wrong in Lanza's upbringing for such acts to happen. 


On Monday, April 8, 2013 11:02:57 AM UTC-4, orionfarr wrote:
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Apr 8, 2013, 3:24:22 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

The high-profile case dealing with the Rutgers basketball coach, Mike Rice has not gone unnoticed, especially in NJ and has led to the firing of a few high profile people on campus. This to-the-point article states that while being fired, former Rutgers AD, Tim Pernetti will receive close to $1 million dollars, car allowances, health insurance, and get to keep his university issued computer and iPad. The school also said that they will not say anything bad about him to any perspective employers. I, personally, do not get why the school is doing this since it seems as if he is being rewarded for his behavior, and lastly, the school may not say anything bad about Pernetti, but I assume that any perspective employers are well aware of the case already. 


Apr 8, 2013, 4:23:11 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

This short article includes a two minute video about the Earth's miraculous beauty from NASA's view of space. The video features clips taken from the International Space Station and satellites in orbit, revealing an extraordinarily spectacular and different perspective of the world. It is amazing that we are even able to travel to space, so to be able to capture the world in this light is unbelievable. It is so difficult to comprehend the enormity and complexity of what is really in space, and after watching this video, I found myself even more perplexed and amazed. 


Apr 8, 2013, 4:36:12 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

This article from the BBC reports on the peaceful death of conservative Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher. Known as the first women to hold this role in the UK from 1979 to 1990, Margaret Thatcher  suffered from a stroke whilst staying at the Ritz Carlton in London at 87 years of age. Before reading this article, I wasn't informed as to who Margaret Thatcher was as I sadly know more about American history than I do about British history. However, BBC News provides a detailed and respectable tribute to the lovely Briton; Tony Blair said she was a "towering figure" and Gordon Brown praised her "determination and resilience". Nonetheless, Lady Thatcher will be remembered forever in the hearts of the British people. 


Apr 8, 2013, 4:40:43 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

In this article, Bonnie Rochman explains the obesity epidemic among American children and a corresponding study posing a possible solution to lowering the caloric intake of children. I find it absolutely disturbing that one out of three children are defined as overweight or obese; it is enough that we have become the most obese country in the world. Whether genetic or acquired, obesity is transferring from older generations to younger ones, dangerously threatening the future lifestyle of their children. The study suggests reducing the size of plates and bowls so children are not as inclined to eat as much food. Personally, I don't know how well this would work, and while it may help, it will certainly not be enough to entirely change eating habits. 


Apr 8, 2013, 4:43:28 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

This article from the Huffington Post sheds light on a variety of yoga poses that are said to be more suited for relaxation than others. Accompanied by a myriad of pictures for the reader's reference, the author Caroline Gregoire exposes the benefits of yoga on stressed individuals and how it can stimulate relaxation, reduce tension and help one lead a healthier lifestyle. She captivates each level of yoga participants, from beginners to experts, providing exercises for all that assist in stress relief. I've always wanted to try yoga but never took the initiative to take a class; this makes me want to test it out and see if it actual helps stress. 

Matt Saba

Apr 8, 2013, 6:02:00 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com



This article is about the United States and South Korean reacting to more rumors about what North Korea has in store. The Pentagon has been upgrading its missile defense systems because America cannot take the chance that North Korea will attempt to engage in military action. North Korea released a statement saying that it was diversifying its nuclear arsenal and it also released a statement advising all diplomats to leave. The author used facts, statistics, and quotations so there really was no tone.





This article is describing a recent survey in which it was determined that the majority (52%) of Americans approve of the legalization of marijuana.  Coming from a purely logical standpoint, it would make sense for it to be legalized. This legalization would both help to stimulate the American economy and weaken the Mexican Drug Cartels. This is the first poll by Time where the majority of voted for legalization.


Apr 8, 2013, 6:23:35 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com


Of course leave it to SNL to make a joke of the recently released news of the Rutgers basketball coach. This video, orignally made  for cnn.com, is made to show SNL's humorous take on the whole event. I though the spoof was hilarious, and I practically died of laughter. The funniest part,  I think, was when Melissa McCarthy starts shooting the cowering girls with tshirts from the tshirt gun. Overall, I think everyone should watch this video because it is absolutely hilarious.

^^ watch this one too

With all this hullabaloo about North Korea's threats to nuke America, this article shows a 33-slide slideshow with different photos of North Korea and Kim Jong Un. Some of this pictures are really funny simply because Jong Un has a very humorous disposition and look to him. I am not particularly concerned with the treats because I trust in the US national security and also I believe some of these threats were made merely to  capture the attention of the American people, and also the world.

grace miller

Apr 8, 2013, 6:56:44 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com


In this article, Fox News reports an old woman ordering her 19-year-old grandson to kill her husband. She is being charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery. The teenager was charged with murder and is being held without bail. This article was a short one with a solemn tone and was very factual. In this article it revealed that the old woman was not able to be present in court because she is being treated at a hospital for a lung disease. I actually let out a chuckle when I read that because I found it extremely ironic.



in this article Fox news reported on a man whose 12-year-old golden retriever ate five $100 bills hopes to be reimbursed by the federal government. He claims he and his family were on a field trip when the dog got a hold on the money. The man collected as much of the shredded bills from the dogs poop he could. He cleaned these pieces and taped them together and sent them to the federal government with an explanation of what happened in the hopes of being reimbursed. This article is particularly funny to me but I have to admit $500 dollars is a decent amount of money!

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Apr 8, 2013, 7:30:32 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
This cartoon depicts Kim Jong Un, symbolizing North Korea, and the Spartan, symbolizing war, walking hand-in-hand, for Korea continues to make threats of nuclear warfare. It makes fun of Kim Jong Un by referring to him as the "little boy" and exaggerates the size of war giving it the shape of a fat Spartan. In addition, the symbol for an atom/atom bomb is on the spear which just adds to the potential for nuclear warfare. 

Orion Farr

Apr 8, 2013, 7:35:25 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

"Big-man, pig-man, haha charade you are"
Margret Thatcher ex-British Prime minister died this morning. She was
the leader of the British conservative party, and will be remembered
for her "wars on the poor". Throughout her 10 year reign she destroyed
unions, raised taxes, sold off social housing, privatized power and
water companies, and made life a very bad place for the lower and
middle classes in Britain. She epitomized the "big-hatted" capitalist.
Though many Britons are mourning her death many would rather forget.


President Obama recently announced that he is in support of a
congressional bill to supply NASA with a contract to move a small
asteroid into lunar orbit, and conduct research upon it. The 100
million dollar contract gives an ETA at around 2025, leaving little
hope for a manned mission to mars anytime soon. Though
space-enthusiasts rejoiced, this project will span two presidencies,
is woefully underfunded, and leaves little framework for NASA to work
on. This is nothing more than pandering to the shunned scientific
community that the president has ignored, since his cancellation of
the Constellation Program in 2010. Hopefully things will workout
quicker than expected, but the future for space travel isn't bright
under his presidency.


Apr 8, 2013, 7:36:55 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
This cartoon is against gun control, for it depicts a family attempting to fight off a burglar, who is armed with an automatic gun, with an 18th century rifle and a war horn. Obviously there is no hope for this ill-prepared American family, because their ability to defend themselves has been limited.  

Julie Daniels

Apr 8, 2013, 8:06:49 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com


With the Rutgers Basketball scandal all over the news, it is almost impossible to ignore. The scandal involving the videotaped abuse of basketball players by the team's former coach, revealed a lot about the way we view athletics and value them so much. However, the University is now giving ex- athletic director $1.1 million after his resignation in the wake of it. Since his resignation on Friday, he will continue to be paid for many months after and even still receive his health benefits. I do not think this is right at all because he was fully aware for all the abuse that was happening and he is still being paid even after not reporting it. I think that they should not give him the money and put into bettering the school and the community around them to make up for this horrible discovery. 


This is very scary news especially since we are going to be going off to college in just a short amount of time. The fact that this could have happened to anyone sickens me. This person who was found with many assault weapons as well as homemade explosives. It was later revealed that he was a student who had shot himself.  If he hadn’t, who knows what kind of damage he would have caused or who else he would have wounded other than himself. I hope this doesn’t happen again. 

Julie Daniels

Apr 8, 2013, 8:09:32 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I think the fact that the grandmother made her 19 year old son kill her husband is disgusting. I hate how she was okay with not only killing someone, but also hiring her grandson who is still so young. She probably ruined his entire life and she doesn't even seem to care much. Since she also has a lung disease she didn't deserve to take away the life of anyone else. 
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Julie Daniels

Apr 8, 2013, 8:12:01 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I find this political cartoon to be very funny actually. They are depicting Kim Jon Un as such a small incapable little boy. They are also showing how it would be very easy for the war to get the best of him and he won't be able to handle the sheer size of war. All in all I thought that this is a great depiction of what is happening in the world right now. 

Alexandra Chin

Apr 8, 2013, 9:10:19 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

Many of you may have heard about the gaming console the WiiU a sort of next step to the Wii console. This WiiU comes with a tablet that allows for additional controls to be made to the game along with the original Wii controller. This article talks baout how the WiiU seems to have hit a lull in activity and doesn't seem to be holding up well against it's competition. After watching some game-play with the WiiU and seeing how affecting other people game-play onscreen while others are playing can go from bad to horribly frustrating in a matter of seconds, my excitement for this console is less than favorable. Miyamoto insists for the consumer to give it time as the WiiU has much more potential than we give it credit for. Personally I see no real purpose for the WiiU and do not have any wish to purchase this product whatsoever. 

Here we have a particularly interesting article regarding the evolution or extinction of jobs that we may or may not be familiar with. Jobs such as the farmer, the travel agent, and postal worker have all evolved to find a place in modern day society. However, jobs such as the delivery boy, the iceman and even our video store clerks have become extinct. When think about it it's not all that crazy, I mean when was the last time you went to a blockbuster? Or had your newspaper delivered to you? It's lucky that the librarian has passed the test of time, otherwise Naviance may just be guiding me in the wrong direction.

Randy May

Apr 8, 2013, 9:14:14 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
It is terrifying how people with criminal pasts can get a job like being a cookie monster in Times Square. The people who are hiring employees without doing any kind of back round check should be the ones being arrested, along with this man dressed as cookie monster who pushed a kid. Not only can these people hurt kids physically, but now these kids may be severely mentally effected by the actions of the crazy cookie monster.


Apr 8, 2013, 10:31:51 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

This hilarious cartoon serves to show the ridiculousness in the basketball college coaches that have been acting out recently. The speech bubbles speak for themselves, showing the coach cursing out the student focused on academics. He is also throwing a basketball at the student - which is pretty funny in my opinion. Personally, I think the idea of a coach raging so hard that he is throwing basketballs at players, cursing out players, and shoving them around is absolutely hilarious. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's unfortunate. But it's equally ridiculous and  hilarious. Coaches need to calm the hell down and just love the sport! So many people forget the love of the game in these days. It's all about the win... Where's the fun?


 In this highly disturbing article, Jay Reeves writes of the shooting at an Alabama university. Reeves explains the horrific events and how this Harvard-educated biologist, Amy Bishop, killed three of her colleagues and severely wounded three others. With a somber tone, Reeves brings the story to justice and tells the reader of Bishop’s life-sentence to prison. Bishop had avoided the death penalty by pleading insanity. Perhaps one of the more disturbing aspects of this story, is the fact that Bishop had dealt with murder earlier in her lifetime. The trial had been ruled an accident while Amy had been unloading her father’s gun. I don’t understand this at all, and I don’t understand why this wouldn't have played a role in her recently-finished trial. This deeply upsets me. The murder and injure of six colleagues should not serve as a difficult decision to make whether Bishop was guilty or innocent. Reeves writes to those involved or following this trial to expose the justice that had been brought to this woman.

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 8, 2013, 11:08:50 PM4/8/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

This article talks about how many people are regretting their tattoos.  Many people get things that are not always relevant when they become older, things that are misspelled, or the worse: the name of their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.  If you are going to get a tattoo the article says to really think about what you are getting, as removal can be a pretty drawn out process.  Also, it reminds people to make sure the place is clean and does not reuse needles.  The little story at the end though is absolutely hilarious and reminds people to think before they get inked.

This story is ridiculous.  A police officer, who should know better, left his loaded gun out on his bed.  His four-year-old son took the gun and ended up killing a lady at a family and friend get together.  This is really upsetting first of all because a four-year-old killed someone and second because a police officer was completely irresponsible with one of his guns.  If people want to keep guns then they need to be responsible with them.  There is no reason responsible people cannot have guns, the problem is there are too many stupid people who keep screwing it up for everyone.


Apr 9, 2013, 6:45:39 PM4/9/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Like Isabella, I found this article from Time Magazine to be extremely disconcerting and shocking. The fact that one in every three children is obese just completely characterizes the deterioration of America's eating habits and diet. With the biggest portions, the most calories, and myriad of snacks, fast food restaurants and preservatives, the typical diet of American children continues to worsen. What is happening in the present can only foreshadow what is to come in the future. Who is to say that two out of three will be considered obese in a matter of decades? Just the thought of that statistic is frightening and as a society, we need to work avidly to improve our overall diets and maintain exercise in order to lead healthy lives. 


Apr 9, 2013, 7:16:48 PM4/9/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
This article from CNN about the increasing popularity of tattoo removal was extremely relevant and anecdotal. The author provides good insight into the world of ink, telling stories that were good, bad and ugly. Like Dylan mentioned, many people get tattoos that they regret with age, but the problem lies in the difficulty and drawn out process of tattoo removal. For example, my granddad has a tattoo of his ex-wife's name on his arm; they are now divorced. I think this article serves as a purposeful warning that urges people to think in the longterm about their tattoos and investigate the place for cleanliness before making any permanent ink decisions. 

Mikaela Litchfield

Apr 9, 2013, 9:08:20 PM4/9/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com


Naturally, cancer is regarded as something very somber and depressing, but writers at The Onion make it almost a laughable matter. The author of “Latest Study Finds Cancer Cells Now Cruelly Mocking Researchers” uses humor while approaching frustrating problems in oncology. “Abnormal cells targeted with cutting-edge cancer treatments are basically flipping off scientists left and right, and get a huge kick out of making oncologists feel like a bunch of bumbling dipshit chumps”.  In a seemingly scientific article, it was enjoyable to find so much vulgar language but altogether not surprising, considering it’s The Onion. I personally found this article very entertaining because it personified the cancer in a creative way.


“The Benefits of Taking Time Off”

This article, written by Patricia Quigley, talks about the benefits of vacationing from work. America can sometimes be notorious for being a country full of workaholics – everyone is always so stressed out. Obviously, taking time for yourself is good for your mental health, and physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group lists “a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction times as some of the benefits from taking some time off”. “The Benefits of Taking Time Off” appeals to those working full time; it may convince people to take a well-earned break. There is also data suggesting that taking vacations actually helps improve work performance. European countries take an average of 37 days off, while America takes an average of 14. America is always criticized for being lazy, but studies like these prove otherwise.



Apr 9, 2013, 9:09:36 PM4/9/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

Upon first reading the title of this article, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.  I couldn't believe that a woman had the nerve to try to stand out by growing facial hair.  This article stands as proof that people should not judge people simply based on appearance.  It turns out that this woman had gone through multiple procedures to remove her facial hair to try to conform but none worked.  The most beautiful quote from this passage that I believe accurately describes the meaning of the piece is when the woman boldly states that: "One day I realized that the hair on my chin belongs to my body and that it should be there."


The writers of this Onion piece have created an extremely funny yet clearly American-biased article on Kim Jung-Un.  Considering the racism that thrives in America nowadays, I was not entirely surprised by this article, which ultimately presents Kim Jong-Un as an evil dictator.  The authors present a hypothetical interview with the North Korean dictator, where he expresses his concerns that he will not have enough time to properly starve his country what with all his work on blowing up his arrogant neighbors.  In doing so, the writers at the Onion poke fun at communism and Kim Jung-Un while simultaneously attempting to make their American readers laugh.

Ben Skalla

Apr 10, 2013, 9:51:10 PM4/10/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com

This article explains a new weapon that will be put into use by the US navy in the near future.  This weapon is actually a very powerful ship mounted laser that is capable of disable hostile boats and destroy surveillance drones in the sky.  Although this weapon cost about $32 dollars to make, it is able to shoot down a small drone with a little less than one dollar worth of electricity.  This weapon would be able to replace previously used weapons for similar purpose which fired rounds that cost a few thousand dollars.  With this article, is a video released by the Navy of their new weapon in action.  It shows the weapon firing an invisible laser that was able to cause a unmanned drone to catch fire and fall into the ocean.  It seems so futuristic that a laser on a boat is powerful enough to destroy a plane flying above that is so far away.

Yet another news story involving gun violence.  This article explains the situation earlier today that had four firefighters held hostage by a gunman near Atlanta.  Originally, the gunman had taken five men hostage but allowed one to leave to move the fire truck.  After a standoff with the police, one officer suffered a non life-threatening wound while the firefighters walked away unharmed, but the gunman had been killed by gunfire.  The mans house was supposedly foreclosed and now bank owned since November.  The man took the hostages and demanded that his power, cable, and cell phone were turned on.  There must have been something seriously wrong with this man, but once he had hostages he was just asking for his power to be turned back on? 


Apr 10, 2013, 9:54:58 PM4/10/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Second article:

Like Rachel, I found the slideshow quite amusing (even though it is most likely NOT intended for entertainment). Despite the slideshow, the article also provides readers with a quick summary of the recent events transpiring between the US and North Korea. These tumultuous relations are frightening, but I, like Rachel, do believe our national security has strength and power like no other. I feel like Americans don't really know what to believe about North Korea's threats and if they should truly be concerned because as Rachel noted, most of these warnings about nukes were most likely made for the sole purpose of national attention (let's at least hope). 


Apr 10, 2013, 10:03:15 PM4/10/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
This is absolutely horrific and almost hard to believe. The fact that a grandmother forced this on her grandson is, in every way, immorally wrong. It doesn't matter how old the grandson is because forcing this awful crime on him and the burden he will have for the rest of his life is simply human cruelty at its finest. However, it does disgust me that after the crime was committed, the grandmother took the grandson to buy a new car and the grandson used money from his grandpa's wallet to make purchases. What is wrong with humanity? 

On Monday, April 8, 2013 6:56:44 PM UTC-4, grace.miller07 wrote:
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Orion Farr

Apr 11, 2013, 2:05:07 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired.

I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a preemptive strike to avoid being
fired with cause, which likely would have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.
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Apr 11, 2013, 3:23:28 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
After reading this article, I was very inspired to do yoga. I even did a few of the poses in trying to help myself relax, and it really did help! I never have any time to take a yoga class but after Gregoire's simple article and pictures, it challenged me to try to take a class or  two in the future. 


Apr 11, 2013, 3:28:03 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I, with Isabella, do not agree with the possible solution the study suggests. I think curing obesity will require more than just shrinking children's plates. With this, the fact that obesity has been categorized as a disease means American doctors need to find healthy cures in order to rid us of this plague.


Apr 11, 2013, 3:59:52 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
On the dog article:

This article definitely made me smile since it is somewhat humorous. I never would have thought that the State Department would reimburse someone for the money that their dog ate, but it is a large sum so I would hope the government would try to do something. I guess my only quesiton would be, why was there $500 in a spot that the dog could reach?

On Monday, April 8, 2013 6:56:44 PM UTC-4, grace.miller07 wrote:
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Apr 11, 2013, 4:04:34 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
1st article

I actually read this article a few days ago and was somewhat surprised at the woman's bravery when it comes to her facial hair. In all cultures throughout the world, beauty does not typically involve women's facial hair, but this woman didn't seem to care and instead decided to embrace her body. I also found it great that she decided to use her unique hair to join the circus as the bearded lady and has fully embraced her body the way it is. 


Apr 11, 2013, 5:29:39 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Wow those are incredible. I particularly like the pictures taken from space that stress the seasons, showing the browning of leaves in fall and the white of snow. In addition, pictures that feature weather-related views from above such as hurricanes are somewhat surreal,but in the grand scheme of things it is a mere storm on just a grain of sand in space. It reminds of the 400-year long hurricane on Jupiter, which shows no signs of stopping. Now that's amazing. 

On Monday, April 8, 2013 4:23:11 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

This short article includes a two minute video about the Earth's miraculous beauty from NASA's view of space. The video features clips taken from the International Space Station and satellites in orbit, revealing an extraordinarily spectacular and different perspective of the world. It is amazing that we are even able to travel to space, so to be able to capture the world in this light is unbelievable. It is so difficult to comprehend the enormity and complexity of what is really in space, and after watching this video, I found myself even more perplexed and amazed. 


Apr 11, 2013, 5:37:39 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Well, to start, that picture doesn't exactly help those prone to forfeit a snicker at such a...let's just say interesting...topic. I guess in the end it's good that she has learned to accept this "different" feature for what it is and come to the realization that it is part of her. I think that the most important thing to take from this is that the media really needs to reconsider its priorities, because I'm not exactly sure why we waste our time on articles such as these. 

On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 9:09:36 PM UTC-4, stephen.voc wrote:

Matt Saba

Apr 11, 2013, 8:36:51 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
This is the second incident that I have heard of where a four year old has gotten a hold of a gun and has ended up killing someone. Dylan is right in saying that there are way to many stupid people that make so many stupid mistakes.Irresponsibility seems to be rampant among gun owners and it is LIONIZED by the bad publicity. Weapons are an integral part of the United States constitution but with all of the acts of stupidity that occur with and around them who knows how long they will be able to last.

Ben Skalla

Apr 11, 2013, 8:46:30 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Obesity is becoming a larger and larger issue in American society.  Aside from eating healthier foods, I believe that there are other ways to try to have better eating habits.  I would think that a large part of it is psychological.  One good idea would definitely to be trying to eat at a slower rate.  While most people eat a large amount of food in a short amount of time, they do not realize how much they have eaten and then end up feeling extremely full.  Using smaller dishes may also be beneficial.  It may help to prevent someone from taking a portion that is much too large and overeating.  It is probably a better idea to finish a meal feeling satisfied than to feel very full afterwords. 

Matt Saba

Apr 11, 2013, 8:51:03 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
After watching this video I could not stop laughing. It was terrible the situation that happened at Rutgers but SNL definitely made the best of it. To me, it is crazy that so soon after the Penn State scandal, another collegiate coach would be brazen enough to commit more inappropriate behavior. I would have to agree with Rachel that the T-Shirt gun was by far the funniest part.

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 11, 2013, 9:02:10 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I never thought that women could naturally grow this much facial hair.  Well more power to her for going forward with it.  I think it's great that she is working in the circus too as the bearded lady act.  It's good that she is accepting herself for who she is and does not care what others think.

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 11, 2013, 9:06:30 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
This weapon is so cool.  I saw the video, and it is just crazy.  Like Ben says this whole thing just seems so futuristic.  People always talk about having ray guns in the future, and now we practically have one.  Who knows how much more advanced we will become in just the next five years.

Ben Skalla

Apr 11, 2013, 9:07:06 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
This article was interesting, because although I was aware of the increasing approval rates of legalizing marijuana, I did not think that any surveys would pass the 50% approval mark quite yet.  I'm not exactly sure where I stand on the whole issue.  If people want it badly enough they will be able to get it anyways and it would probably benefit the economy.  It doesn't really concern me personally so I don't have a very strong opinion either way.  

On Monday, April 8, 2013 6:02:00 PM UTC-4, Matt Saba wrote:


This article is describing a recent survey in which it was determined that the majority (52%) of Americans approve of the legalization of marijuana.  Coming from a purely logical standpoint, it would make sense for it to be legalized. This legalization would both help to stimulate the American economy and weaken the Mexican Drug Cartels. This is the first poll by Time where the majority of voted for legalization.

Alexandra Chin

Apr 11, 2013, 9:07:38 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
Regarding the Rude Cancer cells

I loved how this article addressed all the issues of the cancer and the progress that scientists have been trying to make in a humorous style that honestly made me smile. I imagine this is what really goes on inside scientist's heads when they test a previous solution and find it flawed. Hopefully these darn cells will stop adapting in order for us to finally find a permanent cure for these terrible diseases.

Regarding the Legalization of Marijuana

I'm going to have to say that I disagree with the legalization of marijuana purely on the fact that it is an addictive substance and as for the impact on the economy who knows what's going to happen. The facts are that war on drugs is costly and legalizing marijuana would alleviate some of the effects, however there are always other drugs that are involve in that war and let's face it, we can't legalize them all. 


Apr 11, 2013, 9:22:45 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I agree with Henri.  This political cartoon is so ridiculous that I cannot help but laugh.  The artist intentionally drew the basketball player a lot taller than the nerd and also made the basketball player rather intimidating to convey his opinion regarding the stupidity of the infamous Rutgers basketball coach.  Furthermore, the cartoonist proves to his viewers that people who take sports this seriously are detrimental to society as a whole.


Apr 11, 2013, 9:28:11 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I loved this article!  The mere title is what attracted me to reading it because it just seemed too funny.  I was expecting to read a total Onionesque spoof article of some ridiculous occurrence, but I greatly appreciated the author's purpose.  The writer transcends simply explaining a humorous scenario and why the Cookie Monster deserves to go to jail; he takes an unbiased approach by defending referring to similar past events that reveal that the person dressed in a costume was entirely justified in potentially endangering the welfare of the child.  In the words of Davis, "It's fine."


Apr 11, 2013, 10:12:37 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I agree with Elizabeth that people should just give the town some peace. Obviously it is emotional and sad, but to keep dragging out isn't doing anything to help the situation. My dad grew up in we know people who still go to school in Newtown and the constant media and reminding just gets overwhelming. It would be best to just get all media out of there and move on, because nothing will make the situation any better. The press is just agitating a rough subject.

On Monday, April 8, 2013 3:16:07 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
Having followed the Newtown, Connecticut shooting from that terrible December day, any new information that is released, I dutifully follow, but I also believe that it is time to leave the town alone and let them get on with their grieving and/or lives. This informative, yet emotional, article announces some very disturbing evidence that was found in Adam Lanza's room- drawings of dead bodies with severe injuries, and sometimes clutching children. The article also states that Lanza's mother had a genetic disease that Adam could have also had, and that she was becoming increasingly disturbed by his behavior in the weeks leading up to the shooting, yet chose not to do anything about it. A family friend also shared that Lanza was bullied at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, so his actions may have been some type of revenge. The article finishes up with a few very emotional statements from victims' parents, many believing that something had to be wrong in Lanza's upbringing for such acts to happen. 



Apr 11, 2013, 10:15:17 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
some people are just so messed up. honestly. I mean I guess no one technically knows the story in its entirety and the background of it,because the press is wonderful at twisting the story and leaving out details. but still its just messed up. 

On Monday, April 8, 2013 6:56:44 PM UTC-4, grace.miller07 wrote:


In this article, Fox News reports an old woman ordering her 19-year-old grandson to kill her husband. She is being charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery. The teenager was charged with murder and is being held without bail. This article was a short one with a solemn tone and was very factual. In this article it revealed that the old woman was not able to be present in court because she is being treated at a hospital for a lung disease. I actually let out a chuckle when I read that because I found it extremely ironic.



in this article Fox news reported on a man whose 12-year-old golden retriever ate five $100 bills hopes to be reimbursed by the federal government. He claims he and his family were on a field trip when the dog got a hold on the money. The man collected as much of the shredded bills from the dogs poop he could. He cleaned these pieces and taped them together and sent them to the federal government with an explanation of what happened in the hopes of being reimbursed. This article is particularly funny to me but I have to admit $500 dollars is a decent amount of money!

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 6:23 PM, rippeyrachel <rippey...@gmail.com> wrote:


Of course leave it to SNL to make a joke of the recently released news of the Rutgers basketball coach. This video, orignally made  for cnn.com, is made to show SNL's humorous take on the whole event. I though the spoof was hilarious, and I practically died of laughter. The funniest part,  I think, was when Melissa McCarthy starts shooting the cowering girls with tshirts from the tshirt gun. Overall, I think everyone should watch this video because it is absolutely hilarious.

^^ watch this one too


Apr 11, 2013, 10:18:27 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
When I first heard about everything concerning the Rutgers basketball coach, I was completely appalled. The things that he would say and do to the players was completely uncalled for and inappropriate. I understand that coaches need to motivate players the best way they can, but this coaches tactics were grossly unnecessary. Especially considering that only a couple years ago a homosexual Rutgers student committed suicide for being bullied by his roommate and classmates, Rutgers has claimed to have been cracking down much more on bullying within the school. So, the fact that they let this man go on doing the things he was doing for so long is crazy. And then on top of that, he still is getting paid handsomely and receiving great benefits for himself and his family.

On Monday, April 8, 2013 8:06:49 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:


With the Rutgers Basketball scandal all over the news, it is almost impossible to ignore. The scandal involving the videotaped abuse of basketball players by the team's former coach, revealed a lot about the way we view athletics and value them so much. However, the University is now giving ex- athletic director $1.1 million after his resignation in the wake of it. Since his resignation on Friday, he will continue to be paid for many months after and even still receive his health benefits. I do not think this is right at all because he was fully aware for all the abuse that was happening and he is still being paid even after not reporting it. I think that they should not give him the money and put into bettering the school and the community around them to make up for this horrible discovery. 


This is very scary news especially since we are going to be going off to college in just a short amount of time. The fact that this could have happened to anyone sickens me. This person who was found with many assault weapons as well as homemade explosives. It was later revealed that he was a student who had shot himself.  If he hadn’t, who knows what kind of damage he would have caused or who else he would have wounded other than himself. I hope this doesn’t happen again. 



Apr 11, 2013, 10:23:12 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
This article makes an excellent point. Tattoos are permanent and I think that a lot of people get really excited in the moment and get them, but they need to start thinking about how that tattoo will look in 10, 20, 30 years from then. I have no problem with tattoos and think that they are a really great way of expressing yourself, but I believe that tattoos should be timeless and classy in order to be considered a good tattoo.

On Monday, April 8, 2013 11:08:50 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

This article talks about how many people are regretting their tattoos.  Many people get things that are not always relevant when they become older, things that are misspelled, or the worse: the name of their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.  If you are going to get a tattoo the article says to really think about what you are getting, as removal can be a pretty drawn out process.  Also, it reminds people to make sure the place is clean and does not reuse needles.  The little story at the end though is absolutely hilarious and reminds people to think before they get inked.


Apr 11, 2013, 10:51:05 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
I think this is a good representation of the issue regarding gun control. I am really tired right now, however, and am having trouble staying awake at my computer. So I would just like to leave it at this: I think there should not be limitations on the ownership of guns because it is a Constitutional Right and there are always going to be crazy people okay thank you for reading good night.

On Monday, April 8, 2013 7:36:55 PM UTC-4, merstriolo wrote:
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
This cartoon is against gun control, for it depicts a family attempting to fight off a burglar, who is armed with an automatic gun, with an 18th century rifle and a war horn. Obviously there is no hope for this ill-prepared American family, because their ability to defend themselves has been limited.  


Apr 11, 2013, 10:52:33 PM4/11/13
to adaplangand...@googlegroups.com
HAHAHA that was a very funny video depicting a very ridiculous issue out at Rutgers. I think the whole scandal is incredibly stupid and ridiculous, but equally funny in a sort of unfortunate way. But for this instance, I deem it NOT too soon to make jokes.
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