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Julie Daniels

Jun 3, 2013, 4:44:42 PM6/3/13

Julie Daniels

Jun 3, 2013, 4:45:15 PM6/3/13

The new satirical novel occupying the top spot on the bestseller list in Germany is something no one could have imagined except for, well, the author. The book is titled “Er Ist Wieder Da” (translation: He’s back) and it tell a story from the first person point of view of Hitler. It tells a story of what would happen if Hitler were to wake up in modern day Berlin. With it no longer occupied by Nazi’s or even Soviets but rather a functioning democratic government and a thriving culture. Everyone else thinks he is simply an impersonator who quickly turned celebrity trying once again, to take over the world. Unsurprisingly, this book has sparked much controversy in countries all over the world. While it is intended to be funny, many think it is much to soon to be making jokes after he killed millions of people. I think that it is all in good fun and I am very interesting and think it would be very funny to read.,32670/

For some reason, I actually thought that this was the funniest thing ever. Satirical news source, The Onion, recently revealed this article poking fun at the attempt of all Americans now-a-days to look much younger than they actually are. In it, the describe the tortoise as 120 but trying to make himself seem like he was really only 90 years old. I believe that this is so funny because we all know someone just like this whom only wants to look younger. 


Jun 3, 2013, 4:56:23 PM6/3/13
These photos are beautiful and all show off the beauty of nature in gorgeous ways. I highly suggest that you look through a few, if not them all. My favorite would have to be the one of the zebras because of the textures, patterns, and they way that the black and white makes the photo that much more interesting. I'm also a big fan in of the third photo as I love the way the arch draws your eyes across the page.

I'm not going to lie, this is a pretty funny goof, although I'm pretty sure someone had to look at the teapot for awhile before the saw Hitler. Sure, once its pointed out it's pretty obvious, but I certainly had to stare at it for a few minutes before I saw the dictator. My favorite part of the article is not necessarily the subject, but the company's tweet... “If we had designed it to look like something, we would have gone with a snowman or something fun :) ." The smiley face defiantly makes it. Anyways, JCPenny did do the right thing in deciding to remove the tea pot from their website as I could see how it may offend some people, but this is another great example of how overly sensitive people can be (I'm not saying that the Hitler isn't a sensitive subject, just that it takes a lot to relate the two.)

On Monday, June 3, 2013 4:44:42 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:

Matt Saba

Jun 3, 2013, 5:04:58 PM6/3/13

This article is about a statement that he made in the New York Times describing a new plan called the Franklin Project. The program is largely based community service and is meant to “transform boys and girls into men and women. There is not yet a lot of information about the plan but there will be more information about it is late June.I found this article particularly interesting because Stanley McChrystal is my cousin.

 This article about a mobile city in Antarctica shows a huge leap forward in how we live. This structure, although it does not propel itself, is able to move in order to allow scientists to study the polar icecaps and still have a permanent structure. The structure is propped up on hydraulic stilts, which rest on ski-like contraptions. This allows the structure to be pulled along by bulldozers and relocated to allow for the scientists to study the icepack the most easily. The ability for people to have houses that can relocate whenever they want would be an incredible addition to society. Imagine being able to move your home whenever you want wherever you want, like in the winter moving your home to Vermont, or in the summer living in Florida, and never having to pay rent. This is where we are headed with this technology - the ability to do whatever we want wherever we want to be. This is definitely a technological advancement that I hope happens soon, because it would be a great way to live.


Jun 3, 2013, 5:43:13 PM6/3/13

I really enjoyed this satirical article from The Onion, the news source you can always count on to brighten up your day. It is about the all-American Chuck E. Cheese that most likely everyone of us have been in at least once in our lives. For many, it was a huge part of childhood. However, in light of its announcement that it will lower prices, The Onion humorously added that in addition to cheaper prices, the restaurant will be increasingly dirtier (even though the place is already riddled with germs). The article goes on to ridicule the restaurant for its hygiene and cleanliness. Every kid-friendly location will be dirty in some way, but Chuck E. Cheese seems to have won the prize for dirtiest children's restaurant in America. 


Jun 3, 2013, 6:01:35 PM6/3/13

This article discusses a mysterious illness that has evolved in the Middle East, namely in Saudi Arabia where it was first detected in 2012. The respiratory syndrome coronavirus, as it is known, has the makings of an epidemiological thriller and continues to perplex public health authorities trying to curb the illness. Since it was first detected, it has sickened at least 49 and killed roughly 26 people in seven countries. Experts are still trying to determine how it spread from person to person, who is most (or least) vulnerable, when a victim is most contagious, and how long the virus incubates before making its victim noticeably ill. It appears to kill roughly half of those infected; hopefully, this strange illness will be terminated before it can continue to spread worldwide. 


Jun 3, 2013, 6:33:14 PM6/3/13

The punny title of this article made me laugh out loud, and I thought a piece on "Flush the Jons," would be too good not to share.  This article from the New York Daily News reports the story of the 104 men who were arrested for hiring prostitutes that turned out to be undercover cops, both male and female.  Taking an unbiased approach, the authors of this piece both credit the police force as well as the reputations of the families who are experiencing much turmoil from this fallout.  Regardless, I think this story is just funny, especially when reading the "" listings for the prostitutes.  Take for instance Dylan, a “down to earth guy who has a secret wild side.”  Seriously, I just picture the cops writing profiles for these and giggling.  I know how bad this is indeed, but I could not help but laugh.

I find the Youtube channel CGPGrey extremely shocking, as he gives commentary on contemporary political issues that most people seem to forget about.  This one in particular is extremely fascinating because it sheds light on the corruptions of the Electoral College system.  In creating these videos, CGPGrey points out the flaws in some of America's oldest systems and suggest to his viewers that they be amended.  What surprised me most about this video is that in some states (aka Ohio), each person's vote is actually worth more than those in other states.  This is American corruption at its finest.

Jun 3, 2013, 6:44:04 PM6/3/13
THE TONY AWARDS ARE ALMOST HERE! WOOOOOOO! Although this isn't exactly news, I still found this article to be very interesting because of who they chose to be the winners this year. Some of their choices I was a bit surprised with (Stephanie J. Block not winning for The Mystery of Edwin Drood) and some I believe to be right on (Billy Porter winning for Kinky Boots). All in all, I think this has been a really great Broadway season and I'm super happy that Neil Patrick Harris is hosting because that man could host an award show celebrating CPAs and still make it hilarious and entertaining. 

Dylan Panicucci

Jun 3, 2013, 6:51:03 PM6/3/13

            When students noticed things missing from their bags after gym class, they decided to look into it.  A girl hid in a locker to videotape and catch the thief.  To her great surprise it was her teacher.  She could not believe the teacher was stealing from them, and she claims she kept watching the video in awe.  The teacher is on administrative leave while the school and police investigate the situation.

This video is about a 42 year old teacher who had an affair with a 15 year old student.  However, when the prosecutor was going to charge for rape, the two got married.  That's right, a 42 year old teacher married a 15 year old with whom she had an affair!  This whole thing is absolutely sick.  I cannot imagine how people want this to happen and let this happen.  What has the world come to?

Jun 3, 2013, 6:52:51 PM6/3/13

Recently I've been seeing a lot of cool new alarm clocks, from a weight that you have to lift a certain amount of time to shut it up to a target that requires you to shoot and hit a bullseye to make it stop going off. I have to say that this is probably the most ridiculous/coolest/best idea I've seen yet. While the other ideas seem good for a laugh, this gadget will actually motivate people to get the heck out of bed on time! Although I can't really imagine anyone willingly inserting money to potentially be shredded, I do think this is a good concept, as money is one of the best motivational tools out there!

Mikaela Litchfield

Jun 3, 2013, 7:57:15 PM6/3/13

This article briefly describes how the Japanese cancelled their wheat order from the US. They did this rightfully so, as the crops are supposedly contaminated with GMOs (genetically modified organisms). GMOs are dangerous from an economic, environmental, moral, health standpoint. Monsatno, the leading producer of GM seeds, promised the farmers, whose fields were used as testing sites, that cross-contamination between organic seeds and GM seeds would not occur, but it did. The EU is also putting pressure on the US about our production of genetically-modified crops: 93% of our soybeans and 88% of our corn crops are made in a factory. The result could be hazardous for humans; the long-term effect of GMOs on mankind is not yet known. 

A man in California received eleven pounds of pot accidentally - the package was delivered by FedEx and police think his address was randomly picked. However, the man and his fiance fled their home in fear that the intended recipient will resort to violence after losing 24,000 dollars worth of marijuana. 

Alexandra Chin

Jun 3, 2013, 7:57:38 PM6/3/13

This article informs the reader of the recent remark that the Pope has made about atheists and it's not what one would usually expect. In this article he is quoted to say that he believes that everyone deserving of heaven, atheist or catholic or whatever. This sparked quite a bit of controversy among the press and members of the catholic religion. Personally I think that statement is not necessarily regarding whether atheists go to heaven or have a heaven but more so whether atheists deserve a heaven if they have lived a morally sound life.

I'm sure that many of us text and in conjunction with texting we have probably used lol at one point. But let's be honest, were you truly laughing out loud. Were you? Well this article explores what the "lol" phrase has actually become. That it is that is has become an element of sympathy, a way to show you connect with someone emotionally. They report that texting is not the mangling of the English language, like it is so often characterized as, more so it is the birth of a new vernacular. lol


Jun 3, 2013, 7:58:08 PM6/3/13

This article from the Huffington Post delineates the states in the U.S. that spend the most and the least on education. Interestingly enough, the state of New York spends the most, at just over $19,000 per student. Utah, on the other hand, spends a third of that. However, I was more curious to see where New Jersey stood in the rankings, and authors revealed that New Jersey was among the highest spending regions in the country, which was comforting to hear. The amount of expenditures does not translate into success, as pointed out by the article. Alaska and New York, the two highest spending states, have only mediocre scores in reading and math proficiency exams. Whilst enlightening, it was also sad to read about the states that do not provide as much funding for their student's education, which makes me all the more thankful for the state I live in. 


Jun 3, 2013, 8:05:10 PM6/3/13

As summer is quickly approaching (and school is almost over... woohoo), I felt this article from the New York Times to be both relevant and enlightening. It centers around the idea that it is in fact possible to prevent your skin from aging. Author of the piece, Gina Kolata enunciates that people who use sunscreen daily and diligently can slow and stop skin from wrinkling and sagging, something we all dread. However, it is amazing how easy it is to forget to use sunscreen or simply not apply enough. Today, our generation especially is obsessed with tanning, and even fake tanning (as proven recently by prom), yet Kolata's articles displays the importance of sunscreen, but also its promising results if used properly. 

Ben Skalla

Jun 3, 2013, 8:08:16 PM6/3/13

          This article explains how 7 black bears in Montana had to be euthanized after they were fed by locals.  A resident had been feeding the bears so much that they had become dependent.  This woman claimed to have been teaching the bears how to survive in the wild, although her actions caused the opposite.  Many of these bears weighed much more than they normally should, because of their changed diets.  The woman said she had been doing it for years and the people who knew about it didn't say anything about it.  She also said that she taught the bears how to hibernate.  Charges may be pressed, because Montana law prohibits the feeding of bears and other wildlife. Because no zoos would accept the bears and it would be dangerous to release them elsewhere, the bears had to be killed.  This woman should definitely have known better than to feed wild bears and to think that she was helping them.  She also should have realized that she was breaking the law.  

The New York Times article talks about the quality of the air in many cities throughout Asia.  Due to the air pollution in many of these Asian cities, the quality of the air is severely decreasing.  The number of deaths due to outdoor air pollution is about 1.3 million each year.  Almost 75% of cities are experiencing fast growing pollution levels.  These numbers are expected to greatly increase in the near future.  The levels of pollution have become severe enough to pose serious health issues to people who live in cities.  China and India are the two cities that have the most polluted air and they are expected to remain this way.  

Liz Anderson

Jun 3, 2013, 8:19:27 PM6/3/13

This article investigates the relationship between Russian intelligence and the bombing at the Boston Marathon. It is up for debate whether or not a better relationship between Russian and United States intelligence agencies could have prevented this terrorist attack, and tragedy for Americans. This article was particularly interesting to me because I know alot of people and close friends who go to school in Boston. The fact that these terrorist attacks are hitting so close to home is frightening, and I am thankful none of the people I knew at the marathon were killed, but couldnt imagine the suffering some endured for those who were close with the people who were injured and some who were killed. 

Liz Anderson

Jun 3, 2013, 8:23:18 PM6/3/13

This article in the New York Times focuses on the shift in our bodies at around six weeks of age, where our organs go from symmetrical to asymmetrical. This was fascinating to me because I was never aware that this even occured. The fact that our bodies begin symmetrical, and then slowly change their physical positioning is incredible. The heart is the first thing to shift, and I also found this particularly interesting due to the fact that the most vital organ in our body can move without our health being affected. 

Randy May

Jun 3, 2013, 8:42:45 PM6/3/13

Drunk driver arrested after Facebook post

This article is very funny but also pretty pathetic. Not only was this kid driving drunk he was underaged, and why did he think that it would be ok to write about it on a social network where almost anyone can see it? Some people just do not have any common sense anymore and if I was that kid, I would be completely embarrassed. Some people just amaze me.

In response to the Honey Boo Boo article, I have never watched the show but it looks hysterical. I mean how could those people even get a show on national television? And when her mother says that she wants to keep her daughter grounded she doesn't know what being "grounded" means. Parading your daughter around on a national level and allowing her to compete in these Toddler in Tiara competitions is nothing close to staying grounded.

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Jun 3, 2013, 9:38:22 PM6/3/13

The author of this article was a witness of the brutality of the government in Turkey. Protesting the construction of a shopping mall, the peaceful protesters were inflicted by tear gas, run over by tanks, and horrifically brutalized by the government. The author Guy Martin employs a narrative tone, illustrating his account of the incident. He describes the events with an emotional undertone, connecting the reader to the author in this article.

The riots in Istanbul, Turkey are symbolized in this political cartoon. The peaceful protest was put down by military of the Turkish government. This cartoon represents the fire erupted above the flag, such as the riots. The blood dripping into the emblem is the blood of the innocent people who were affected by this violent incident.

Jun 3, 2013, 10:01:06 PM6/3/13

This article is about a man finding a box on his doorstep with an unexpected prize inside. 11 pounds of marijuana that he did not order in any way was found inside, and to his surprise, he name and home address was hand written on the box. A little creep if you ask me. However, he said he was concerned for who would have come looking for this package, as people have lost much more to a lot less than eleven pounds of pot. I can only imagine the reaction some kids would get if this had happened to them, but I'm sure they wouldn't think of the rational consequences of holding to it if it did.


Jun 3, 2013, 10:11:48 PM6/3/13

This cartoon suggests that the path to citizenship in America is deceptive and full of political traps. The illustration shows the treachery of the “path to the path to citizenship” with quick sand, an alligator, land mines, and Merrill’s favorite “bobbed wire.” Obviously the cartoonist believes that immigration laws and citizenship requirements are too demanding and restricting.

My bias aside, this cartoon is on the topic of gun control. It suggests essentially that we are safer without guns and that they should be removed. The cartoon depicts this by distancing a gun from its owner, moving it from a nightstand, to a closet safe box, and then the bottom of the ocean. It gets the cartoonists opinion across successfully with limited text by taking a visual approach.


Jun 3, 2013, 10:20:09 PM6/3/13

This fox article explains how a cat ended up in a Russian prison. It turns out there were cell phones and chargers taped to the cat's belly, but the whole thing is extremely bizarre and weird. The article is delivered in sort of a facetious tone which i think is completely necessary for the given situation


Jun 3, 2013, 10:23:49 PM6/3/13

This article is about an 102-year-old thrill seeker. the article portrays the fulfillment of life in this lady as she went ziplining across a canyon for her 101st birthday, followed by base jumping of a bridge for her 102nd.The jump is 586 feet, too. I feel like that's worrisome with the age and stuff but she's all for it so

grace miller

Jun 4, 2013, 5:27:38 PM6/4/13

In this article, Fox News reports an old woman ordering her 19-year-old grandson to kill her husband. She is being charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery. The teenager was charged with murder and is being held without bail. This article was a short one with a solemn tone and was very factual. In this article it revealed that the old woman was not able to be present in court because she is being treated at a hospital for a lung disease. I actually let out a chuckle when I read that because I found it extremely ironic.

in this article Fox news reported on a man whose 12-year-old golden retriever ate five $100 bills hopes to be reimbursed by the federal government. He claims he and his family were on a field trip when the dog got a hold on the money. The man collected as much of the shredded bills from the dogs poop he could. He cleaned these pieces and taped them together and sent them to the federal government with an explanation of what happened in the hopes of being reimbursed. This article is particularly funny to me but I have to admit $500 dollars is a decent amount of money!

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:23 PM, jamiemelville1 <> wrote:

This article is about an 102-year-old thrill seeker. the article portrays the fulfillment of life in this lady as she went ziplining across a canyon for her 101st birthday, followed by base jumping of a bridge for her 102nd.The jump is 586 feet, too. I feel like that's worrisome with the age and stuff but she's all for it so


Orion Farr

Jun 4, 2013, 7:52:13 PM6/4/13

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced that they plan to protest
the funeral of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman. Since the announcement,
many Slayer fans have begun organising a counter picket to drown out
the controversial religious organisation, with some suggesting arming
themselves with red-paint-filled water balloons to throw at the group.
Jeff Hanneman's funeral arrangements are yet to be made. Hanneman,
aged just 49, died from liver failure in a California hospital on the
morning of May 2.

Russia and the United States announced on Tuesday that they would
seek to convene an international conference aimed at ending the civil
war in Syria, jointly intensifying their diplomatic pressure on the
combatants to peacefully settle a conflict that has taken more than
70,000 lives and left millions displaced and desperate. Mr. Kerry’s
visit also came as Washington has talked more and more about
intervening in the conflict. The effort to seek a diplomatic solution
with the Russians suggested the Obama administration at least wanted
to make a public push in that direction first. Mr. Kerry said both
Russia and the United States wanted to hold the conference “as soon as
practical, possibly, hopefully as soon as the end of this month.”

Dylan Panicucci

Jun 5, 2013, 5:45:29 PM6/5/13
Thanks for the shout out Stephen.  That's pretty accurate honestly.  Seriously though this story is funny.  It's almost like these cops were just setting up an elaborate prank except it was their job.  

Dylan Panicucci

Jun 5, 2013, 5:48:32 PM6/5/13
I hate the Westboro Baptist Church.  I don't understand how it's even called a church.  I'm pretty sure Slayer fans would likely beat up all the protesters anyway.  If there is one group of people I would not want to piss off, it's heavy metal fans.

Ben Skalla

Jun 5, 2013, 7:21:28 PM6/5/13
As the article says, this disease will hopefully be contained and never become a serious threat, but it may have the capabilities of spreading.  The disease has not spread to many people yet, but seems to cause half of the people infected to die.  Work is currently being done to prevent this virus from spreading further, but discerning the course of the outbreak and how to stop it is extremely complex.  

Ben Skalla

Jun 5, 2013, 7:33:57 PM6/5/13
I find it crazy to think that this tragic attack occurred only a month and a half ago.  It is no longer in the news often, but it is truly hard to know if anything different could have been done to prevent the attack.  Bombings such as this one are extremely hard to predict considering the number of people walking around the streets carrying backpacks.  Any of them could contain a bomb inside and nobody would know.  


Jun 5, 2013, 8:46:07 PM6/5/13
I thought this article about the word "lol" was spot on. Like Alexandra commented, we all use the word once in awhile, some of us too much, but in reality, most of us were not sitting behind our phones, computers, etc. laughing, literally, out loud (Though I do have to say, it does happen sometimes). The word is somewhat of a phenomenon in this society, just as OMG has become part of our vernacular as well. Each era is defined by its language; our modern language just reflects the growing influence of technology in the 21st century. 


Jun 5, 2013, 8:51:50 PM6/5/13
The Boston Marathon bombing was extremely scary from the start, but the fact that we still are unsure of its causes and background, seems to be even scarier. Most people seem to be attributing the bombings to terrorist attacks, the ultimate fear in today's society. It is so difficult because we cannot live our lives in fear, but then again, we must be safe and protect ourselves from these prevalent dangers. These kinds of attacks are evading the government, which poses a daunting threat for the future. 

On Monday, June 3, 2013 8:19:27 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:

Liz Anderson

Jun 6, 2013, 8:59:13 AM6/6/13
I agree with Randy. Not only is it idiotic to drive drunk but then to post it on Facebook is like digging your own grave. The kid should have just walked into the police station and told them he was driving under the influence. Social Network sites are the farthest thing from private. 
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Liz Anderson

Jun 6, 2013, 9:03:52 AM6/6/13
I agree with Dylan. The Westboro Baptist Church is absolutely ridiculous and should not be regarded as a legitiment organization. It baffles me that they feel the need to protest at funerals and events which have no relevance to any of the members whatsoever. 


Jun 6, 2013, 10:59:46 AM6/6/13
It's disgusting how polluted some places are. My brother went to China and brought back pictures where the cities and beautiful scenery were engulfed in a perpetual layer of smog. I can't imagine living in such conditions. Even when I went skiing out in Colorado, upon return to Denver, we could so the parabolic dome of air pollution hanging over the city. The problem is that the most polluted cities are also the most populated, so it is affecting a greater number of people. The health-related problems that arise aren't going anywhere so its either the pollution does, or the people do. 


Jun 6, 2013, 11:06:44 AM6/6/13
Yeah, I would think that isn't exactly the best idea, since she's probably more prone to heart attacks and what not. To live that long is extraordinary though. My great grandfather lived to 104, and he was somewhat of a celebrity where he lived because he told his stories of coming over to Ellis Island and even attempted to learn Spanish in his old age to understand and communicate with the people who took care of his room.You must must have a few marbles loose by that age, but ziplining and base jumping, that's just insane. 

Julie Daniels

Jun 6, 2013, 12:24:32 PM6/6/13
I agree I also thought this article was very funny. Growing up, I had gone to Chuck E. Cheese once or twice and didn't think anything about it while I was there, just fun. But now looking back I see actually how gross it was and this article perfectly pokes fun at it. 

On Monday, June 3, 2013 5:43:13 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:,32666/

I really enjoyed this satirical article from The Onion, the news source you can always count on to brighten up your day. It is about the all-American Chuck E. Cheese that most likely everyone of us have been in at least once in our lives. For many, it was a huge part of childhood. However, in light of its announcement that it will lower prices, The Onion humorously added that in addition to cheaper prices, the restaurant will be increasingly dirtier (even though the place is already riddled with germs). The article goes on to ridicule the restaurant for its hygiene and cleanliness. Every kid-friendly location will be dirty in some way, but Chuck E. Cheese seems to have won the prize for dirtiest children's restaurant in America. 

Julie Daniels

Jun 6, 2013, 12:26:21 PM6/6/13
Coming from an Irish person as pale as myself, I can appreciate this article and the use of sun-screne. Typically I get burned very easily and now that I read this, it makes me feel better to know how my skin could potentially be saved.

Jun 6, 2013, 1:35:36 PM6/6/13
Literally the second I read "The Westboro Baptist Church..." I let out a long, exasperated sigh. Protests are fine. But at funerals? Really? This entire organization seems to just lay in waiting until something new to protest comes up, and I, along with people with common sense, are starting to get really sick of them.
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Jun 6, 2013, 1:41:19 PM6/6/13
I would LOVE to know who in the government is in charge of handling taped together bills that have literally passed through a dog. Seriously. Is there a way to find that out? Because if there is that person deserves a medal...and a big bottle of Purel.
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grace miller

Jun 6, 2013, 3:55:54 PM6/6/13
this new franklin project is very refreshing to hear about. it is good to know there are things like these programs to remind ourselves of the progressing society and the good of humanity as a whole. i hope this program is effective and in some way helps people whether it be the people in the program or the people who are being helped by the program

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Matt Saba <> wrote:

This article is about a statement that he made in the New York Times describing a new plan called the Franklin Project. The program is largely based community service and is meant to “transform boys and girls into men and women. There is not yet a lot of information about the plan but there will be more information about it is late June.I found this article particularly interesting because Stanley McChrystal is my cousin.

 This article about a mobile city in Antarctica shows a huge leap forward in how we live. This structure, although it does not propel itself, is able to move in order to allow scientists to study the polar icecaps and still have a permanent structure. The structure is propped up on hydraulic stilts, which rest on ski-like contraptions. This allows the structure to be pulled along by bulldozers and relocated to allow for the scientists to study the icepack the most easily. The ability for people to have houses that can relocate whenever they want would be an incredible addition to society. Imagine being able to move your home whenever you want wherever you want, like in the winter moving your home to Vermont, or in the summer living in Florida, and never having to pay rent. This is where we are headed with this technology - the ability to do whatever we want wherever we want to be. This is definitely a technological advancement that I hope happens soon, because it would be a great way to live.


On Monday, June 3, 2013 4:44:42 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:

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grace miller

Jun 6, 2013, 4:00:56 PM6/6/13
the concept of marriage between two people who have such a large gap in age is foreign and very odd to me. another concept that i dont understand is marrying at such a young age (well, the girls age). These two concepts together are even more unusual. i try not to judge so i hope they are happily married and deeply in love.

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dylan Panicucci <> wrote:

            When students noticed things missing from their bags after gym class, they decided to look into it.  A girl hid in a locker to videotape and catch the thief.  To her great surprise it was her teacher.  She could not believe the teacher was stealing from them, and she claims she kept watching the video in awe.  The teacher is on administrative leave while the school and police investigate the situation.

This video is about a 42 year old teacher who had an affair with a 15 year old student.  However, when the prosecutor was going to charge for rape, the two got married.  That's right, a 42 year old teacher married a 15 year old with whom she had an affair!  This whole thing is absolutely sick.  I cannot imagine how people want this to happen and let this happen.  What has the world come to?

Orion Farr

Jun 6, 2013, 4:50:35 PM6/6/13
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired.

I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a preemptive strike to avoid being
fired with cause, which likely would have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.


Jun 6, 2013, 5:10:01 PM6/6/13
Wow! It is absolutely disgusting for a 42 year old teacher to marry a 15 year old student. First of all, I just want to know what the students parents are doing. Any sane parent would strongly protest the marriage of their child to someone more than 30 years older than them. Not only would the older partner want different things, such as sex, but the two are in completely different places in their lives. The girl is still in school, and the teacher has a job; this is just absolutely absurd to me. Whether they are in love or not, its hard to believe that such a relationship will work and survive.


Jun 6, 2013, 5:15:07 PM6/6/13
Interestingly enough, I have never been to Chuck E. Cheese so I honestly can't say that it was a huge part of my childhood, or any part at all. However, the Onion presents the humorous, but sad truth that if they lower their prices, the hygiene will deteriorate even more. Like Isabella mentioned, every kid-friendly will be riddled with germs in some way, shape, or form. They need to continue to make an effort to keep it cleanly or all the germaphobes won't bring their kids in for a day of fun. 


Jun 6, 2013, 6:26:34 PM6/6/13
I feel like there was a similar story a few months ago, but I never dreamed that it was surfaced again. Seriously, this is disgusting. I think I would leave the $500 just because the other option is nasty and I feel extremely bad for the government official in charge of deciding if 51% of the bill is present. Pet owners, please keep valuables away for your pets or similar stories staring irreplaceable objects will soon surface. 


Jun 6, 2013, 6:39:24 PM6/6/13
Guilty as charged. I routinely use the "word" lol without a hint of laughter or amusement. Personally, I feel as if it has turned into a placeholder and like stated, grammar. Anyways, lol is defiantly overused and has become part of the texting 'culture' especially among teenagers. 

Matt Saba

Jun 6, 2013, 7:32:43 PM6/6/13
The idea that a teacher could be immature enough to take things from students is utterly appalling. No teacher should be allowed to keep their job after an incident like this. Teachers are supposed to be a positive influence to students and when one does something as immature and downright stupid as this, they definitely do not deserve to be a teacher any longer. I am jut glad that a student was able to get this on camera to highlight this completely unacceptable behavior.

Matt Saba

Jun 6, 2013, 7:47:01 PM6/6/13
I knew that pollution has a huge impact on everyday life but I had know idea that it was linked to this many deaths each year. This problem is especially pressing because of the fact that pollution is on the rise, not just in Asian countries but all across the world. As our cities grow and populations increase more and more fuel is needed which produces growing amounts of pollutants. All countries, especially those such as China and India, must drastically reduce there pollution output. 


Jun 6, 2013, 9:01:35 PM6/6/13
This video disgusts me.  I can't believe that a teacher would rummage through her student's belongings while they were at gym.  What kind of world is this?!  The news reporter and the student both seem disgusted in this video, and they are more than entitled to be so.  I can't wait to hear more on this developing story.

On Monday, June 3, 2013 6:51:03 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

            When students noticed things missing from their bags after gym class, they decided to look into it.  A girl hid in a locker to videotape and catch the thief.  To her great surprise it was her teacher.  She could not believe the teacher was stealing from them, and she claims she kept watching the video in awe.  The teacher is on administrative leave while the school and police investigate the situation.


Jun 6, 2013, 9:04:40 PM6/6/13
No!  This is the worst product ever!  Although it gets the message across that you should not be lazy and need to get out of bed, shredding money is not the way to go about doing this.  I say let's do away with alarm clocks all together and just rely on our mothers, like I do.  Or, you know, just wake up when you're supposed to.  Seeing that Benjamin getting shredded truly made me sad.

On Monday, June 3, 2013 6:52:51 PM UTC-4, wrote:

Recently I've been seeing a lot of cool new alarm clocks, from a weight that you have to lift a certain amount of time to shut it up to a target that requires you to shoot and hit a bullseye to make it stop going off. I have to say that this is probably the most ridiculous/coolest/best idea I've seen yet. While the other ideas seem good for a laugh, this gadget will actually motivate people to get the heck out of bed on time! Although I can't really imagine anyone willingly inserting money to potentially be shredded, I do think this is a good concept, as money is one of the best motivational tools out there!


Jun 6, 2013, 10:06:13 PM6/6/13
I totally need one of these! I thought this article was interesting because I always unintentionally turn my alarm off, and then sleep late which ends in a catastrophe. If I had to perform a physical activity to wake myself up, I wouldnt be late to everything!


Jun 6, 2013, 10:08:17 PM6/6/13
This is a very interesting article! Being a swimmer, I am in the sun during the very early hours of the morning, and surprisingly thats when the sun is the strongest. I wouldnt necessarily think of applying sunscreen at 5:30 in the morning, but its something to take into consideration.

Jun 7, 2013, 1:33:27 PM6/7/13
Wow, this is really interesting. I honestly can't believe that happened. I think, in a way, this is a statement of our country and how humanity is truly deteriorating within itself. Seriously, some of the things are are happening today really disgust me. This thing is a very, very bad thing.

Jun 7, 2013, 1:35:44 PM6/7/13

This is in no way newsworthy. It's just awesome. A couple, to be married the next day, were out at a bar when who do they run into? John Travolta. And who goes to their wedding the next day? John Travolta. And who played the mom in Hairspray? John Travolta. There's gotta be some sort of connection there. Either way, I think if any actor could come to my wedding it'd be Zach Braff or Denzel Washington. If Zach Braff came, Donald Faison would also have to come and that would get crazy real fast so, maybe I'll go with Denzel. Either way, congrats to this couple. And John Travolta for being a cool guy and  showing up to the wedding.

Jun 7, 2013, 1:37:24 PM6/7/13
How funny is that! Hilarious, that's how funny it is. I love article like this. So humorous and uplifting. Things such as this are great to take your mind off of all of the crappy things going on in the world today. Very enjoyable article.
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