DJs 5/13/13

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Mikaela Litchfield

May 12, 2013, 11:39:12 AM5/12/13

This article, titled "Only 150 of 3500 U.S. Colleges Are Worth the Investment: Former Secretary of Education" lists the best finiacial colleges in the nation.These colleges are rated based on their ROIs or "return on investment" and the top ten are as follows: Harvey Mudd College, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Princeton University, Harvard University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Notre Dame. Although this list is intended to be helpful to future college students, most of these schools are very prestigious and hard to get into. 

This very brief, informative article describes four dead bodies that were discovered in an Indiana home, a "quadruple homicide". The bodies were found in Waynesville, about halfway between Indianapolis and Louisville, Kentucky.Three males were found dead in the living room, and a female was found dead in the bedroom, however there is no suspect in custody.This is pretty sad considering it seems like the entire household was murdered and I hope the killer is found and brought to justice soon/  


May 13, 2013, 4:24:23 PM5/13/13

"Doctor found guilty of first-degree murder in Philadelphia abortion case." 

This article discusses a recent event regarding a Philadelphia abortion provider who was found guilty on Monday of three counts of first-degree murder. Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, was accused of killing babies with scissors to cut their spinal cords. Allegedly, some of the infants were born alive and viable during the sixth, seventh, and eight months of pregnancy. He was also found guilty of 21 counts of abortion of the fetuses 24 weeks or older, which, in Pennsylvania, is illegal unless the health of the mother is at stake. This conviction means that Gosnell could be sentenced to death. These inhumane and blatantly merciless murders are intolerable; I hope Gosnell pays for what he did. 


May 13, 2013, 4:34:41 PM5/13/13

This article summarizes the recent shooting at a New Orleans parade yesterday on Mother's Day. It is the third holiday for New Orleans in which guns have been shot and yesterday, nineteen people were injured. For years, the city has faced corruption and as a result, a deep-seated distrust of the police lingers among the city's residents. They are unsure if the shooting was gang-related, but further investigations will be made to try and uncover the roots of this event. All I know is that every time I go to a news website, articles about shootings dominate the headlines. 

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


May 13, 2013, 4:36:36 PM5/13/13

This article from the Huffington posts centers around Baz Luhrmann claiming he would take the fall if The Great Gatsby was a flop, which would only make sense, considering he and his wife spent the last three years "living and breathing" F. Scott Fitzgerald's life and works in preparation for this much-anticipated film. There has been much criticism about the production of the movie in 3D, the Jay-Z soundtrack and whether Luhrmann accurately captured the sentiment of the book. In my opinion, the soundtrack was phenomenal; it was modern and fitting. I did not like the 3D, I thought it was too much and was only employed as a means of making more money, as all things are nowadays. As for the actual content, I thought it was very good, the actors were well-selected, but like the article mentions, Daisy was too sympathetic and less careless than in the book. I remember myself hating Daisy towards the end of the novel, but at the end of the movie, I didn't hate her enough. 


May 13, 2013, 4:45:30 PM5/13/13

This article from the Huffington Post absolutely epitomizes how much I hate Walmart and what a disgusting company it is. The anecdote in the beginning of the piece is both heartbreaking and outrageous. Although it is the largest private employer in the United States, Walmart does not pay enough for this mother and employee, Charlene Fletcher, to provide food for her family weekly, without relying on government assistance. Not only did Mrs. Fletcher spend her Mother's Da working, she is required by Walmart to work whenever the company needs her, which means almost all holidays, including Christmas. She said that asking for government assistance is "embarrassing"; I can only sympathize with her in the aspect because I can only imagine what that must be like. I must, however, admire her work ethic and persistence to care for her kids under a corrupt corporation that should be prosecuted and dismantled.

Orion Farr

May 13, 2013, 4:55:11 PM5/13/13

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced that they plan to protest
the funeral of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman. Since the announcement,
many Slayer fans have begun organising a counter picket to drown out
the controversial religious organisation, with some suggesting arming
themselves with red-paint-filled water balloons to throw at the group.
Jeff Hanneman's funeral arrangements are yet to be made. Hanneman,
aged just 49, died from liver failure in a California hospital on the
morning of May 2.

Russia and the United States announced on Tuesday that they would
seek to convene an international conference aimed at ending the civil
war in Syria, jointly intensifying their diplomatic pressure on the
combatants to peacefully settle a conflict that has taken more than
70,000 lives and left millions displaced and desperate. Mr. Kerry’s
visit also came as Washington has talked more and more about
intervening in the conflict. The effort to seek a diplomatic solution
with the Russians suggested the Obama administration at least wanted
to make a public push in that direction first. Mr. Kerry said both
Russia and the United States wanted to hold the conference “as soon as
practical, possibly, hopefully as soon as the end of this month.”
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Alexandra Chin

May 13, 2013, 6:07:11 PM5/13/13

On Mother's Day there was a shooting in New Orleans that claimed the lives of ten men and seventeen women. In addition it also claimed the lives of a young girl and boy both aged ten. This article informs the reader that pictures have been officially released and that the hunt for the shooter is on. It is mentioned that more than one shooter may have been involved. It is truly a tragedy for such a heinous crime to be committed so soon after the Boston Marathon bombing. Hopefully the culprits responsible are detained as soon as possible.

It seems there are definitely some mixed feelings about the Gatsby movie. Some condemn the movie saying that they "didn't like it in high school and certainly don't like it now", while others appreciate the movie because the overall atmosphere of the film portrays the atmosphere of the book perfectly. Personally, I am going to wait to see it before I take any reviews as truth. And either way, I liked the booked because the setting and not so much the story-line.

Matt Saba

May 13, 2013, 6:38:44 PM5/13/13

This is a very sad story that illustrates the price of the goods that we have manufactured overseas. More that 1,100 people have been confirmed dead from a collapse of a factory in Bangladesh where clothes were mass produced and sent to Europe and America. These people worked for very little money and in very poor and obviously dangerous conditions. This incident must serve as a warning to all of the American companies that make clothes in these kinds of places that if they do not have input and help with the construction of the buildings, there will be repercussions.

Not surprisingly, the United States is the country where students get the least sleep and it has the biggest effect on academic performance. Considering we get up before 6:30 to get to school, it seems like  logical step to say that, at least as SHS, students do not get enough sleep. The article points out that children need sleep to preform at their best so this lack of sleep is really setting American students behind. The author uses many facts and statistics and there is no tone.

Julie Daniels

May 13, 2013, 6:55:01 PM5/13/13

Recently, The Turkish Airline has changed their dress code policy and the flight attendants are more than mad. Now switching to longer hemlines and more basic colors, they also banned any bright lipstick and hair dye. Dubbing it “The Red Lipstick Movement” it’s employees have spoken out on twitter and Facebook mocking the airline and attempting to get back the freedom to wear more colors and make up. I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that they have made this a policy as I do not see the logic in banning these things at all.

I thought that this cartoon was a very funny (not to mention realistic) one. Because we are going to be off to college soon, the worry about how we are going to pay for it is beginning to build. The astronomical costs associated with college are something that everyone has to worry about. I know that this is going to be just like my father when my brother and I graduate! 

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


May 13, 2013, 7:07:04 PM5/13/13
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
This picture depicts graduates being submerged in student loan debts as the price for college continues to rise. I could go on and on about this but I'll spare you. Simply put, the price to go to school in this country is just too damn high. The other day Frau lectured us on how students in Germany were outraged when they had to pay as little as 600 euros for a meal plan or something of the sorts to go to college, since it is virtually free over there. Meanwhile us Americans are spending money we don't have and spending our first years in the workforce attempting to pay off the amassing debt. 
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
This cartoon shows a train wreck in the shape of a stethoscope symbolizing Obama Care and how much of a failure, in this cartoonist's eyes, it has been. I like how it also symbolizes how deceiving Obama Care is, because at first glance it does in fact look like a stethoscope, but when you really look deeper into it it is just one big mess.


May 13, 2013, 8:35:58 PM5/13/13

This article reports of the arrest of two men who were arrested in killing Malcolm X's grandson. It's very sad that this would happen to the man, especially because his own grandfather was also assassinated. This poor guy was just out for some drinks with his friends, and the bill came up to be $1,200. The men were then beaten, and Malcolm Shabazz died of injuries. 

I think its kinda ridiculous that this man would even show his face in the legal world in an attempt to try to bid for a new trial. He has been so disgraced in the public world, even though the murder he was tried for was acquitted. I think he should serve his time, because he needs to realize there are consequences for wrong behavior and money isnt the solution to everything.


May 13, 2013, 8:51:15 PM5/13/13
Applying to college in the fall (as we were nicely reminded today), college majors are hot on my mind and even though I don't really know what I want to do, this article opened my eyes to what I don't want to do. The list of college majors with the highest rates of unemployment was somewhat predictable (fine arts, film, etc.), it was also somewhat unpredictable (architecture). Contrarily, I was somewhat surprised to see that under the best majors, there were very few, if any, medical fields. I feel that this section was pretty predictable, however, in that it consists of mainly engineering fields and business, two industries that certainly will not be disappearing anytime soon.

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


May 13, 2013, 8:57:08 PM5/13/13
Ok, I don't care what this USAToday article says, I am not eating bugs. "Some salt with your spider?", no way. Sure, they may be low fat and full of protein, but something about that crunch that would accompany them, the fact that you see them crawling across the floor daily... no thanks. And, cicadas, defiantly not. I am certainly not looking forward to them this summer, and I'd be annoyed as it is with them in my backyard, the will in no way, shape, or form be on my plate. I'm going to stick with the article when it says that bugs aren't necessary for everyone, and if in a few years when the population booms bugs are a daily dish, I for sure will be paying a little more for some beef, pork, veil, or other, somewhat normal meats. 

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

Dylan Panicucci

May 13, 2013, 9:14:50 PM5/13/13

A Saudi man is being held in a Detroit jail.  He altered his passport and packed a pressure cooker in his luggage.  After the Boston Bombing, this is obviously a very suspicious item to bring.  The man also changed his story as to why he had the pressure cooker several times.  He was charged with altering a passport and making materially false statements.

At an Italian soccer match fans targeted one of the players with racist chants.  The referee stopped the game to warn the crowd, but other than that the game went on.  Coaches want stronger action against racism at matches in order to try and eliminate it.  It is very upsetting that this still happens today.


May 13, 2013, 9:59:05 PM5/13/13

This article is crazy,  it's about a neighborhood in North California that is literally sinking into the ground. Mail isn't even allowed to be delivered there anymore because it is too dangerous. The informative tone in which it was delivered describes as much information as possible, but the catch is that it's such a unique situation that there is not a lot of information to go off of, and all of it is pretty much theoretical. The author, though, provides as much information as possibly by using lots of quotes which allow readers to construct their own opinions in a guided direction.


May 13, 2013, 10:04:03 PM5/13/13

This is the cutest thing in the entire world because it is about a boy who is 6 years old and raised 200,000 dollars to help fight a disease that his friend is stricken witih. It is a rare disease in which only 100 people contract it per year, and usually don't live past the age of two. The boy wanted to help, so he wrote and illustrated a book, hoping to raise 1 million dollars. So far he is at 200,000 and it's just so cute that he has put so much work into helping his friend

Ben Skalla

May 13, 2013, 10:14:50 PM5/13/13

This article explains the worsening condition of Greenland's ice.  As if it was not melting quickly enough, now the soot that has fallen from wildfires is darkening the surface of the ice.  The darkening color of the ice's surfacing is causing much more sunlight to be absorbed than before.  The Greenland ice sheet has already experienced a record high melt this year.  With this added problem,  the amount of ice melting will definitely increase.  This melting ice will also have an effect on the rising sea levels.  The issue of ice melting is becoming a more serious problem.  Issues concerning the environment do not get the attention they need in today's society.  Further efforts should be made to help save the environment.  

Adrian Sainz from NBC news reports about a cheating scandal in which teachers hired stand-ins to take their certification tests for them.  This scheme has possibly affected thousands of public school students who were being taught by unqualified teachers.  After the hired test takers took the exam, the aspiring teachers would use this test score to secure a job with a public school district.  Sometimes not only students are the ones cheating to get ahead.  This scheme has definitely caused the most harm to the students of these unqualified teachers.  Students have been deprived of the proper education they deserve in a society where education is a tremendously important in life.  A scandal such as this may also have deprived more qualified and hard working teachers from getting the jobs that had been taken by the teachers who cheated.  


May 13, 2013, 10:29:42 PM5/13/13

This article makes all of its readers feel shocked due its tragic subject.  The author describes the murder of an eight-year-old girl who was stabbed multiple times.  Surprisingly enough, the murderer turned out to be none other than her own brother.  Even more shocking, as pointed out by the author, was that the girl's mother claimed that she was relieved that it was the brother for fear of having a murderer on the loose.  I don't know which is worse.  Clearly, this family has been torn apart.

As a fan of satire, I couldn't help but share this political cartoon, which illustrates the before-and-after of Chris Christie's weight loss surgery.  The cartoonist of this piece, Darcy, deliberately portrays Christie as a greedy monopoly-looking man transformed into a charming (Mitt Romneyesque?) persona.  In doing so, the author pokes fun at Christie for no reason other than his weight.  This is cruelly amusing.

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

May 14, 2013, 9:21:36 PM5/14/13

        In this news article, Alyssa Newcomb writes of a flash mob gone horribly wrong in the state capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. The flash mob took place in a mall and consisted of 200 teenagers crowding the mall food court pretending that someone had a gun, or at least that is what it seems like what happened. The article is not very clear. With a relieved but almost frightened tone, Newcomb uses quotes from witnesses on Facebook to further emphasize the dramatic and horrified feelings of the citizens at the mall during the flash mob, and explain the outcome of this fresh happening. The teenagers started a brawl and scared almost everyone at the mall as they were running for exits and crowding all parts of the mall.

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

May 14, 2013, 9:21:48 PM5/14/13

This political cartoon shows a humorous picture of Barack Obama with two signs on both sides of him. Both are crumbling. One says jobs, one says economy. This is an obvious interpretation of the cartoon, and it shows that Obama is not helping either situation in America (Jobs or the economy) and is doing nothing about it. The true situation is given away in the speech bubble, however. "I'll be fine - as long as the teleprompters don't go out" Obama says. Clearly, this is a shot at his method of running office. This shows that everything Obama says is written and decided by other people, and he is simply a useless figurehead. Do I agree with this? No, however, those who dislike Obama certainly would.

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

Ben Skalla

May 15, 2013, 6:54:46 PM5/15/13
This article amazes me.  It just goes to show what people are capable of doing.  A six year old is working so hard to help his friend and other people who suffer from the rare disease.  In just six months, this young boy's work has truly paid off, already having made $200,000 to donate.  Already having reached one fifth of the money that he needs to achieve is goal of one million dollars, I am confident this will be accomplished.  

Ben Skalla

May 15, 2013, 7:31:43 PM5/15/13
As Matt said, this accident must get the point across that factory workers all over the globe are faced with awful and dangerous working conditions.  The factory in Bangladesh that collapsed obviously was not properly inspected.  It is necessary that a building is confirmed to be structurally sound before people can be put to work in it.  Precautions must be taken to prevent disasters such as this one from occurring.  

grace miller

May 15, 2013, 10:28:13 PM5/15/13

This Article sickens me. The fact that someone would take away an innocent child’s life is horrible. It says her and her brother were simply playing in their house in a rural neighborhood one day when an intruder stabbed her to death. This incident has shaken up the entire community. They mourn her loss as well as step up the security at the schools just as a precaution.

One would think that church is the last place that such a horrible crime would take place but that is just what happened in this article. The choir was just beginning the closing hymns when a 24-year old man came running at them with a knife screaming “fake preacher”. I don’t understand how someone could be so angry at the church that they would take it out on such an innocent person.



May 16, 2013, 3:59:07 PM5/16/13
To Gatsby

This movie was fantastic, something the critics obviously didn't see. The over-the-topness was just what was needed, the way everything is described in the book is over the top, something that Lurhmann captured perfectly. And as always Leonardo DiCaprio was great and the perfect Gatsby. My only complaint about the movie was the futuristic objects every once in a while (ex. the electric teapot). Other than that I don't really see why the critics disliked to movie so much and I will certainly be seeing it again. 

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:39:12 AM UTC-4, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:


May 16, 2013, 4:08:46 PM5/16/13
This is absolutely crazy, an entire development is sinking into the ground for some unexplained reason. I truly feel bad for the residents as most of them are about to lose all of their possessions to a slow disaster. The entire development may have to come down if a source of the disaster cannot be found and the hill where it is located is too unstable for equipment. I hope that the government figures out the problem soon and that these poor people can return to their normal lives. 

Alexandra Chin

May 16, 2013, 4:31:15 PM5/16/13
RE: California Sinking into the Ground

This is a really tragic event, the slow destruction of the area of California. I can only hope that all the people know to evacuate the area before it gets too bad. Despite the event being rather slow compared to most natural disasters it is still nonetheless dangerous and that area should be regarded with caution.


May 16, 2013, 4:39:11 PM5/16/13
In response to college article:

This was an interesting article. It is very factual and accurate because I have no doubt in my mind that colleges such as Harvard, Princeton and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are going to have great returns on your investment. Graduating from Harvard is every pilgrim of academia's dream; however, it is often unrealistic as the school, like most listed here, is very prestigious and difficult to get into. Nonetheless, this article is sort of condescending as verified by the title, "Only 150 of 3500 Colleges Are Worth the Investment". It just makes high school students looking at college that much more nervous about applying. 

Matt Saba

May 16, 2013, 4:58:55 PM5/16/13
It is unbelievable that so soon after the tragic events of Boston that someone would attempt another attack on American soil. In this day and age where terrorism is almost common, it is sad that something like a pressure cooker that should not be threatening, is now regarded and a weapon of mass destruction. I will never understand why people do these things but only hope that they can be stopped before anything terrible happens.


May 16, 2013, 5:00:22 PM5/16/13
In Response to Shooting:

Like Isabella mentioned, it is scary, especially for the younger generations, to see nothing but shootings all over the news and online. With what happened in Colorado and Newtown, it seems that everyday activities, such as going to the movies and even going to school are becoming more and more dangerous. Although I don't know what the solution to this problem is, I strongly believe that there needs to be some sort of gun regulation to help make the world a safer place for everyone. 

Matt Saba

May 16, 2013, 5:05:05 PM5/16/13
At this point I think that OJ Simpson should just accept his fate as a criminal and move on. He was acquitted for murder, but now he should probably just realize the fact that he is going to have to serve some jail time. It is disgusting that someone who killed two other people should be allowed to walk free but at least he will have to serve some time for his crimes.

Orion Farr

May 16, 2013, 6:20:57 PM5/16/13
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired.

I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a preemptive strike to avoid being
fired with cause, which likely would have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.

Julie Daniels

May 16, 2013, 6:32:10 PM5/16/13
I COMPLETELY agree with you elizabeth! I think the over-the-toppness was something that added to the movie not take away! Also, Leonardo DiCaprio will always be perfect especially in this movie.

Julie Daniels

May 16, 2013, 6:35:55 PM5/16/13
This article broke my heart. I don't think its necessary to kill anyone let alone killing someone simply for being malcolm X's grandson! That poor family was already probably going through so much and now this on top of it is so much!

On Monday, May 13, 2013 8:35:58 PM UTC-4, rippeyrachel wrote:


May 16, 2013, 8:45:06 PM5/16/13
This is just awful. It just goes to show that in some aspects, we have not progressed as a country. Granted, we have come a long way with women's rights, black Americans' rights, and gay rights, but sometimes, we seem to take a few steps backward. Given the devastation that arose from Malcolm X's assassination during the 1960's, one would think that his grandson, continuing the legend of his grandfather, would be able to live a life of peace in the 21st century. 

On Monday, May 13, 2013 8:35:58 PM UTC-4, rippeyrachel wrote:


May 16, 2013, 8:49:47 PM5/16/13
I totally agree with Elizabeth. Right now, college seems to be the only thing that consistently occupies my thoughts. As we inch closer and closer to senior year and the ever-anticipated (for better or for worse) application process, the idea of colleges seems to become that much more real. I used to think I knew what I wanted to major in in college, but as it turns out, I don't really know what I want to do in college, realistically and ideally. It is so difficult because you want to remain sensible about your future, but some of the best majors and highest-paying careers in engineering and science are not suited for everyone. 

Dylan Panicucci

May 16, 2013, 9:24:46 PM5/16/13
This is extremely shocking!  I cannot believe that this girl's brother murdered her.  The mother's reaction is very strange as well.  The world just keeps getting crazier.

Dylan Panicucci

May 16, 2013, 9:31:12 PM5/16/13
Without a doubt I do not get enough sleep.  Making up for it on the weekends only serves to screw up my sleep patterns even more.  In classes I'll feel exhausted and its all unhealthy in general.  It's easy to say go to sleep earlier, but sometimes there's just too much to do.

Not surprisingly, the United States is the country where students get the least sleep and it has the biggest effect on academic performance. Considering we get up before 6:30 to get to school, it seems like  logical step to say that, at least as SHS, students do not get enough sleep. The article points out that children need sleep to preform at their best so this lack of sleep is really setting American students behind. The author uses many facts and statistics and there is no tone.

May 16, 2013, 9:32:20 PM5/16/13
I don't know. I liked the Gatsby movie. I think people need to stop making a huge deal out of the book... It's a movie. It's not going to go into an in-depth analysis of the symbolism. It served it's purpose. It was a fun, exciting, and theatrical production. So, just enjoy it for what it is.

On Monday, May 13, 2013 6:07:11 PM UTC-4, Alexandra Chin wrote:,0,4629992.story

On Mother's Day there was a shooting in New Orleans that claimed the lives of ten men and seventeen women. In addition it also claimed the lives of a young girl and boy both aged ten. This article informs the reader that pictures have been officially released and that the hunt for the shooter is on. It is mentioned that more than one shooter may have been involved. It is truly a tragedy for such a heinous crime to be committed so soon after the Boston Marathon bombing. Hopefully the culprits responsible are detained as soon as possible.

It seems there are definitely some mixed feelings about the Gatsby movie. Some condemn the movie saying that they "didn't like it in high school and certainly don't like it now", while others appreciate the movie because the overall atmosphere of the film portrays the atmosphere of the book perfectly. Personally, I am going to wait to see it before I take any reviews as truth. And either way, I liked the booked because the setting and not so much the story-line.

May 16, 2013, 9:40:35 PM5/16/13
I'm so tired. All the time. And that is BECAUSE I get a lot of bull shit homework. I wanna do things that make me happy. I will work in school. I will put in all of my effort, but when I go home I want to work on projects that make ME happy. That develop me as a person. Not do homework that I'll forget about a week later. And I'm up so late doing it. And it's all fucking futile. God I hate homework. So lame. I learn enough and school, and I love to learn. But my own time is not for school. Stupid idea. 

On Monday, May 13, 2013 6:38:44 PM UTC-4, Matt Saba wrote:

This is a very sad story that illustrates the price of the goods that we have manufactured overseas. More that 1,100 people have been confirmed dead from a collapse of a factory in Bangladesh where clothes were mass produced and sent to Europe and America. These people worked for very little money and in very poor and obviously dangerous conditions. This incident must serve as a warning to all of the American companies that make clothes in these kinds of places that if they do not have input and help with the construction of the buildings, there will be repercussions.


May 16, 2013, 9:45:06 PM5/16/13

I think OJ simpson should really just own up to it all because it's kind of bothersome, like i feel like there would be so much closure if he just owned up to it, because he's getting arrested for other things anyways


May 16, 2013, 9:46:20 PM5/16/13
The college major article just stresses me out x100 because i'm already extremely stressed about it, so it's just making everything more pressured and making me stressed. meh


May 16, 2013, 9:55:15 PM5/16/13
In response to your first cartoon:

I agree Doug.  This cartoon could make me ramble for hours on end, but I feel as though the cartoonist has clearly depicted his message– the price to go to college is ludicrous.  I like how the cartoonist showed how the students literally walk right into their own dooms, as it points out that Americans are all entirely too willing to spend money they don't have on a pricy college education.
On Monday, May 13, 2013 7:07:04 PM UTC-4, merstriolo wrote:
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
This picture depicts graduates being submerged in student loan debts as the price for college continues to rise. I could go on and on about this but I'll spare you. Simply put, the price to go to school in this country is just too damn high. The other day Frau lectured us on how students in Germany were outraged when they had to pay as little as 600 euros for a meal plan or something of the sorts to go to college, since it is virtually free over there. Meanwhile us Americans are spending money we don't have and spending our first years in the workforce attempting to pay off the amassing debt. 
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
This cartoon shows a train wreck in the shape of a stethoscope symbolizing Obama Care and how much of a failure, in this cartoonist's eyes, it has been. I like how it also symbolizes how deceiving Obama Care is, because at first glance it does in fact look like a stethoscope, but when you really look deeper into it it is just one big mess.


May 16, 2013, 10:01:03 PM5/16/13
In response to Betsay's article on majors:

This article made me sad :( I am so tired of articles like these that point to what majors make money and what majors don't.  They influence me to avoid studying that I potentially love.  Articles like these point out the obvious difficulties in majors that are not exactly reliable in terms of making money, but moreover, they scare kids away from pursuing their dreams.  Sure, a lucrative career in corporate America or healthcare might seem rosy on the surface.  However, if people receive degrees in these fields without loving what they do, then what's the point of getting out of bed in the morning?


May 16, 2013, 10:09:59 PM5/16/13
This sick man is no-less a murderer than any serial killer out there. Like Isabella, I agree that the intolerable, inhumane handling of these abortions is horrific. And sadly, I do not doubt that he is the only one out there. 

On Monday, May 13, 2013 4:24:23 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

"Doctor found guilty of first-degree murder in Philadelphia abortion case." 

This article discusses a recent event regarding a Philadelphia abortion provider who was found guilty on Monday of three counts of first-degree murder. Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, was accused of killing babies with scissors to cut their spinal cords. Allegedly, some of the infants were born alive and viable during the sixth, seventh, and eight months of pregnancy. He was also found guilty of 21 counts of abortion of the fetuses 24 weeks or older, which, in Pennsylvania, is illegal unless the health of the mother is at stake. This conviction means that Gosnell could be sentenced to death. These inhumane and blatantly merciless murders are intolerable; I hope Gosnell pays for what he did. 


May 16, 2013, 10:22:48 PM5/16/13
Wow this is actually shocking! No wonder why people wonder why America is falling behind, its because our future leaders aren't being maximized to their full potential. Something needs to be done about this, especially at Sparta. It is ridiculous that we start so early. In fact, I haven't heard of a school who starts at the same time we do. It's crazy.


May 16, 2013, 11:18:53 PM5/16/13
In response to Yahoo! article on girls murder:
When I first read this article I was beyond shocked as well. The story is so tragic in so many aspects. Clearly there is a lot of issues in that family and it is sad that those issues were not resolved soon enough to spare this girls life. As much as I may feel like I want to hurt my little sister sometimes, the thought of actually doing anything to harm her is beyond me and I cannot imagine magnitude of the issues that must exist in that family and in that boys mind.

On Monday, May 13, 2013 10:29:42 PM UTC-4, stephen.voc wrote:

This article makes all of its readers feel shocked due its tragic subject.  The author describes the murder of an eight-year-old girl who was stabbed multiple times.  Surprisingly enough, the murderer turned out to be none other than her own brother.  Even more shocking, as pointed out by the author, was that the girl's mother claimed that she was relieved that it was the brother for fear of having a murderer on the loose.  I don't know which is worse.  Clearly, this family has been torn apart.

As a fan of satire, I couldn't help but share this political cartoon, which illustrates the before-and-after of Chris Christie's weight loss surgery.  The cartoonist of this piece, Darcy, deliberately portrays Christie as a greedy monopoly-looking man transformed into a charming (Mitt Romneyesque?) persona.  In doing so, the author pokes fun at Christie for no reason other than his weight.  This is cruelly amusing.


May 16, 2013, 11:24:20 PM5/16/13
In response to mothers day shooting:
I seriously cannot believe that these shootings are continuing. I know that I should no longer be surprised to hear about new shootings because they have seemed to have become a horrifying trend, but I do not think I will ever be able to understand how they continue to happen. Furthermore, it amazes me that although these shootings continue to not only happen, but get worse, yet so many people are still strongly against gun control laws. Yes, they would be taking away some liberties, but when you decide to be a member of society, you have to understand that you will inevitably have to give up some rights for the bigger picture and protection of the most important thing: life.
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