DJs - 1/7/13

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Mikaela Litchfield

Jan 6, 2013, 11:02:36 AM1/6/13


The CNN Staff report that on January 5, 2013, there was a 7.5 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska.  Following it, a tsunami warning was issued for portions of British Columbia, Canada, and southeastern Alaska. It was retracted, but a small tsunami of about six inches was observed in Port Alexander in Alaska. The tone of this article is serious and reflects on past earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis that have fueled the apprehension when large earthquakes rock the ground. On October 27, 2012 there was a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Island, and the tsunami reached all the way to Hawaii, where citizens were evacuated to higher ground. Personally, I think earthquakes are one of the scariest natural disasters because they are all but unpredictable, and they catalyze tsunamis which can cause more death and destruction than earthquakes.


Piper Weiss, of Yahoo News, reports a linguistic phenomenon that has been appearing in young girls and women. It’s called “creaky voice” and a study showed two-thirds of college aged women install this in their speech. Apparently, it’s incredibly annoying.  There has been a lot of speculation on why the use of this speech tool has become so prominent, and researchers say that it could be used to purposefully sound more masculine, but it instead makes women sound stupid, emotional, and insecure. This article is directed at women; the female journalist uses pronouns like “we” to appropriately connect with female readers. I’ve always wondered if I have an annoying voice, but I am fairly certain I’ve don’t use “creaky voice” on a regular basis, nor do any other girls or women I talk to. I listened to a recording of what this linguistic tool is and it did sound very stupid, but it also sounded like something that would be utilized by the stupid cheerleader character of an overdone, cliché Disney movie.  

Julie Daniels

Jan 6, 2013, 12:01:02 PM1/6/13

In “The Onion”, satirical articles are published with the intent of poking fun at many other companies and issues around the world. Here, they manage to take the global warming controversy and make it seem like the companies which are trying to help it improve, are a joke. In a recent article by them, they make fun of the Environmental Protection Agency claiming that they released a statement saying that they are now advising people to turn off their showers after they are done using them. They talk about it in a very serious tone, trying to get people to be conscious of the non-existent problem occurring. Although this may seem like it is solely for a comical purpose, The Onion is also using it as a way to tell people not to be stupid with how they waist their water and what they do with it.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 


Jan 6, 2013, 12:37:14 PM1/6/13

"White House Petition Pushes for Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin"

With a witty and humorous tone, Bonnie Kavoussi, author at the Huffington Post, reports on the "supposed" trillion-dollar coin that would imminently solve America's debt crisis. In her theoretical scenario, there is a petition circulating to approve such a measure, in which "any petition that garners 25,000 signatures requires a White House response." If approved, this trillion-dollar coin would reduce America's debt crisis significantly and put an end to the apprehension of the fiscal cliff that is approaching us quickly. However, Kavoussi poses the rhetorical question as to whether this is truthful, gaining a few chuckles from the audience. Evidently, the author appeals to both humor and satire, taking a light-hearted approach on an extremely serious topic, as much of the Huffington Post's work tends to do. Not only does she validate the seriousness of such problems arising in the governments excessive spending, but she allows for a good laugh! I loved it. 


Jan 6, 2013, 12:48:49 PM1/6/13

"Andy Murray retains Brisbane title with victory over Grigor Dimitrov"

Reported on by the number one British news source, the BBC, their very own tennis player, Andy Murray, holds his Brisbane title once again. As an emerging player in the world of tennis and an Olympic gold medalist, there is constant publicity on the US Open champion. It seems to be repetivie that Murray's victory always have an emotional ending, finishing with tears and words of a heartfelt caliber. At the completion of match, Murray said "I'd like to dedicate this victory to one of my best friends. He's back at home watching-- you're going to get through it." As it turns out, the mysterious person that Murray dedicated his win at Brisbane to was Ross Hutchins who announced that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. To me, Murray comes off as aggressive and very mean on the tennis court, with a lot of emotion building up, but here, it was nice to see a compassionate side of him, off the tennis court, that makes him respect him as a tennis player, and a human being.  

grace miller

Jan 6, 2013, 1:53:42 PM1/6/13


In this article, Bob Greene expresses the controversy arriving with progressing technology about access to cellular devices on airplanes. This article is very matter-of-fact and it explains that cell phones are needed more and more for business and can help keep passengers calm. It is also explained by Greene that phone calls would be a bad idea on airplanes. I don’t seem to understand why people are so obsessed with using cell phones on airplanes. It is only a couple hours out of their life that they have to bear without it. People are saying it is no longer a conflict with the aircraft navigation but it is still in the safety video and so why risk putting you and everyone on the planes life in danger.


In this article, Carol Cratty reports 245 were arrested because of an international operation led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement aimed at child pornography and sexual abuse. Officers identified 123 victims of child exploitation and removed 44 of those children from their abusers who they were living with. Some of the victims were very young. Five were under age 3 and nine were between the ages of 4 and 6. This number caught me totally by surprise. 245 abusers is a huge number but it is reassuring that there is even an operation like this one.


Jan 6, 2013, 5:39:00 PM1/6/13

        This political cartoon fooled me before looking more closely. At first glance, I saw that there was a women with a black eye and it was a cry for help in the department of violence against women. As that still stands to be true under what the cartoon is really saying, that is not the actual statement the cartoon is making. This cartoon is calling out the House Republicans for shooting down an attempt to renew the Violence Against Women Act. The women explains that she did not get hurt by a man in a case of domestic violence, but she got hurt by the door being slammed in her face by the Republicans denying the act. Humorous, but also upsetting because this is a beneficial act to women's rights. And, obviously, violence against women.

        In this news article, Alyssa Newcomb writes of a flash mob gone horribly wrong in the state capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. The flash mob took place in a mall and consisted of 200 teenagers crowding the mall food court pretending that someone had a gun, or at least that is what it seems like what happened. The article is not very clear. With a relieved but almost frightened tone, Newcomb uses quotes from witnesses on Facebook to further emphasize the dramatic and horrified feelings of the citizens at the mall during the flash mob, and explain the outcome of this fresh happening. The teenagers started a brawl and scared almost everyone at the mall as they were running for exits and crowding all parts of the mall.

Jan 7, 2013, 12:30:28 PM1/7/13
 At first when I read this article, I was a bit offended that the future Secretary of Defense seemed openly anti-gay. But, after reading its entirety, I've come to the conclusion that although he may not be attending gay rights rallies and picketing the WBC, he's not some uptight person, believing that gay people and those who support them are abominations. While I personally think his apology to Hormel is in no way heartfelt, and entirely a political move to help him win personal appeal, but it was an apology. After all, he didn't even have to give one thanks to his first amendment rights. People in politics are allowed to have opinions, and voice them too! Furthermore, in the age of terrorism and unfavorable attitudes towards Americans, it's far more important that the Secretary of Defense be good at his job, an issue that has now been overshadowed by these full page articles calling him anti-gay! While gay rights are extremely important in the world scale, they don't have much bearing on the ability of Hagel to protect the nation. Not everyone may agree with his personal opinions, but as long as he keeps this country safe, I think people should give him a bit of a break and let the man do his job.
On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

Ben Skalla

Jan 7, 2013, 4:16:46 PM1/7/13

This political cartoon depicts Governor Chris Christie's anger regarding Speaker of the House, John Boehner's decision to postpone the vote for giving aid to the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  The cartoon compares Christie's anger towards Boehner to how Superstorm Sandy hit parts of the east coast.  Governor Christie appeals to the masses of New Jersey by showing he will not tolerate this, because his parts of his state are still in desperate need of help.  He wants to show the people of NJ that he will fight for them.  

This article explains the circumstances of the upcoming meeting between Obama and Karzai, the leader of Afghanistan. This meeting could have a big impact on the relationship between the two countries in the future.  Many troops are expected to return home between now and 2014.  They do not want a repeat of 1989 when the Soviet Army abruptly pulled out of Afghanistan, leading to a civil war and the birth of the Taliban.  Although many people in Afghanistan want the U.S. to leave, they think more work may need to be done to get the country back on its feet.  They say that the security and economy of the nation are not currently stable enough to support themselves.  Obama is not sure how many soldiers to keep in Afghanstan, and whether it would be better to focus on hunting down al-Qaida or to focus on counter-terrorism and train the Afghan soldiers.  


Jan 7, 2013, 4:34:46 PM1/7/13
In this Yahoo! article by Dylan Stableford, the horrifying story of a mother waking up to a python wrapped around her 2-year-old daughter. Thankfully, Tess Guthrie woke up when her cat started to hiss. According to the article, the python was not going to eat the child and the only reason for it to have wrapped itself around the baby was for warmth. The snake reportably bit the baby and mother several times and was thankfully unvenomous. I personally find this story quite terrifying as I hate snakes and I cannot imaging having one in my bed with me, let alone wrapped around my arm. This to the point article states to the fact while also including other, similar stories. 


In this cartoon from the NY Times, the two political parties are shaking hands during the groundbreaking ceremony for the next governmental crisis. While making fun of the way that the Democrats and the Republicans can never agree on anything therefore making it almost impossible to get bills passed, especially when it comes to something as important as the recent fiscal cliff. Within Congress, neither party is willing to compromise and every time something is brought to congress, it takes a significant amount of time for congressmen/women to come to a conclusion. 

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

Dylan Panicucci

Jan 7, 2013, 4:49:07 PM1/7/13

            The author of this article claims, despite Nas’s own opinion, that Nas is the best lyricist of all time at the moment.  Nas himself says that if a list is put together it will always be changing.  Regardless, Nas has just turned 40 and remains strong in the rap industry.  After the recent release of “Life is Good”, Nas has nine Number 1 hip-hop albums since 1994.  Seven of these Number 1’s have gone platinum.  The statistics do not lie, but what else makes Nas so good is his poetic skills, his ability to change personas, and ability to tell a story.  Nas only garners respect in the rap world and has been able to be in the game at such a high level longer than anyone else.  The author notes that legendary rappers like Biggie and Pac cannot be considered because of how both their lives tragically ended too young, and that Eminem still has not been around as long as Nas has.  Still, as Nas said himself, the game is always changing and so is the list.


            This article talks about something very uncomfortable for many people: saying the n-word.  During an interview with the stars of “Django Unchained”, Jake Hamilton asked Samuel L. Jackson about the movie’s use of the word.  In response, Jackson asked Hamilton to say the word.  Hamilton did not, and after much pressing by Jackson, the interview went on.  Hamilton received mixed reviews about his handling, some commending him while others saying he should have just said the word.  The video is linked to the article, and Hamilton looks very uncomfortable during the whole incident.  What would you do in this situation?



Randy May

Jan 7, 2013, 4:55:54 PM1/7/13

In this article, Dylan Stableford reports on a story of a mother in Australia waking up to find a massive python wrapped around her daughter. The only reason the mother woke up, was because her cat started to hiss at the python that was wrapped around her daughters arm while she was sleeping right next to her. The mother frantically grabbed the snake and pried it off of her daughter. The snake bit the daughter three times and than was eventually ripped off. The mother took the daughter to the hospital and she was later released that same night. The reporters asked what the mother thought of the sdituation and she said that she thought she was having a bad dream. An animal specialist reported that the animal had no intention of eating the girl, just to wrap around her in order to get warmth. After reading this, I was just completely stunned. Why would you have any windows open or any holes in your house while living in Australia. Animals break into houses every year in Australia and end up killing or eating someone. This story just completely shocked me.

This cartoon, although pretty old I found to be very funny. It is depicting Obama in a police station answering questions about a man who beat him up. And by the time the sketcher is done with his drawing, it is a picture of Mitt Romney. This cartoon is supposed to be based off of the first political debate of the year after Romney seemed to be the victor. In the picture, a police officer is holding a copy of the New Yorker, with the headlines, "Political Trouncing." I thought this cartoon was very funny because I also fealt it gave an example that either of the candidates would have done anything to one up the other, and this was just a funny way to explain it.

Randy May

Jan 7, 2013, 4:57:49 PM1/7/13

In this article, Dylan Stableford reports on a story of a mother in Australia waking up to find a massive python wrapped around her daughter. The only reason the mother woke up, was because her cat started to hiss at the python that was wrapped around her daughters arm while she was sleeping right next to her. The mother frantically grabbed the snake and pried it off of her daughter. The snake bit the daughter three times and than was eventually ripped off. The mother took the daughter to the hospital and she was later released that same night. The reporters asked what the mother thought of the sdituation and she said that she thought she was having a bad dream. An animal specialist reported that the animal had no intention of eating the girl, just to wrap around her in order to get warmth. After reading this, I was just completely stunned. Why would you have any windows open or any holes in your house while living in Australia. Animals break into houses every year in Australia and end up killing or eating someone. This story just completely shocked me.


Jan 7, 2013, 5:10:41 PM1/7/13

On this CNN iReport, a man named John Ciambriello a southern Connecticut resident wrote a song on 12/4/12 on the day of the Newtown shooting. This song was a tribute to the victims of the shooting, and titled the song, “Standing With You (a song for Newtown). A music video was filmed in West Haven on December 22, 2012 and many people came out to be filmed in support of Newtown. The song really captures the exact feelings people were encountering after hearing about this horrific event. Its amazing that people can reach out to each other through music and be able to connect emotionally with people who have had their world turned upside down. I encourage everyone to just listen to this song and feel for the victims of the Newtown shooting.

The scientist who linked diet and health together, dies at 92. His name was Alexander Leaf, and his contributions to the scientific world are ones that have greatly benefitted society. This article was very intriguing due to the fact that diet is very important in a healthy lifestyle nowadays and all thanks to this man who allegedly died on Parkinson’s disease. 

Liz Anderson

Jan 7, 2013, 5:15:38 PM1/7/13

This video describes the horrific events which occurred in the Colorado midnight premier of the Dark Knight Rises. Its incredible that people are capable of performing such evil acts unto innocent people. The motives behind these sorts of tragedies are always unclear but it is frightening to think that such things are possible. This interested me, well not interested but caught my attention because I had never educated myself on this matter, and especially with recent tragedies it seemed relevant to recap past shootings and attempt to implement plans to deal with such things in the future. 

This article talks about that movement to end the culture of rape in India. Women die frequently, or are brutally gang raped by Indian men attempting to assert their dominance. This article was disturbing to me due to the fact that rape is entirely my worst fear. I cannot fathom the fear and horror of being raped, and how you would be able to survive the aftermath. I don't know how I would be able to trust again if I was gang raped constantly by a group of men. The strength of some women is truly incredible, and no one should be subjected to this. 
On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


Jan 7, 2013, 5:22:56 PM1/7/13

The reporters in this video from ABC News cover a story of a shark tank bursting in a mall in China and injuring fifteen people.  Unsurprisingly, this is a very biased piece.  Due to the fact that they fear sharks, the reporters claim at one point in the piece that: "This is why sharks don't belong in malls.  It's also why I hate going through the tunnel at SeaWorld.  Don't go there.  Sharks belong in the ocean."  It is not the reporters' place to tell people what and what not to do.  As a side note towards the end, the reporters mention the fact that no one was injured by the sharks themselves but rather the glass and rushing water.  There is nothing wrong with having marine life on display in public aquariums.  This story does not reveal why sharks should not be in malls but rather why engineers need to be more careful when designing these enormous tanks.

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


Jan 7, 2013, 5:29:27 PM1/7/13

In his sarcastic political cartoon, artist Jimmy Margulies pokes fun at the Republicans in Congress who will not pass legislation providing financial support to Hurricane Sandy victims.  As shown in the piece, Congress throws half of a life buoy entitled "Sandy Relief" to the victims who are figuratively drowning in debt, as it states that the other half will come in a few weeks.  Margulies is successful in poking fun at the Republican half of Congress that refuses to help those in need.  Such a cartoon reveals the flawed nature of Americans that are not willing to lend a helping hand.

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


Jan 7, 2013, 7:02:45 PM1/7/13

Writer Alexandra Sifferlin wrote “Can Dad’s Distress During Mom’s Pregnancy Affect Newborns?” to convey an important consequence of stress in fathers and the importance of examining not only the mother’s behavior during a pregnancy. For years, research centers focused on the mother’s mental health and the possible impact it could have on her child’s development, later including behavioral problems. However, the latest research suggests that it is not just the mother who should be considered; rather, paternal influences can have the same effect on a child. A 2011 study found that a child’s chance of developing behavioral or emotional problems increases by 11% if his father has signs of depression. Norwegian researches analyzed data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study that follows 31,663 children, reporting that kids whose fathers had higher levels of distress had more behavioral and emotional issues overall. While studies of paternal patterns are more rare than those of the mother, I found it very interesting the role fathers play in the pregnancy. Most people assume that the mother directly affects the child through nutrition, habits, and mental and behavioral attitudes, and while this is true, few recognize the equal significance of the connection between father and child during the pregnancy.

My eye was immediately drawn to this political cartoon, most likely because it is titled after the current megahit movie, Les Miserables.However, instead of focusing on the French Revolution of the 1840's, it concerns modern-day America and the foreboding degeneration of our nation. In front and center is a young girl with the American flag, along with several other somber children. The boy on the right holds a flag reading "Trillions in Debt" to inform the viewer of the substandard economy of the 21st century. Because children are the main focus of the cartoon, the artist wanted to convey America's economic problems regarding the youth and the ominous future it poses. Though portraying a grim topic, I found the cartoon somewhat humorous and clever in its amalgamation of media, entertainment, and politics. 

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


Jan 7, 2013, 7:03:56 PM1/7/13

Here’s a source that I used for my essay, and possibly one of my favorite opinions on the idea of censorship.  Chipman is very well spoken and educated on the subject, which contributes to his credibility and his ability to convince the reader. He offers many sources throughout to support his opinion, without forgetting to feature antithesis by combating contrary ideas. In addition, he makes the other side seem almost comical, for, without even looking at the movie itself, he tears apart the other side with undeniable evidence, showing that it is an argument of the ignorant.

Achenbach talks about RGIII and the lens of hero worship, in which he uses a very interesting personal voice that is entertaining and unique. He utilizes anaphora, metaphors, and a vernacular which shows his artistic versatility and strengthens his piece. Overall, Achenbach’s article uses an amalgamation of fallacies and devices, and the conclusion itself is a well-compared analogy between football, or any sport for that matter, and poker. 

Orion Farr

Jan 7, 2013, 7:15:46 PM1/7/13
"Kim Jong-un sends sweets to children for his birthday"

As reported on by the Telegraph, a radio report from the North Korean Central Broadcasting Station has claimed that leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Jon Un; has mobilized an aircraft bombardment…of candy. Apparently Un has promised to deliver all North Korean children, under the age of 10, candy. One would think that a malnourished and oppressed country would rather want actual food and medical supplies over candy for children, but this candy bombing routine has been around since the 80’s with Un’s grandpa. North Korea is a very strange country, with an obese despot controlling a starving populace and getting away with it since the Korean War, who knows what will happen next.


Jan 7, 2013, 7:20:22 PM1/7/13

Articles like this always excite me because I love to see all the new gadgets people have created over the year. Sure, no one really needs a fork that tells them when they're eating too fast, or a touch screen iphone case, but this is America, and when we want something, by golly, we get it! Some of these new inventions are actually quite useful. As someone who has had their bags lost multiple times while traveling, I can tell you firsthand how much I wish I had a device that would monitor where exactly my bags where, so I could inform the clueless airline of that. Also useful is the home connection hub. With all the new linkages between our phones and our home appliances, this device is perfect for the modern day tech enthusiast. While it can be easily argued that none of these devices are necessary, I think they show the creativity and ingenuity of people nowadays, and I believe that's something that should be readily encouraged. 

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


Jan 7, 2013, 7:22:33 PM1/7/13


This video from CBS is an interview with former 4-star General Stanley McChrystal about how he revolutionized the way that special operations functioned. This interview is important to me because Stanley McChrystal, who was a general in the Middle East, is my second cousin. He has been very successful in his actions, increasing the number of missions carried out from approximately 18 per month to almost 300. He also revolutionized how intelligence was gathered by focusing more on electronic data than his past 10 predecessors combined. He came up with the idea of hiring younger people, with more technological experience, to analyze and categorize data. Recently though, McChrystal was forced to step down from his position because of a leak of a confidential conversation, in which McChrystal said some regrettable things about President Obama. In this CBS interview McChrystal discusses how he never meant to be disloyal and also never expected to be called so. I believe that the Obama administration did act hastily in McChrystal’s termination but all in all he still had an admirable career.


This article describes how in the filming of the movie, The Hobbit, more than two dozen animals died.  This is an example of the effects that carelessness can have on people and animals. Having one animal death would be bad, two would be terrible, three inexcusable, but 27? Really? These deaths were attributed to dangerous conditions at the farm where they were being housed. In addition to reading the article, which angered me, I also read the comments, which were far worse. Rather than making intelligent observations or trying to explain their point three people in particular were just arguing back and forth about why the other people were unintelligent and naive.  The worst part for me was that these people were attempting to argue logically and to sound smart, but it did not work. These off topic arguments only served to detract from the total value of the article.  

Orion Farr

Jan 7, 2013, 7:53:00 PM1/7/13

Drink driver arrested after Facebook post

The Sydney Morning Herald reported on a hilarious story where a teenage drunk-driver had caused a car accident under the influence of alcohol, fled the scene, and posted his story on facebook apologizing.  “Drivin drunk . . . classsic ;) but to whoever's vehicle i hit i am sorry. :P” One of Jacob Cox-Brown ‘s friends tipped off a police officer resulting in his arrest. His hit-and-run venture caused “significant” damage to two other cars. It’s really completely Jacob’s fault for both driving drunk and posting the story online.


Jan 7, 2013, 8:48:41 PM1/7/13

This article by Sabrina Parise capitalizes on the irony and ignorance within reality tv shows. Besides for the questionable "reality" part, this article describes the mindset of Honey Boo Boo's mother, and how her claim that she wants to keep her daughter grounded, is absolutely slaughtered by the toddler's in tiaras and own reality tv show. I just think the tone is sort of as-a-matter-of-fact, showing how she wants her daughter to stay grounded, yet turns her in to a child pageant girl. 

Another example of how social media is becoming a major aspect in essentially everyone's life, this article explains social media's attempt to fight the flu, with Google Flu Tracker, and the Facebook app, which tries to "identify the friend that gave you the virus from its searches and comments." I think this more than anything shows how social media can become a part of almost every single aspect in peoples' lives and how its potential dependency it will hold can be good, but dangerous as well.

Alexandra Chin

Jan 7, 2013, 10:04:32 PM1/7/13

With all the current aggressors taking part in society today, it is hard to imagine there really being much else to wars than actual combat or a Cold War style of conflict. This article brings to light that new style of fighting known as "Cyber War". In the article the author makes it known that this is not a new  phenomena and that it has been going on for a while now. However they are predicting that this will escalate and have to ability to topple banking systems and government infrastructures. It is important to protect the data which is invisible and sorely needed to run everyday life. When you think about it, when a person uses a credit or debit card the money is moved from account to store, but it's all just "up there" in the Cloud. In some cases such data is held for ransom and other such acts that may seem more commonplace on the personal front instead of the world-wide front. While no nations have really shown an interest for this kind of attack on the major scale so far it may not be long before we face an attack like this on our very own computers.

Gadgets and gizmos aplenty! Whosit's and whatsit's ga'lore! New gadgets that are coming out that sense your everyday habits and help improve your lifestyle. There's a console that can control anything in your house at any given time, such as the temperature or whether the back door is locked or not. Another is these goggles, not Google's, that can record footage, have access to bluetooth and Wi-Fi and basically perform as a smartphone on your head. My personal favoite was the fork that could sense how fast you were eating and vibrate to let you know that you are eating too fast and tell you to slow down which can help you loose weight. Although someone in the comments had a better suggestion of having the fork tines just fall out if you ate too much, which I find equally as amusing.


Jan 7, 2013, 10:31:58 PM1/7/13

In the political cartoon above, it displays President Obama being told that he needs to get rid of all of the greedy and cruel people in America, and him responding that he cannot get rid of the entire congress. This political cartoon is obviously aimed towards democrats and is using humor and irony to appeal to readers. The fact that the political cartoon is so clearly bashing congress (and republicans) will definitely appeal to very left-winged and liberal people. The cartoon brings up many of the common and stereotypical 'American' people. I think that this cartoon is effective, funny, and definitely makes people think about how corrupt the government is.,30813/

In this Onion article, the author uses humor to talk about the fact that government officials are determined to not make gun regulations and changes, even though it is obvious that they are extremely needed in today's society. With all of the recent shootings, gun regulations are absolutely necessary and the author of this article uses humor to effectively bring up this very important and not funny at all, topic. The irony of using humor to describe such a serious and upsetting topic, i think, is very effective. This article is geared towards left-winged liberals who believe is a lot stricter gun control and who don't agree with how long it is taking for government to mandate these laws.


Jan 9, 2013, 12:23:23 PM1/9/13
In response to your political cartoon:

Steve Breen appeals to humor in this political cartoon.  The popular movie, "Les Misérables" has captivated millions of people across America and is already expected to receive Oscars.  Since many Americans are already familiar with the story line, Breen uses the image of characters from the drama in order to drive home his point that America is suffering economically.  The cartoon also reveals that America is on the fast track to the poverty found in "Les Mis" if things don't change soon.

Jan 9, 2013, 12:26:57 PM1/9/13
It's always nice to see the more human, compassionate side of extreme athletes we watch on telivision. Although some people might view this piece as "fluff" news, it's important that it be published, because athletics and professional sports are more than just the on-air capacity for greatness. These athletes have to lead decent, respectable lives off air as well, because they are considered role models to kids all over the world. Andy Murray has successfully established himself as both a wonderful athlete, and a decent human being, something that shouldn't be taken for granted. I, along with the rest of the world, expect to see more excellence from Murray, both on and off the tennis courts.


Jan 9, 2013, 12:31:01 PM1/9/13
As intended by the author, this article was absolutely horrifying to read.  The image of a python wrapped around a baby is mentally scarring, and it is a shame that the baby had to get bit.  However, the author uses an unbiased approach in writing this piece.  By appealing to emotive language, the author paints a frightful scenario of a python wrapped around a baby.  However, the author shortly thereafter makes it a point to state that the python was only looking to stay warm, justifying this hypothesis with the facts that pythons have infrared vision.  Although disturbing, this article is a fairly written piece.

Jan 9, 2013, 12:32:25 PM1/9/13
I think this cartoon is highly effective in demonstrating its point because it firstly shows the horrors of domestic violence, via the woman's black eye, and secondly shows the injustice done unto women by the House of Representatives. By denying the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, the House has turned a blind eye to those unlucky souls who face violence each day behind closed doors. This cartoon is successful in being both comedic and getting its message across, because the two ideas flow very well together. Unlike some other political cartoons, the humor in no way overpowers the message, and the message isn't overbearing in comparison with the humor. After viewing this cartoon I was both upset and amused with the artist's ability to create a funny, yet angered cartoon.

Liz Anderson

Jan 9, 2013, 2:20:35 PM1/9/13
I agree with Stephen that this article is extremely biased. I also agree that this article should have been written more geared towards how you can solve the problem without eliminating aquariums, or the ability to look at wildlife unclose that the world does not get the chance to see out in the ocean. For me personally, if I was never able to visit an aquarium than I would never be able to see a shark due to the fact that I would refuse to get in the ocean deep enough to swim with one. 

Liz Anderson

Jan 9, 2013, 2:24:09 PM1/9/13
This article about child abusers and child pornography is very disturbing. Its hard to imagine being sexually abused, or exploited but its comforting to know that searches are implemented and there are things being done to try and end this horrific crime. 

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 1:53:42 PM UTC-5, grace.miller07 wrote:


In this article, Bob Greene expresses the controversy arriving with progressing technology about access to cellular devices on airplanes. This article is very matter-of-fact and it explains that cell phones are needed more and more for business and can help keep passengers calm. It is also explained by Greene that phone calls would be a bad idea on airplanes. I don’t seem to understand why people are so obsessed with using cell phones on airplanes. It is only a couple hours out of their life that they have to bear without it. People are saying it is no longer a conflict with the aircraft navigation but it is still in the safety video and so why risk putting you and everyone on the planes life in danger.


In this article, Carol Cratty reports 245 were arrested because of an international operation led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement aimed at child pornography and sexual abuse. Officers identified 123 victims of child exploitation and removed 44 of those children from their abusers who they were living with. Some of the victims were very young. Five were under age 3 and nine were between the ages of 4 and 6. This number caught me totally by surprise. 245 abusers is a huge number but it is reassuring that there is even an operation like this one.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:48 PM, sian.barry <> wrote:

"Andy Murray retains Brisbane title with victory over Grigor Dimitrov"

Reported on by the number one British news source, the BBC, their very own tennis player, Andy Murray, holds his Brisbane title once again. As an emerging player in the world of tennis and an Olympic gold medalist, there is constant publicity on the US Open champion. It seems to be repetivie that Murray's victory always have an emotional ending, finishing with tears and words of a heartfelt caliber. At the completion of match, Murray said "I'd like to dedicate this victory to one of my best friends. He's back at home watching-- you're going to get through it." As it turns out, the mysterious person that Murray dedicated his win at Brisbane to was Ross Hutchins who announced that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. To me, Murray comes off as aggressive and very mean on the tennis court, with a lot of emotion building up, but here, it was nice to see a compassionate side of him, off the tennis court, that makes him respect him as a tennis player, and a human being.  


Julie Daniels

Jan 9, 2013, 3:28:59 PM1/9/13

In response to Political Cartoon

When assessed at first glance, it is obvious to tell that this political cartoon by Jeff Parker was based on the topic of women’s rights. It shows of a woman who has been given a black eye somehow and a look of distress on her face. Later it was explained that she had the door slammed on her face by the house Republicans. This represents the stupidity of their actions when they denied the Violence Against Women Act. She is obviously very hurt by this and it is also showing that no progress will be made unless they eventually understand the purpose of this act and pass it. Although meant to be humorous, it portrays a deeper message, one that is physically, emotionally, and mentally hurting women everywhere. 

Julie Daniels

Jan 9, 2013, 3:37:04 PM1/9/13

This article about the use of cell phones on planes is very thought provoking. They FAA is actually considering the use of communication devices, whether they be tablets or cell phones, to be used on planes. For years it was always known that one was required to turn the phone off for the duration of the flight, but now there is a possibility that they will be allowed, and that makes most travelers very happy. This could mean better safety, as well as a more pleasant flight for the passengers. However, there is a possibility that this privilege could be abused and it could be a safety risk. No one can tell what one is doing on their private phone so who knows if it could be something bad? This decision will take much thinking as no one knows if it will even happen. At this time, one can only hope that these new provisions will be put into place. 

Mikaela Litchfield

Jan 9, 2013, 6:43:59 PM1/9/13
I was actually surprised that this man was still alive in the first place, since the link between diet and health has been an axiom for a very long time. The article also states that he helped scientifically establish the dangers of global warming. These two scientific discoveries are extremely relevant today because they both continue to be persisting problems.  

Ben Skalla

Jan 9, 2013, 7:46:09 PM1/9/13
This story is a good example of why you should think before you post something on the internet.  In this case, he admitted to committing multiple crimes that all cause for severe consequences, including drunk driving and a hit-and-run.  Also, Jacob Cox-Brown was making light of the whole situation, when he was putting his life and anyone else who was out driving that night in danger.  Many people today seem to not understand how serious these crimes are.  How would he been able to live with himself, had he taken the life of another driver, because his poor decision.  


Jan 9, 2013, 7:58:58 PM1/9/13
In response to NY Daily News article.

I was horrified after reading this article. Some may easily brush this article off in the same way the pedestrians and road crew did to the animal, claiming that it is "only roadkill," but it is this very reaction that is quite disturbing. While nobody likes roadkill, it most definitely does not imply that one should pretend it doesn't exist. The writer not only portrayed the lack of respect or tolerance we have for the environment and animals these days, he moreover, conveyed the wrongdoings and morals of society as a whole. New articles like this are posted almost daily, articles about very simplistic, yet alarming stories, and every day, I find myself losing some hope in humanity. 

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 12:01:02 PM UTC-5, Julie Daniels wrote:,30442/

In “The Onion”, satirical articles are published with the intent of poking fun at many other companies and issues around the world. Here, they manage to take the global warming controversy and make it seem like the companies which are trying to help it improve, are a joke. In a recent article by them, they make fun of the Environmental Protection Agency claiming that they released a statement saying that they are now advising people to turn off their showers after they are done using them. They talk about it in a very serious tone, trying to get people to be conscious of the non-existent problem occurring. Although this may seem like it is solely for a comical purpose, The Onion is also using it as a way to tell people not to be stupid with how they waist their water and what they do with it.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 

Ben Skalla

Jan 9, 2013, 8:05:36 PM1/9/13
This is a pretty terrifying story, and i'm shocked that the injurys were minor.  Luckily, the mother woke when the cat hissed.  The mother rushed her child to the hospital, although the snake was not venomous.  I would not know what to do had i been placed in that situation.  This is not the first incident of animals being in someone's home, so i do not understand how people would not be more careful about making sure that there is no way for animals to enter the house, if they lived in an area where these snakes lived.  I would not risk having a large snake entering my house.  

Orion Farr

Jan 9, 2013, 8:08:13 PM1/9/13
In response to your second link, I think that the political cartoon titled, "Les Miserables" is extremely effective in spreading its point. Everyone knows about the current state of both the world and US economy, and many Americans have heard about the new les miserables movie, so the connection between miserable and out of money is fairly substantial.



Jan 9, 2013, 8:09:00 PM1/9/13
In reply to your second article.

It is exceedingly frightening to read articles like the one CNN wrote about rape in India. Like Liz said, it is one of women's biggest fears, even though the chances are minor compared to other countries like India. Many times, it is even hard for us Americans to understand the reasons for such extreme and violent acts, but every day, these cultures carry out things we would never even fathom here in the United States. After reading this article, I could not believe the mindset of these cults of men who degrade women, and like Wolfe reminded us, rape is not about sex, it is about violence. The fact that 1 in 5 women have experienced rape or an attempted rate is obscene, and I cannot even image what it would be like to live among this lifestyle of constant fear. It really causes you to put things in perspective about our lives in America. I truly hope the Indian women continue fighting for what they rightfully deserve as human beings. 

Orion Farr

Jan 9, 2013, 8:14:01 PM1/9/13
In response to your first article, I think I've heard about a reason why airlines never wanted cell phone use on their planes was because they always want their passengers to be alert. You know in case of a crash landing, attack on the plane, etc. Since theirs no actual documented proof besides warnings in flight, most people ignore the warning and continue on doing what all of us do with our phones.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 1:53 PM, grace miller <> wrote:


In this article, Bob Greene expresses the controversy arriving with progressing technology about access to cellular devices on airplanes. This article is very matter-of-fact and it explains that cell phones are needed more and more for business and can help keep passengers calm. It is also explained by Greene that phone calls would be a bad idea on airplanes. I don’t seem to understand why people are so obsessed with using cell phones on airplanes. It is only a couple hours out of their life that they have to bear without it. People are saying it is no longer a conflict with the aircraft navigation but it is still in the safety video and so why risk putting you and everyone on the planes life in danger.


In this article, Carol Cratty reports 245 were arrested because of an international operation led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement aimed at child pornography and sexual abuse. Officers identified 123 victims of child exploitation and removed 44 of those children from their abusers who they were living with. Some of the victims were very young. Five were under age 3 and nine were between the ages of 4 and 6. This number caught me totally by surprise. 245 abusers is a huge number but it is reassuring that there is even an operation like this one.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:48 PM, sian.barry <> wrote:

"Andy Murray retains Brisbane title with victory over Grigor Dimitrov"

Reported on by the number one British news source, the BBC, their very own tennis player, Andy Murray, holds his Brisbane title once again. As an emerging player in the world of tennis and an Olympic gold medalist, there is constant publicity on the US Open champion. It seems to be repetivie that Murray's victory always have an emotional ending, finishing with tears and words of a heartfelt caliber. At the completion of match, Murray said "I'd like to dedicate this victory to one of my best friends. He's back at home watching-- you're going to get through it." As it turns out, the mysterious person that Murray dedicated his win at Brisbane to was Ross Hutchins who announced that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. To me, Murray comes off as aggressive and very mean on the tennis court, with a lot of emotion building up, but here, it was nice to see a compassionate side of him, off the tennis court, that makes him respect him as a tennis player, and a human being.  



grace miller

Jan 9, 2013, 8:22:28 PM1/9/13

In response to “Road crew paints white stripe across dead raccoon”

I read this article and I was unable to look at this situation as heartless or lacking sensitivity. I personally think that blood and guts of a dead animal is quite disgusting and probably would have done the same thing if I were the person to pain that line. Yes it would have been nice for someone to call to get it removed from that street but the responsibility to move that disgusting scene was not in the hands of the person painting the line. I also do not see how this is news worthy. I personally think there are much more important things.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:,30442/

In “The Onion”, satirical articles are published with the intent of poking fun at many other companies and issues around the world. Here, they manage to take the global warming controversy and make it seem like the companies which are trying to help it improve, are a joke. In a recent article by them, they make fun of the Environmental Protection Agency claiming that they released a statement saying that they are now advising people to turn off their showers after they are done using them. They talk about it in a very serious tone, trying to get people to be conscious of the non-existent problem occurring. Although this may seem like it is solely for a comical purpose, The Onion is also using it as a way to tell people not to be stupid with how they waist their water and what they do with it.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:02:36 AM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


The CNN Staff report that on January 5, 2013, there was a 7.5 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska.  Following it, a tsunami warning was issued for portions of British Columbia, Canada, and southeastern Alaska. It was retracted, but a small tsunami of about six inches was observed in Port Alexander in Alaska. The tone of this article is serious and reflects on past earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis that have fueled the apprehension when large earthquakes rock the ground. On October 27, 2012 there was a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Island, and the tsunami reached all the way to Hawaii, where citizens were evacuated to higher ground. Personally, I think earthquakes are one of the scariest natural disasters because they are all but unpredictable, and they catalyze tsunamis which can cause more death and destruction than earthquakes.


Piper Weiss, of Yahoo News, reports a linguistic phenomenon that has been appearing in young girls and women. It’s called “creaky voice” and a study showed two-thirds of college aged women install this in their speech. Apparently, it’s incredibly annoying.  There has been a lot of speculation on why the use of this speech tool has become so prominent, and researchers say that it could be used to purposefully sound more masculine, but it instead makes women sound stupid, emotional, and insecure. This article is directed at women; the female journalist uses pronouns like “we” to appropriately connect with female readers. I’ve always wondered if I have an annoying voice, but I am fairly certain I’ve don’t use “creaky voice” on a regular basis, nor do any other girls or women I talk to. I listened to a recording of what this linguistic tool is and it did sound very stupid, but it also sounded like something that would be utilized by the stupid cheerleader character of an overdone, cliché Disney movie.  


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Doug Triolo

Jan 9, 2013, 8:39:36 PM1/9/13
Well, to start the "n-word" is a very derogatory term, which was used to discriminate against blacks. In regard to the way Hamilton handled the situation, it is part of his job to appeal to his viewers, and gain their admiration to attain a good reputation. It would be detrimental to his career, being that many consider it a "curse word," or simply not very respectable, and it could potentially offend viewers. As a professional, I would avoid the use of the "n-word," just to be on the safe side.


            This article talks about something very uncomfortable for many people: saying the n-word.  During an interview with the stars of “Django Unchained”, Jake Hamilton asked Samuel L. Jackson about the movie’s use of the word.  In response, Jackson asked Hamilton to say the word.  Hamilton did not, and after much pressing by Jackson, the interview went on.  Hamilton received mixed reviews about his handling, some commending him while others saying he should have just said the word.  The video is linked to the article, and Hamilton looks very uncomfortable during the whole incident.  What would you do in this situation?


grace miller

Jan 9, 2013, 8:39:48 PM1/9/13

In response to “Do You Have "Annoying" Girl Voice?”


The thing that stuck out to me in this article was that women are using this “creaky voice” voice to sound more masculine.  I think it is so interesting how gender injustices can affect something as silly as the way women speak. I also think that some of these things such as vocal fry can’t always be helped and therefore should not be criticized so harshly. On the other hand, there are things that can be very much helped like baby talk. That drives me crazy because I don’t understand the purpose of a full grown adult or even teenage woman making the things that come out of their mouth sound like something a toddler would say. It is not cute or attractive and consequently makes you look stupid and uneducated.


Jan 9, 2013, 8:59:16 PM1/9/13
I agree with Stephen and Liz about the bias in the article, and I also agree with Liz that if it were not for aquariums, I would never personally get the chance to see a shark. Aquariums allow the public to see animals that they would never get the chance to see while also raising awareness for animals who may be endangered. As a child I was obsessed with animals and because I was able to see them in a zoo or aquarium my passion grew. i feel that this is the response that most children have and seeing the animals in real life may spawn a lifelong love for saving them and the environment- something that we recently really need. 


Jan 9, 2013, 9:04:42 PM1/9/13
Julie brings up a good point in saying that the use of cellphones could be potentially very dangerous. If their use was permitted, there is a larger chance that something, such as a bomb, could make it through security and be detonated with the use of some type of cellular device. Plus, after years of warnings, I'm not sure if I am ready to totally ignore warnings. For years the public has been told that cell phones are dangerous when used on an aircraft, so how do they prove that there is really no effect? For my personal safety, I think I would rather have everyone's cellular device off while in the air.

Dylan Panicucci

Jan 9, 2013, 9:12:05 PM1/9/13

As Matt says, the fact that 27 animals died during the production of the Hobbit is entirely inexcusable.  The trainers and wranglers tried to solve the problems and bring the issues to light to the company, but action was only taken after the AHA got involved.  It is really sad that the movie company did not care at all about these animals and seemed like they were just trying to save some money by cutting corners.  I would have to imagine that the "No animals were harmed in the making of this film" message will not appear at the end.


This article describes how in the filming of the movie, The Hobbit, more than two dozen animals died.  This is an example of the effects that carelessness can have on people and animals. Having one animal death would be bad, two would be terrible, three inexcusable, but 27? Really? These deaths were attributed to dangerous conditions at the farm where they were being housed. In addition to reading the article, which angered me, I also read the comments, which were far worse. Rather than making intelligent observations or trying to explain their point three people in particular were just arguing back and forth about why the other people were unintelligent and naive.  The worst part for me was that these people were attempting to argue logically and to sound smart, but it did not work. These off topic arguments only served to detract from the total value of the article.

Jan 9, 2013, 9:14:37 PM1/9/13
I found this sad for those who were injured in this shark related accident. This does not, however, take away from the hilariousness of this piece! Seriously, sharks? Sharks are funny. And a shark tank breaking in a mall is even funnier. If the shark did not injure anyone, there is no reason to protest having a shark on display in a mall - even though having a shark tank  on display at a mall is a little strange. Like I was saying, if the shark did not harm anyone, then the argument of having a shark on display is invalid. Like Stephen said, this is the engineer's doing. Whoever had designed the tank to put the shark on display in obviously should have accounted for the massive and awesome power that IS a shark.
Sharks are really really cool. Shark tanks breaking are really really funny. And the consensus seems to be that the engineer who designed this should find a new career or something.
Love, Henri

Dylan Panicucci

Jan 9, 2013, 9:19:03 PM1/9/13
This kid is pretty stupid.  Obviously, driving under the influence is extremely dangerous and not only puts yourself at risk but those around you.  Next, why would he post this on Facebook? What did he expect would happen, and is he really proud about driving intoxicated?  Everyday humanity just gets a little dumber.

Jan 9, 2013, 9:21:08 PM1/9/13
It's also upsetting when a person who has significantly contributed to today's world dies and it goes unrecognized by the public. Now, I am not currently on a diet; however, if I was on a diet, I sure as hell would thank Alexander Leaf for doing what he did. Scientific discoveries are important, no matter what the discovery. If the world didn't recognize the linkage between diet and health where would the human race be? Would America no longer be the most obese country in the world? Probably not, considering we're America and that's just the way it's going to be. But how many deaths do you think Alexander Leaf has prevented due to weight issues or even general health issues? Food is so important to the regular function of the human body, and I recognize this, and I put good things into by body, and I thank Alexander Leaf for this!
Way to go, man!
Love, Henri


Jan 9, 2013, 11:25:41 PM1/9/13
In response to Python Wrapped Around Baby's Neck

Undoubtedly, reading this article completely horrified me! Like Stephen's response to this story, the image of a a python wrapped around a baby's neck is indeed mentally scarring. One can only imagine the shock and fright experienced by the mother in this completely unorthodox situation. However, as author Dylan Stableford suggests, the story has a somewhat happy ending, with no deaths and a serious of unvenomous snakes bites on both the mother and the daughter. Whilst its hard to remain unbiased, Stableford effectively does so, whilst still producing an intriguing and captivating article. The subject matter alone catches the eye immediately. Nonetheless, this renewed my fear of snakes, especially their ability to swallow and strangle their prey, which hopefully isn't any more humans.  

On Monday, January 7, 2013 4:34:46 PM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
In this Yahoo! article by Dylan Stableford, the horrifying story of a mother waking up to a python wrapped around her 2-year-old daughter. Thankfully, Tess Guthrie woke up when her cat started to hiss. According to the article, the python was not going to eat the child and the only reason for it to have wrapped itself around the baby was for warmth. The snake reportably bit the baby and mother several times and was thankfully unvenomous. I personally find this story quite terrifying as I hate snakes and I cannot imaging having one in my bed with me, let alone wrapped around my arm. This to the point article states to the fact while also including other, similar stories. 


In this cartoon from the NY Times, the two political parties are shaking hands during the groundbreaking ceremony for the next governmental crisis. While making fun of the way that the Democrats and the Republicans can never agree on anything therefore making it almost impossible to get bills passed, especially when it comes to something as important as the recent fiscal cliff. Within Congress, neither party is willing to compromise and every time something is brought to congress, it takes a significant amount of time for congressmen/women to come to a conclusion. 

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Jan 9, 2013, 11:35:10 PM1/9/13
In response to Newtown Shooting Song

It is really lovely to see the unity of a community and an entire nation in times of desperation and tragedy. This is just one example of many acts of kindness exhibited recently in response to the Newton shooting that happened a couple of weeks ago. Although the images of this catastrophe will not wear away from the minds of Americans any time soon, this song, entitled "Standing With You" serves as a wonderful tribute to the incident and may help ease the pain of those directly and indirectly affected. It is a beautiful song, that like Rachel acknowledged, captures the exact feelings people were dealing with after hearing about the horrific event. God bless the little angels and all who died that day.


Jan 9, 2013, 11:41:27 PM1/9/13

Why are humans so dependent on their connection to the world via cell phones?! It is almost sickening that this is considered highly controversial. Because of our dependence on gadgets, we are incapable of putting the phone away for something has unimportant as a plane ride. There is Wifi available on planes now, therefore you can pay a fee to be able to use your laptop -- which solves the problem of staying in touch for business purposes. If electronic devices are allowed on planes, it is certain that less people will pay attention to the instructions that could end up saving their lives, while their noses are buried within their small world captured in their smartphone. This would be a  unnecessary addition, I'm hoping it will stay the way it currently is.

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 1:53:42 PM UTC-5, grace.miller07 wrote:


In this article, Bob Greene expresses the controversy arriving with progressing technology about access to cellular devices on airplanes. This article is very matter-of-fact and it explains that cell phones are needed more and more for business and can help keep passengers calm. It is also explained by Greene that phone calls would be a bad idea on airplanes. I don’t seem to understand why people are so obsessed with using cell phones on airplanes. It is only a couple hours out of their life that they have to bear without it. People are saying it is no longer a conflict with the aircraft navigation but it is still in the safety video and so why risk putting you and everyone on the planes life in danger.




Jan 9, 2013, 11:54:52 PM1/9/13
This video makes that whole event seem so surreal. The man was crazy, even the color of his hair is now a crazy orange! He probably is so insane, that he thinks that his life is like a movie. That he is the creepy villain, also known as a terrorist who preys upon the innocent people of Aurora. I am still so shocked that something like this could happen. Things need to be done in order to prevent people like this from obtaining a dangerous weapon that could potentially be used to murder people.

Randy May

Jan 10, 2013, 3:44:22 PM1/10/13

Drunk driver arrested after Facebook post

This article is very funny but also pretty pathetic. Not only was this kid driving drunk he was underaged, and why did he think that it would be ok to write about it on a social network where almost anyone can see it? Some people just do not have any common sense anymore and if I was that kid, I would be completely embarrassed. Some people just amaze me.

In response to the Honey Boo Boo article, I have never watched the show but it looks hysterical. I mean how could those people even get a show on national television? And when her mother says that she wants to keep her daughter grounded she doesn't know what being "grounded" means. Parading your daughter around on a national level and allowing her to compete in these Toddler in Tiara competitions is nothing close to staying grounded.



Jan 10, 2013, 4:35:31 PM1/10/13

Haha that’s kind of funny actually, but anyway… I agree with you that making the transient relation between sharks being bad and the incident itself is very unprofessional. I’m not sure why a news reporter should be sending messages to viewers such as their opinions on sharks, and their skewed opinion on the treatment of them, being that they are in a mall and not the sea. Our focus should be more on how a tank like that, which, well at least now, is clearly unstable gets passed to be in a mall. News these days…


Jan 10, 2013, 5:21:26 PM1/10/13
This is in response to "Road crew paints white stripe across dead raccoon"

This is just another example of human stupidity in our world. Not only is it bad enough that animals just die for the sake of our cars, but then things like this happen. An incident like this calls into question everyone who was involved with the job of lining the roads and everyone who did not care enough to lift a finger to help. All it would have taken is someone to push the dead raccoon off of the road but no one, not even the town employes did that. It was obvious what the opinion of the author was and how he wanted readers to feel, and this problem sure makes me a little angry.  

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 12:01:02 PM UTC-5, Julie Daniels wrote:,30442/

In “The Onion”, satirical articles are published with the intent of poking fun at many other companies and issues around the world. Here, they manage to take the global warming controversy and make it seem like the companies which are trying to help it improve, are a joke. In a recent article by them, they make fun of the Environmental Protection Agency claiming that they released a statement saying that they are now advising people to turn off their showers after they are done using them. They talk about it in a very serious tone, trying to get people to be conscious of the non-existent problem occurring. Although this may seem like it is solely for a comical purpose, The Onion is also using it as a way to tell people not to be stupid with how they waist their water and what they do with it.

In this article, journalists Michael Walsh descries a horrible incident dealing with road kill in Minnesota. Here, a dead raccoon on the side of the road was left for a few days and no one bothered to pick it up. Then, when it came time to repaint the lines on the side of that particular road, the road crew painted right over it, not even bothering to remove it. Pedestrians and other users of the road noticed the horrific act and continued to ignore it and some even stopped to take pictures. The question of human sensitivity is brought up here and why it was okay for someone to do this. The fact that no one bothered or even cared enough to take the time to move it demonstrates the lack of apathy people have for the animals in the world. Others were appalled by this grotesque act as well as the author by the use of his tone. 


Jan 10, 2013, 5:32:10 PM1/10/13
This is in response to "Samuel L. Jackson dares interviewer to say the n-word"

I find this incident extremely base and immature. It was not an unreasonable question for Hamilton to ask but it was extremely unreasonable and immature for Jackson to dare him to say the n-word. The reason that Hamilton asked his question was due to the controversiality of the n-word and Jacksons repeated attempts to make Hamilton say it completely defeated the purpose. I do applaud Hamilton for standing up for himself and not caving in. What he did was not only the right decision morally but it was also probably the best decision for his company. If this interview taught anything, it was who the bigger man was on that set. 

Mikaela Litchfield

Jan 10, 2013, 7:54:05 PM1/10/13
I agree that this article was terrifying, as soon as I began reading I immediately pictured myself in the mother's (or daughter's position). Australia seems to have the most terrifying animals, and the article states that snake invasions are not particularly uncommon. I was a bit skeptical at first when the man who removed the snake remarked that it was not trying to eat the baby, only give it a hug, but he explained it by saying how the snake saw the girl as a warm spot, not a meal. 

On Monday, January 7, 2013 4:34:46 PM UTC-5, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
In this Yahoo! article by Dylan Stableford, the horrifying story of a mother waking up to a python wrapped around her 2-year-old daughter. Thankfully, Tess Guthrie woke up when her cat started to hiss. According to the article, the python was not going to eat the child and the only reason for it to have wrapped itself around the baby was for warmth. The snake reportably bit the baby and mother several times and was thankfully unvenomous. I personally find this story quite terrifying as I hate snakes and I cannot imaging having one in my bed with me, let alone wrapped around my arm. This to the point article states to the fact while also including other, similar stories. 


In this cartoon from the NY Times, the two political parties are shaking hands during the groundbreaking ceremony for the next governmental crisis. While making fun of the way that the Democrats and the Republicans can never agree on anything therefore making it almost impossible to get bills passed, especially when it comes to something as important as the recent fiscal cliff. Within Congress, neither party is willing to compromise and every time something is brought to congress, it takes a significant amount of time for congressmen/women to come to a conclusion. 

Alexandra Chin

Jan 10, 2013, 10:41:57 PM1/10/13
 In response to:

I have to admit that I laughed at this. The simplicity of the comic and the quick and easy to understand punchline was ideal to get the message across by saying that Congress is chock full of people that really don't care about anyone else besides themselves. Whether this claim it true or not, doesn't matter, the idea has already been planted and the deed done. Not only do they criticize Congress, they criticize Obama for being unwilling to do anything about the problem. Saying that he can;t just stop the source of these wretched people.

While this is great news to hear, the fact that the money that the this family has received for existing is not going to waste, I am still rather against the idea of such a monetary gain being made off of such an idea. Just the show, "Toddler's and Tiaras" really sickens me, it feels wrong that girls this young are getting spray tans and having their legs shaved so that they learn to emulate older woman and take on rather risque roles. Yet, if it is what the child wants for themselves, no that's still a problem with me. I don't mind a competition but these people tend to go a little to far of my liking.
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