DJ's 3/18/2013

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Mar 18, 2013, 7:23:12 AM3/18/13


Mar 18, 2013, 7:26:55 AM3/18/13
Going to college in a few years, this is definantly one of the things that I find scary. The University of Central Florida is now closed down for all classes and employees until noon after police were notified of a suspicious death in one of the dorms. With further investigation, several weapons and an explosive device were also found. I hope that nothing awful comes of this situation and that it is solved quickly.

On Monday, March 18, 2013 7:23:12 AM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


Mar 18, 2013, 7:32:09 AM3/18/13
So I, like many other people, am very excited for the birth of the new heir to the British throne, and even though William and Kate have nothing to do with the US, they almost the closest thing that we have to American Royalty. I think its adorable that the two have different thoughts on whether or not they want a girl or a boy, and that they differ from they typical parents in that Will wants a girl and Kate a boy. I think its fantastic that they try to be relatable even while they live a life that very few do, and I hope everything goes well for the happy couple! 

Matt Saba

Mar 18, 2013, 10:35:00 AM3/18/13

This cartoon is referencing the court ruling that mayor Michael Bloomberg’s law dealing with the size of soda allowed to be sold in New York City. The law the Bloomberg created limited the size of the drink that could be served in restaurants and shops. The cartoonist shows two people that are obviously severely overweight celebrating the judge’s ruling, in a similar was to how people would react to winning the lottery; accompanied by the words “WE WON!” The cartoonist is obviously of the opinion that this kind of regulation would be a good thing and the fact that the judge ruled against it is not a good thing in his eyes.


This cartoon is referencing the recent selection of the new Pope. Because each of the cardinals takes a vow of secrecy, no one really knows what happens in this religious conclave. This cartoon exhibits one of the possible, but also highly unlikely, ideas. Truthfully, this would be pretty cool if the cardinals just shot half-court shots to determine the new Pope, but I doubt that anything that interesting really happens.


Mar 18, 2013, 4:50:25 PM3/18/13


This article from the New York Times gives a concise overview of this weekend’s movie hits. Author Brooks Barnes sums up the box office happenings in two short paragraphs, whilst introducing some surprising statistics. As anticipated Disney’s Oz took an estimated $42.2 million in both Canada and the United States, leading at number one. However, second in this weeks charts was “The Call” starring Halle Berry, bringing in $17.1 million; the amazing part is that it only cost $15 million to make, which stands as a low price tag compared the amount paid to make most movies in this era. I hope to see Oz in the near future because I love James Franco and the Wizard of Oz so I wonder whether it will live up to its expectations.


Although this article from the Huffington Post may seem more or less unimportant, I think that the headline alone, “Jennifer Lopez Flashes Bra During Day Out With Twins”, characterizes a shameful decadence and indifference towards personal appearance of the 21st century. While there have been many fashion breakthroughs in this decade, there have also been some unforgivable mistakes. It is sad to think that girls can get away with wearing hot pink bras under see through shirts, but for a cultural icon to embrace this apathetic attitude toward her image is shocking to me. However, usually classy and sophisticated Jennifer Lopez, in her fashion choices displayed in this article, epitomizes the growing unconcern for one’s image in this day and age. Nonetheless, the skirts continue to get smaller, the tops get lower, the bras get brighter in color and all the while, society never fails to embrace it all. 

Ben Skalla

Mar 18, 2013, 4:56:07 PM3/18/13

This article discusses the ability America now has to become energy independent.  The drilling of natural gas and oil is currently booming in America.  In Texas and North Dakota, this industry is bringing many jobs.  This resource is much larger than it was expected to be.  New drilling techniques are allowing people to extract oil and gas from areas once considered unable to be drilled.  Although this industry is doing very well in the United States, it is important that a lot of research continues to go into alternate fuel sources that are less harmful to the environment.  

After failing to pass a ban on large sized soda drinks in New York City, mayor Bloomberg is now pushing for new legislation forcing stores to hide cigarettes.  Because the public display of cigarettes and tobacco products suggests that smoking is a normal activity, it "invites young people to experiment with tobacco." If this legislation were to be passed, stores would be required to move cigarettes to under the counter or some other hidden location.  It would be interesting if this passed, because it would be the first time businesses were forced to hide a legal product from public view.  Some suggested that this would lead to the "slippery slope effect" where other products would follow suite in being hidden.  I don't see any issues with this being suggested, because it is not preventing anybody from purchasing tobacco products, it is just limiting their exposure to young impressionable people.  

Mikaela Litchfield

Mar 18, 2013, 5:09:00 PM3/18/13



Last summer, two football players raped an intoxicated 16 year old girl at a party and the judge sentenced them to a year in juvenile jail and they will spend the rest of their lives registered as sex offenders. I completely agree with those who criticized CNN's coverage of the Steubenville verdict, those who covered it at CNN completely disregarded the impact the rape had on the victim- they only talked about how two young boys’ bright futures were compromised as a result of this crime. This kind of pity towards the rapist and not the victim only propels the rape culture that is already rampant in our society. Honestly, I’m less angry at those individuals who violated and disrespected (to put it lightly) that poor girl, and more angry with the fact that they don’t even consider themselves rapists because they weren’t lurking in a dark alley or abducting anyone. Rape is something so grossly overlooked in our society and it’s incredibly frustrating how something so avoidable is so prevalent.


This article was predictable, but surprising at the same time (if that makes sense). It’s obvious that the food one would think to be more caloric is actually the lesser of the two evils, but it’s surprising of how much of a gap there is between them. For example, bacon is only 180 calories while a seemingly healthy yogurt and granola concoction is 520. However, the audience needs to keep in mind that while something may have less calories it still could be worse for you as far as fat and processing goes.


Julie Daniels

Mar 18, 2013, 5:21:36 PM3/18/13

This is very scary news especially since we are going to be going off to college in just a short amount of time. The fact that this could have happened to anyone sickens me. This person who was found with many assault weapons as well as homemade explosives. It was later revealed that he was a student who had shot himself.  If he hadn’t, who knows what kind of damage he would have caused or who else he would have wounded other than himself. I hope this doesn’t happen again.

I find this article to be very interesting. The “Hitler Salute” as it has been named was made famous by the one and only Adolf Hitler. When used today, it symbolizes support for the Nazi party and their ideology. I was appalled when I found out that this greek soccer player did this on the field. He claimed that he did not know what it meant and didn’t intend for it to look like that when he was actually waving at a friend. Nevertheless, almost everyone thought he was doing the Hitler Salute and the player was banned from soccer and his team as well as now having a horrible reputation. 

Orion Farr

Mar 18, 2013, 5:21:45 PM3/18/13
As the cardinals deliberated in Rome last week, halfway around the
world in Hollywood another Pope was being picked. A new television
drama about the Vatican has selected as its pontiff an actor best
known for playing Adolf Hitler.

The Swiss actor Bruno Ganz, 71, will take the role of the fictional
Pope Sixtus VI in a pilot episode of The Vatican, a thriller series
from the cable network Showtime, which also produces Homeland and
Dexter. Ganz is most famous for his portrayal of Hitler in the 2004
film Downfall, about the Nazi leader’s final days in his Berlin
The man behind the private space project dubbed Mars One is looking
for people to travel to Mars, but he's not offering a return ticket.

"The technology to get humans to Mars and keep them alive there
exists," Bas Lansdorp told Day 6 host Brent Bambury in an interview
that aired this week on CBC Radio.

"The technology to bring humans from Mars back to Earth simply does
not exist yet."
I guess Mars isn't a good place to raise your kids yet
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Julie Daniels

Mar 18, 2013, 5:25:54 PM3/18/13
I think this is a very eye opening political cartoon. When dealing with Mayor Bloomberg's soda restriction all he wanted was to put a few regulations on the sizes that are sold. By doing this,  he would limit many people and the amount of soda that they drink. All of this is done with the intention of making the people in his city a little healthier. The cartoonist here is attempting to imply that this should have been passed by showing the overweight judges that rejected the law and how it would have been a very good for them if they helped it pass

Julie Daniels

Mar 18, 2013, 5:29:34 PM3/18/13
Lets face it, everyone would want to be the baby of William and Kate. That child will be one of the most publicized children in the world and will be treated very, very well. Everyone is excited for its arrival and the revealing of what sex it actually is. Although the royal couple doesn't yet know what it will be, it will still be a very famous one

Alexandra Chin

Mar 18, 2013, 5:40:46 PM3/18/13

Here this article addresses the growing concern of internet hackers and the unimaginative minds of those who create these "secure passwords". One in ten people's passwords are some variation on the old "1234" combo. Some suggestions to prevent hackers from stealing your personal information is to use an abbreviated sentence or having your answer to the security question be something ridiculous, such as "What is you mother's maiden name?" and have the answer be "The Great Barrier Reef." 


Mar 18, 2013, 6:28:47 PM3/18/13
"Lindsay Lohan strikes plea deal, ordered to rehab."

This article details the recent events regarding Lindsay Lohan's newest "misdemeanor." She will do 90 days at a lockdown rehabilitation center, 30 days of community labor, and 18 months of psychological counseling. First of all, the fact that news now centers around this says much about the culture we have become, and second of all, I really am not interested in hearing about her hundredth time drunk driving or exhibiting unlawful behavior. Lohan's attorney is very confident that we will not be seeing her in any criminal courts any time in the future. I wonder how long that will last...


Mar 18, 2013, 6:40:18 PM3/18/13

A new machine, developed by biomedical engineering professor Constantin Coussios and Peter Friend of the Oxford Transplant Centre, keeps a human liver alive at normal body temperature through perfusion, or supplying it with oxygenated red blood cells. The team has been working on this since 1994 and they have finally succeeded in creating new technology that can keep human livers warm and functioning outside the body for 24 hours before transplanting them. With 30,000 American and European patients awaiting livers, some of whom will die before they can get one, the machine could ultimately double the number of lives available for transplant. A prodigious advancement in the scientific world and for humanity in general, it will most likely be on market in 2014. 


Mar 18, 2013, 6:43:00 PM3/18/13
In reply to Isabella's article:

I couldn't agree more. The number of times we have seen the mug shots and unlawful behavior of Lindsey Lohan is ridiculous. Although the attorney claims that we won't be seeing her in any criminal courts any time in the future, like Isabella, I really doubt the validity of this proposition. Lohan continues to get herself into trouble, even after the long periods in rehabilitation centers, countless hours of community service and much-needed therapy. Obviously, her life is a wreck, which most of the world has come to understand, yet the fact that we continue to report on these pointless arrests of a young girl who thinks it is okay to drunk drive and break the law is just a waste of time. While I feel sorry for her, she brings everything upon herself and is in control of her own decisions, but she seems to be making all the wrong choices.


Mar 18, 2013, 6:55:31 PM3/18/13
In response to Elizabeth's article:

As a true-born Brit myself, it's probably obvious that I would be interesting in all the royalty chit chat, especially with Kate and William's first baby on the way. Like Elizabeth said, even though the royals don't have much to do with America, it is so easy for one to get caught up in the hype of British royalty. I think the fact that they have differing ideas about the gender of the baby evidently showcases them as regular human beings, not aristocratic, snobbish people who think they are above everyone else. This alone is definitely good for their publicity and popularity among the people. However, one can tell they are genuinely kind people who just want to live normal lives, although the life of a British royalty is far from normal. I can't wait to see what the baby is; I hope, like William, that it is a girl!


Mar 18, 2013, 7:46:12 PM3/18/13

Being an avid art fan, I find this incredible! I would be terribly excited to have been there for the discovery of this painting, especially because it was painted by such a renown artist. I think this article written by Bryony Jones appeals to everyone who has a passion for art and history. Originally it was thought that this painting was the work of one of Rembrandt's pupils but further testing has shown that it was most likely done by the master himself as a self-portrait. This painting is worth more than $30 million dollars, showing the value in this piece of art.

I heard this rumor while I was listening to the radio the other day and honestly it didn't phase me in the slightest. Lil Wayne is just a typical rap star (which I am not a fan of) and I wouldn't be surprised if these rumors were true. Nonetheless they have been proven false and Wayne has been reclusive because he is trying to rest and recover from seizures he had. The buzz was that Wayne was dead, but "Weezy" is still alive and well. 

grace miller

Mar 18, 2013, 7:51:44 PM3/18/13

This article, written by Michael Pearson, describes and shows in a video the trial going on in the state of Ohio right now. Two teenage boys are being convicted of rape.  One is sentenced to a minimum of two years in a juvenile correctional facility while the other received a minimum of one year. These boys also took pictures of this instance and were not reluctant to sharing them. The thing that most surprised and sickened me about this article was that two 16-year-old girls were arrested Monday on charges of making threats against the victim via Twitter. I would not be surprised if it were two males who were threatening the victim of rape but I just don’t understand how two girls could be so awful to a victim of such an awful thing.


in this article written by Dan Merica, it is explained that many people noticed a resemblance in Obama and  the character of Satan in a television show that had just aired. There was an estimated 20,000 tweets containing the words “Obama” and “Satan” since the 9:00 p.m. ET hour on Sunday, the hour in which Satan appears in the two-hour show. This article is nonsense. I don’t understand how it could be news worthy and frankly do not believe that an actor to play Satan would be hired for the sole purpose of looking like the president.


Randy May

Mar 18, 2013, 8:07:29 PM3/18/13

On Friday, March 15, two kids, 9 and 10 years old, helped save a baby's life by instructing the mother on how to give CPR. The boy sad he learned how to give CPR by reading a poster on it in his health class. The baby's life was saved and spent the next two nights in the hospital. This story is incredible because it is amazing that a kid that age had the ability to react that confidently and quickly. It is also great that this boy spent the time to actually learn something in health class instead of goofing around which most people do.


Randy May

Mar 18, 2013, 8:11:56 PM3/18/13

The new feature on google maps allows users to explore and digitally climb Mount Everest. Hundreds of pictures and 3D videos were created to allow the user to climb up and down the great mountain, and make it actually seem like they are climbing. This new application is very cool and thousands of people will use it. I know I am very interested in seeing what Mount Everest actually looks like from a climbing perspective.


Mar 18, 2013, 9:31:24 PM3/18/13

This Onion article is so ridiculously funny I couldn't help but to share it.  The writers of this piece have already poked fun at the new pope by claiming that he has revolutionized the Catholic Church by demonstrating how to use a condom in Vatican Square.  In doing so, the authors ridicule the conservative teachers of the Church because they imply that this is what the Pope should be doing with his power.  My favorite line from the piece is definitely the closing line:  "Francis added that though he understood condom use was not ideal for maximizing sexual pleasure and personally prefers not to wear them, they are the most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases besides abstaining from sex altogether."


Mar 18, 2013, 9:40:16 PM3/18/13

This political cartoon is timely, humorous, and effective.  The cartoonist, Christopher Weyant, illustrates in this piece that the Republican Party has no diversity and therefore does not stand a chance in "March Madness" against the motley of backgrounds found in the Democratic Party.  March Madness here represents future elections because each team found on the bracket stands as a representative in each respective party.  Numerous different groups are found under the Democratic Party, whereas only Old White Men are playing for the Republicans.  In doing so, Weyant successfully depicts his belief that the Republicans only represent one small portion of the American public and cannot even compete with the diverse Democratic Party.


Mar 18, 2013, 9:55:02 PM3/18/13

 This creates a parallel between the Vogue magazine and the “Vague” magazine, which symbolizes Obama’s policies and claims. Upon closer examination, we see, “Fiscal plan? Budget? Deficit?” These are the major problems that Obama must tend to, yet aside from his claims for encouragement and his promises to resolve economic problems, no one really knows what it is he is doing. It reminds me of Romney in how, although Obama doesn’t constantly change his standings, he still isn’t sure what he’s doing and that’s evident among the American citizenry.

 This cartoon alludes to Obama’s military cuts, and current threats from North Korea. Although we should all take Korea for the ignorant and conceited joke that is, the purpose is to show that maybe cutting from the military isn’t the best idea. The umbrella, symbolizing our defense, isn’t as effective post budget cuts, as shown by the section cut off. America is now more prone to attacks from any source. 


Mar 18, 2013, 10:07:50 PM3/18/13

When i read the title to this, I immediately thought of it to be absolutely ridiculous and and attempt to stir up people into thinking a TV show would portray a Satan character to look exactly like Obama. After the photo popped up, Satan's character does look strikingly similar to Obama, however it is just as easy to say it is pure coincidence. Whatever the case, I feel that this article's tone was to stir people up, and I think from its perspective and portrayal it will be successful in that aspect.

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 18, 2013, 10:09:26 PM3/18/13

I saw the description for this article and had to click on it.  In the History Channel's "The Bible", Satan has a resemblance to President Obama.  Although it obviously was not done on purpose, there definitely is a likeness.  People were going crazy on Twitter as well.  I think this is pretty funny, and I do see a slight resemblance.  What do you think?

            It has been discovered that in Europe many meat products claiming to be all beef contain horsemeat.  This horsemeat has been found in the meat products of several major European suppliers.  These suppliers in turn have blamed subsuppliers.  Although it poses no health hazard, and horsemeat is a common food in some European countries, if people buy products claiming to be all beef, they expect all beef.  However, some of the horsemeat may contain a veterinary drug that could be harmful to humans.  Also, it is against Muslim and Jewish dietary laws to eat horsemeat.  



Mar 18, 2013, 10:12:58 PM3/18/13

I think this article poses a fair new law that requires people entering Disney to be at least 14 years of age. I think this is a good idea because it will help to eliminate  children getting lost in Disney and sort of ruining the vacation. I think it's a fair rule, even if will initiate controversy, because everything initiates controversy. People will argue that the age should be older, or younger, or not a rule at all, but I think the article is composed in a matter-of-fact tone that states the facts and purpose.

Mar 19, 2013, 5:39:45 PM3/19/13

           In this highly disturbing article, Jay Reeves writes of the 2012 shooting at an Alabama university. Reeves explains the horrific events and how this Harvard-educated biologist, Amy Bishop, killed three of her colleagues and severely wounded three others. He explains the scene, from the outbreak of the shooting by Bishop to a witness trying to calm her down as the shooting was going on. This witness, Debra Moriarity, was aimed at directly, but the gun had jammed and Bishop was unable to finish her off. With a somber tone, Reeves brings the story to justice and tells the reader of Bishop’s life-sentence to prison. Bishop had avoided the death penalty by pleading insanity. “She is shattered beyond belief,” Bishop’s attorney, Roy Miller stated in an argument during the case. After almost three years of trial and waiting periods, this insane in the brain woman has been brought to justice. Perhaps one of the more disturbing aspects of this story, is the fact that Bishop had dealt with murder earlier in her lifetime. She had been tried for the 1986 killing of her eighteen-year-old brother, Seth Bishop. The trial had been ruled an accident while Amy had been unloading her father’s gun. I don’t understand this at all, and I don’t understand why this wouldn’t have played a role in her recently-finished trial. This deeply upsets me. The murder and injure of six colleagues should not serve as a difficult decision to make whether Bishop was guilty or innocent. Reeves writes to those involved or following this trial to expose the justice that had been brought to this woman. I was appalled in the reading of this article… This was absolutely awful.

In this political cartoon, it displays the economic state that America is currently in, or rather the greater point the cartoon is trying to represent, is what got us here in the first place. The cartoon has a classic "fiscal cliff" robot about to run rampant on whatever lies ahead. It's causing damage and it's ruining it's surroundings: our country. Next to it, there is an elephant and a donkey (The republican and democrat signs) saying that they built it. What I believe this cartoon is saying is that it was neither the republicans or democrats that put our country in the economic state we are in. This fiscal cliff was set up by Obama and his predecessor, George Bush. There is not one party or president to put the blame on. Our country's state of turmoil is caused by every aspect that has affected it in the past years, including both parties. THEY BUILT THE ROBOT


Mar 19, 2013, 9:49:37 PM3/19/13
In reply to your first article:

Like Rachel, I am fascinated with art and its history, so I had a similar reaction. It is amazing how we continue to discover artifacts from centuries ago, not only in art, but in every aspect of life and culture. There is something about these discoveries that bring to life ancient cultures, ones that are so diverse from the 21st century. In this article, they uncover what seems to be yet another painting by Rembrandt, an artistic genius of 17th century European art. Being an admirer of his work, I would have loved to be at the site of this when it happened, let alone see the self-portrait in person. 


Mar 19, 2013, 9:58:55 PM3/19/13
In reply to your first article:

My mom and I were just the other day discussing what had happened at this school in Ohio. It is utterly appalling and saddening that these boys would even consider doing what they did to this girl. Yes, she was completely wasted, but that gives them no right whatsoever to violently abuse, rape, and take advantage of her like they did. I could not believe that people present at the party took photos and video of this, sharing them amongst one another and doing little or nothing to help the girl; I can't even begin to understand why any human being would participate in this. I have no words. This incident was entirely unavoidable. Humanity's capacity for cruelty is sometimes just incomprehensible. 
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Mar 20, 2013, 7:47:42 PM3/20/13
I had never heard of this instance where a shooting occurred at yet another university, by one of the university's employed nonetheless. This crazy lady definitely needs help by some psychiatrists. She is for sure insane, I mean she supposedly killed her brother. Its interesting to hear of this event, and hopefully the government will get on this gun-control to stop people like this from obtaining them. 


Mar 20, 2013, 7:57:58 PM3/20/13
I read about this a few days ago, and wow it was very shocking. I don't understand why colleges are such targets for violence, especially violence that results in death. Of course it is a tragedy when anyone takes their own life, but think of the potential deaths if this guy had used the weapons he had. 

Matt Saba

Mar 20, 2013, 9:11:32 PM3/20/13
America's energy independence would be a great thing that would bode well for the future, especially if we could focus on clean, renewable energy. It is great though that the oil and natural gas industries are creating many jobs in an economy that definitely needs more jobs. Right now the United States is heavily dependent on many things from overseas, especially oil from the Middle East and many products from China. The only way for the United States to reach our full potential is if we are to become a completely self sustaining entity that does not have to rely on oil Sheiks for energy and a communist power for all of our daily possessions. To become independent, especially in the field of energy, would make America a truly great nation.

On Monday, March 18, 2013 4:56:07 PM UTC-4, Ben Skalla wrote:

This article discusses the ability America now has to become energy independent.  The drilling of natural gas and oil is currently booming in America.  In Texas and North Dakota, this industry is bringing many jobs.  This resource is much larger than it was expected to be.  New drilling techniques are allowing people to extract oil and gas from areas once considered unable to be drilled.  Although this industry is doing very well in the United States, it is important that a lot of research continues to go into alternate fuel sources that are less harmful to the environment. 

Matt Saba

Mar 20, 2013, 9:30:49 PM3/20/13
I think that there is a definite likeness between President Obama and the Moroccan actor who played Satan in History Channel's "The Bible". It is a funny coincedence, but I also believe that too much attention has been given to somthing that should be relatively insignificant. If this acot were playing anyone other than Satan, I highly doubt that it would have been as big a deal. This is the same thing that happened with the new Dark Knight movie. The movie came out just before the 2012 election, and as you might know the main antagonist was named Bane, which sounds a lot like Baine in Baine Capital, which is the company that Mitt Romney ran. It is the same kind of thing, which i find very funny.

Mar 20, 2013, 10:50:39 PM3/20/13
So what? If this actor proved to be the most accurate display of Satan's character then they should allow him to be Satan without stirring up controversy. I highly doubt that they cast the role to send a message saying that Obama is any type of evil. That is just stupid. That is a stupid reason to cast someone in a show that is hopefully going to be a success. I have never seen the scenes he is in or the show, but I would bet that the actor portraying Satan did a fine job, and it was because of his acting skills that he was cast. Not because he looks like Obama.
Which... he does. Ha.

Mar 20, 2013, 10:56:27 PM3/20/13
Congratulations to the happy couple. Well, you know what? Love is a lie. Love is a stupid, dirty lie! It's a trap. Everything always ends. So what if they are going to have a boy or a girl, and so what if they're adorable together, and so-freaking-what if they're in "love"? It's all just going to come to a bitter, bitter end someday. And I'm going to be there laughing as it crashes and burns. I warned everybody. Don't fall in love. It is a freakin' sham. It's a waste of time that could be spent being alone and doing productive things like writing a critical essay on WHY love is such a hoax. It's a train wreck bound to happen. So, no, I am not happy for the two. I am the exact opposite of happy. I am sad for them. Love is a joke.

On Monday, March 18, 2013 7:32:09 AM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
So I, like many other people, am very excited for the birth of the new heir to the British throne, and even though William and Kate have nothing to do with the US, they almost the closest thing that we have to American Royalty. I think its adorable that the two have different thoughts on whether or not they want a girl or a boy, and that they differ from they typical parents in that Will wants a girl and Kate a boy. I think its fantastic that they try to be relatable even while they live a life that very few do, and I hope everything goes well for the happy couple! 

Ben Skalla

Mar 21, 2013, 5:10:33 PM3/21/13
Obesity is becoming a much larger issue in the United States.  In recent years, Mississippi, has reached a rate of 1 out of 3 people being obese.  Although New York is pretty far from this high of a rate, Michael Bloomberg is definitely concerned with this issue.  He attempted to create a ban on the sale of large sodas in restaurants.  This does not sound like the best way to limit the consumption of soda, considering it is simple enough to buy a second drink.  Come to think of it, there is no easy way to lessen the amount of soda that people consume.  Bloomberg's new plan to keep New York City healthier is to hide all tobacco products.  People would still be allowed to buy them, but they would have to be hidden behind the counter in stores so that younger people are not exposed to them so often and are not encouraged to begin smoking.  

On Monday, March 18, 2013 10:35:00 AM UTC-4, Matt Saba wrote:

This cartoon is referencing the court ruling that mayor Michael Bloomberg’s law dealing with the size of soda allowed to be sold in New York City. The law the Bloomberg created limited the size of the drink that could be served in restaurants and shops. The cartoonist shows two people that are obviously severely overweight celebrating the judge’s ruling, in a similar was to how people would react to winning the lottery; accompanied by the words “WE WON!” The cartoonist is obviously of the opinion that this kind of regulation would be a good thing and the fact that the judge ruled against it is not a good thing in his eyes.

Ben Skalla

Mar 21, 2013, 5:59:20 PM3/21/13
I also find this article to be pretty funny.  I definitely don't think that this was intentional in the slightest.  I completely agree with the producers comment about all of the fuss when he said that this whole claim is "utter nonsense." I personally don't think that the two images look all that similar and I would have never even thought to compare the man from the show to Obama.

On Monday, March 18, 2013 10:09:26 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:


Mar 21, 2013, 6:33:19 PM3/21/13
I actually used a cartoon similar to this last week, one that alluded to the March Madness and the election of the Pope. I like how their oath of secrecy allows us to create irrational explanations for the way they really go about electing the new Pope. I've often wondered what actually goes on in there, whether its a whole bunch of old guys playing bingo, them taking half-court shots, or well, just plain old boring stuff.

On Monday, March 18, 2013 10:35:00 AM UTC-4, Matt Saba wrote:


This cartoon is referencing the recent selection of the new Pope. Because each of the cardinals takes a vow of secrecy, no one really knows what happens in this religious conclave. This cartoon exhibits one of the possible, but also highly unlikely, ideas. Truthfully, this would be pretty cool if the cardinals just shot half-court shots to determine the new Pope, but I doubt that anything that interesting really happens.


Mar 21, 2013, 6:42:44 PM3/21/13
I agree, this isn't a bad idea. There is no harm done by taking cigarettes and tobacco products from display, and it is only doing good by those, as you called it, "impressionable people." By hiding it, store owners won't be limiting customer's accessibility to the product, its just not advertising it and attracting the attention of those prone to the exposure. Also, just a side note, I'm not quite sure what exactly a ban on large sized soda drinks does, its like reducing gun clip capacity, it doesn't really change anything. 

After failing to pass a ban on large sized soda drinks in New York City, mayor Bloomberg is now pushing for new legislation forcing stores to hide cigarettes.  Because the public display of cigarettes and tobacco products suggests that smoking is a normal activity, it "invites young people to experiment with tobacco." If this legislation were to be passed, stores would be required to move cigarettes to under the counter or some other hidden location.  It would be interesting if this passed, because it would be the first time businesses were forced to hide a legal product from public view.  Some suggested that this would lead to the "slippery slope effect" where other products would follow suite in being hidden.  I don't see any issues with this being suggested, because it is not preventing anybody from purchasing tobacco products, it is just limiting their exposure to young impressionable people.  

Alexandra Chin

Mar 21, 2013, 7:47:24 PM3/21/13
In Response to Satan Looking Like Obama and Vice Versa

I find it comical the likeness between the two images. however if I had seen the picture of Satan on my own right without the image of Barack Obama beside it I don't I would have thought too much of it. If an actor happened to look like Obama who also was representing Satan I would consider just taking it with a grain of salt. There is not one doubt in my mind that the History Channel didn't mean for such a confusion to happen. 

In Response to Hiding Cigarettes

Personally I thought the extra large soda ban was rather silly and really didn't do much. When it comes to the cigarettes I also am rather skeptical to the effectiveness of such a plan. Despite the saying out of sight, out of min I do not think that this applies for someone who is already addicted to cigarettes. If anything it will make those who buy cigarettes a bit more irritable due to the fact that they cannot find their cigarettes in a store.

Orion Farr

Mar 21, 2013, 8:07:09 PM3/21/13
In response to your first article

Thats just plain gross, It's not even like they are trying to hide the
fact that they are selling very unhealthy products to children
nonetheless It seems like its their job to get kids addicted on
caffeine and such. This underscores the responsibilities of parents to
refrain from buying such products, but as we can see from Appalachia,
this drink will be popular.

Why would you even need 200 dollars a month if you had won the lottery
and became a millionaire? That amount of money is so worthless is
comparison. It probably had something to do with the drugs she was
using and involved in. It's sad to think that people can be so
selfish, and can steal from the government like that,
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Mikaela Litchfield

Mar 21, 2013, 8:44:50 PM3/21/13
I cringed at the thought of someone in 2013 doing the Hitler salute; even if he didn't mean to and was really just waving at a friend, that's still somewhat humiliating that everyone thought he was showing his support for Nazi ideology. It's interesting to me how ingrained the Holocaust and Hitler's rule is in us, even in the modern era.  

Randy May

Mar 21, 2013, 8:54:51 PM3/21/13

In the response to Obama looking like Satan article, if I ever watched that show, after seeing the actors face I don't think I would have immediately thought he looked like Obama. And I don't think anyone was trying to make Satan look like Obama in the first place. Actually I think it is really funny how they kind of look alike, but I would have never immediately thought that the makers of the show were trying to compare Obama to Satan. That is just hysterical.
In response to the eating horse meat article, that is horrifying that people would be combining different types of meat together, when the label is saying it is just one certain type of meat. This article makes me think if there could possibly be any other traces of different types of meat in other products. I mean it may be in some people's culture to eat horse meat, but if I ever learned that I was eating butchered horse, I think I would throw up. That thought just horrifies me.


Mar 21, 2013, 9:05:04 PM3/21/13
I completely argue, Betsy, this article only adds to my nerves about going to college.  What if something like this happens to me or someone I am close with while they are at college?  I feel as though this article, which does an excellent job in conveying the facts to its readers, is a perfect example as to why more gun control needs to be put in place around the country.  Otherwise, who knows what consequences could result from the violent motives of some people...

On Monday, March 18, 2013 7:26:55 AM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
Going to college in a few years, this is definantly one of the things that I find scary. The University of Central Florida is now closed down for all classes and employees until noon after police were notified of a suspicious death in one of the dorms. With further investigation, several weapons and an explosive device were also found. I hope that nothing awful comes of this situation and that it is solved quickly. 


Mar 21, 2013, 9:08:20 PM3/21/13
I agree that this rule is fair, especially for other guests at the parks. Kids can be obnoxious and annoying, especially when unsupervised, so I feel that this rule will create a happier atmosphere within the "Happiest place on earth". I feel like this rule could also be due to a safety concern because children are always getting hurt. If something happens to the child and a parent cant be reached, the park probably has some more liability details to deal with. Lastly, I'm not really sure who would let their 14-year-old wander around an amusement park alone; who knows what could happen to them. This rule it totally fair and hopefully may not cause much of an issue. 


Mar 21, 2013, 9:11:21 PM3/21/13
This article is the epitome of why I hate pop culture.  The author of this piece does an excellent job at presenting the facts of Lohan's misdemeanor to his readers, but I feel as though this article is just another example of another celebrity habitually breaking their plea deals.  Lohan, Spears, Hitlon: they're all the same to me.  I feel as though the American public would do well to keep out of Lohan's business and not be surprised that this has happened once again.  Furthermore, I believe that this does not even deserve the press time it gets when there are much more important things in the world to get the spotlight.

On Monday, March 18, 2013 6:28:47 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:
"Lindsay Lohan strikes plea deal, ordered to rehab."

This article details the recent events regarding Lindsay Lohan's newest "misdemeanor." She will do 90 days at a lockdown rehabilitation center, 30 days of community labor, and 18 months of psychological counseling. First of all, the fact that news now centers around this says much about the culture we have become, and second of all, I really am not interested in hearing about her hundredth time drunk driving or exhibiting unlawful behavior. Lohan's attorney is very confident that we will not be seeing her in any criminal courts any time in the future. I wonder how long that will last...


Mar 21, 2013, 9:14:21 PM3/21/13
This article defiantly gave me a little laugh, and the similarities are not all that similar. After being told that the two look alike, I do see the similarities, but had I not been told that the two look alike, I, like Ben, never would have made the connection. I do feel like this article exemplifies the amount of nonsense that the American public typically sees in the news. Articles such as this one routinely pop up, yet I'm sure there are other stories that should be getting more attention than this one, yet do not because the public is so rapped up in their entertainment. 

On Monday, March 18, 2013 10:07:50 PM UTC-4, jamiemelville1 wrote:

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 21, 2013, 10:11:42 PM3/21/13
I do not know how thrilling a show about the Pope will be, but I am sure it will be pretty interesting.  I have heard of this actor before.  I never saw the movie Downfall, but I have seen the part where Hitler completely freaks out.  It has generated some pretty funny "Hitler Reacts" videos on YouTube.
As the cardinals deliberated in Rome last week, halfway around the
world in Hollywood another Pope was being picked. A new television
drama about the Vatican has selected as its pontiff an actor best
known for playing Adolf Hitler.

The Swiss actor Bruno Ganz, 71, will take the role of the fictional
Pope Sixtus VI in a pilot episode of The Vatican, a thriller series
from the cable network Showtime, which also produces Homeland and
Dexter. Ganz is most famous for his portrayal of Hitler in the 2004
film Downfall, about the Nazi leader’s final days in his Berlin

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 21, 2013, 10:19:40 PM3/21/13
If these kids were so concerned about their future maybe they should not have acted in such a terrible way.  Rape is a horrible, horrible thing that scars the victim for life.  These boys are getting what they deserved.  I feel sorry for that poor girl whose bright future can be very well ruined now.



Last summer, two football players raped an intoxicated 16 year old girl at a party and the judge sentenced them to a year in juvenile jail and they will spend the rest of their lives registered as sex offenders. I completely agree with those who criticized CNN's coverage of the Steubenville verdict, those who covered it at CNN completely disregarded the impact the rape had on the victim- they only talked about how two young boys’ bright futures were compromised as a result of this crime. This kind of pity towards the rapist and not the victim only propels the rape culture that is already rampant in our society. Honestly, I’m less angry at those individuals who violated and disrespected (to put it lightly) that poor girl, and more angry with the fact that they don’t even consider themselves rapists because they weren’t lurking in a dark alley or abducting anyone. Rape is something so grossly overlooked in our society and it’s incredibly frustrating how something so avoidable is so prevalent.


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