DJs 5/20/13

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May 19, 2013, 6:39:39 PM5/19/13


This is an interesting article from the BBC that highlights Yahoo’s $1.1 billion purchase of the online blogging site known as Tumblr. Yahoo, in buying this social network site, will obtain a larger social media presence and “enhance its ability to attract younger audiences in its battle with rivals Google and Facebook.” However, Tumblr has traditionally refrained from advertising on their site, which may change now that it has been taken over by Yahoo. Yahoo remains a hugely competitive website, yet most of its profit is generated through advertising so it will be interesting to see how they deal with Tumblr’s lack of and opposition to advertising.


Before reading this article and skimming through its accompanying images, I was completely unaware of the variety of beautiful gardens that are found in North America. Located in states such as Pennsylvania, Oregon, California and more, the gardens pictured are most definitely “worth travelling for”, as indicated by the title. Of the ten, my favorite is Filoli in California. The 16-acre garden got its name from combining the first two letters in William Bourn’s credo: “Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man; Live a good life”. It has been the set of many Hollywood movies, serving as an outstanding example of late 19th century gardening style that reintroduced Italian formality.  

grace miller

May 19, 2013, 7:39:58 PM5/19/13


It's scary to think how dangerous this actually is! After seeing this online countless times, I never thought further on the fact that it was kind of a gross little stunt to play for more YouTube views. But now, I think that this trend shouldn't be allowed to fade out simply like the rest of internet trends, but should come to an abrupt halt immediately. It's dangerous! Although this wasn't supposed to be a humorous article at all, I couldn't help myself from laughing at the fact that they cautioned asthmatics and people with other respiratory problems from doing the challenge, as I can't see it as anything other than common sense that if you have problems breathing, you probably shouldn't be inhaling massive amounts of any powdered substance!!,32162/

When I first began reading this article, I thought it was simply going to be mocking hip hop as a musical genre. Soon enough, I realized it was simply teasing the overused comment that "hip hop is dead" and all other types of concern over hip hop. This isn't making fun of the music itself, but rather the people who are, and have been "worried" about the direction in which this musical genre has been heading over the past 20 or so years. I find it hilarious that The Onion has taken things that people commonly say and made them into such a joke, critiquing exactly what people deem worthy enough to waste their breathe talking about.

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May 19, 2013, 9:07:19 PM5/19/13

This article tells the story of the incident when two men were arrested over killing a boy over an iPad. He was walking down the street when a man got out of a car and tried to steal the iPad from him. The teenage boy was 15, and the two men, 18 and 21 pulled the boy over to their car trying to gain possession of the tablet when the young one would not let go. He wound being dragged by the moving car and finally getting run over.
All of this is over an iPad. Technology. A meaningless piece of metal to browse the internet and buy pointless applications got a boy killed. This is a senseless act of violence, and it just goes to show what technology is really doing to the world. It's ridiculous and sickening!

May 19, 2013, 9:18:01 PM5/19/13

This article talks of the Windows 8 system and what it features. To me, it's all pretty much the same. And with every update computers have winds up simply being more confusing to me. I'm personally not good with technology at all, so, whatever Windows and Microsoft are planning on changing with their latest computer system probably won't be purchased by me. But I mean, what else can they even do? My favorite was Windows XP. I think. I remember Vista sucked. And now I have 7, and it's pretty good. Although I feel like it's just trying to beat out Mac now, and it really can't because Mac is the But really, Windows 8 is anticipated by many, but to me, it's just going to be a more confusing computer that has a lot of feature I wouldn't use, ever.

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Julie Daniels

May 19, 2013, 9:43:25 PM5/19/13


This article, written by Mike Wall of Yahoo news, describes how scientists may have discovered that the Milky Way galaxy is much less massive than previously thought. Even though it may only be half as large as scientists originally believed, it is still larger than what most people can comprehend. I like how the universe is always proving us wrong is some ways, I’m sure there were scientists that believed wholeheartedly that they had measured accurately the size of the Milky Way. Furthermore, scientists explained that beginning to have the ability to map out the mass distribution in the galaxy may lead to a better understand of the dark matter that takes up 80% of the universe.,30860/


This satirical article from The Onion titled, “Gorilla Sales Skyrocket After Latest Gorilla Attack”, talks about gorillas as a metaphor for guns. By doing this, since gun sales have gone through the roof since the Newtown shooting, it makes those consumers seem like idiots. Gun control is a very serious and controversial issue right now, but replacing the word “gun” with “gorilla” makes for a hilarious story in which the reader imagines a world where deranged gorillas run rampant. Someone who just purchased a gorilla (or gun) reasons that “it just gives me peace of mind knowing that if I’m ever in that situation, I won’t have to just watch helplessly as my torso is ripped in half and my face is chewed off. I’ll be able to use my gorilla to defend myself.

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Mikaela Litchfield

May 19, 2013, 9:49:35 PM5/19/13

In an article titled, “10 Most Addictive Foods”, Mandy Oaklader lists the ten most binged on foods, but adds a scientific insight as to why it’s nearly impossible to stop eating these treats. The list is as follows, starting from number 10: white bread, donuts, pasta, cake, chips, cookies, chocolate, French fries, candy, and finally number one, ice cream. Honestly, I could have made this list myself with absolutely no research, but it was definitely interesting to see what exactly made these foods so addictive. As it turns out, sugar, salt, and fat are a deadly trifecta and most of these items contain heaping amounts of all three. They have the ability to release a hormone called dopamine, which is also a similar reaction to drug use. In today’s society it would be nearly impossible to avoid these things forever but one can only hope that America learns a little bit of self control to stop its constant over-indulgence.

America, it seems, is ranked number one in everything. However, according to a recent study on the worlds most beloved countries, the United States doesn’t even come close to the number one spot. Switzerland, in all it’s glory, came out on top. America received the number eight spot only just beating out Norway and Finland. The countries were ranked based on their tourism, heritage and culture, business, overall quality of life and value system. The countries who beat out America were Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada and as previously mentioned, Switzerland. I personally was very surprised at these rankings because I thought the United States would have done much better in this. All in all, it doesn’t matter what the statistics show but rather how each person perceives their own country is most important. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 20, 2013, 3:17:56 PM5/20/13
This article brings a different perspective on the recent Boston bombings and bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev by talking to his nurses. The majority, it seems were doing their best working on him because it was simply their job, yet there were others who were working because he is such a vital part in the investigation. I feel extremely bad, however, that most of these 9 nurses are nervous about talking about their feelings- not only because they legally can't, but because they are afraid about what people will think. I applaud these nurses for their hard work, and I don't believe that I could work to heal a terrorist and separate my beliefs from my job as they did. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 20, 2013, 3:43:48 PM5/20/13
I was absolutely appalled by the changes in these men and woman after only a few months or years in a war zone. Wanting to go home seems to be a pretty common thought between them all, yet their experiences were all extremely different. Looking at them all, it was extremely upsetting to see the sparkle in each and every eye disappear and to see everyone's features harden. In all of the 'before' pictures, each person looked like they were ready to fight for their country, and in the middle photo, they all seemed exceptionally tired. The 'after' photos were the hardest to look at as they all seemed depressed, upset, and like a changed person.

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Matt Saba

May 20, 2013, 5:57:49 PM5/20/13

This article is about how North Korea has been doing more and more missile tests for unknown purposes. The South Korean President has commented that the North should not engage in threatening maneuvers  North Korea released a statement saying that it was diversifying its nuclear arsenal and it also released a statement saying that these exercises are not out of the ordinary. The author used facts, statistics, and quotations so there really was no tone.

This article, “Why Soccer Threatens the NHL” is one that I find to be interesting and that bodes well for the future of soccer in the United States. Right now soccer is the number one sport in the world with its hubs being in England, Western Europe, and South America. The idea that Americans are opening up to soccer also has economical bonuses. With this added support, the MLS could grow financially to rival even the NFL and MLB. Recently, the MLS has added three teams in Canada, which is the stronghold of hockey. In addition to the success of the MLS, there has also been the decline of the NHL. Right now, its players are on strike, as they have been for three months, which is severely impacting profits.


May 20, 2013, 6:48:31 PM5/20/13

Due to the rather somber events of the past several weeks, I thought it would be good to post something that reminds us of the true beauty in the world. These adventure photographs from National Geographic are breathtaking and these are just some of the many that NG has to offer. I encourage you (if you have free time) to explore the website because there are just so many absolutely amazing things to see. Even if you don't take an interest in photography, these photos are universally beautiful and remind us of the truly wonderful opportunities there are in life and of the undoubtable magnificence in this world. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 20, 2013, 7:00:20 PM5/20/13

I thought this article was both humorous and sad at the same time. It discusses how modern day Americans are obsessed with working that they never learn how to enjoy themselves. Focusing on the prevalent question of whether money can buy happiness, the author explains her opinion, believing that money can be used to buy happier time and thus, happiness in general. Nonetheless, most men and women, even many of the wealthiest, spend most of their time doing things they do not enjoy, like working and commuting; they are unable to focus on how money can improve time, which is the author's main point. We are blinded by the newest products and the most modern inventions that we don't necessarily consider how this will directly impact our happiness. While I do not believe that happiness cannot be solely attained through money, I do agree with the author that we need to reexamine how we spend our time and work to improve this dominant and controlling factor in our lives. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 20, 2013, 7:29:28 PM5/20/13
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
This cartoon alludes to the recent production and sale of gun schematics that can be created using a 3D printer. Despite the lack of popular consumerism in the 3D printer industry, due to their expense and limited practicality, many people have purchased the plans necessary to create a one-shot plastic gun that fires real bullets. This is actually pretty concerning because it provides even more leeway around the already faulty gun ownership process by avoiding certification and background checks in a country that has enough problems with gun violence to start with.  

Ben Skalla

May 20, 2013, 8:05:05 PM5/20/13

A tornado tore through Oklahoma City suburbs earlier today, causing severe damage.  This tornado was believed to be up to one mile wide at times, causing winds with speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.  At one elementary school that was demolished, authorities had to keep hysterical parents away from the wreckage, in order for them to have a better chance at hearing cries for help from under debris.  It was classified as an EF4, the second strongest type of tornado.  The rebuilding and recovering process that comes with this disaster is definitely going to take a while. 

Some photographers will go to extreme lengths and risks to get the best pictures.  The photographers discussed in this article, put themselves in situations most people would deem to be unsafe in order to take the pictures they want to take.  For example, they will swim in extremely hot water to get close to where lava flows into the ocean, or they well position themselves so that they end up in the barrel of a wave and are able to take pictures of the inside of the wave.  They admit that it isn't always smart, but they consider it worth it.  They have been smashed by the giant waves before, but it has not stopped them yet.  The images that the photographers have captured are breathtaking.  

Randy May

May 20, 2013, 8:06:48 PM5/20/13
In response to the health today article about sleep and eating, I would have never guessed that. That is just another thing for someone who is trying to lose weight to worry about, am I getting enough sleep? I mean sleeping is always important, but now if I ever want to focus on losing weight before a sporets season in the summer, I will make sure to get to bed extra early every night.
In response to the article about publicaly disciplining children, I find that awesome. I mean if a parent can't figure out a way to discipline their child, and past actions have not worked, this is a fantastic way to send a message to their kids. It is also hysterical for the parents, but obviously not as funny to the person who was made to wear this shirt. I have a lot of respect towards the parent who came up with this Scarlet Letter-esq punishment.



May 20, 2013, 8:27:44 PM5/20/13

This article is bizarre in that two hot air balloons collided, wounding 24 and killing 1. i just thought it was strange because you don't usually hear about hot air balloon accidents too often. The article was concise and kept a matter-of-fact tone throughout the article as it described the demographics of where the incident occurred.


May 20, 2013, 8:34:55 PM5/20/13

This NBC article puts an interesting twist on a beat down subject. Adults fear teenagers on the road because of their immaturity, possibility of drunk driving, texting, goofing off, etc. Those are the typical reasons that people think teenagers driving is dangerous, but this article states otherwise. After studies and evaluations, the biggest cause of teenage-provoked car crashes is from sleep deprivation- over 100,000 accidents were caused by this in a year. It just goes to show that people are focusing so much on the most prominent reasons for teen crashes (which ARE important to focus on,) but meanwhile a major factor has kind of been being ignored.


May 20, 2013, 8:52:10 PM5/20/13

This Onion article made me laugh out loud.  The writers at the Onion poke fun at the makers of Grand Theft Auto as well as the entire gaming world, for that matter, with this piece.  Throughout the article, the authors describe how the new game will focus on charity and helping other people but will end with a tragic death and car-jacking.

I couldn't help but picture every English teacher I've ever had while reading this piece. "...this woman is not f•••ing around"  This statement perfectly summarizes the seemingly meaningless piece.  Strangely enough, I am not entirely sure what the writers at the Onion are poking fun at here, except maybe middle school English teachers who go way overboard.  Regardless, this article is sure to make you pee yourself in nostalgia.

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 20, 2013, 10:36:12 PM5/20/13
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Well we all know what this alludes to... Obviously this is comparing recent scandals regarding the I.R.S. to that of Big Brother. The most effective part of this cartoon is the comparison between the tattered poster featured in the back, representing Obama's campaigning slogan for "hope," and the new poster that portrays an evil and maniacal representation of what Obama is actually doing with his presidency. 

Dylan Panicucci

May 21, 2013, 3:17:51 AM5/21/13

            When students noticed things missing from their bags after gym class, they decided to look into it.  A girl hid in a locker to videotape and catch the thief.  To her great surprise it was her teacher.  She could not believe the teacher was stealing from them, and she claims she kept watching the video in awe.  The teacher is on administrative leave while the school and police investigate the situation.

            I saw this article and wondered why it was even news.  It is an article about how China landed a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier for the first time.  It’s hard to imagine a powerful country without a Navy.  The article states that the US, Britain, and Japan launched their aircraft carriers almost 100 years ago.  The US is the only country to operate more than one carrier today with 11, but still to have just made one now?  I guess you do not need an advanced military when you rule the world’s economy.

May 21, 2013, 9:07:31 AM5/21/13

I personally am quite worried about the fact that Yahoo bought Tumblr, despite the fact at they promise not to mess with it. The idea of making a website known for its overwhelmingly weirdness and awkward photos and comments and users more "family friendly" is gross. It's not okay. If they do though, it's okay. They ,ayhave smarmy, but we have a hulk.

May 21, 2013, 9:10:06 AM5/21/13

This is so unbelievably tragic. The worst thing about these events is the fact that many children lost their lives because of it. It is tragic to see all of the heartbreak of the families who lost their elementary school- aged kids. I hope for the best for all of them in the future.

May 21, 2013, 9:15:43 AM5/21/13
As terribly sad as this is, it's pretty badass. You never hear about odd tragedies like this and I found this simultaneously sad and interesting.

May 21, 2013, 9:15:43 AM5/21/13

May 21, 2013, 9:19:45 AM5/21/13
From seeing the reaction of yahoo even acquiring tumblr, I can't imagine them being able to make a lot of changes because all of the users will flip out. There are so many people already making angered posts about yahoo and it's actually quite funny. If they do make drastic changes though, there will be lots of problems because people with tumblrs often have no lives and lots of computer skills. Yahoo best check itself.

Orion Farr

May 21, 2013, 11:25:03 AM5/21/13

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced that they plan to protest
the funeral of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman. Since the announcement,
many Slayer fans have begun organising a counter picket to drown out
the controversial religious organisation, with some suggesting arming
themselves with red-paint-filled water balloons to throw at the group.
Jeff Hanneman's funeral arrangements are yet to be made. Hanneman,
aged just 49, died from liver failure in a California hospital on the
morning of May 2.

 Russia and the United States announced on Tuesday that they would
seek to convene an international conference aimed at ending the civil
war in Syria, jointly intensifying their diplomatic pressure on the
combatants to peacefully settle a conflict that has taken more than
70,000 lives and left millions displaced and desperate. Mr. Kerry’s
visit also came as Washington has talked more and more about
intervening in the conflict. The effort to seek a diplomatic solution
with the Russians suggested the Obama administration at least wanted
to make a public push in that direction first. Mr. Kerry said both
Russia and the United States wanted to hold the conference “as soon as
practical, possibly, hopefully as soon as the end of this month.”


May 22, 2013, 11:16:35 AM5/22/13

In this article, the sadness and fear of what happened in Oklahoma is captured as the author tells the story of a man whose house was completely destroyed by the tornado. The man had lived in OK for his entire life, Mr. Ellered was used to destruction by tornados, but nothing ever this bad. This time he was directly in the eye of the tornado and the destruction was horrendous. This article was very sad as it shows how much pain and destruction occurred in Oklahoma from the tornado.,32502/

In this article, irony and humor are used to make fun of how outlandishly inappropriate the video game Grand Theft Auto is. This article states that the new video games mission is to provide community outreach and help underpriviledged youth by adding in rooms that help with the LSATs that you must unlock and a quicker route to the Boys and Girls Club. This is making fun of how these games so blatantly promote violence, drugs and breaking the law.

Julie Daniels

May 22, 2013, 3:35:58 PM5/22/13
I was personally very shocked that America was not the number one country in all aspects. All that I seem to be told is how great we are but in reality, we are surpassed by many other countries in almost all categories. 

Julie Daniels

May 22, 2013, 3:38:29 PM5/22/13
I completely agree with you and this list of addictive foods. This list seems to be something that applies to all people due to the fact that they are so readily available and everyone seems to love them

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:49:35 PM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


May 22, 2013, 4:30:05 PM5/22/13
In response to Windows 8:

After reading this article, I must agree with Henri about his opinion of Windows 8, the newest Microsoft software. While I have always had an interest in technology, when my dad bought his first Mac I developed a quick and strong aversion to Windows products. Nothing can beat Mac's technology; Apple has revolutionized the computer and laptop industry in a way that Microsoft just can't compete. The newer softwares by Microsoft continue to get more confusing and more complex, which is in stark contrast to the simplicity of all of Apple's products. They have monopolized the cellphone industry with the widespread use of the iPhone, and continue to dominate the computer market. Whilst I understand that Microsoft must continue to update and revamp their products in order to keep up, they just aren't doing it in the same way that Apple does. However, I am curious to see the criticism or adoration of the software when it is released. 


May 22, 2013, 4:38:04 PM5/22/13
In response to "Why Soccer Threatens the NHL":

Matt, I think we can both agree that soccer is the most popular sport in the world, which give credence as to "Why Soccer Threatens the NHL". Whilst the sport has yet to flourish and reach widespread popularity in the United States, the rest of the world, especially my homeland, has adopted the sport as their number one. However, especially in the areas of Women's soccer, America seems to be becoming more openminded in regard to the sport, which as mentioned in the article, would have economic and financial benefits. Although the MLS does not compare to the EPL, its success is challenging other U.S. sports, especially hockey. This is very exciting to me, but also for the sport of soccer and for the United States. It would be exciting to see the MLS in contention with the EPL, La Liga, and Seria A, global soccer leagues that are the most prestigious and most watched.  

Ben Skalla

May 22, 2013, 6:04:27 PM5/22/13
Our society in general often blames teenagers before they think that an adult was behind something like this.  I guess that was part of what helped the teacher get away with the repeated theft.  Nobody suspected that the teacher was behind it until they were able to get video proof.  The students did a good job of catching the thief in the end.  

Ben Skalla

May 22, 2013, 6:10:47 PM5/22/13
Stories like this one confuse and upset me.  A young boy lost his life, just because to men wanted his iPad badly enough that they were willing to kill him for it.  People go to such extreme lengths sometimes to gain material possessions for no reason.  I'm sure that iPad is never going to bring happiness into the lives of those cruel men.  They will now have to live knowing that a little boy died because of their actions.  

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:07:19 PM UTC-4, wrote:

This article tells the story of the incident when two men were arrested over killing a boy over an iPad. He was walking down the street when a man got out of a car and tried to steal the iPad from him. The teenage boy was 15, and the two men, 18 and 21 pulled the boy over to their car trying to gain possession of the tablet when the young one would not let go. He wound being dragged by the moving car and finally getting run over. All of this is over an iPad. Technology. A meaningless piece of metal to browse the internet and buy pointless applications got a boy killed. This is a senseless act of violence, and it just goes to show what technology is really doing to the world. It's ridiculous and sickening!


May 22, 2013, 6:24:56 PM5/22/13
This is awful. Often, these kinds of stories are the result of complex and ambiguous schemes or reasons. In this case, it is one object that brought about this story, and while murder is immoral and unacceptable in any way, the fact that this murder was the result of an insignificant piece of technology upsets me that much more. Henri put it perfectly when he said that it goes to show what technology is really doing to the world. We talk about how technology brings about a lack of morals and values, but murder, that is just despicable. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:07:19 PM UTC-4, wrote:

This article tells the story of the incident when two men were arrested over killing a boy over an iPad. He was walking down the street when a man got out of a car and tried to steal the iPad from him. The teenage boy was 15, and the two men, 18 and 21 pulled the boy over to their car trying to gain possession of the tablet when the young one would not let go. He wound being dragged by the moving car and finally getting run over.
All of this is over an iPad. Technology. A meaningless piece of metal to browse the internet and buy pointless applications got a boy killed. This is a senseless act of violence, and it just goes to show what technology is really doing to the world. It's ridiculous and sickening!


May 22, 2013, 6:29:59 PM5/22/13
I thought this article was such a powerful statement about war. The photographs reveal, like Elizabeth said, the appalling changes that occur before, during, and after war. It is amazing and heartbreaking, but not unexpected, the things that war will do to a person. Not only do men and women endure physical hardships, but more significantly, they must struggle with the mental and emotional suffering that worsens over time. 

On Monday, May 20, 2013 3:43:48 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
I was absolutely appalled by the changes in these men and woman after only a few months or years in a war zone. Wanting to go home seems to be a pretty common thought between them all, yet their experiences were all extremely different. Looking at them all, it was extremely upsetting to see the sparkle in each and every eye disappear and to see everyone's features harden. In all of the 'before' pictures, each person looked like they were ready to fight for their country, and in the middle photo, they all seemed exceptionally tired. The 'after' photos were the hardest to look at as they all seemed depressed, upset, and like a changed person.


May 22, 2013, 10:19:26 PM5/22/13
In response to Mikaela's article:

I thought that the article on the 10 Most Addictive Foods was very interesting. Our bodies are instinctively trained to love these foods because many years ago, when food was scarce and not supplied to us so incredibly easily (in some countries this still applies of course...) our bodies needed to love the taste of sugar, salt and fat because they were the things that would most quickly be able to be turned into the energy that our bodies so badly needed. Those who ate the most of those foods, probably survived more. However, nowadays, especially in America, this instinct to love sugar, salt and fat is no longer needed and, in fact, needs to be gotten rid of somehow. So many people are suffering from obesity and diabetes, I wonder if someday in the future scientists will be able to reverse that desire.

Doug Triolo

May 23, 2013, 4:47:21 PM5/23/13

I'm just going to go ahead and say food in general is addicting. I seem to want food at all times; especially when writing an essay or doing homework. I mean, the first thing I say to anyone when I get home before even saying hello is, "what's for dinner?" However, I do find the list and the explanation for why people are always hungry interesting... intriguing? 

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Mikaela Litchfield <> wrote:

In an article titled, “10 Most Addictive Foods”, Mandy Oaklader lists the ten most binged on foods, but adds a scientific insight as to why it’s nearly impossible to stop eating these treats. The list is as follows, starting from number 10: white bread, donuts, pasta, cake, chips, cookies, chocolate, French fries, candy, and finally number one, ice cream. Honestly, I could have made this list myself with absolutely no research, but it was definitely interesting to see what exactly made these foods so addictive. As it turns out, sugar, salt, and fat are a deadly trifecta and most of these items contain heaping amounts of all three. They have the ability to release a hormone called dopamine, which is also a similar reaction to drug use. In today’s society it would be nearly impossible to avoid these things forever but one can only hope that America learns a little bit of self control to stop its constant over-indulgence.

America, it seems, is ranked number one in everything. However, according to a recent study on the worlds most beloved countries, the United States doesn’t even come close to the number one spot. Switzerland, in all it’s glory, came out on top. America received the number eight spot only just beating out Norway and Finland. The countries were ranked based on their tourism, heritage and culture, business, overall quality of life and value system. The countries who beat out America were Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada and as previously mentioned, Switzerland. I personally was very surprised at these rankings because I thought the United States would have done much better in this. All in all, it doesn’t matter what the statistics show but rather how each person perceives their own country is most important. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:39:39 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


This is an interesting article from the BBC that highlights Yahoo’s $1.1 billion purchase of the online blogging site known as Tumblr. Yahoo, in buying this social network site, will obtain a larger social media presence and “enhance its ability to attract younger audiences in its battle with rivals Google and Facebook.” However, Tumblr has traditionally refrained from advertising on their site, which may change now that it has been taken over by Yahoo. Yahoo remains a hugely competitive website, yet most of its profit is generated through advertising so it will be interesting to see how they deal with Tumblr’s lack of and opposition to advertising.


Before reading this article and skimming through its accompanying images, I was completely unaware of the variety of beautiful gardens that are found in North America. Located in states such as Pennsylvania, Oregon, California and more, the gardens pictured are most definitely “worth travelling for”, as indicated by the title. Of the ten, my favorite is Filoli in California. The 16-acre garden got its name from combining the first two letters in William Bourn’s credo: “Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man; Live a good life”. It has been the set of many Hollywood movies, serving as an outstanding example of late 19th century gardening style that reintroduced Italian formality.  


Doug Triolo

May 23, 2013, 4:48:01 PM5/23/13

Now there is someone who is passionate about their job, and they turn out great results too. Although those waves are monstrous and being next to a live volcano isn’t exactly safe nor sane for that matter, I would go ahead and say that those pictures are worth the risk.

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Ben Skalla <> wrote:


May 23, 2013, 5:49:05 PM5/23/13
Two hot air balloons colliding... Really interesting. I wouldn't know how fast hot air balloons move, or how much control one has, but I'm curious as to how that could have happened and how it could have possibly been prevented. And how many people were in these hot air balloons, which I feel don't hold many people, in that 24 were wounded. Was it on the impact on the way down? How high up were the balloons? So many questions. So little time... I wish I could go riding in a hot air balloon though. Seems fun. I just hope I don't collide with another.

Alexandra Chin

May 23, 2013, 5:50:47 PM5/23/13
In response to Yahoo! buying Tumblr

I had heard about this event over the weekend and was subject the small temper tantrum that tumblr users decided to throw in order to stave off Yahoo!. However, after a day or two, things immediately went back to normal once users discovered that there was no threat being made to their precious accounts. There are still a few who protest the change with no other excuse besides that "Yahoo! is evil!!!111!!1!" and that everyone's blog will be deleted. As seen by the recent events, such changes are unlikely to happen.

Regarding Nuclear Tests in Korea

It is troubling to hear such news especially when coupled with the recent events that have been taking place on the homefront. I sincerely hope that such actions lead to any future conflict.

May 23, 2013, 5:56:17 PM5/23/13
That's really interesting. To think a country as empowered as China has not yet established a solid navy is confusing to me. I'm not really up to date on world powers and their military power, but it seems to me that China should be ahead of this by now. Other countries that are so far behind everybody else and still have a navy. China, get with it! Regardless, this I feel is worthy news, as it is a great accomplishment for China.. apparently. So I can understand that it's as newsworthy. For a country like ours, however, probably not.

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:17:51 AM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:


May 23, 2013, 6:24:31 PM5/23/13
These photos are fantastic and truly do show of the beauty of the world. My favorite would have to be the from Caynonlands National Park, but they are all absolutely beautiful. The colors, lines, lighting, and textures of the photos show the beauty of the world and the skill of the photographer, whilst exemplifying skill that I would love to eventually emulate in my work. 

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:48:31 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

Due to the rather somber events of the past several weeks, I thought it would be good to post something that reminds us of the true beauty in the world. These adventure photographs from National Geographic are breathtaking and these are just some of the many that NG has to offer. I encourage you (if you have free time) to explore the website because there are just so many absolutely amazing things to see. Even if you don't take an interest in photography, these photos are universally beautiful and remind us of the truly wonderful opportunities there are in life and of the undoubtable magnificence in this world. 


May 23, 2013, 6:29:39 PM5/23/13
In response to your second article

This article did give me a giggle and like Steppan, I'm somewhat confused at what the article is making fun of, however funny it was. I definitly know a few middle school teachers like this, who really should be "glad that they turned in something halfway readable," I mean, having read some of my brother's writings, these middle school teachers have some work cut out for them. 

Orion Farr

May 23, 2013, 7:09:56 PM5/23/13
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired.

I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a preemptive strike to avoid being
fired with cause, which likely would have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.

Matt Saba

May 23, 2013, 7:38:44 PM5/23/13
This article uses the metaphor comparing gorillas to guns to very effectively show the dangerous possibilities that can be cause by guns. The unpredictability and rouge danger that is inherent to firearms is clearly illustrated by that of a gorilla. The quote that Julie used is great because you are just as likely to be ripped apart by a gorilla as protected by it.

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:43:25 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:,30860/

 This satirical article from The Onion titled, “Gorilla Sales Skyrocket After Latest Gorilla Attack”, talks about gorillas as a metaphor for guns. By doing this, since gun sales have gone through the roof since the Newtown shooting, it makes those consumers seem like idiots. Gun control is a very serious and controversial issue right now, but replacing the word “gun” with “gorilla” makes for a hilarious story in which the reader imagines a world where deranged gorillas run rampant. Someone who just purchased a gorilla (or gun) reasons that “it just gives me peace of mind knowing that if I’m ever in that situation, I won’t have to just watch helplessly as my torso is ripped in half and my face is chewed off. I’ll be able to use my gorilla to defend myself.

Matt Saba

May 23, 2013, 7:48:24 PM5/23/13
It is very interesting that the number one cause of teenage accidents are caused by a lack of sleep, which is in part, caused by school. Therefore, a large number of dangerous accidents that have the potential to do huge amounts of damage are caused by school and its pressures. This is yet another convincing reason that i have heard for school to start later to allow kids to get more sleep. It is also very interesting how almost all of the stereotypes about teen drivers are untrue which is a very heartwarming fact. 

On Monday, May 20, 2013 8:34:55 PM UTC-4, jamiemelville1 wrote:

This NBC article puts an interesting twist on a beat down subject. Adults fear teenagers on the road because of their immaturity, possibility of drunk driving, texting, goofing off, etc. Those are the typical reasons that people think teenagers driving is dangerous, but this article states otherwise. After studies and evaluations, the biggest cause of teenage-provoked car crashes is from sleep deprivation- over 100,000 accidents were caused by this in a year. It just goes to show that people are focusing so much on the most prominent reasons for teen crashes (which ARE important to focus on,) but meanwhile a major factor has kind of been being ignored.


May 23, 2013, 8:17:04 PM5/23/13

I don't doubt that this happens other schools, however its still quite shocking. Faculty who steal from students should be fired and punished for their actions. It was very smart of the girl to videotape the crime scene. Hopefully this incident shines a new light on common misconduct by teachers. 


May 23, 2013, 8:24:05 PM5/23/13
This article is very interesting. Of course the most discussed issues regarding teen driving are heavily advertised, yet this one is seemingly ignored. However, this is a factor that will more or less be unchangeable throughout the course of time. Teenagers can resist the urge of reckless driving, drunk driving, driving while texting, but resisting from driving because of lack of sleep is unalterable. People need to go where they need to go, and sadly, a lack of a good night's sleep wont stop teens from driving to where they need to be. 


May 23, 2013, 9:33:46 PM5/23/13
I love this political cartoon!  The cartoonist clearly utilizes an allusion to 1984 in order to liken Obama to Big Brother, thus implying that Obama is a dictator.  The cartoonist also seems to have switched his or her opinion regarding Obama, as the ominous Big Brother photo overshadows the older one of an optimistic Obama promising America good fortune.

On Monday, May 20, 2013 10:36:12 PM UTC-4, merstriolo wrote:
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Well we all know what this alludes to... Obviously this is comparing recent scandals regarding the I.R.S. to that of Big Brother. The most effective part of this cartoon is the comparison between the tattered poster featured in the back, representing Obama's campaigning slogan for "hope," and the new poster that portrays an evil and maniacal representation of what Obama is actually doing with his presidency. 


May 23, 2013, 9:41:04 PM5/23/13
This article makes me upset with the world as we know it.  It is absolutely ludicrous to know that someone would kill an innocent person over an iPad.  The author utilizes appeal to emotive language, especially when saying this statement: "The family has never had a lot, the father said, and his son valued everything he had."  This truly pulls at the heartstrings, and it serves as the perfect way to put an author's spin on a tragic article topic.

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:07:19 PM UTC-4, wrote:

This article tells the story of the incident when two men were arrested over killing a boy over an iPad. He was walking down the street when a man got out of a car and tried to steal the iPad from him. The teenage boy was 15, and the two men, 18 and 21 pulled the boy over to their car trying to gain possession of the tablet when the young one would not let go. He wound being dragged by the moving car and finally getting run over.
All of this is over an iPad. Technology. A meaningless piece of metal to browse the internet and buy pointless applications got a boy killed. This is a senseless act of violence, and it just goes to show what technology is really doing to the world. It's ridiculous and sickening!


May 23, 2013, 9:56:52 PM5/23/13
In response to Doug's cartoon, I think that the caricature of Obama is extremely offensive - in that most political cartoons ARE, I feel like this one could spark a lot of controversy based on the way that Obama is depicted because people seem to be extremely sensitive when it comes to their political parties


May 23, 2013, 10:00:12 PM5/23/13
In response to Sian's article about tumblr, I think a lot of people are kinda bugging out over it considering tumblr is usually a site where people like to escape? from stress, if that makes any sense for a social media site, and the idea that there will be advertising, i think upsets many people. I have a feeling there may be a huge backlash on it, considering even the president of yahoo said "we promise not to screw it up" On the other hand its great for the 26 year  old young person who is now a billionaire 

Dylan Panicucci

May 24, 2013, 12:11:22 AM5/24/13
It is so upsetting to see how quickly a person's life can negatively change.  It is also shocking to see the devastation that natural disasters cause.  Mankind may try to control everything, but it fails when it comes to the power of nature.

In this article, the sadness and fear of what happened in Oklahoma is captured as the author tells the story of a man whose house was completely destroyed by the tornado. The man had lived in OK for his entire life, Mr. Ellered was used to destruction by tornados, but nothing ever this bad. This time he was directly in the eye of the tornado and the destruction was horrendous. This article was very sad as it shows how much pain and destruction occurred in Oklahoma from the tornado.

Dylan Panicucci

May 24, 2013, 12:19:17 AM5/24/13
These photographers really must have a passion for their trade to put themselves in such dangerous positions.  To them it must really be worth it, I'd have to imagine these shots are amazing.  Somebody has to take these pictures, and these are the people crazy enough to do it.

Jun 3, 2013, 10:09:40 PM6/3/13

This is in no way newsworthy. It's just awesome. A couple, to be married the next day, were out at a bar when who do they run into? John Travolta. And who goes to their wedding the next day? John Travolta. And who played the mom in Hairspray? John Travolta. There's gotta be some sort of connection there. Either way, I think if any actor could come to my wedding it'd be Zach Braff or Denzel Washington. If Zach Braff came, Donald Faison would also have to come and that would get crazy real fast so, maybe I'll go with Denzel. Either way, congrats to this couple. And John Travolta for being a cool guy and  showing up to the wedding.
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