DJs- 2/11/13

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Feb 10, 2013, 3:59:07 PM2/10/13

I read this article after my dad told me a story about a man who he used to work with, but is now in jail for a number of crimes. Author Ron Zeitlinger of the Jersey Journal accurately depicts the arrest of Christopher McFadden, the same man my dad worked with, who evidently took a turn for the worse under the influence of alcohol. In a drunken rage, Chris McFadden threatened a police officer and was arrested based on charges of making terroristic threats, simple assault and domestic violence. Although this article doesn’t depict the whole story, the author does a good job of presenting the facts in a respectable manner. It is strange to think that my dad worked with Chris McFadden at Toys “R” Us for years without the slightest idea of what he was really like. It wasn’t until after his resignation from the company just two weeks ago that this risky information began coming out. However, even after learning some of the details from my dad, I think the most disturbing line I read was: “When police went to McFadden’s home, his wife told them that at 8 a.m. Sunday McFadden pushed her against a wall, dragged her by the hair and threatened to cut off her ring finger and sell the ring.” My dad described this man as very proper; he spoke in an eloquent manner, had a fancy education; he was the kind of guy that you envisioned to iron his underwear. Nonetheless, this article illustrates the detrimental effects of alcohol on even the smartest and most eloquent people, people with Harvard MBAs, expensive cars and freshly pressed suits. 


Feb 10, 2013, 4:16:44 PM2/10/13

First of all, I'd like to say that I really enjoyed Jason Gilbert's article in the Huffington Post; it was quite comical. Obviously, the headline caught my eye considering I hate Taylor Swift and if she actually did have a sex tape released, it would be hilarious to me. However, I enjoyed this article's humorist take on an idea that is so marketable and believable, considering the stupidity of young celebrity stars these days and the gullibility of this generation. It is quite possible that Taylor Swift could have had a sex tape leaked if you think about the vast number of boyfriends she has had in recent years, but this article serves the purpose of verifying that there is no sex tape. Still, it sheds light on the money-making scam undertaken by the creators of the fake and nonexistent videos. As shown through the blatant and truthful words of Gilbert, people are dumb enough to take survey after survey to just find this video without picking up on the obvious clues to the fact that it is a hoax. He criticizes the idiocy of this nation in a satirical way throughout the article, creating a comical piece that can draw a laugh. 

Dylan Panicucci

Feb 10, 2013, 8:52:18 PM2/10/13

            It has been discovered that in Europe many meat products claiming to be all beef contain horsemeat.  This horsemeat has been found in the meat products of several major European suppliers.  These suppliers in turn have blamed subsuppliers.  Although it poses no health hazard, and horsemeat is a common food in some European countries, if people buy products claiming to be all beef, they expect all beef.  However, some of the horsemeat may contain a veterinary drug that could be harmful to humans.  Also, it is against Muslim and Jewish dietary laws to eat horsemeat. 

            There is a $1 million dollar reward for the capture of ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.  Dorner was fired in 2009 for filing a false complaint against his training officer.  Dorner claimed the officer used excessive force against a mentally ill man.  When Dorner was fired he blamed racism and corruption and planned to wage “unconventional and asymmetrical warfare” against the LAPD and families.  The LAPD is reinvestigating the situation because of its history of corruption.  However, this does not excuse this man from waging war against the officers and their family members.  Dorner has already murdered three people, and is now on the run.  The Mayor claims, “The search is not a matter of if.  It’s a matter of when.”

Matt Saba

Feb 10, 2013, 9:33:25 PM2/10/13

This article is about a German book that deals with the very controversial topic of Adolf Hitler. The book is based on the premise that, after being asleep for 66 years in his underground bunker, Hitler reawakens into modern Berlin. When he comes into contact with people, they just assume that he is a comedian, making fun of the prejudices that still infest modern society. The author uses a summary of the book to introduce it and then uses critics' opinions of the book to describe it. I am surprised that the German people have accepted this book though. The author of the article does explain that Hitler still fascinates people, but it still surprises me that this book has not been met with greater protest as it illustrates part of German history that almost no one wants to remember. As the author says Hitler was a monster, and we all do take pleasure in knowing that we are different from him, but this story still does bring up frightful memories of a terrible time. 

This article about a mobile city in Antarctica shows a huge leap forward in how we live. This structure, although it does not propel itself, is able to move in order to allow scientists to study the polar icecaps and still have a permanent structure. The structure is propped up on hydraulic stilts, which rest on ski-like contraptions. This allows the structure to be pulled along by bulldozers and relocated to allow for the scientists to study the icepack the most easily. The ability for people to have houses that can relocate whenever they want would be an incredible addition to society. Imagine being able to move your home whenever you want wherever you want, like in the winter moving your home to Vermont, or in the summer living in Florida, and never having to pay rent. This is where we are headed with this technology - the ability to do whatever we want wherever we want to be. This is definitely a technological advancement that I hope happens soon, because it would be a great way to live.

Orion Farr

Feb 11, 2013, 3:40:54 PM2/11/13
The Pope is resigning! Pope Benedict XVI has recently made an announcement that he will resign because he is too old to hold the position. A Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said that even Pope Benedict's closest aides did not know what he was planning to do and were left "incredulous". He added that the decision showed "great courage" and "determination". No one knew about his decision, he was the oldest pope to even be put into office."For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is."

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Orion Farr

Feb 11, 2013, 3:43:09 PM2/11/13
squids can apparently fly, in this article, scientists have now found proof in the wild the some species of squid, can jettison out of the water and glide for up to 30 meters in one second. This is truly the end of days. Back in July 2011, Yamamoto and his team were tracking a large group of squid (Todarodes pacificus, also known as neon flying squid) about 370 miles (600 km) off the coast of Tokyo. As the boat got nearer, the 8-inch (20 cm) squid propelled themselves from the water where they remained airborne for a distance of 98 feet (30 meters) — and at the breakneck speed of 37 feet per second (11.2 m/s).

Liz Anderson

Feb 11, 2013, 4:44:42 PM2/11/13

This article investigates the rape of six women in Mexico. This stood out to me as I just returned from Mexico last night. These men were in contact with and knew that these women and men were in a bungalow in Mexico as tourists. The men came into their room, tied up the men who were with them, and assaulted the women along with stealing cell phones, iPads, and even tennis shoes. 

In this article the film Argo is recognized and receives best film and best director at the BAFTA's. Which are the British's honorary ceremony of film. This was interesting to me I watched this film on the plane home from Mexico and it was phenomonal. I am someone who is interested in thrilling movies and this movie in particular was intriguing and intelligent. Its exciting for Affleck as he was awarded his first Guild. I recommend every one see this movie. It educated me on a topic I had yet to understand, and provides insight to the operations of the CIA. 

Julie Daniels

Feb 11, 2013, 4:48:24 PM2/11/13

The new satirical novel occupying the top spot on the bestseller list in Germany is something no one could have imagined except for, well, the author. The book is titled “Er Ist Wieder Da” (translation: He’s back) and it tell a story from the first person point of view of Hitler. It tells a story of what would happen if Hitler were to wake up in modern day Berlin. With it no longer occupied by Nazi’s or even Soviets but rather a functioning democratic government and a thriving culture. Everyone else thinks he is simply an impersonator who quickly turned celebrity trying once again, to take over the world. Unsurprisingly, this book has sparked much controversy in countries all over the world. While it is intended to be funny, many think it is much to soon to be making jokes after he killed millions of people. I think that it is all in good fun and I am very interesting and think it would be very funny to read.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


Feb 11, 2013, 4:49:16 PM2/11/13

This article written by Richard Lucas was very insightful, and it served not only to inform the reader, but also to draw sympathy. The author himself tells of the incident where he learned he had a panic disorder. He explains the complications involved in this certain disorder and uses his own experiences to illustrate them. I loved the title of the article; which personifies the disorder and his perseverance to overcome anxiety.

This is kinda scary! In Ohio a man pleads guilty in confessing he attempted to bring in firearms into a viewing of The Dark Knight Rises. Seeing the man never successfully ended up bringing the weapons into the viewing, what would have happened if he had? This is something that certainly needs to be addressed. 


Feb 11, 2013, 5:26:42 PM2/11/13

This article opens with some interesting facts about increasing gun purchasing rates after and during the gun control debates. Ultimately the author is saying that legislation is inevitable, but also asks what should and can be done about gun control. Universal gun checks seem to be the most accepted policy, but many are trying to ban semi-automatic rifles or high-capacity magazine rifles. The later is inspired by recent events involving 30 clip weapons rather than the accepted 10. I think, although I support the second amendment, that steps can be taken, such as universal background checks, to not restrict our rights but protect us.

This is a cartoon created in light of the asteroid that will be passing within our satellites’ orbits on the 15th. The purpose of this is to add some humor to the situation and mitigate concern. It’s actually ironic because it accomplishes this by introducing the possibility of error, which introduces reason for even more concern. No worries though, NASA knows what’s up.

Feb 11, 2013, 5:55:49 PM2/11/13

I found this article, by Moni Basu, to be extremely interesting. In this piece, war and fashion and compared and contrasted in the sense of photography and some of the emotions in each. I found it quite interesting to see the photos and their unintentional similarities, as well as read the commentary by those who both agreed and disagreed with the comparison. One of the most resonant themes in the article is the fact that in both war and fashion, there is intense fashion, and that capturing that in either genre is a difficult thing to do. The techniques and need to be ready to shoot motion shots, as well as adapt to new settings was addressed a lot in this article because in both theaters, adaptation is necessary to be successful. One of the reasons I really liked this article was because it managed to show both sides of the argument as well as discuss the photography aspect of it. I found it to be quite interesting. Also, all of the pictures shown really reinforce the idea of the article.

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

Ben Skalla

Feb 11, 2013, 6:07:44 PM2/11/13

This article explains the new product made by Mountain Dew that will be released soon.  This product, called Kickstart, is going to be marketed as a breakfast drink.  This drink is targeting soda drinkers who would prefer to drink this 5% juice, energy drink with breakfast, as opposed to coffee, tea, or juice.  Despite Kickstart being a carbonated beverage, this drink falls under the Food and Drug Administrations guidelines to be considered a "juice drink", due to its 5% juice content.  Although I find little to no interest in most energy drinks or mountain dew and would especially never want them with my breakfast, I would not be surprised if this drink became popular, because of how popular these sodas and energy drinks have become over the past few years.  The over-consumption of soda, energy drinks, and other sugary beverages is a serious contributor to the problem of obesity in today's society.  

This article explains how to determine whether or not a person should exercise if they are sick.  It claims that a person with a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher should not be exercising, because exercise causes body temperature to rise.  This could be problematic for a person who has a fever, because the body has trouble cooling down when you have a fever.  The article mentions a professor of health sciences at Appalachian State University, North Carolina Research Campus, who says that research shows aerobic exercise can strengthen the immune system.  He says that people who exercise report fewer colds than their inactive peers.  As a runner, I found this article to be interesting, as i have had many days where I debated whether or not I was healthy enough for a run.  Although many factors determine the strength of one's immune system, I have experienced fewer colds since I have started running a few years ago.

Feb 11, 2013, 6:15:09 PM2/11/13

I'd like to preface this by pointing out that this is why I use Google as opposed to Yahoo. It's nonsense to be bombarded with garbage, especially garbage of the nearly six foot tall frizzy blonde persuasion, when I'm attempting to search for something. But since I was on Yahoo, and since I have a hatred for Miss Swift more vast than the Pacific, I really couldn't help but click the link to read the article and was pleasantly surprised to see that the writer, Wendy Geller, adopted a bit of a sarcastic tone about the childishness of T-Swizzle. Normally, I prefer any sort of informative article, even about pop culture, to be as unbiased as possible, but I quite enjoyed Geller's critique of Swift. Personally, I think she should have been more critical of Swift's petty and childish actions. With millions of fans around the world, I would hope that Swifty would take an opportunity like opening the Grammys a bit more seriously, and not use it as an opportunity to diss her ex. But really, can we even be surprised by her actions? I'm always sad to see young girls worshiping and idolizing Taylor because she is overly hypocritical. In her songs, she personally attacks ex boyfriends, as well as other girls, and always claims to be the victim. To me, attempting to publicly humiliate your nineteen year old ex boyfriend, whom you dated for a shorter time than Kim Kardashian's marriage lasted, doesn't seem like victim behavior. Were Swifty to drop the innocent act, I would have no issue with her songs or her methods, but I don't think it's right that as someone with a predominantly younger audience, she preaches one thing and then does the complete opposite (dating anyone who doesn't run away from her in fear of becoming the story behind her next hit single). 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

Feb 11, 2013, 6:27:23 PM2/11/13
I agree that it would be hilarious for something like that to actually happen to the blonde she-devil, yet I think this article and the fascination that people have with both sex as well as pop culture is getting out of hand. Everyday there's some new story, sometimes true, and often not. The media somehow manages to distort all celebrities, even the innocent ones, such as Swift (hahaha just kidding, she's not even close to innocent) or Styles. The second that people see an opportunity to capitalize on something, they take it, regardless of its truthfulness. Often times, it appears, the opportunity rests in the famous people. What is the fascination of seeing celebrities without their clothes? Why do people care so much about what they do behind closed doors? I really don't understand. This article, while satirical in nature, should serve as a warning to celebrities to guard their privacy even more, because people can create an internet sensation out of literally nothing. Shown late last year with the Prince Harry pictures, anything relating to sex or scandal spreads faster than wildfire nowadays. While it would have been funny to see Swifty embarrassed by something like this, I found this article, and its reports of the large numbers of people actually trying to see the fake video, more scary than I did amusing. 

Mikaela Litchfield

Feb 11, 2013, 6:32:13 PM2/11/13

This Yahoo article discusses the first Pope to resign since 1415. Pope Benedict XVI is portrayed as doing a honorable thing and living up to his word - apparently, he had mentioned a few years ago that a pope should resign if he cannot fulfill the position's duties any more. Throughout his time, his mission was to have the Church recover from the sex scandal that rocked the Catholicism in Pope John Paul II time. 

Truthfully, I don't understand why this is news to begin with. During her Grammy performance, Taylor Swift supposedly used a British accent during her son We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (which I even picked up on when I was watching). Generally, I like her and her songs but I thought it was immature of her to do. The article states that she did the same thing to Joe Jonas in 2009 when she said "Hey Joe. I'm doing real well. I'm hosting SNL.” But honestly, who cares?

Feb 11, 2013, 6:34:58 PM2/11/13
I would love to read this book! It sounds both amusing and interesting. I think that people are often too quick to label something as offensive, and things like this should be approached in a more accepting manner before they jump to explain why it's so awful. Furthermore, this book isn't praising what Hitler did, it's simply a fictional piece, asking the question what if? I see no difference between this book and other fictional pieces about killers. If it's something you're interested in reading, then by all means read it, and if you have a problem with it, then go pick up a different book. I honestly can't see why people would have a problem with this.

Feb 11, 2013, 7:14:09 PM2/11/13

          In this article, Susanna Kim and Alyssa Newcomb write in a disappointed tone of a woman who was found dead. Amanda Clayton was discovered having died of an overdose in an Ecorse, Michigan home. However, results are still coming in with an awaiting autopsy. The story was more so about what had been discovered about Clayton, rather than the reason of her death though. Clayton had become a millionaire last September after winning in a Michigan state lotto game show. What the medical and food insurance didn’t know, was that she was continuing to receive more than two hundred dollars monthly in food aid from the state of Michigan. Clayton had not reported her winnings and employment to the state. Almost $5,475 was given to her. To all those who don’t receive the necessary aid in food and medical insurance, Kim and Newcomb write to expose this selfish act. Some need to see where the money that could help so many people is going. 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

Feb 11, 2013, 7:19:44 PM2/11/13

This political cartoon shows a humorous picture of Barack Obama with two signs on both sides of him. Both are crumbling. One says jobs, one says economy. This is an obvious interpretation of the cartoon, and it shows that Obama is not helping either situation in America (Jobs or the economy) and is doing nothing about it. The true situation is given away in the speech bubble, however. "I'll be fine - as long as the teleprompters don't go out" Obama says. Clearly, this is a shot at his method of running office. This shows that everything Obama says is written and decided by other people, and he is simply a useless figurehead. Do I agree with this? No, however, those who dislike Obama certainly would.

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

grace miller

Feb 11, 2013, 8:13:13 PM2/11/13


This article, written by the CNN Wire Staff, is very urgent. It is written in to tell the story of these two children and to inform people that if they have seen or are taking care of these children that they need to inform the police. The tone of this article is very urgent and serious to capture the tone of the actual situation.  This article makes its audience more scared for the children than sad about the whole situation. It is more about the missing children than the burnt house and their grandparents who died in the fire.  I feel for the parents of these children because they have hope that their kids survived the fire but there has to be part of them that thinks they could not have survived that fire.  This also makes me wonder where these children could be and if they are staying with someone else why they have not reported it to the police.


In this opinion article, “Why bias holds women back”, I was expecting it to be angry but was surprised to read that the tone was not angry at all. Since it was written by Meg Urry, a woman, I was expecting it to express all of the unfair treatment that women get but this article more explained why this unfairness happened. This author clearly did not like that women do not get as fair a shot as men in some fields but this article was not to get back at them but to express that this happens because of society and how men have always been considered leaders and tradition of men being the bread winners. I agree with this author and was happy to see that there was not an angry tone. I think it is hard to break tradition and even though more women are attending college than men today, society tells us that certain genders are better at certain jobs.

Message has been deleted


Feb 11, 2013, 8:43:43 PM2/11/13

On Monday, February 11, 2013 8:42:52 PM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:


This  cartoon accurately makes fun of the Pope, who as of this morning has resigned. Nope Benedict XVI now has time to put up his feet, on his suitcase no less, most likely traveling the world, and tweet to the public, an action that no Pope has ever taken before. Still dressed in proper garb, the Pope sits in his rocker attempting to connect to the public. In my opinion, the majority of the public, religious or not, is now wondering what led the Pope to resign, especially because he is the first to do so in 600 years. 


Cleverly using the Blizzard of 2013, this cartoon depicts President Obama and his shovel preparing to dig out of the mess that the government is not only in, but the mess that will eventually fall. With the Democrats and the Republicans both pushing at each other, a major storm will eventually occur, one that has a huge impact, much like the recent storm. Congress continues to ignore problems within the government and eventually, much like the cartoon shows, a major eruption will happen, causing the blame to be shoveled onto Obama and Obama to have to dig himself out of the mess.

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


Feb 11, 2013, 8:57:52 PM2/11/13

I was utterly disheartened after reading this article about a 22-year-old college student who committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington bridge. Ashely Riggitano, Paramus, NJ native and student at the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising in Manhattan, plunged to her death around 4:45p.m. Wednesday, leaving behind a personal note as well as a budding jewelry business she started with her good friend, Victoria Van Thunen. Van Thunen posted an ominous message within hours Riggitano jumping into the Hudson. An aspiring fashion designer, she vocalized on a her passion for fashion ever since she was young on a group Facebook page. It is frightening and saddening to think that her dreams were slowly coming true, just to encounter a dead end. Though she was found to have a past of depression, she was an average girl with a dream, similar to any one of us. It really emphasizes the reality that everyone has obstacles, hardships, and personal problems; some, sad to say, more tragic than others. I really hope that these frequent stories in the news come to an end. 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


Feb 11, 2013, 9:16:53 PM2/11/13

Over the weekend, I saw the much-anticipated movie, Zero Dark Thirty, documenting the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Surpassing my expectations, the movie was a brilliant portrayal of the CIA as well as the turmoil encompassing the Middle East in the last decade. The New York Times describes a part of the movie where Jessica Chastain's facial expression is remarkably ambiguous; I felt that the article's short synopsis about a crucial scene depicted the essence of the entire movie. Jessica is a phenomenal actress who did the role absolute justice; her expressions are key throughout the film, almost leaving the audience to interpret their true meaning. For many of the scenes, she does not have any lines, so holding true to the very popular saying, her actions speak much louder than her words at many points in the movie. For those of you who have not seen the movie, I will not reveal anything, but only note that the very last scene of the movie is one of the most powerful. Though it was almost three hours long, it infallibly captured the reality America has faced for the past decade, giving a violent, but very accurate representation of Bin Laden's capture. 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

Alexandra Chin

Feb 11, 2013, 9:27:01 PM2/11/13

Truly a sign of the times with Apple proposing their newest Apple product, an iWatch. This watch proposes yet another way to communicate similar to the two way watch communicators that I remember seeing as a little kid. In addition it is speculated to have the ability to monitor vital signs and give directions and much more that we can only imagine. I must admit though I'm not as taken with this invention as I thought that I would be. It seems fairly cool in interesting, but in all reality is it really worth all the hullabaloo? 

It really is amazing how far gaming has come seeing bloopers from the hit game LA Noire being so smoothly animated. The most amazing thing about these bloopers is that they are unlike the bloopers we saw as kids while watching Pixar movies. No, these bloopers are more akin to the slip ups that actors do on set as the animation for this game was filmed using a motion capture device, capturing the voice-actors every movement in an effort to make the game more realistic. In other news, it's raining spiders in Brazil.


Feb 11, 2013, 9:35:45 PM2/11/13

This political cartoon takes a satirical approach in response to the Pope's resignation.  It portrays the Queen of England and her son sitting at a small table having tea.  Her son, who has grey hair, is holding up a paper that states the Pope resigned due to old age for the queen to see, and "Hint, hint," is written in his word bubble.  The queen abruptly responds with a firm "In your dreams."  The cartoonist of this piece, Jeff Darcy, is using this as a vehicle to show the Queen of England that it may be time to retire.  By depicting both of them to be rather old, Darcy proves to his readers of all ages and political backgrounds that it is time for fresh new ideas to infiltrate the changing times not only in the Vatican but in Great Britain, and all over the world for that matter.

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


Feb 11, 2013, 9:47:25 PM2/11/13

The writers at The Onion have, as expected, pulled through with a hysterical piece poking fun at the Catholic Church in light of the Pope's announcement to resign this morning.  Titled "Resigning Pope No Longer Has Strength To Lead Church Backward," this piece takes a different stance from the glorified accounts of the Pope and the Church that have surfaced as a result of the news.  Basically, this article utilizes sarcasm to humor its liberal readers while simultaneously angering his conservative leaders in the process.  In essence, the article not only states that everything the Pope has done while serving his position has promoted an "ambitious regressive agenda," but it also glorifies these actions.  To support their argument that the Church is notorious for social regression, the authors cite the Church's vendetta against abortion, same-sex rights, stem cell research, and women's rights.  It also cites a made up Argentinian who paradoxically reveres the Pope for his fine work at causing the entire world to move backward socially.  By using all of these techniques, the writers at the Onion have created an extremely humorous piece that is designed to shed light on the fact that the Catholic Church needs to change its agenda in order to keep up with the changing times.

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

Feb 12, 2013, 11:10:25 PM2/12/13
Personally, I am not too familiar with the whole Pope resignation controversy. But I would like to put in my opinion here. I feel that if the moral thing for a Pope to do if he can no longer carry out his responsibilities in power that he resigns, then so be it. He should definitely resign. Which he is, I suppose. So that's a good thing. Way to go, Pope. Maybe he has personal issues to deal with, who knows. I mean, I am not catholic, so I don't even really care. But one should be free to resign if he or she wishes. I feel it was an alright move. I guess.
I mean like I said I really don't care.

Feb 12, 2013, 11:16:57 PM2/12/13
That is not only mysteriously morbid, but frightening to many. After the incident over the summer regarding the shootings in the theater at the premier of this movie, this will certainly make many uneasy. Now that I think about it, it would be incredibly easy to bring a gun into a theater. And taking into consideration past events and this current confession, maybe theaters need to bring to attention that there can be dangerous situations that people can be put in while going into a movie theater. It might seem extreme, but safety is most important.

Liz Anderson

Feb 13, 2013, 3:13:58 PM2/13/13
Wow I cannot believe that they are making a novel about this! Especially to be published in Germany. Typically the Holocaust is a very sensitive subject especially for Germans and how it looks to have such a blemish on your history. I think that it may have been soon to publish it, but then again what better way then to allow for the people of Germany to further understand it wasnt all of them, alot of the evils were rooted in one man. 

On Monday, February 11, 2013 4:48:24 PM UTC-5, Julie Daniels wrote:


Feb 13, 2013, 6:00:49 PM2/13/13
In response to: "Michigan woman found dead":

I completely agree with you Henri.  The writers of this article do sound rather disappointed as they describe the crimes of this woman.  For example, the authors solely cite evidence stating that Clayton should have known better in abusing the welfare system.  To be honest, I feel as though the authors are more than justified in doing so.  It seems as though this is a classic example of people taking advantage of taxpayers' dollars by claiming money and/or food stamps when they don't need it.  It is simply unfair that people do this, and laws need to be put in place to oversee that this doesn't happen in the future.


Feb 13, 2013, 6:07:34 PM2/13/13
In response to the sex tape article:

I thoroughly enjoyed the author's writing style as well as his purpose and tone in this piece.  This article was just plain funny; the fact that an article needs to be written to warn people not to click on sex tape scandals on their computers for fear of viruses just shows how ignorant some people are.  Gilbert's purpose here is to not only call out all of the ignoramuses who do click on these links, he also warns them in a patronizing tone to never click on a full list of links that could potentially lead to computer viruses.  His purpose is clear; he uses this article as a vehicle to warn his readers that do click on sex tape links to never do it again, as it is, alas, only a hoax.


Feb 13, 2013, 6:57:14 PM2/13/13
I understand your argument that it shouldn't be as widely accepted, but such as any part of history, the point of learning about it is so that we don't repeat ourselves. If the author is in fact, from what I understand, calling Hitler a monster, then he is enforcing that Hitler followed a path that we will hopefully never face again. In addition, by painting Hitler's ideas as something comical only betters the argument that his ideas shouldn't ever be, and in a vast majority today are not, accepted by the contemporary mind.

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 9:33:25 PM UTC-5, Matt Saba wrote:

This article is about a German book that deals with the very controversial topic of Adolf Hitler. The book is based on the premise that, after being asleep for 66 years in his underground bunker, Hitler reawakens into modern Berlin. When he comes into contact with people, they just assume that he is a comedian, making fun of the prejudices that still infest modern society. The author uses a summary of the book to introduce it and then uses critics' opinions of the book to describe it. I am surprised that the German people have accepted this book though. The author of the article does explain that Hitler still fascinates people, but it still surprises me that this book has not been met with greater protest as it illustrates part of German history that almost no one wants to remember. As the author says Hitler was a monster, and we all do take pleasure in knowing that we are different from him, but this story still does bring up frightful memories of a terrible time. 


Feb 13, 2013, 6:58:42 PM2/13/13
In reply to:

This article is about a German book that deals with the very controversial topic of Adolf Hitler. The book is based on the premise that, after being asleep for 66 years in his underground bunker, Hitler reawakens into modern Berlin. When he comes into contact with people, they just assume that he is a comedian, making fun of the prejudices that still infest modern society. The author uses a summary of the book to introduce it and then uses critics' opinions of the book to describe it. I am surprised that the German people have accepted this book though. The author of the article does explain that Hitler still fascinates people, but it still surprises me that this book has not been met with greater protest as it illustrates part of German history that almost no one wants to remember. As the author says Hitler was a monster, and we all do take pleasure in knowing that we are different from him, but this story still does bring up frightful memories of a terrible time. 
I think whenever a book comes out that is relevant to a horrible event in the past, it arises controversy, regardless what the actual content of the book is. The fact that there is a book about Hitler being alive, no matter how ficticious, will upset people who have links to the Holocaust and are offended by even the thought of it. I think it kind of mitigates that defensive instinct by stating that Hitler was a monster, but I think no matter what it will still bring about controversy in the end.


Feb 13, 2013, 7:04:15 PM2/13/13
This is an unfortunate series of events, not only because of the chaos it has caused, but also how it affects viewers. Policemen are suppose to be role models, law enforces, people who you should feel safe with, and are willing to protect you. For someone that used to be an officer to be going around and killing people, who were merely doing their jobs, over his own firing not only justifies him getting fired, but also offers controversy over the stress of being an officer and the type of person who can successfully fulfill that role. Now he has to face the law, and I hope it brings harsh consequences. Oh the irony... 

            There is a $1 million dollar reward for the capture of ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.  Dorner was fired in 2009 for filing a false complaint against his training officer.  Dorner claimed the officer used excessive force against a mentally ill man.  When Dorner was fired he blamed racism and corruption and planned to wage “unconventional and asymmetrical warfare” against the LAPD and families.  The LAPD is reinvestigating the situation because of its history of corruption.  However, this does not excuse this man from waging war against the officers and their family members.  Dorner has already murdered three people, and is now on the run.  The Mayor claims, “The search is not a matter of if.  It’s a matter of when.”


Feb 13, 2013, 7:10:19 PM2/13/13

In response to:

First of all, I'd like to say that I really enjoyed Jason Gilbert's article in the Huffington Post; it was quite comical. Obviously, the headline caught my eye considering I hate Taylor Swift and if she actually did have a sex tape released, it would be hilarious to me. However, I enjoyed this article's humorist take on an idea that is so marketable and believable, considering the stupidity of young celebrity stars these days and the gullibility of this generation. It is quite possible that Taylor Swift could have had a sex tape leaked if you think about the vast number of boyfriends she has had in recent years, but this article serves the purpose of verifying that there is no sex tape. Still, it sheds light on the money-making scam undertaken by the creators of the fake and nonexistent videos. As shown through the blatant and truthful words of Gilbert, people are dumb enough to take survey after survey to just find this video without picking up on the obvious clues to the fact that it is a hoax. He criticizes the idiocy of this nation in a satirical way throughout the article, creating a comical piece that can draw a laugh. 
I think this article moreso captures the stupidity of some people more than anything else. I think it's funny how people are willing to take all these surveys and think there is actually a sex tape. And even though the article was funny, Taylor Swift's still a fantastic person ☮


Feb 13, 2013, 7:27:19 PM2/13/13
In Response to T-Swizzle:

Kathy, I completely agree with all the conclusions you withdrew from this article. Author Wendy Geller of Yahoo! News condemns Taylor Swift, young country-pop start, for her performance and immature actions at the Grammys. I enjoyed the sarcastic and condescending tone that Geller utilizes to characterize Swift as extremely unprofessional and blatantly childish. Featured in every one of her songs is an ex boyfriend that did her wrong in some way, shape, or form. I understand and respect that this is her form of inspiration for song-writing, but it is starting to get old, especially when you make public digs at your exes on the most revered music awards show on television. As depicted by Geller, she has a history of immaturity, doing the same thing to ex Joe Jonas saying "Hey Joe. I'm doing real well. I'm hosting SNL." However, Swift needs to grow up and set a good example for her broad youthful following; hypocrisy is never good for one's reputation, and if I were Taylor, I would be more conscientious of my name and public appearance in light of the watchful media.  


Feb 13, 2013, 7:35:48 PM2/13/13
In Response to the Hitler Book article:

I don't know if I can agree that this is funny. The whole idea of a revival of Hitler is sickening to me, even if it is only through a novel. Obviously, under democratic governments, especially in the U.S., people have the right to free speech. However, I don't think this book should be allowed to be published because it is inappropriate and disrespectful. What Hitler did to the Jewish population during WWII and to many other minorities is completely unforgivable, and to those who were affected the worst by the wrath and insanity of Adolf Hitler, this book would certainly not come off as a joke. Although it is a clever idea and it would be quite interesting to see his reaction to Germany's democratic government, the book seems to be a sort of sick joke. I don't know when it's acceptable to poke fun at a man who killed millions of innocent people. 

Julie Daniels

Feb 13, 2013, 10:02:26 PM2/13/13
When dealing with recent events, and all the gun control conversations that have been occurring, it is not surprising that another related topic appeared in the news. It is very scary to think that a man actually had it in his head that he was going to physically bring a gun into a movie theater. Not only is it something that needs to be addressed and handled with the government, but the public can no longer ensure that they will be safe anywhere they go.  

Julie Daniels

Feb 13, 2013, 10:05:14 PM2/13/13
I find this article very frightening as it addresses something that more people need to be aware of. One is not guaranteed to be in a safe environment anywhere that they go. But, the fact that people would commit such a horrible crime to innocent tourists surprises me. 

On Monday, February 11, 2013 4:44:42 PM UTC-5, Liz Anderson wrote:

This article investigates the rape of six women in Mexico. This stood out to me as I just returned from Mexico last night. These men were in contact with and knew that these women and men were in a bungalow in Mexico as tourists. The men came into their room, tied up the men who were with them, and assaulted the women along with stealing cell phones, iPads, and even tennis shoes. 

In this article the film Argo is recognized and receives best film and best director at the BAFTA's. Which are the British's honorary ceremony of film. This was interesting to me I watched this film on the plane home from Mexico and it was phenomonal. I am someone who is interested in thrilling movies and this movie in particular was intriguing and intelligent. Its exciting for Affleck as he was awarded his first Guild. I recommend every one see this movie. It educated me on a topic I had yet to understand, and provides insight to the operations of the CIA. 

Dylan Panicucci

Feb 13, 2013, 10:16:31 PM2/13/13
It's obvious to see how this book would be controversial.  However, I do not think it is trying to make light of the Holocaust or anything, it is simply to make fun of Hitler.  And who doesn't like to make fun of Hitler?  The point of the book as noted, is to show how different people are from Hitler because he is so crazy and raving that it is comical to a point.  This book should be especially accepted in Germany because the German people teach a lot about what their country did in WWII to make sure it does not happen again.  To show Hitler as the lunatic he was in this book, will make sure he German people never take a man like this seriously again. 

Dylan Panicucci

Feb 13, 2013, 10:39:12 PM2/13/13
Zero Dark Thirty was an amazing movie with an amazing performance by Jessica Chastain.  The character is such a bad ass woman who doesn't take any garbage from her predominantly male coworkers.  Throughout the film she is calling all the shots.  One seen in particular is great where Chastain's character is pushed aside by all these military bigs wigs who are observing a model of the compound.  When one guy looks over and asks who she is, Chastain replies,"I'm the mother****** who found this!"  I also liked when she kept writing the number of days on her boss's window to annoy him and get him into action.  At the end, you finally see all the stress leave her body and the audience is left with a sense of victory and accomplishment.

Matt Saba

Feb 14, 2013, 4:27:31 PM2/14/13
This is in response to the article about horse meat:

The fact that companies try to pass this kind of thing off is disgusting. It is not as if those companies that manufacture the meat need to dilute their beef to stay in business. Not only it unnecessary and dishonest, but this tactic is simply immoral. Why, when people not only expect real food but also pay for real food, can they not get what they want? I find it ridiculous that companies that are being paid to make a product and cannot even have enough pride in their business to continue to make it in an honest manner. 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 8:52:18 PM UTC-5, Dylan Panicucci wrote: 

            It has been discovered that in Europe many meat products claiming to be all beef contain horsemeat.  This horsemeat has been found in the meat products of several major European suppliers.  These suppliers in turn have blamed subsuppliers.  Although it poses no health hazard, and horsemeat is a common food in some European countries, if people buy products claiming to be all beef, they expect all beef.  However, some of the horsemeat may contain a veterinary drug that could be harmful to humans.  Also, it is against Muslim and Jewish dietary laws to eat horsemeat. 

Matt Saba

Feb 14, 2013, 4:40:14 PM2/14/13
I believe that what the Pope is doing is an extremely honorable thing to do. In another publication, I read that the Pope said several years ago that he believed that when a Pope could no longer fulfill his duties, it was his obligation to step down. This decision, among other things is is why Pope Benedict XVI has been one of the better Popes in recent history. In addition, the way that he his handling his resignation, Pope Benedict XVI has also successfully began to help the church recover from the sex scandal that rocked it years ago.

On Monday, February 11, 2013 3:40:54 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:
The Pope is resigning! Pope Benedict XVI has recently made an announcement that he will resign because he is too old to hold the position. A Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said that even Pope Benedict's closest aides did not know what he was planning to do and were left "incredulous". He added that the decision showed "great courage" and "determination". No one knew about his decision, he was the oldest pope to even be put into office."For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is."

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Matt Saba <> wrote:

This article is about a German book that deals with the very controversial topic of Adolf Hitler. The book is based on the premise that, after being asleep for 66 years in his underground bunker, Hitler reawakens into modern Berlin. When he comes into contact with people, they just assume that he is a comedian, making fun of the prejudices that still infest modern society. The author uses a summary of the book to introduce it and then uses critics' opinions of the book to describe it. I am surprised that the German people have accepted this book though. The author of the article does explain that Hitler still fascinates people, but it still surprises me that this book has not been met with greater protest as it illustrates part of German history that almost no one wants to remember. As the author says Hitler was a monster, and we all do take pleasure in knowing that we are different from him, but this story still does bring up frightful memories of a terrible time. 

This article about a mobile city in Antarctica shows a huge leap forward in how we live. This structure, although it does not propel itself, is able to move in order to allow scientists to study the polar icecaps and still have a permanent structure. The structure is propped up on hydraulic stilts, which rest on ski-like contraptions. This allows the structure to be pulled along by bulldozers and relocated to allow for the scientists to study the icepack the most easily. The ability for people to have houses that can relocate whenever they want would be an incredible addition to society. Imagine being able to move your home whenever you want wherever you want, like in the winter moving your home to Vermont, or in the summer living in Florida, and never having to pay rent. This is where we are headed with this technology - the ability to do whatever we want wherever we want to be. This is definitely a technological advancement that I hope happens soon, because it would be a great way to live.

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Feb 14, 2013, 4:53:22 PM2/14/13
This is repulsive! I've always thought of Europe as somewhat progressive and a bit more sanitary than the US. This is absolutely gross, and I am horrified at the thought of eating horse meat. This article addresses the issues regarding passing off horsemeat as beef.


Feb 14, 2013, 4:59:17 PM2/14/13
I think this book was written as a sort of satire and its purely for entertainment purposes. Aside from the fact that Hitler was a evil dictator, I think it is a good sign that the Germans can look at their past and learn to move on in a positive way because obviously the majority of the population have no correlation to the Nazis and this is a way of coping with their destructive history.

On Monday, February 11, 2013 4:48:24 PM UTC-5, Julie Daniels wrote:

The new satirical novel occupying the top spot on the bestseller list in Germany is something no one could have imagined except for, well, the author. The book is titled “Er Ist Wieder Da” (translation: He’s back) and it tell a story from the first person point of view of Hitler. It tells a story of what would happen if Hitler were to wake up in modern day Berlin. With it no longer occupied by Nazi’s or even Soviets but rather a functioning democratic government and a thriving culture. Everyone else thinks he is simply an impersonator who quickly turned celebrity trying once again, to take over the world. Unsurprisingly, this book has sparked much controversy in countries all over the world. While it is intended to be funny, many think it is much to soon to be making jokes after he killed millions of people. I think that it is all in good fun and I am very interesting and think it would be very funny to read.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 

Mikaela Litchfield

Feb 14, 2013, 5:02:59 PM2/14/13
I'm really not sure what to think about Er Ist Weider Da. I don't thinky it was written to be disrespectful, but is it too soon? The plot  to me seems fascinating than comedic, but I can completely empathize with those who are very off-put by the idea of Hitler's revival. However, it's nice to think that in today's world his anti-Semitic preaching would actually be taken as a joke!

Mikaela Litchfield

Feb 14, 2013, 5:15:47 PM2/14/13
I actually laughed out loud reading the Taylor Swift article. The authors satirical and comedic tone was definitely entertaining, and it was also nice to see someone call out America's idiocy. I thought the list of things you shouldn't kick on was very funny too! I really will never understand how someone would be gullible enough to believe that sex tapes of the most random people are all over the internet. 

Ben Skalla

Feb 14, 2013, 5:39:59 PM2/14/13
The German book, "Er Ist Wieder Da" or He's Back in English, has recently become very popular among the German people. Although I was also surprised about this book's recent success, due to it being based of a touchy subject in Germany's past, it does sound like it could be a very comical and interesting book if written well.  I think its a very interesting idea for a book and fortunately for us, it is being translated to English as well as several other languages.  Maybe I will have the opportunity to read this book for myself soon.

Ben Skalla

Feb 14, 2013, 6:21:06 PM2/14/13
This article explains the discovery of horsemeat in many meat products across Europe.  The fact the horsemeat is being fed to people are purchasing meat that claims to be 100% beef and that the meat may be harmful if it contains a specific veterinary drug is horrible.  Not only have these suppliers been lying to their customers, but their lies have caused many Jews and Muslims to unknowingly go against their religious dietary laws.  This industry should be more aware of their consumers and less focused on doing anything to make money.

Orion Farr

Feb 14, 2013, 6:45:47 PM2/14/13
Why would you even need 200 dollars a month if you had won the lottery and became a millionaire? That amount of money is so worthless is comparison. It probably had something to do with the drugs she was using and involved in. It's sad to think that people can be so selfish, and can steal from the government like that,

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:14 PM, <> wrote:

          In this article, Susanna Kim and Alyssa Newcomb write in a disappointed tone of a woman who was found dead. Amanda Clayton was discovered having died of an overdose in an Ecorse, Michigan home. However, results are still coming in with an awaiting autopsy. The story was more so about what had been discovered about Clayton, rather than the reason of her death though. Clayton had become a millionaire last September after winning in a Michigan state lotto game show. What the medical and food insurance didn’t know, was that she was continuing to receive more than two hundred dollars monthly in food aid from the state of Michigan. Clayton had not reported her winnings and employment to the state. Almost $5,475 was given to her. To all those who don’t receive the necessary aid in food and medical insurance, Kim and Newcomb write to expose this selfish act. Some need to see where the money that could help so many people is going. 

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:59:07 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:

I read this article after my dad told me a story about a man who he used to work with, but is now in jail for a number of crimes. Author Ron Zeitlinger of the Jersey Journal accurately depicts the arrest of Christopher McFadden, the same man my dad worked with, who evidently took a turn for the worse under the influence of alcohol. In a drunken rage, Chris McFadden threatened a police officer and was arrested based on charges of making terroristic threats, simple assault and domestic violence. Although this article doesn’t depict the whole story, the author does a good job of presenting the facts in a respectable manner. It is strange to think that my dad worked with Chris McFadden at Toys “R” Us for years without the slightest idea of what he was really like. It wasn’t until after his resignation from the company just two weeks ago that this risky information began coming out. However, even after learning some of the details from my dad, I think the most disturbing line I read was: “When police went to McFadden’s home, his wife told them that at 8 a.m. Sunday McFadden pushed her against a wall, dragged her by the hair and threatened to cut off her ring finger and sell the ring.” My dad described this man as very proper; he spoke in an eloquent manner, had a fancy education; he was the kind of guy that you envisioned to iron his underwear. Nonetheless, this article illustrates the detrimental effects of alcohol on even the smartest and most eloquent people, people with Harvard MBAs, expensive cars and freshly pressed suits. 

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Orion Farr

Feb 14, 2013, 7:08:39 PM2/14/13
In response to your first article

Thats just plain gross, It's not even like they are trying to hide the fact that they are selling very unhealthy products to children nonetheless  It seems like its their job to get kids addicted on caffeine and such. This underscores the responsibilities of parents to refrain from buying such products, but as we can see from Appalachia, this drink will be popular.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Ben Skalla <> wrote:

This article explains the new product made by Mountain Dew that will be released soon.  This product, called Kickstart, is going to be marketed as a breakfast drink.  This drink is targeting soda drinkers who would prefer to drink this 5% juice, energy drink with breakfast, as opposed to coffee, tea, or juice.  Despite Kickstart being a carbonated beverage, this drink falls under the Food and Drug Administrations guidelines to be considered a "juice drink", due to its 5% juice content.  Although I find little to no interest in most energy drinks or mountain dew and would especially never want them with my breakfast, I would not be surprised if this drink became popular, because of how popular these sodas and energy drinks have become over the past few years.  The over-consumption of soda, energy drinks, and other sugary beverages is a serious contributor to the problem of obesity in today's society.  

This article explains how to determine whether or not a person should exercise if they are sick.  It claims that a person with a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher should not be exercising, because exercise causes body temperature to rise.  This could be problematic for a person who has a fever, because the body has trouble cooling down when you have a fever.  The article mentions a professor of health sciences at Appalachian State University, North Carolina Research Campus, who says that research shows aerobic exercise can strengthen the immune system.  He says that people who exercise report fewer colds than their inactive peers.  As a runner, I found this article to be interesting, as i have had many days where I debated whether or not I was healthy enough for a run.  Although many factors determine the strength of one's immune system, I have experienced fewer colds since I have started running a few years ago.  

Alexandra Chin

Feb 14, 2013, 7:17:20 PM2/14/13

Personally I have to say that the actual consumption of horse meat does not bother me, it is more so the fact that factories are doing this without the public knowing what they are buying, and placing the blame on whatever subsupplier that came before them really doesn't improve the situation. This is an unacceptable mistake for a company that is a mass producer to commit. Hopefully this is remedied quickly. 

It is truly interesting when humanity discovers a new species because it reminds us of how little we know about this world. The oceans are one of the least explorered places on earth and there are thousands of lifeforms that are alien to us that live in places such as the rain forest and the deep oceans. While I would never ever even dream of going exploring down in the deep I am rather envious of those who do and return such information and findings to us.


Feb 14, 2013, 7:38:33 PM2/14/13
I completely agree with everyone who has commented on this article. While there are hundreds of books about the Holocaust and each differ in their own way, this new bestseller proves to surpass its predecessors. It is an extremely interesting and unique point of view, one that I doubt many people would have ever envisioned before this. I am not sure I support this book as a comedy as I don't believe that the Holocaust should ever become something of a joke, but it is impressive that the Germans have not become more outspoken about it. Maybe they will be able to once and for all leave the past behind and move towards a better future. 

On Monday, February 11, 2013 4:48:24 PM UTC-5, Julie Daniels wrote:

The new satirical novel occupying the top spot on the bestseller list in Germany is something no one could have imagined except for, well, the author. The book is titled “Er Ist Wieder Da” (translation: He’s back) and it tell a story from the first person point of view of Hitler. It tells a story of what would happen if Hitler were to wake up in modern day Berlin. With it no longer occupied by Nazi’s or even Soviets but rather a functioning democratic government and a thriving culture. Everyone else thinks he is simply an impersonator who quickly turned celebrity trying once again, to take over the world. Unsurprisingly, this book has sparked much controversy in countries all over the world. While it is intended to be funny, many think it is much to soon to be making jokes after he killed millions of people. I think that it is all in good fun and I am very interesting and think it would be very funny to read.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 


Feb 14, 2013, 7:45:27 PM2/14/13
I really enjoyed this political cartoon and agree with everything Stephen had to say. As modern times progress at a rapid pace, many still find themselves rooted in tradition and history itself, one of them being the Queen of England. While I do believe tradition is significant in society, we must find ways to not necessarily replace it, but improve upon it; this very example is given in the cartoon, hinting that the Queen of England has fulfilled her duties and should now retire for the good of the country. Considering that Parliament is the governing body of England that carries out most of the country's affairs, it is opportune for the replacement of the Queen. The world in general, like Stephen noted, should take a hint as well; the past cannot live on forever. 

On Monday, February 11, 2013 9:35:45 PM UTC-5, stephen.voc wrote:

This political cartoon takes a satirical approach in response to the Pope's resignation.  It portrays the Queen of England and her son sitting at a small table having tea.  Her son, who has grey hair, is holding up a paper that states the Pope resigned due to old age for the queen to see, and "Hint, hint," is written in his word bubble.  The queen abruptly responds with a firm "In your dreams."  The cartoonist of this piece, Jeff Darcy, is using this as a vehicle to show the Queen of England that it may be time to retire.  By depicting both of them to be rather old, Darcy proves to his readers of all ages and political backgrounds that it is time for fresh new ideas to infiltrate the changing times not only in the Vatican but in Great Britain, and all over the world for that matter.


Feb 14, 2013, 8:32:31 PM2/14/13
In regards to Ohio Man

This article was quite scary for me as well. I cannot believe that amount of violence that has happened recently in the US. Knowing that there have been several planned, attempted, and successful, movie shootings,I feel that the public may eventually be somewhat scared to go to the movies even though the chances of being in the actual theater are quite low. The fact that a man was able to bring a loaded gun, one he wasn't even supposed to own, into the theater makes me think twice about the gun laws in the country and the way that people get their hands on such a thing. 


Feb 14, 2013, 8:36:39 PM2/14/13
I personally found this cartoon quite funny, although I am a fan of the British monarchy. In my opinion, this was a new spin on the Pope's resignation, and although the Queen may be getting older, I like the fact that she is following in the tradition of staying on the throne until death. The Royals do not have any major power in England anymore and are more of a symbol of the country, so I don't necessarily believe that a new monarch would bring much change to the country. Although I get that Charles is next in line, I feel that he would be similar to his mother, and if change is to be made, someone who is younger, such as Will, should take the throne. Overall, I believe that change needs to be made in the world, but replacing old leaders with other older leaders is not the best way to go about such a thing. 
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