DJ's 3/4/2013

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Mar 4, 2013, 8:37:39 AM3/4/13
This Yahoo! article written by Julie Steenhuysen happily announces that a baby born in a Mississippi hospital may have been cured of HIV. The baby, whose mother did not receive any care for HIV after being diagnosed late in her pregnancy, was treated with several antiviral medications soon after birth, and through later testing, the virus, that was initially present, could not be found. I find this article very interesting and exciting because this discovery may eventually lead to a cure for AIDs, even if it was only a child who was cured. It is believed that because the baby was so young when she received treatment, her body may have reacted differently than an adult would, but this is still a groundbreaking discovery. The only potential problem is that there are not blood samples for other researchers to study, so the baby's diagnosis could possibly be disputed. 


Mar 4, 2013, 2:13:38 PM3/4/13

Written for, Shannon Cook explains the strange phenomenon where young mothers often have "daymares" which can be equivalent to daydreams except negative. She recalls a time when she was walking along on the sidewalks of Manhattan with her new baby, when she has a vision of someone stealing her baby. This all becomes surreal for her, until she snaps out of it and continues on her walk. Cook goes on to write that research shows that this is a common occurrence  and it is a good sign for mothers to dream and dread the unthinkable happening to their baby because it means they are super bonded to them. I greatly look forward to the days of my future as a mom, and this must be something that goes along with the process. 

This article written by Emily Jane Fox for CNN Money provides evidence that you really can find everything at Walmart! Including your future spouse! I think its hilarious that this statistic was found, because Walmart tends to get a lot of business from people looking for stuff for a cheap price. I don't think I will be finding love at Walmart, but I'm sure there are people out there who are, according to this article.

Mar 4, 2013, 4:41:07 PM3/4/13
I thought this cartoon, by Pat Bagley, was quite funny. In it, Bagley depicts the former Pope Benedict running and jumping away from his former pope "uniform". I foudn this to be interesting because it shows the freedom that comes with leaving the papacy, and all of its scandals. All I've heard about on the news concerning the pope's resigning these past weeks is that the catholic church hopes to find someone new who can lead them out of this time of scandal, and back into prosperity and public acceptance of the people. In my opinion, instead of hoping for a leader who can make the church better, the small heads of the church should be in charge of enforcing stricter guidelines and more severe punishments for breaking them. One central power won't be able to change the actions of the church, it has to start from the bottom up. If catholic priests around the globe didn't create scandals, no one would have to bear the burden of covering them up!

I found this piece, telling about how there were even more ghettos and camps than previously thought during the Holocaust to be both interesting and shocking. Historians believe that there are many more camps that haven't been recorded yet, and that would mean that the death toll of the Nazi-driven genocide was even higher than 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust. I also think that it's very sad that this article had to end with a small statement saying that these new findings could help prove that the Holocaust actually did exist in order to refute the Holocaust Deniers, as well as to prove that the death toll hadn't been exaggerated over the years for political gain. To me, it's ridiculous that anyone would believe either of those things, especially that the Holocaust didn't even happen. As someone whose relatives lived through the Holocaust in Poland, and as someone whose grandfather was sent to a Nazi work camp, I find anyone who believes or preaches that the Holocaust never happened to be truly disgusting. 


Mar 4, 2013, 5:04:48 PM3/4/13

This Times article written by Maia Szalavitz informs its readers about a new discovery regarding Facebook and its beneficial effects on the elderly. Prior to this study, distractions among Facebook were perceived to have a negative impact on its users, removing focus and discipline in building memory. However, new research suggests that rather Facebook and other certain distractions can actually aid the memory of the elderly population. The results from the experiment propose the idea that the aging brain may use different recall mechanisms than the younger one and may benefit from repetition, even if that repetition is in the form of a social-networking site. It is almost as if the brain has modernized and evolved simultaneously with technology itself. It is ironic how Facebook is proven to be advantageous to men and women like our grandparents, yet they are the least likely in society to use such a thing. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:

Matt Saba

Mar 4, 2013, 5:13:37 PM3/4/13


This article about the police officer who, in several series of emails, planned to kidnap, kill and cook women, describes evidence and how his defense is planning on handling the case. This is by far one of the sickest, most disturbed, and perverse things that I have ever heard. According to the author of the article, Gilberto Valle frequented websites that contained content involving graphic violence against women. Valle’s wife, who is the one who revealed what was happening to authorities, says that she also found plans on how to kill her, which are described in the article with extreme detail. In response to the defense authorities request to interview her she said that she would not speak to them because they represent the man who wanted to kill her. The author of this article uses many graphic detail and quotation to describe each point of emphasis. The general tone of the article is an overall sense of disgust and abhorrence toward everything having to do with Gilberto Valle.,9171,2137420-1,00.html


This article is about South African Olympic double amputee, Oscar Pistorius, and how he may not be completely at fault for his act of violence against his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. It is not saying that Pistorius has no fault in the matter, but there is a general culture of violence that permeates through every aspect of South African life, from the poorest to richest. One statistic that is given to  that 27% of men interviewed in a survey admitted to being rapists with many of the victims being under the age of 14. Even since apartheid, violence has not improved by very much.  There is also widespread corruption throughout the government. One example is how the man who was originally supposed to be in charge of Pistorius’ case was taken off of it due to being charged with 28 counts of attempted murder. Although this article is very long, it is not difficult to read because the author uses so many facts and statistics. This whole situation is terrible and it is just enhanced by Pistorius’ status and world fame.


Mar 4, 2013, 5:21:58 PM3/4/13

In this article written by Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times, new and startling research recently discovered is revealed about the Holocaust, a time period still being carefully documented by the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Thirteen years ago, the researchers at the museum began their documentation, observing ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps, and killing factories established by Nazi Germany. However, the data they have collected thus far is utterly shocking and disturbing: over 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps have been located throughout Europe, ranging from countries like France to Russia. This number is not only horrifying, but also unimaginable; Hitler's power permeated every aspect of European society, and we are only just beginning to discover how extensive the Holocaust truly was. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


Mar 4, 2013, 6:22:49 PM3/4/13

In this Huffington Post article, Rebecca Adams shines the spotlight once again on Kate Middleton, providing a detailed critique of her outing to a Swiss wedding and of her outfit. The piece provides paparrazzi photographs to accompany the writeup. In a jovial and excited tone, the author attempts to spark interest to the subject matter of her piece because after all, who really NEEDS to know about Kate Middleton's time at a Polo player's wedding in Switzerland? Nonetheless, I thought she was overly critical of Kate's outfit, pointing out the occasions that some of her fashion choices had been seen before. To me, this displays a true sense of character in Kate, different from other royalty, and it was pleasing to see that she didn't have to debut a new look for every event she attends. She looked as beautiful as ever, even at five months pregnant, and as a true Brit, I am looking forward to the birth of their baby. 

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 4, 2013, 6:40:26 PM3/4/13

            When students noticed things missing from their bags after gym class, they decided to look into it.  A girl hid in a locker to videotape and catch the thief.  To her great surprise it was her teacher.  She could not believe the teacher was stealing from them, and she claims she kept watching the video in awe.  The teacher is on administrative leave while the school and police investigate the situation.

            Comedian Joan Rivers refuses to apologize for a Holocaust joke she made on television.  Rivers joke was in reference to Heidi Klum and the dress she wore.  Rivers said, “The last time a German looked this hot was when they were pushing Jews into the ovens.”  The Anti-Defamation League was very angry saying the joke was “vulgar and hideous.” Rivers herself is Jewish and her late husband lost his whole family in the Holocaust.  This did not stop her from making the joke though.  Rivers claims that she reminds people of the Holocaust through humor.  This is what Rivers does, she is a dirty, offensive comedian, but this is probably a little too far.


Mar 4, 2013, 6:43:06 PM3/4/13

Political Cartoonist Lailson of Humor World created an excellent piece that clearly depicted the stepping down of Pope Benedict XVI in recent weeks. Illustrated here is the "Vatican Repair Shop" where a mechanic is changing the tire of a car belonging to the Vatican, indicated through the flags on the front of the automobile. Evidently, the Benedict XVI tire that has now been removed from the car is a metaphor for the resignation of the Pope, and the Catholic Church working on installing new tire (or Pope). Not only was this political cartoon well-constructed, it also provided a simplistic metaphor that could be understood by a variety of audiences, both educated and uneducated. Lailson appeals to the masses in his piece, accurately representing the current situation of the Catholic Church whilst catering to all viewers.  

Liz Anderson

Mar 4, 2013, 6:45:45 PM3/4/13

This article investigates why it is unhealthy and inefficient to work in an office five days a week for eight hours. This article is written from the point of view of a man who was in the software business, and had the luxury of working at home and deciding when and where he wanted to work. I agree that the idea of sitting at a desk every day for eight hours five days a week sounds maddening. However, I understand the alternative opinion which deals with efficiency. Some workers are more efficient at home, but I can imagine that some dont do much of anything at all. 

This article is about a baby that was cured of HIV. This is a breakthrough medically, and hopefully sets the stage for many more cases of this nature in the future. The difference between this child and others is this child was treated agressively starting at 30 hours of life. This is unehard of, in most cases the parents will wait-to ensure the babies safety- however this results in the permanency of the virus. This article sends such a positive message of hope to all families with a loved one who suffers from HIV. Hopefully this means that they can be cured, or the children coming into the world with the virus have a chance as well. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:

Mar 4, 2013, 6:47:07 PM3/4/13

This political cartoon shows a humorous picture of Barack Obama with two signs on both sides of him. Both are crumbling. One says jobs, one says economy. This is an obvious interpretation of the cartoon, and it shows that Obama is not helping either situation in America (Jobs or the economy) and is doing nothing about it. The true situation is given away in the speech bubble, however. "I'll be fine - as long as the teleprompters don't go out" Obama says. Clearly, this is a shot at his method of running office. This shows that everything Obama says is written and decided by other people, and he is simply a useless figurehead. Do I agree with this? No, however, those who dislike Obama certainly would.

         In this article, Susanna Kim and Alyssa Newcomb write in a disappointed tone of a woman who was found dead. Amanda Clayton was discovered having died of an overdose in an Ecorse, Michigan home. However, results are still coming in with an awaiting autopsy. The story was more so about what had been discovered about Clayton, rather than the reason of her death though. Clayton had become a millionaire last September after winning in a Michigan state lotto game show. What the medical and food insurance didn’t know, was that she was continuing to receive more than two hundred dollars monthly in food aid from the state of Michigan. Clayton had not reported her winnings and employment to the state. Almost $5,475 was given to her. To all those who don’t receive the necessary aid in food and medical insurance, Kim and Newcomb write to expose this selfish act. Some need to see where the money that could help so many people is going. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


Mar 4, 2013, 7:08:09 PM3/4/13
I honestly cannot believe that these shirts exist, let alone were on sale on Amazon! This Yahoo! article shows some of the parodies of the recent "Keep Calm and Carry On" boom, yet they are not exactly the nicest and I cannot imagine who would ever wear one! A few of these T's read "Keep Calm and Rape On," or "Keep Calm and Hit Her." Thankfully, Amazon removed the shirts and it is believed that none were purchased. I'm not going to lie though, as much as I don't agree with these shirts, I did think of Dylan when I read about the "Keep Calm and Grope On..." (Sorry!). 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:

Alexandra Chin

Mar 4, 2013, 7:17:55 PM3/4/13

The company Solid Gold Bomb is in a heap of trouble due to the publicity of some very offensive shirts promoting violence against women and rape. The two t-shirts were removed from the Amazon site as soon as they were made aware of the offensive products. It is rather disgusting to think that such a product was even designed. While the t-shirts were available for print none had been printed. It leaves the question why didn't the company filter their products before putting them on the market and the internet? This kind of negligence really cannot be tolerated, especially one so severe in statements. 


Mar 4, 2013, 7:27:00 PM3/4/13

This picture illustrates a literal pie chart of the U.S. federal budget, comparing it in 2013 to the budget in 2007. As you can see the budget has grown immensely  and the deficit is increasing exponentially. In addition, the sequester is but a mere pile of crumbs, and will have next to no effect on the deficit. This illustration is effective because it takes a literal meaning to the pie chart, and is an efficient way of showing data in an aesthetically pleasing way. 

This cartoon illustrates socialism in its most rigid form. Obviously as an anti-socialist, the cartoonist shows that this plan is essentially taking money from one person's pocket to subsidize a poor person. I have to agree with the cartoonist in that socialism is ineffective, for, well i can go on and on about this, but because the government cannot subsidize the lower class without taking from the upper class. This will, in turn, inspire the upper class to not work for their earnings since, in the grand scheme of things, it ends up in the hands of people who did nothing to earn it, and before you know it, no one will be working and no money will be available for handouts at the hard-working American's expense.  

Ben Skalla

Mar 4, 2013, 7:48:26 PM3/4/13

This article describes the sinkhole that opened up last week in Florida underneath a home.  Sadly there was a man sleeping in the bedroom directly above where this massive 30 foot deep sinkhole opened up who was killed.  The man's brother was home and jumped into the sinkhole, hoping to try to rescue his brother, but was unable to find him.  Authorities deemed the area too dangerous to attempt to locate the man's body.  Surprisingly, a second sinkhole was discovered less than two miles away from the first one.  This second 10 foot deep hole, has not caused any injuries or damage.  If I lived in that town or nearby, I would take this as a warning and get out of there.  It terrifies me to think that it is possible for the ground to open up underneath you at any moment, despite how uncommon it happens in this area.  

 Misfortune Cookies

This recent political cartoon is in reference China's latest cyber attack on the United States.  It jokes about "Misfortune Cookies" from China with messages inside announcing the cyber attacks.  Although America has done its own share of cyber attacks on Iran's computer systems in their nuclear facilities, the United States has never used one of these cyber attacks for economic gain as the Chinese have done.  


Mar 4, 2013, 8:02:36 PM3/4/13

In her article, "Baby Cured of HIV: What Are the Implications," author Rachael Rettner questions the legitimacy of the baby that was supposedly cured of HIV.  Many news headquarters are claiming that the baby was cured of HIV, and therefore, all HIV patients can be cured.  Rettner dispels this misconception through her article, revealing to her readers that the baby still has the HIV cells in its bloodstream and that it still needs to be monitored.  However, due to the heavy dosages of treatment the baby received at birth, the HIV cells are no longer active.  Although biased, Rettner accomplishes her task in this article.  I find this article extremely interesting because this initial step in curing HIV/AIDS could lead to the end to the viruses.

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


Mar 4, 2013, 8:13:00 PM3/4/13

This article by the writers at the Onion is interesting because rather than poke fun at celebrities or political icons, this one pokes fun at the collective media.  The article describes a sinkhole swallowing a man's house in Florida this past week and its repercussions: that everyone must now worry about sinkholes in addition to the other dangers of everyday life.  In doing so, the writers reveal through sarcasm that news reporters need to stop worrying people over daily dangers that could potentially happen but usually never do.  Is it possible that we could all die in a car crash, nuclear holocaust, massive earthquake, tsunami, or meteor shower tomorrow? Of course it it.  However, the authors of this piece reveal to all of its readers that everyone just needs to calm down and let things happen because normally, they cannot be prevented.  So, in essence, none of this is of any importance whatsoever.

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:

Julie Daniels

Mar 4, 2013, 9:09:04 PM3/4/13

“Flu Season” as it’s called is for most one of the scariest times of the year. Hundreds of people die every year from this sickness or it sometimes leaves people bed ridden for weeks at a time. One of the most popular defenses for this scary outbreak is the flu vaccine. When people get this they automatically assume that it will keep them 100% healthy throughout the winter. However, this little shot isn’t guaranteed to keep you flu-free. Moreover, it only works about 62% of the time. I was genuinely shocked when I heard this due to the reason that people depend on these for their livelihood only to find out that they might not even help that much. When looked at further, I found out that credible doctors do still recommend that one gets it because it can help make one less sick, even if they do get it. Also, it is better than not being protected at all. It is very possibly that the effectiveness of the vaccine can vary from person to person but no one is completely safe from it.

The Duchess of Cambridge, better known as Catherine Middleton, recently had her first portrait done and it is.. well.. rather different. Most people in royalty positions like to display themselves with dignity and power. They often have grandiose pictures with them in crowns and uniforms seeming to tower over the every day person. However, Kate took a different approach. She wanted hers to look more natural and show who she really is. The royal Mother-to-be was painted by Award-winning artist Paul Emsely and it took three and a half months to complete. She can be seen in it with a sly half-smile and her hair in a natural down state. Also, she is not sporting and excessively impressive jewelry or clothes. I think this is a very brave thing of her to do because she is breaking away from the standard and attempting to change somethings in the castle for the better. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


Mar 4, 2013, 10:05:38 PM3/4/13

This article is horrifying. It explains the story how a married couple was on their way to the hospital to deliver their child, when they got into a hit and run car crash that killed both of the parents. The baby was afterwards delivered and survived, but this is an event that will hold a dark past over the head of this child, and his life was changed on the day he was born. I just think it is one of those stories that is just terrible timing, and a split second thing that will have an effect on the years ahead.


Mar 4, 2013, 10:09:02 PM3/4/13

I just found this article entertaining, and though it was potentially dangerous it would have been hilarious to see. A man tried to rob a Dunkin Donuts by climbing through the drive-through window, so the clerk threw hot coffee in his face and the man fled. I think that just represents poor planning and pure stupidity on the robber's part, because he told the man it was a robbery and tried climbing though a drive through window. That would have been such a sight to see

Orion Farr

Mar 5, 2013, 11:59:56 AM3/5/13
In this article by the BBC, an English man in his late 20's was said to be killed by a falling store sign. After being taken to the hospital he later died of a heart attack. This man has to be the unluckiest guy ever, what were the odds of this happening? I mean the store was there for 10 years, and in the 10 years the sign hasn't fallen off, and the exact moment when it did a man was under it. I mean it just goes to show that life can be taken at any time, even if you're safe.
In this article by the BBC, the Iranian defence ministry claimed that they have successfully launched a monkey into a sub orbital trajectory. That monkey was said to have survived, but Iran is only 65 years late compared to the US's first monkey in space, Albert. Obviously Iran wants to show off some strength in this conflicting time, and showing some dominance over the skies with ancient rocketry isn't the best display of it. Even so this act shows the progression of space based technology in the hands of non-superpower countries.Maybe the future wars will be fought over the earth rather than on it.

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 10:09 PM, jamiemelville1 <> wrote:

I just found this article entertaining, and though it was potentially dangerous it would have been hilarious to see. A man tried to rob a Dunkin Donuts by climbing through the drive-through window, so the clerk threw hot coffee in his face and the man fled. I think that just represents poor planning and pure stupidity on the robber's part, because he told the man it was a robbery and tried climbing though a drive through window. That would have been such a sight to see

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Mikaela Litchfield

Mar 5, 2013, 6:17:02 PM3/5/13
This Yahoo article about the baby being cured of HIV is very uplifting. It's exciting to see the progress modern medicine is making, hopefully in the near future there will be a full cure for the disease. I hope that HIV and AIDs will eventually become a thing of the past, and future generations will view the crippling disease as we view polio, which a vaccination for was found long ago.

Mikaela Litchfield

Mar 5, 2013, 6:19:13 PM3/5/13
When reading the article about the man who attempted to rob a Dunkin Donuts in probably the most idiotic way possible, I couldn't help but cringe at the thought of having hot coffee in my face. What also came to my mind was, what was the robber hoping to accomplish by robbing the store? Free donuts?

Mar 6, 2013, 11:42:00 AM3/6/13
While I think it sounds really great to be able to work from home, I know firstand that it doesn't always end up with you being able to work when you want to. My dad works from the house and he's often on his computer late into the night, and actually works more and for longer hours than he did when he worked at the office. Since your work is right there, I think people often times end up spending more time working from home than if they were to have to commute to the office. I personally would prefer an office job because I hate sitting at home for long periods of time and much prefer a change of scenery every day!

Mar 6, 2013, 1:28:32 PM3/6/13
That is so ridiculous!! I honestly can't believe that a company could be so poorly regulated that they wouldn't even notice that there were shirts that said "Keep Calm and Rape Her" or "Keep Calm and Hit Her" and if it was just a computer generator making these little slogans, why was there no "Keep Calm and Hit Him" or other things of that nature? I just find it a bit suspicious that these slogans all seemed to be anti-woman. And, much like Elizabeth, the second I read "Keep Calm and Grope On" I thought out Dylan!


Mar 6, 2013, 4:13:18 PM3/6/13
What?! Wow that's actually the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard about. This psychopath needs help because this kind of behavior is very abnormal and he must have some sort of crazy mental illness. Either way, the very thought of the police officer abusing his power to cook up some ladies? It sounds very much like police officers need thorough mental-status evaluations before being allowed to become an officer. 


Mar 6, 2013, 4:16:45 PM3/6/13
I love Kate Middleton! I am looking forward to the birth of her baby. She is always dressed so classy, and not to mention extremely beautiful! I think Adams was critical of Kate's outfit, but I was very interested in her article about Kate at the Swiss wedding. 


Mar 6, 2013, 6:05:06 PM3/6/13
I have never heard of a "daymare" before and after reading this article, I was shocked that it was a frequent occurrence among women, especially mothers. We usually associate bad dreams with the night time when we are fast asleep; however, we day dream as well, so why is it so seemingly abnormal to have daymares? It was also strange how daymares are associated with positive connotations in comparison to the bad connotation of the word, nightmare. Being a mother comes with hundreds upon hundreds of perks, but I am not sure that I would count this as one of them. In a way, like the article states, it signifies a strong bond with your child, but on the other hand, scary thoughts and visions could eventually interfere with reality. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 2:13:38 PM UTC-5, rippeyrachel wrote:

Written for, Shannon Cook explains the strange phenomenon where young mothers often have "daymares" which can be equivalent to daydreams except negative. She recalls a time when she was walking along on the sidewalks of Manhattan with her new baby, when she has a vision of someone stealing her baby. This all becomes surreal for her, until she snaps out of it and continues on her walk. Cook goes on to write that research shows that this is a common occurrence  and it is a good sign for mothers to dream and dread the unthinkable happening to their baby because it means they are super bonded to them. I greatly look forward to the days of my future as a mom, and this must be something that goes along with the process. 

This article written by Emily Jane Fox for CNN Money provides evidence that you really can find everything at Walmart! Including your future spouse! I think its hilarious that this statistic was found, because Walmart tends to get a lot of business from people looking for stuff for a cheap price. I don't think I will be finding love at Walmart, but I'm sure there are people out there who are, according to this article. 


Mar 6, 2013, 6:10:24 PM3/6/13
I completely agree with Sian. Not only is the general media extremely critical of everyday events, not to mention, many insignificant ones, but 21st century society is as well. We have become a people obsessed with exterior, analyzing every minute detail that has nothing to do with our own lives. Everyone has a tendency to be judgmental; it is the way humankind was made, but the type of evaluation and approval that is demonstrated in the media and everyday life is unappealing and unnecessary. Regardless, I too thought Kate looked stunning (as usual) and with her pregnancy, she continues to carry herself with dignity and class just like any royal princess should. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 6:22:49 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

Ben Skalla

Mar 6, 2013, 8:33:34 PM3/6/13
The fact that this kind of thing happens is extremely scary and confusing.  How a man could ever become disturbed enough that he could even have any of these thought is completely beyond me.  The things that this man talked about planning to do are so messed up.  I don't feel too comfortable knowing that one of the men who is supposed to be protecting the law is talking about committing these terrible crimes.  If this man can not be put in jail, because it is impossible to arrest somebody before they commit a crime, they definitely should throw this man in a mental hospital where he will be closely monitored.  

On Monday, March 4, 2013 5:13:37 PM UTC-5, Matt Saba wrote:

Ben Skalla

Mar 6, 2013, 8:41:05 PM3/6/13
Although many of these shirts are just outright absurd, I think we might have to buy Dylan the "keep calm and grope on" shirt.  But on a more serious note, I don't understand the reason for these shirts being made because no one in their right mind would ever buy it.  This was explained to be a computer glitch that automatically generated the shirts by taking verbs from online dictionaries and incorporated the words into the shirts.  I hope nobody tried to buy these shirts, or would have done so, had they not been removed from Amazon's website.   

On Monday, March 4, 2013 7:08:09 PM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 7, 2013, 3:41:48 PM3/7/13
Awww man... but seriously those shirts are majorly screwed up.  Who would actually buy those.  I'm pretty sure anyone who wore one of these would get the dirtiest looks at the least.  If I actually wore one (entirely hypothetical) in public I would fear for my life!

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 7, 2013, 3:46:22 PM3/7/13
Matt you already know how I feel about this guy.  He absolutely disgusts me.  Reading about him is possibly the most sickening thing I have ever done.  It is really hard to imagine that this is in fact a human being!  This man literally should never, under any circumstances, reenter society!


Mar 7, 2013, 4:52:49 PM3/7/13
In response to Liz's article, I though the subject matter was really thought-provoking. There are relevant points made here for the argument that sitting in an hours 5 days a week for eight hours is "maddeningly inefficient", which makes sense. Without a change of scenery, it is easy to become bored especially in an office setting. I have come to sympathize with this after taking the HSPAs this week. Although it was only three days, if I had to sit in the testing room for one more hour, I believe my head my have exploded out of sheer boredom and the same concept applies to office work. In my opinion, working from home is only appropriate for certain jobs and for certain people. Like Liz suggests, some people are more efficient at home, but it is an distinct possibility that some are not, considering the amount of distractions there are at home. Nonetheless, I think the solution to this is, if you get easily bored and unproductive in an office setting, don't pick a job that requires you to sit there for eight hours five days a week.


Mar 7, 2013, 4:58:16 PM3/7/13
Wow, this article could definitely put a dampener on any person's day. The miracle is, however, that the baby survived and was delivered. However, that child will never lead a normal life, constantly burdened with the fact that both of his parents were killed because of his birth. How depressing. Like Jamie said, his life changed on the day he was born. Yet, this verifies why cars sometimes scare me because I know I am a good driver, but it is the reckless driving of other careless people that cause tragic and fatal accidents like this. 


Mar 7, 2013, 7:09:16 PM3/7/13
I found this article truly amazing. I always thought that everything there was to know about the Holocaust was already discovered years ago. The fact that there is still more to be discovered of the horrors of the Holocaust is disturbing. The amount of ghettos and camps that are depicted in this article, I agree, is shocking. Hitler attained such an unimaginable amount of power in such a short amount of time and what he did with that power was disgusting and horrifying in every sense of the words. I can't even imagine what more evidence of horrific activities will be found in the coming years if we are still discovering new information.

On Monday, March 4, 2013 5:21:58 PM UTC-5, isabella.cuan wrote:

In this article written by Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times, new and startling research recently discovered is revealed about the Holocaust, a time period still being carefully documented by the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Thirteen years ago, the researchers at the museum began their documentation, observing ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps, and killing factories established by Nazi Germany. However, the data they have collected thus far is utterly shocking and disturbing: over 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps have been located throughout Europe, ranging from countries like France to Russia. This number is not only horrifying, but also unimaginable; Hitler's power permeated every aspect of European society, and we are only just beginning to discover how extensive the Holocaust truly was. 


Mar 7, 2013, 7:14:00 PM3/7/13
This CNN article struck me because that kind of stuff happens to me all the time, even though I don't even have a child of my own. One time in particular, I was hiking in Maine (I can't recall what the mountain was called but its pretty recognizable...) and there was a family there with a young daughter and I had this vision of the daughter falling off the cliff and then I couldn't relax because even after I snapped out of it I kept getting nervous and couldn't keep my eyes off the girl. Of course I don't have a kid... I can't even imagine what it will be like for me when I have  my own child to worry about :0

Julie Daniels

Mar 7, 2013, 8:05:17 PM3/7/13
This article about the police officer who planned to do the horrible things to women sickens me. Not only did he plan to kidnap them but also cook them! COOK THEM? This guy is obviously not the most sane person and doesn't deserve to be in the police force. I also feel bad for the women who he was going to attempt to kidnap. The emotional tole that this must have taken on them once they found out what was going to do to them must have been tremendous. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 5:13:37 PM UTC-5, Matt Saba wrote:


This article about the police officer who, in several series of emails, planned to kidnap, kill and cook women, describes evidence and how his defense is planning on handling the case. This is by far one of the sickest, most disturbed, and perverse things that I have ever heard. According to the author of the article, Gilberto Valle frequented websites that contained content involving graphic violence against women. Valle’s wife, who is the one who revealed what was happening to authorities, says that she also found plans on how to kill her, which are described in the article with extreme detail. In response to the defense authorities request to interview her she said that she would not speak to them because they represent the man who wanted to kill her. The author of this article uses many graphic detail and quotation to describe each point of emphasis. The general tone of the article is an overall sense of disgust and abhorrence toward everything having to do with Gilberto Valle.,9171,2137420-1,00.html

Julie Daniels

Mar 7, 2013, 8:09:03 PM3/7/13
This sinkhole that opened in Florida is one of the scariest things I have ever heard of. Just imagine what it must be like to simply by laying in bed and have the floor just fall out from under you! And these happen fairly fast so you are falling down with it with little or no chance of getting out! I keep imagining if I was driving and one opened up underneath me.. Now I'm going to be paranoid about this forever!

Randy May

Mar 7, 2013, 9:07:34 PM3/7/13
In response to the article about Oscar Pitorious, I don't care what anyone says I think he is totally at faut for what he did. Although he was born without legs, and was very prone to being angry, and violent, he had many different types of issues with domestic violence involving his girlfriend. The police took multiple visits to his house over the past few years with issues involving him and his girlfriend. And I do not buy his storyfor one minute. He was in his house alone with his girlfriend, and thought someone had broken into his house while he was out on his deck for only a few minuters. He did not take the time to see if his girlfriend was still asleep in her bed, but instead grabbed his gun and immediatley started firing at the bathroom door, which his girlfriend was on the other side of. It is a very unfortunate story and I only feel complete sorrow for the girl's family.
 I feel like my five year old cousin could come up with a better way to rob a dunkin donuts. At least better than this way. I mean I'm not an expert when it comes to robbing stores, but wouldn't you want to do it when no one is there? Did that guy really think he was going to be able to crawl through a drive through window, take the money, and crawl back out while people worked there? How could you not laugh at something as stupid as this.


Mar 7, 2013, 9:14:59 PM3/7/13
I like the irony and the satire in this peace. In addition, I agree with the argument it is making, in that it takes a logical approach to things. There is just as big a chance for one freak accident to happen as the next, and for a sinkhole to occur is no reason for concern. Things like this happen everyday and they can't be prevented, so there is no point in building the hype on such a subject, when there are more important matters to worry about where the media should go rear its ugly face. 


Mar 7, 2013, 9:18:29 PM3/7/13
What bothers me the most about this is that there is someone out there who would actually defend such a case. I know it's the job of being a lawyer, but there is no reason for such a sicko to get off without charges, especially not someone's salary. In addition, its scary that the one's that you think you know and love can snap like this and plot for the murder of the one's closest to them.  


Mar 7, 2013, 9:19:15 PM3/7/13
This article is absolutely horrifying and I cannot imagine the pain that these two families are going through. The poor baby was lost long before he should have passed away and it is extremely sad that all three passed away. I personally cannot imagine hitting a car hard enough to kill the two traveling inside and simply fleeing the scene. If I had been the driver, I would be devastated knowing the harm I inflicted and I would probably be overwhelmed with guilt. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 10:05:38 PM UTC-5, jamiemelville1 wrote:


Mar 7, 2013, 9:25:03 PM3/7/13
I agree with Jamie and this would have truly been a sight to see! Why on earth would you attempt to rob a Dunkin Donuts and state that you are robbing the place? In my opinion the robbery was not provoked as the cashier simply refused to take a $100 bill. I do have to give props to the clerk however for using whatever she had in order to stop this man- even if it was throwing hot coffee in his face. 

Orion Farr

Mar 7, 2013, 9:28:57 PM3/7/13
In response to your first article

Thats just plain gross, It's not even like they are trying to hide the fact that they are selling very unhealthy products to children nonetheless  It seems like its their job to get kids addicted on caffeine and such. This underscores the responsibilities of parents to refrain from buying such products, but as we can see from Appalachia, this drink will be popular.

Why would you even need 200 dollars a month if you had won the lottery and became a millionaire? That amount of money is so worthless is comparison. It probably had something to do with the drugs she was using and involved in. It's sad to think that people can be so selfish, and can steal from the government like that,

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:

“Flu Season” as it’s called is for most one of the scariest times of the year. Hundreds of people die every year from this sickness or it sometimes leaves people bed ridden for weeks at a time. One of the most popular defenses for this scary outbreak is the flu vaccine. When people get this they automatically assume that it will keep them 100% healthy throughout the winter. However, this little shot isn’t guaranteed to keep you flu-free. Moreover, it only works about 62% of the time. I was genuinely shocked when I heard this due to the reason that people depend on these for their livelihood only to find out that they might not even help that much. When looked at further, I found out that credible doctors do still recommend that one gets it because it can help make one less sick, even if they do get it. Also, it is better than not being protected at all. It is very possibly that the effectiveness of the vaccine can vary from person to person but no one is completely safe from it.

The Duchess of Cambridge, better known as Catherine Middleton, recently had her first portrait done and it is.. well.. rather different. Most people in royalty positions like to display themselves with dignity and power. They often have grandiose pictures with them in crowns and uniforms seeming to tower over the every day person. However, Kate took a different approach. She wanted hers to look more natural and show who she really is. The royal Mother-to-be was painted by Award-winning artist Paul Emsely and it took three and a half months to complete. She can be seen in it with a sly half-smile and her hair in a natural down state. Also, she is not sporting and excessively impressive jewelry or clothes. I think this is a very brave thing of her to do because she is breaking away from the standard and attempting to change somethings in the castle for the better. 

On Monday, March 4, 2013 8:37:39 AM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
This Yahoo! article written by Julie Steenhuysen happily announces that a baby born in a Mississippi hospital may have been cured of HIV. The baby, whose mother did not receive any care for HIV after being diagnosed late in her pregnancy, was treated with several antiviral medications soon after birth, and through later testing, the virus, that was initially present, could not be found. I find this article very interesting and exciting because this discovery may eventually lead to a cure for AIDs, even if it was only a child who was cured. It is believed that because the baby was so young when she received treatment, her body may have reacted differently than an adult would, but this is still a groundbreaking discovery. The only potential problem is that there are not blood samples for other researchers to study, so the baby's diagnosis could possibly be disputed. 



Mar 7, 2013, 9:47:44 PM3/7/13
In response to the article on Walmart:

I found this article to be hilarious!  Who would have thought that the most common place for people to experience love at first sight nowadays is in a Walmart, home to some of the most unattractive people on the planet.  The author of this piece seems to find the irony in this amusing as well and plays on it by continuing it towards the end, writing that people above thirty are more likely to find someone in a bar while people above forty mostly find someone in strip clubs or adult bookstores.  Hey, whatever floats your boat, right?


Mar 7, 2013, 9:52:52 PM3/7/13
In response to the political cartoon on Obama:

I completely agree with Henri.  The artist of this political cartoon clearly and concisely gets his message across to his viewers with three simple speech bubbles and a rather apprehensive Obama.  With the two signs above his head that are crumbling, the artist is trying to convey the message that Obama is full of false hope and that he is not truly in control of the government but rather is told what to say by his speech-writers.  I wholeheartedly disagree with the artist's opinion, but however, I must say that the artist successfully employed his message to his viewers.

On Monday, March 4, 2013 6:47:07 PM UTC-5, wrote:

This political cartoon shows a humorous picture of Barack Obama with two signs on both sides of him. Both are crumbling. One says jobs, one says economy. This is an obvious interpretation of the cartoon, and it shows that Obama is not helping either situation in America (Jobs or the economy) and is doing nothing about it. The true situation is given away in the speech bubble, however. "I'll be fine - as long as the teleprompters don't go out" Obama says. Clearly, this is a shot at his method of running office. This shows that everything Obama says is written and decided by other people, and he is simply a useless figurehead. Do I agree with this? No, however, those who dislike Obama certainly would.

         In this article, Susanna Kim and Alyssa Newcomb write in a disappointed tone of a woman who was found dead. Amanda Clayton was discovered having died of an overdose in an Ecorse, Michigan home. However, results are still coming in with an awaiting autopsy. The story was more so about what had been discovered about Clayton, rather than the reason of her death though. Clayton had become a millionaire last September after winning in a Michigan state lotto game show. What the medical and food insurance didn’t know, was that she was continuing to receive more than two hundred dollars monthly in food aid from the state of Michigan. Clayton had not reported her winnings and employment to the state. Almost $5,475 was given to her. To all those who don’t receive the necessary aid in food and medical insurance, Kim and Newcomb write to expose this selfish act. Some need to see where the money that could help so many people is going. 

Matt Saba

Mar 9, 2013, 2:47:12 PM3/9/13
The idea that a teacher could be immature enough to take things from students is utterly appalling. No teacher should be allowed to keep their job after an incident like this. Teachers are supposed to be a positive influence to students and when one does something as immature and downright stupid as this, they definitely do not deserve to be a teacher any longer. I am jut glad that a student was able to get this on camera to highlight this completely unacceptable behavior.

On Monday, March 4, 2013 6:40:26 PM UTC-5, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

            When students noticed things missing from their bags after gym class, they decided to look into it.  A girl hid in a locker to videotape and catch the thief.  To her great surprise it was her teacher.  She could not believe the teacher was stealing from them, and she claims she kept watching the video in awe.  The teacher is on administrative leave while the school and police investigate the situation.

Matt Saba

Mar 9, 2013, 4:36:43 PM3/9/13
The idea that America can be threatened by a Middle Eastern country that is completely anti-American is very frightening indeed. Even though these supposedly third-world countries are coming up with spaceflight far later than countries like the United States, they can still pose direct threats to national security. If countries like Iran and North Korea can get rockets into space, who knows how long it will be until those same missiles are turned towards the United States. This may not necessarily be an immediate problem but we as Americans must be careful of how we are to treat those who share our earth otherwise we might find ourselves with some very formidable enemies.

On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 11:59:56 AM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:
In this article by the BBC, the Iranian defence ministry claimed that they have successfully launched a monkey into a sub orbital trajectory. That monkey was said to have survived, but Iran is only 65 years late compared to the US's first monkey in space, Albert. Obviously Iran wants to show off some strength in this conflicting time, and showing some dominance over the skies with ancient rocketry isn't the best display of it. Even so this act shows the progression of space based technology in the hands of non-superpower countries.Maybe the future wars will be fought over the earth rather than on it.


Mar 14, 2013, 10:16:40 PM3/14/13
About the Facebook article, I think that social media attracts a lot of negative attention, and his is a change up and I think it's cute that old people using social media is healthy for them
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