DJ's 4/29/2013

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Apr 27, 2013, 9:18:04 PM4/27/13
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Apr 27, 2013, 9:47:54 PM4/27/13
I found this article particularly interesting especially because I feel that this is definitely visible within our everyday society. I was somewhat surprised by the statistics presented, especially when 38% of adult gay men said they had been victimized for their sexual orientation, yet only 13% of lesbians said the same thing. I wholeheartedly agree with the article, however, when it states that this could be due to the fact that boys are 'supposed' to look one way, while it is more acceptable for women to be tomboyish or feminine. I feel that the article also also brings up a good point when it states that society makes it easier for women athletes than it does for male athletes to come out- recently, male athletes typically wait until they leave the sport while women come out before they leave and rarely have difficulties. Lastly, the end of the article points out that society doesnt necessarily accept two father families and  believes that men cannot raise children; they typically act as if "men aren't nurturing. And if they're too nurturing people get suspicious". I personally feel that this article brings up some very good points on this popular topic without being too biased.

On Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:18:04 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


Apr 27, 2013, 9:56:47 PM4/27/13
This NY Times article brings up a very interesting, yet hurtful for many people, event that occurred over the last few days. A few blocks away from Ground Zero, an airplane part from a Boing 767 was found, a find that makes many people hopeful, yet brings back memories that some don't want to remember. The NY Police plan to search for human remains over the next few days, something that I feel could be detrimental to some victims or family members of victims who do not want to remember certain details of that awful day. I'm not totally sure if finding anything would be good- would it help some families by finding the remains of a loved one?, or open up emotional problems throughout survivors? 


Apr 28, 2013, 9:44:09 PM4/28/13


This article from the New York Times presents an alternate conclusion for what most doctors and physicians would refer to as A.D.H.D., attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The author narrates about a patient he treated recently who had all the symptoms of A.D.H.D., but the idiosyncrasy lies in the fact that they began just two years before he turned 31. An important factor in diagnosing A.D.H.D. is that the symptoms date back to childhood, which was not the case for this patient. The doctor later discovered the problem to be chronic sleep deficiency, which was mended by a better sleeping schedule. I found this to be intriguing because it illuminates the significance of sleep in order to lead a healthy life. Especially with our school schedule at SHS, most of us are victims of lack of sleep due to the inhumane hours we wake up at; however, this article verifies why sleep is so essential. It could cause an individual to be falsely diagnosed with A.D.H.D. when in reality, all we need is a little bit more sleep.


Apr 28, 2013, 10:04:16 PM4/28/13


It has been six months since Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc in New Jersey and many other areas throughout the Northeast. Tens of thousands of people still remain homeless, and many are still in the midst of recovery almost half a year later. In light of the Boston Marathon Bombings and Newtown Shootings, the devastation from Superstorm Sandy has been somewhat cast aside by the American public; however, this article from Yahoo! News serves as a gentle reminder about the tragedy that we witnessed here at home, in Sparta, which may be mostly over for us, but is still very much present in the lives of others. Although many measures towards recovery have been taken, the process is slow and ongoing. People continue to live in hotel rooms, or are staying at their friend’s houses, or are dealing with insurance companies. Thankfully, Sandy’s devastation seems to have escaped Sparta for now, but for me, this piece was an importance moment of remembrance for what happened back in October and is still affecting the lives of many in April of 2013. 

Liz Anderson

Apr 29, 2013, 11:35:47 AM4/29/13

This article investigates a trip to Russia which resulted in Tsarnaev's radical involvement in a muslim insurgence group. First what was interesting to me about this article was that it deals with travels in Russia. I am travelling to Russia in June, and I am surprised after the intensive process of acquiring a Visa to do so, that this man bucked the system. Secondly with everything that has been happening on the world stage lately this does not surprise me. Now more than ever regardless of where you are it is necessary to be fully aware of your surroundings and understand what to do if you are victim to an attack.

In this article it uncovers an invasive species known as a feral pig. These feral pigs came to the United States by merely hundreds and have grown expoentially due to their ability to escape firing squads. Feral pigs, like feral cats are extremely dangerous and deadly killing machines. Hunters have thought them to be deer at first glance and then later realized they are belonging to the feral pig family. These pigs are extremely frightening to me, and the fact that we have such dangerous invasive species makes me skeptical to leisurely stroll through the woods in Sparta.

Apr 29, 2013, 1:12:09 PM4/29/13

I was immediately drawn to this post because last year we watched Prom Night in Mississippi in TFez's class. It's so crazy how in some places, they still hold segregated proms, and that such a big effort has to be made to put an end to this all. Just like in the video, it seems that it's almost entirely the parents pushing to keep things segregated, not the students who are actually affected by it. It was also nice to read the Facebook was used in a positive way for this event, because so often, social media websites are being villianized in the news, instead of celebrated for their positive aspects.


Apr 29, 2013, 2:29:04 PM4/29/13

As a kid, and even at my own age, I still fear serial killers. This is so scary and sad! It is definitely something you don't hear about everyday. Its so tragic to hear about this, especially after the Boston Bombings. I hope they catch whoever committed this crime. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family affected by this. It serves as a reminder that there are messed up people in this world, and anyone is at risk.

This article discusses the delay in the completion of the new World Trade Center. Its been almost 11 years, and the memory of the twin towers falling down is still fresh in everyone's memory. After the horrific experience of 9/11, this building takes on a new meaning. I cannot wait to visit NYC when the building is completed. It will serve as an international reminder that no matter what happens We Will Rebuild.  

Orion Farr

Apr 29, 2013, 3:47:42 PM4/29/13
The Los Angeles Police Department is searching for a thief in a
Spiderman costume who stole a bag with $6,000 in cash inside The
suspect swiped the bag from a Starline Tour employee on Hollywood
Boulevard on Saturday. One person was detained and handcuffed by
police, but he was later released after being questioned by police.So
much for great responsibility.
Analysts agree that the erosion of the Syrian regime’s capabilities is
accelerating, that it continues to retreat, making a rebel
breakthrough and an Islamist victory increasingly likely. In response,
I am changing my policy recommendation from neutrality to something
that causes me, as a humanitarian and decades-long foe of the Assad
dynasty, to pause before writing: Western governments should support
the malign dictatorship of Bashar Assad.
The former middleeastern adivsor for Romney had suggested that we
support oth sides in the syrian campaign in order to destroy both
sides, leaving Syria for the wind. Thank god Romney wasn't elected to
allow someone in government to suggest this
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Apr 29, 2013, 5:56:07 PM4/29/13

This article discusses Twitter's "rude side" and the lack of bedside manners that exist on this very popular social networking site. This all began when Stephen Colbert discovered that Bill Clinton did not have a twitter due to his insecurity. This began a topic of the insecurities belonging to average people, not famous politicians or celebrities like Clinton. The author relates this lack of self confidence among the general public to the nasty comments that result all too often. I completely agree with what this article had to say; insecurity is the most prominent reason for this unfriendly and even sometimes, malicious, behavior. You would think that because someone is behind a computer screen or an iPhone that they would be less insecure because their true identity is not necessarily revealed to the entirety of society; however, it is the exact opposite. Many people, especially those who frequently use sites like Twitter, are inherently insecure and decide to use Twitter as an outlet for negativity and their self-loathing. This, in turn, has the potential to create a pessimistic and unfriendly atmosphere that eventually begins to overwhelm the Twitter population. 

Alexandra Chin

Apr 29, 2013, 5:58:02 PM4/29/13

As many of you may be aware of there has been this hubbub going on about piracy and online piracy acts and so on and so forth. Here we see a game company that teaches it's "paying customers" a lesson by uploading a version of their game onto a popular pirating site called Pirate Bay. Here's the catch, the pirated game is in fact a different version of of the game that has the player receive messages regarding hacked goods on their game which subsequently drains the player's in-game money and eventually ends the game. Hopefully the pirater learns the error of their ways and abstains from such uses of pirated games.

With all the searches we make on Google, do you ever wonder how much the search engine actually knows about you?  Apparently enough to figure out your work schedule, the weather in your town, and the traffic in your area. Google Now is coming out now for the Apple products such as the iPad and iPhone. Displaying information that you may need throughout your day in neat little cards, the world is literally at your fingertips. In addition, its more personalized and generally "smarter" features have proven to be a match for even Siri. Using an Android phone I have to admit that I prefer the google based interface better than the Apple's iPhone due to it's organized feel and look. It makes it very easy to find the information I am looking for with the results I am looking for.

Ben Skalla

Apr 29, 2013, 6:02:32 PM4/29/13

This article talks about the NBA player, Jason Collins, who has just become the first openly gay basketball player in the NBA.  Not only is this man the first openly gay man in the NBA, but he is actually the first openly gay man in any of the four leading professional sports teams in America.  This article was slightly surprising to me, seeing as it took until 2013 for this to happen for the first time.  Collins was quoted saying "I'm glad I'm coming out in 2013 rather than 2003.  The climate has shifted; public opinion has shifted.  Any yet we still have much farther to go."  

This article expands on the reasons why eating at night is a bad idea.  It explains that at night, when a person is less active, their body tends to turn more of what they eat into fat.  Disrupting the habits of eating food during the day can actually interfere with a person's metabolism, causing them to use less of their food for energy, and convert more of it into fat.  Tests have shown that during the night, the body is less responsive to insulin.  When a person's body does not respond well to insulin, they are unable to control their blood glucose levels.  


Apr 29, 2013, 6:06:39 PM4/29/13

It has been disclosed that Russian authorities secretly wiretapped a conversation between one of the Boston bombing suspects and his mother in 2011 discussing the idea of jihad. The Russian Federal Security Service, or FSB, also intercepted a second telephone call between the mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, and another man living in southern Russia who has been the subject of a separate FBI investigation. This new information was shared only a few days ago with the United States and it is not known why they waited so long to reveal the calls. Tamerlan continued contact with his mother throughout his stay in America, but he never discussed plans to commit a crime. He said he got a private phone call from the FBI and said that they told him he was under suspicion and should come see them. His last words to his mother were "'If you need me, you will find me,' he said, and hung up." While he is dead and the other is arrested, everything surrounding the Boston bombings remains a mystery yet to be completely unfolded. It will be interesting to see what happens within the next few weeks and months until the trial. 


Apr 29, 2013, 6:44:47 PM4/29/13

I found this article too inspirational not to share.  I cannot believe how generous some people truly are in this world.  Taking an unbiased approach, the author of this piece emphasizes the good that comes from acts of kindness by portraying a kindergarten teacher who gave a former student a kidney.  Such a story is tugs at the heartstrings using appeal to emotive language and makes me appreciate how genuinely nice some people are.

This political cartoon utilizes a nostalgic tone to make its viewers appreciate how far America has come in terms of civil rights.  The cartoonist sketches an image of Jackie Robinson, the first black man to play on a professional baseball team, walking with his arm around a modern black athlete in color.  In doing so, the author makes his viewers reflect on how far the civil rights movement has come while lionizing Robinson for carving the path to equality for athletes.


Apr 29, 2013, 6:51:43 PM4/29/13
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
This cartoon makes fun of Obama's inconsistencies regarding his policies on gun control and planned parenthood. It blatantly outlines the antithesis in his message and the hypocrisy in his actions as he supports the protection of every last child, and then denies such ideas with planned parenthood. 

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
This is such a great cartoon. It supports my more conservative thoughts, as the money of hard-working Americans is going to less-qualified and potentially dangerous candidates who have impaired judgement and are irrational. 


Apr 29, 2013, 8:14:49 PM4/29/13
This article is about NBA player Jason Collins, currently on the Boston Celtics, announcing that he is gay. This makes him the first active openly gay major league sports player in America. Collins states that the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon is was made him realize that things can change so quickly, and he should start being more truthful. This is a huge step for the gay community and I believe that Jason Collins should be commended for being the first to take such a brave step. I found this article inspiring and heartwarming and hopefully now that he has set a new precedent for other major league sports players, more athletes will begin to come out and be true to who they are.

Julie Daniels

Apr 29, 2013, 8:20:33 PM4/29/13

This Article sickens me. The fact that someone would take away an innocent child’s life is horrible. It says her and her brother were simply playing in their house in a rural neighborhood one day when an intruder stabbed her to death. This incident has shaken up the entire community. They mourn her loss as well as step up the security at the schools just as a precaution.

One would think that church is the last place that such a horrible crime would take place but that is just what happened in this article. The choir was just beginning the closing hymns when a 24-year old man came running at them with a knife screaming “fake preacher”. I don’t understand how someone could be so angry at the church that they would take it out on such an innocent person. 


Apr 29, 2013, 8:27:59 PM4/29/13
This article talks about the recent event in which President Obama, Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi and local judge Sadie Holland were sent letters that contained ricin, a lethal poison. The suspect that authorities have currently arrested is James Everett Dutschke. This mans preliminary hearing is set for this Thursday, and will hopefully reveal more about his actions and his reasoning behind them. I am very interested to see how this man is tried and to discover more about why he chose those three people to attempt to kill. This article used some satire and sarcasm which I think was the authors attempt to lighten the dismal mood of the event.
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Matt Saba

Apr 29, 2013, 9:45:28 PM4/29/13

This political cartoon is basically a criticism of the past five presidents and their missteps while in office. My favorite part by far is Bill Clinton's line, obviously referencing his scandal in office. It is nice to see some across the aisle criticism.


This political cartoon is an obvious reference to the power that the NRA has over our legislators decisions. The fact that the cartoonist uses something so base and menial is because he wants to imply that to the NRA, even the most powerful men in America are insignificant.


Apr 29, 2013, 10:06:08 PM4/29/13

Sorry I know this is illegal but I give this guy props on creativity because he dressed like spider man and stole 6000 dollars. I find it funny because he made himself so blatantly obvious yet they still cannot catch him and he is 6000 dollars richer. It's a clever way to steal money if you ever want to be a thief. But overall the entire article just is funny because of the circumstances and the headlines that are "attempting to catch masked spiderman."


Apr 29, 2013, 10:08:15 PM4/29/13

This article is sad because Jason Aldean and his wife got a divorce. However, the tone of the article remains factual and unexposed, visibly, to any bias. It is a very matter-of-fact article that also addresses celebrity privacy and how its quite irritating to have the press in your face all the time when two people are trying to work through a rough time. 

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 29, 2013, 11:46:57 PM4/29/13

Jason Collins has become the first openly gay male athlete in a major sport.  He says he did this because no one else decided to so he "raised his hand".  Also, after the Boston Bombing he realized that things change so fast, so he wanted to start being more honest.  Many are likening him to Jackie Robinson in that he serves as hero and inspiration.

This is a video of Jodi Arias, a woman accused of killing her ex-boyfriend.  In the video Arias thought the camera was off and is nonchalantly talking to the reporter and actually powdering her nose.  It's crazy how she is just acting like the whole situation is no big deal.  There are multiple stories that Arias put forward as to how her boyfriend was killed, one claiming that she did it in self-defense another saying that he was killed by two armed intruders.  It will be interesting to see how this trial works out.

Apr 30, 2013, 10:27:54 AM4/30/13

        In this news article, Alyssa Newcomb writes of a flash mob gone horribly wrong in the state capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. The flash mob took place in a mall and consisted of 200 teenagers crowding the mall food court pretending that someone had a gun, or at least that is what it seems like what happened. The article is not very clear. With a relieved but almost frightened tone, Newcomb uses quotes from witnesses on Facebook to further emphasize the dramatic and horrified feelings of the citizens at the mall during the flash mob, and explain the outcome of this fresh happening. The teenagers started a brawl and scared almost everyone at the mall as they were running for exits and crowding all parts of the mall.

Apr 30, 2013, 10:28:48 AM4/30/13

This political cartoon shows a humorous picture of Barack Obama with two signs on both sides of him. Both are crumbling. One says jobs, one says economy. This is an obvious interpretation of the cartoon, and it shows that Obama is not helping either situation in America (Jobs or the economy) and is doing nothing about it. The true situation is given away in the speech bubble, however. "I'll be fine - as long as the teleprompters don't go out" Obama says. Clearly, this is a shot at his method of running office. This shows that everything Obama says is written and decided by other people, and he is simply a useless figurehead. Do I agree with this? No, however, those who dislike Obama certainly would.

Apr 30, 2013, 12:07:47 PM4/30/13
I saw this article, and I personally think that the entire battle plan of the company is really dumb. Instead of attempting to amp up their securities measures, they're wasting valuable time and resources altering their game to be inconvenient to those who downloaded it illegally. It honestly just seems childish, and like a massive waste. Furthermore, it's not a very large consequence that the illegal downloaders have to face. So what their game ends soon? It's not like they spent any money on it....

Apr 30, 2013, 12:14:16 PM4/30/13
Every time someone brings up the fact that the bombing of the World Trade Centers happened so many years ago, I kind of have to stop and realize that it really is so far in the past. I think that the whole of the American population shares that feeling with me, as the memory of the event is still so fresh for all of us. Especially with the Boston bombings, the threat of terrorism is still radiating through the country. I'm so glad that this building is finally being completed because it's important that Americans, and New Yorkers especially, have a symbol of their resilience as well as their national pride.


Apr 30, 2013, 2:36:48 PM4/30/13
In reply to your first article

This article was so cute and inspirational while truly sharing the goodness of some people. I cannot imagine how such a young girl would feel when she found out that she needed a big operation such as a kidney transplant, but I'm sure that she was at least somewhat comforted by the fact that someone she knew quite well was giving her what she needed the most. I was definitely moved by the goodness of this teacher and I hope that other teachers would be willing to help their students, even if it wasn't dealing with something quite as drastic as a kidney transplant.

grace miller

Apr 30, 2013, 8:47:48 PM4/30/13

In this article, Fox News reports an old woman ordering her 19-year-old grandson to kill her husband. She is being charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery. The teenager was charged with murder and is being held without bail. This article was a short one with a solemn tone and was very factual. In this article it revealed that the old woman was not able to be present in court because she is being treated at a hospital for a lung disease. I actually let out a chuckle when I read that because I found it extremely ironic.

in this article Fox news reported on a man whose 12-year-old golden retriever ate five $100 bills hopes to be reimbursed by the federal government. He claims he and his family were on a field trip when the dog got a hold on the money. The man collected as much of the shredded bills from the dogs poop he could. He cleaned these pieces and taped them together and sent them to the federal government with an explanation of what happened in the hopes of being reimbursed. This article is particularly funny to me but I have to admit $500 dollars is a decent amount of money!


May 1, 2013, 4:41:50 PM5/1/13
This was such a touching and heartfelt article to read, especially at a time of great adversity in our country. After hearing tragedy after tragedy, we become discouraged and disheartened that these disasters will never end. However, stories like these give us hope for the future of humankind; people ARE good. I wish these types of articles headlined websites daily. 

On Monday, April 29, 2013 6:44:47 PM UTC-4, stephen.voc wrote:


May 1, 2013, 4:49:34 PM5/1/13
This article was very informative and discusses a huge problem that society encounters regarding eating habits. I have been told that eating at night is not healthy, but considering the lack of routine that students have as they try to balance schoolwork, sports, and other activities, this is sometimes difficult to avoid. Additionally, snacks have become the great consumer product of the 21st century; this is probably one of the main reasons eating late at night is so tempting. This undoubtedly plays a role in the larger issue of obesity in the United States. 

Julie Daniels

May 1, 2013, 5:25:40 PM5/1/13
This is a very interesting event to me. Obviously I think it is bad that someone would do such a thing but like olivia, I am interesting in finding out his motives behind these attacks and if the suspect is really guilty of this act. Also I believe that this was a very creative yet horrible way to attempt to kill someone. Not that I am in support of it at all.

Julie Daniels

May 1, 2013, 5:28:22 PM5/1/13
When I found out about Jason Collins and his coming out I was honestly very surprised that he was the first openly gay man in all professional sports in America. I hadn't thought to much about and I suppose I simply assumed that there were more already out. However, I think what he did was very brave and hopefully it will be a catalyst to a bigger change dealing with this subject in the future. 

On Monday, April 29, 2013 6:02:32 PM UTC-4, Ben Skalla wrote:

Ben Skalla

May 1, 2013, 5:36:04 PM5/1/13
I agree with Sian that the schedule that many of us face can make its difficult for someone to allow themselves a sufficient amount of time for sleep.  This is just another example of how a lack of sleep can negatively impact a person's health.  Improving one's sleep schedule seems to be one good way to make a person feel happier in general.  I normally notice feeling happier and in a better mood on days following a good night's sleep.  The author of the article notes that although "it may just be a coincidence, but this sleep-restricting lifestyle began getting more and more extreme in the 1990's, the decade with the explosion in A.D.H.D diagnoses."

On Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:44:09 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


This article from the New York Times presents an alternate conclusion for what most doctors and physicians would refer to as A.D.H.D., attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The author narrates about a patient he treated recently who had all the symptoms of A.D.H.D., but the idiosyncrasy lies in the fact that they began just two years before he turned 31. An important factor in diagnosing A.D.H.D. is that the symptoms date back to childhood, which was not the case for this patient. The doctor later discovered the problem to be chronic sleep deficiency, which was mended by a better sleeping schedule. I found this to be intriguing because it illuminates the significance of sleep in order to lead a healthy life. Especially with our school schedule at SHS, most of us are victims of lack of sleep due to the inhumane hours we wake up at; however, this article verifies why sleep is so essential. It could cause an individual to be falsely diagnosed with A.D.H.D. when in reality, all we need is a little bit more sleep.

Ben Skalla

May 1, 2013, 5:44:55 PM5/1/13
This trend of angry and violent acts that are committed in order to inflict harm to innocent people has been on the rise in the past handful of years.  A report of an innocent person being shot or killed in some way is likely to be the first thing you see when turning on the news in today's society.  Witnesses to this attack in a New Mexico church, recall seeing a man with a knife with hatred and anger in his eyes proceeding to stab multiple members of the choir with a knife.  It is depressing how aimless violence of this nature is becoming more common to hear about.


May 1, 2013, 9:36:19 PM5/1/13
In respone to that it is huge news that caused a lot of controversy, but I think regardless of opinions it is a big deal. I like how it is compared to Jackie Robinson's situation, because though two entirely different scenarios, the roots behind it of social acceptance are nearly the same. 


May 1, 2013, 9:39:22 PM5/1/13
I absolutely love reading articles that just show genuine and good people because I think the press likes to capitalize on the bad acts in the world and sometimes it is easy to forget that there are just good people in general in the world and I love seeing that type of stuff.

Matt Saba

May 2, 2013, 3:59:43 PM5/2/13
I cannot imagine what it took for Collins to tell the world the truth about himself. No matter what people say, prejudice is still alive and well. And it took major courage for him to come out and tell the world. What is incredible to me is that he is the first active player in any of Americas major sport who is openly gay. I agree with Dylan that Jason Collins should be a pillar of inspiration that people can look to for guidance with making their own decisions.

On Monday, April 29, 2013 11:46:57 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

Matt Saba

May 2, 2013, 4:09:25 PM5/2/13
I agree with Rachel that idea of a serial killer is very frightening. Although stories like this do not happen everyday, most people in society have been introduced to the concept  by one of the plethora of shows that deals with the topic. Anyone who could do terrible like this deserves to be in jail for the rest of their life and I hope that they are caught quickly to tie up loose ends for all of those affected.

Orion Farr

May 2, 2013, 4:13:17 PM5/2/13
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a
preemptive strike to avoid being fired with cause, which likely would
have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.


May 2, 2013, 4:30:25 PM5/2/13
This article makes a very interesting point. I agree with Isabella when she says Twitter can be a vice of expressing negativity and a person's self loathing. I found it very intriguing how Colbert addresses this interesting phenomenon of the use of Twitter and social media to express negativity. With all of the negative tweets, its very easy to succumb to the negative attitude present on twitter.

On Monday, April 29, 2013 5:56:07 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

This article discusses Twitter's "rude side" and the lack of bedside manners that exist on this very popular social networking site. This all began when Stephen Colbert discovered that Bill Clinton did not have a twitter due to his insecurity. This began a topic of the insecurities belonging to average people, not famous politicians or celebrities like Clinton. The author relates this lack of self confidence among the general public to the nasty comments that result all too often. I completely agree with what this article had to say; insecurity is the most prominent reason for this unfriendly and even sometimes, malicious, behavior. You would think that because someone is behind a computer screen or an iPhone that they would be less insecure because their true identity is not necessarily revealed to the entirety of society; however, it is the exact opposite. Many people, especially those who frequently use sites like Twitter, are inherently insecure and decide to use Twitter as an outlet for negativity and their self-loathing. This, in turn, has the potential to create a pessimistic and unfriendly atmosphere that eventually begins to overwhelm the Twitter population. 


May 2, 2013, 4:35:21 PM5/2/13
Its so crazy how fast this year has gone. I cannot believe its been six months since Superstorm Sandy drastically came into the lives of the people of the Northeast. Its concerning how there are problems still at large with this devastating storm. I'mstill in shock at the realization that Sandy came and went so long ago, yet it seems like just yesterday. 

On Sunday, April 28, 2013 10:04:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


It has been six months since Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc in New Jersey and many other areas throughout the Northeast. Tens of thousands of people still remain homeless, and many are still in the midst of recovery almost half a year later. In light of the Boston Marathon Bombings and Newtown Shootings, the devastation from Superstorm Sandy has been somewhat cast aside by the American public; however, this article from Yahoo! News serves as a gentle reminder about the tragedy that we witnessed here at home, in Sparta, which may be mostly over for us, but is still very much present in the lives of others. Although many measures towards recovery have been taken, the process is slow and ongoing. People continue to live in hotel rooms, or are staying at their friend’s houses, or are dealing with insurance companies. Thankfully, Sandy’s devastation seems to have escaped Sparta for now, but for me, this piece was an importance moment of remembrance for what happened back in October and is still affecting the lives of many in April of 2013. 

Mikaela Litchfield

May 2, 2013, 5:42:50 PM5/2/13

Six months later, Superstorm Sandy seems just as surreal as it did in October. Since most of Sparta has recovered, we've forgotten that the shore has not. The tradegy is not a thing of the past for the people who live down the shore, for the people who are still homeless and I think it's important that we keep them in our minds and make an effort to help out.


May 2, 2013, 6:35:42 PM5/2/13
This news is unfortunately becoming all too common lately not only between celebrities but between couples in general. I hope that the press did not add to the struggles that the couple was going through, but I feel like they would have had some type of effect between the two. Although this is obviously somewhat of a sad issue, I'm glad they have agreed to keep their children the number one priority since I'm sure they get lost in the hustle and bustle of a divorce all too often. 


May 2, 2013, 9:12:31 PM5/2/13
Yeah I actually find some of these studies pretty interesting. I've also heard that eating breakfast will help you lose weight because it will discourage snacking and the need to snack late at night, which consequently disrupts your eating habits and metabolism patterns. It's important to follow good eating habits to not only get proper nutrition but to maintain healthy eating cycles.


May 2, 2013, 9:16:18 PM5/2/13
I like this cartoon and the parallel it creates between Robinson and the modern-day Robinson, Collins, who is advocating for gay athletes. The quote also adds to the general theme of a more accepting and progressive society. 


May 2, 2013, 9:33:02 PM5/2/13
After watching Mississippi Prom in TFez's class, I was shocked by the fact that they still hold segregated proms in some areas of the country, even when segregation is clearly illegal. America is supposed to symbolize a land of freedom and equality, it is evident that such principles have not broadened to all regions of the U.S. However, it is not the kids who want segregated proms, it is their parents who are causing the problem, which is even more upsetting. 

On Monday, April 29, 2013 1:12:09 PM UTC-4, wrote:

I was immediately drawn to this post because last year we watched Prom Night in Mississippi in TFez's class. It's so crazy how in some places, they still hold segregated proms, and that such a big effort has to be made to put an end to this all. Just like in the video, it seems that it's almost entirely the parents pushing to keep things segregated, not the students who are actually affected by it. It was also nice to read the Facebook was used in a positive way for this event, because so often, social media websites are being villianized in the news, instead of celebrated for their positive aspects.


May 2, 2013, 9:38:17 PM5/2/13
It was really nice to hear about this piece of sports news in regard to Jason Collins becoming the first openly gay male athlete. It is a huge step towards progress and shows how our society is molding to the means of change. This is a majorly historical event that bolsters social acceptance in the 21st century. 


May 2, 2013, 9:55:19 PM5/2/13
In response to your first cartoon:

I highly enjoyed this cartoon.  The cartoonist here takes a satirical point of view and decides to point out some of Obama's ironic policies.  This piece is simple, clear, and concise; it exposes Obama's hypocrisy on saving children by pointing out that he is both a supporter of eliminating guns as well as planned parenthood.  No matter what one's political agenda might be, there is no doubt that the cartoonist of this piece has successfully illustrated his point of view.

On Monday, April 29, 2013 6:51:43 PM UTC-4, merstriolo wrote:
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
This cartoon makes fun of Obama's inconsistencies regarding his policies on gun control and planned parenthood. It blatantly outlines the antithesis in his message and the hypocrisy in his actions as he supports the protection of every last child, and then denies such ideas with planned parenthood. 

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
This is such a great cartoon. It supports my more conservative thoughts, as the money of hard-working Americans is going to less-qualified and potentially dangerous candidates who have impaired judgement and are irrational.

May 2, 2013, 9:59:55 PM5/2/13
I agree that in 2013, the public opinion towards the gay community has shifted, however, I feel that if it was 2003 and Collins had come out, the outcome should not have been all that different. If he was discriminated against and kicked off the team or something like that, it would have been a violation of human rights! That couldn't have happened. I think it would have been bold of Collins to come out in an earlier year, instead of hiding for years to finally come out. However, it is an awesome thing that has been accomplished for the gay community and the NBA, and Collins himself. Go him!

On Monday, April 29, 2013 6:02:32 PM UTC-4, Ben Skalla wrote:

This article talks about the NBA player, Jason Collins, who has just become the first openly gay basketball player in the NBA.  Not only is this man the first openly gay man in the NBA, but he is actually the first openly gay man in any of the four leading professional sports teams in America.  This article was slightly surprising to me, seeing as it took until 2013 for this to happen for the first time.  Collins was quoted saying "I'm glad I'm coming out in 2013 rather than 2003.  The climate has shifted; public opinion has shifted.  Any yet we still have much farther to go."  


May 2, 2013, 10:02:39 PM5/2/13
In response to the article on Collins:

Reading this article filled me with hope and inspiration.  It's about time that a male professional athlete has finally come out of the closet.  The first line in the article sums up this bold decision: "It's the biggest move of his career and it's off the court."  I'm so tired of the gay community being marginalized as feminine and uncoordinated.  Collins' choice to come out renders all of these points invalid.  Hopefully, this is only the first of many situations where men in sports come out.  If this continues, I truly believe all gay men will finally lose their inaccurate reputations for being girly.

On Monday, April 29, 2013 11:46:57 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

Jason Collins has become the first openly gay male athlete in a major sport.  He says he did this because no one else decided to so he "raised his hand".  Also, after the Boston Bombing he realized that things change so fast, so he wanted to start being more honest.  Many are likening him to Jackie Robinson in that he serves as hero and inspiration.

This is a video of Jodi Arias, a woman accused of killing her ex-boyfriend.  In the video Arias thought the camera was off and is nonchalantly talking to the reporter and actually powdering her nose.  It's crazy how she is just acting like the whole situation is no big deal.  There are multiple stories that Arias put forward as to how her boyfriend was killed, one claiming that she did it in self-defense another saying that he was killed by two armed intruders.  It will be interesting to see how this trial works out.

May 2, 2013, 10:09:23 PM5/2/13
That is awesome! If I was so rob anybody, I think that's the right way to do it. It's a full body cover, and it's extremely hard to pick out who is behind the spiderman just given the shape of a body.  It's much like taking the full cover of a morph suit, only ten tiems as cool because it's spiderman. I mean, Aqua Man would have been cooler, but I'm not sure if Aqua Man wears clothes about his waist. Which would defeat the purpose. Whatever. Still cool.

On Monday, April 29, 2013 10:06:08 PM UTC-4, jamiemelville1 wrote:

Sorry I know this is illegal but I give this guy props on creativity because he dressed like spider man and stole 6000 dollars. I find it funny because he made himself so blatantly obvious yet they still cannot catch him and he is 6000 dollars richer. It's a clever way to steal money if you ever want to be a thief. But overall the entire article just is funny because of the circumstances and the headlines that are "attempting to catch masked spiderman."

Dylan Panicucci

May 3, 2013, 6:13:58 AM5/3/13
This really is crazy.  People need to move on and start accepting others.  The Civil War was over 200 years ago, but when it comes to prom night, these parents still don't get the picture.  It is hopeful though to see the kids organizing this event and to know that they are rising above the racial prejudices taught to them.

Dylan Panicucci

May 3, 2013, 6:18:44 AM5/3/13
This is very inspiring and shows the strength of the American people.  When disasters like 9/11 and the recent Boston Bombing happen, people come together and work hard to move on.  The completion of the new tower is proof that the American people will always rebound and that their spirit cannot be broken.

This article discusses the delay in the completion of the new World Trade Center. Its been almost 11 years, and the memory of the twin towers falling down is still fresh in everyone's memory. After the horrific experience of 9/11, this building takes on a new meaning. I cannot wait to visit NYC when the building is completed. It will serve as an international reminder that no matter what happens We Will Rebuild.  
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