DJs 3/25/13

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Mar 25, 2013, 2:58:17 PM3/25/13


Mar 25, 2013, 3:05:10 PM3/25/13

The Huffington Post, in this article, covered the two biggest winners at Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards, Kristin Stewart, who won both best female actress and female "buttkicker", and One Direction (my fave), who won best song and music group. I went to California this weekend to attend the award show and compared to previous years, I did not think this was Nickelodeon's best. They focused around the male and female "buttkicker" awards to cover up the fact that as a television channel, they have no new content for their shows and were clearly outdone by Disney in their victory in most of the television award categories. Also, I did not think Josh Duhamel was a good host when compared to Jack Black and Will Smith from other years. The show looked good on television, but watching it live wasn't as good as I expected. 


Mar 25, 2013, 3:12:33 PM3/25/13

Once again, the Huffington Post produced and insightful article about the celebrity life of Amanda Bynes. Nowadays, we often witness the downward spiral experienced by celebs after they have reached their peak in the industry. This has happened to Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and a multitude of other child superstars who have no idea how to handle themselves as adults. Looking through the images that accompany this article, it is easy to see the evident change in appearance and personality over the years for the young and beautiful female actress. This verifies why her friends and family may be "concerned about her wellbeing" with all the recent raunchy tweets, pictures and piercings. I think it is necessary for her parents to intervene; hopefully they can catch her before its too late and she tarnishes her reputation as an iconic youthful actress, now heading downhill. 

grace miller

Mar 25, 2013, 4:12:12 PM3/25/13

This article written by  Ashley Fantz and Nick Valencia is one of the most horrific stories I have read in a while. A mother one Saturday morning was walking with her three month old baby when she was stopped by 2 teenage boys. These boys asked for her money and when she told them she didn’t have any they began to threaten her. They then proceeded to shoot her in the leg and then shoot her child. This mother had previously lost her 18 year old child to tragic circumstances as well.  The 2 suspects of the case have been to court one 15 and one 17 years of age. This is a reminder of how wicked this world can be. I cannot imagine what this woman must be going through.


in this article written by Dan Merica, it is explained that many people noticed a resemblance in Obama and  the character of Satan in a television show that had just aired. There was an estimated 20,000 tweets containing the words “Obama” and “Satan” since the 9:00 p.m. ET hour on Sunday, the hour in which Satan appears in the two-hour show. This article is nonsense. I don’t understand how it could be news worthy and frankly do not believe that an actor to play Satan would be hired for the sole purpose of looking like the president.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 3:12 PM, sian.barry <> wrote:

Once again, the Huffington Post produced and insightful article about the celebrity life of Amanda Bynes. Nowadays, we often witness the downward spiral experienced by celebs after they have reached their peak in the industry. This has happened to Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and a multitude of other child superstars who have no idea how to handle themselves as adults. Looking through the images that accompany this article, it is easy to see the evident change in appearance and personality over the years for the young and beautiful female actress. This verifies why her friends and family may be "concerned about her wellbeing" with all the recent raunchy tweets, pictures and piercings. I think it is necessary for her parents to intervene; hopefully they can catch her before its too late and she tarnishes her reputation as an iconic youthful actress, now heading downhill. 

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Matt Saba

Mar 25, 2013, 4:56:42 PM3/25/13

This political cartoon is depicting the time-honored tradition of choosing ones March madness picks based entirely on which has the coolest mascot. Nearly 60% of people in the United States will have filled out a bracket for this tournament and many of them have no idea what they were doing. Don’t get me wrong plenty of people spend a long time filling out their bracket in order to get it perfect. I liked this cartoon because it exemplified the American ideal that, if you don’t know what to do, do it anyway. 

In this cartoon, the artist depicts a newsman saying that this week is the ten-year anniversary of when America “utterly blew it” accompanied by a picture of Iraq. The cartoonist is referencing the tenth anniversary of the war in Iraq, which is viewed by many, including the cartoonist, as a very bad decision. The media has especially been highly critical of this war because it has had no positive outcomes for the United States to date. I would have to agree with the cartoonist that this war was an unnecessary and costly and resulted in the loss of many American lives.

On Monday, March 25, 2013 2:58:17 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


Mar 25, 2013, 5:06:16 PM3/25/13

Randy Bish - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - SNOW FOR EASTER, B/W - English - SNOW, EASTER, WINTER, SPRING

I found this political cartoon very intriguing because this upcoming Easter has not been welcomed with its annual spring warmth. Instead, the winter cold has long overstayed its welcome. This cartoon shows how the recent weather definitely interferes with the season's festivities. Little can be done about this, but it is frustrating to sit here and wait for spring arrival.

This interactive map produced by is a virtual map of the world's foremost nuclear powers. It is a complete glossary of which countries have nuclear power, when it was tested, how many weapons they have, and the first time it was tested. If you proceed to click on the different color-coded countries, yo can get an entire overview of their nuclear program. This was a very interesting way to become more informed of the world's nuclear power.


Mar 25, 2013, 5:22:24 PM3/25/13
The tragedy that Newton has endured over the last few months is terrible in itself, but I cannot believe that the NRA would be advertising to its residents to stop gun control laws. Each and every person in this town has been deeply effected by the shooting in Sandy Hook and the fact that the parents of some of these kids could be receiving advertising such as this is unthinkable. The pain that runs through this town is something that Sparta hopefully will never know and I hope that this town gets the respect it deserves and that for their sake, gun control laws are passed to prevent anything like this from ever happening again. 

On the way home from a spring break vacation, two kids and their mom were either killed or critically injured when an information board fell on them in the airport. The mother is currently in critical condition in the hospital and does not know that her son was killed in the incident. The Alabama airport says that it is deeply sorry for the incident, and has taken down all similar boards. I feel extremely bad for the family, as this accident never should have happened and was certainly not a great end to a seemingly great vacation. 


Mar 25, 2013, 5:25:35 PM3/25/13

This is one of the most depressing articles I have read in a long time.  Author Kathy Wingard describes the tragic death of a young boy at an Alabama airport in this piece.  The boy was killed when a flight directory fell on him, his mother, and his siblings on their way home from their spring break getaway.  As if knowledge of this information isn't depressing enough, the title of the piece, "Mom of boy killed by Ala. airport sign unconscious," makes readers want to cry.  Wingard does an excellent job at describing the facts associated with this article, and her attempts to make her readers feel for this family are extremely successful.


Mar 25, 2013, 5:34:35 PM3/25/13
BETSY YOU STOLE MY ARTICLE!  What are the odds...

Justice Correspondent of NBC News Pete Williams uses this piece to professionally describe the Supreme Court's agenda for this coming week.  Williams outlines for his readers two separate cases that will go before the Supreme Court this week that could significantly effect same-sex marriage.  Rather than take a stance on the issue himself, Williams professionally chooses to then present his readers with both sides to the same-sex marriage debate and leave it up to them to choose.  It is refreshing to read an article like this that is unbiased.

Orion Farr

Mar 25, 2013, 6:29:21 PM3/25/13
Statistically speaking, Franklin County should be straighter than John
Wayne eating Chick-fil-A. The middle-of-nowhere rectangle in southwest
Mississippi -- known for its pine forests, hog hunting and an infamous
hate crime -- is home to exactly zero same-sex couples, according to
an analysis of census data. In other words: It's a place where gays
don't exist.

A Moscow college teacher, detained for storing radioactive materials,
claimed he needed them to make his friend immortal by exposing him to
radiation, a police source said on Monday. Moscow’s police detained at
the end of last week a 35-year-old teacher in the western part of the
city and discovered six kilograms of radioactive substances and
another eight kilograms in his garage, the source said.

Mar 25, 2013, 6:32:47 PM3/25/13

This is an article entirely about sloths. SLOTHS. Written by Lily Rothman, it highlights the fact that sloths have become the focal point of much media attention recently. Rothman tells of how sloths have developed from something to be feared, to something that everyone loves. From reading this, I learned that sloths are physiologically built to hug and only go to the bathroom once a week. Seriously, how great is that? The highlight of this article is however, the various videos of sloths. These videos aptly display the facts that sloths are wonderful animals, worthy of public attention, as well as the occasional Kristin Bell freak-out.

Mar 25, 2013, 6:59:07 PM3/25/13

This is so cool! I've never seen a two headed shark before, and I thought this article was very interesting and eye-opening. It's so cool to see these oddities of nature, and how rare they can be. I'm glad that the fish survived being captured by the fisherman, and that they were able to examine and test it and use to further the progress of science.


Mar 25, 2013, 7:22:53 PM3/25/13

This is an absolutely heartbreaking story. A nine-year-old girl and her father flew off the side of the road of a desolate California highway, after rolling several times before coming to a complete stop. The girl was desperate to help her father who was lying unconscious in the driver's seat, so she hiked hundreds of feet away to search for any possible help. The fact that a child this young was courageous enough to do this on her own reflects her unconditional love for her father and determination to save him. Nonetheless, by the time she found help, it was too late for her dad. As I read the article, I was hoping there would be happy ending, but unfortunately, as with too many car accidents nowadays, this was not the case. Though her dad's death was completely devastating, his daughter's bravery is the kind that should inspire us every day. 


Mar 25, 2013, 7:46:10 PM3/25/13

In this inspiring article about a woman who experienced an extreme form of anorexia in her teenage years, she describes her experiences and attempts to reach out to those who are enduring similar obstacles in life. Her haunting imagery and vivid detail about her disorder evoke emotion and in ways, pity. Her life until seventeen was riddled with hardship and a lack of self-worth; she believed she was born to be suicidal. This article truly spoke to me, even though I have never dealt with an eating disorder, because it gives so much insight into a mindset that is incomprehensible by many of us. She offers perspective about disorders, not just those of anorexia and bulimia, expressing an urgent and optimistic message at the end that can ultimately identify with each and every one of us who are just trying to get by. 

Randy May

Mar 25, 2013, 8:41:11 PM3/25/13
The study’s numbers claim that of the world’s estimated 7 billion people, 6 billion have access to mobile phones. However, only 4.5 billion have access to a toilet. This study is just incredible. The fact that people today have more access to a cell phone rather than a bathroom is bizarre. This article proves, that people would do anything and sacrifice a lot of important things in order to check different social media sites and keep in contact with people. Unfortunately, there is no app on a smart phone that allows the user to click on and use a portable toilet.
In his first interview since going to prison in October, former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky disputed the account of a key witness and said legendary coach Joe Paterno would never have let him coach if he thought Sandusky was a pedophile. Filmmaker John Ziegler is working on a documentary called "Framing Paterno," a defense of the late coach, and conducted telephone interviews with Sandusky. First of all, Sandusky should not be allowed to speak out about his case, even if there is one person who lied, there are several other accounts of frightening crimes Sandusky committed.

Alexandra Chin

Mar 25, 2013, 8:48:13 PM3/25/13

One of the many games that I am anxious to play and watch is that of Bioshock infinite. This particular article talks about one of the main characters Elizabeth who was nearly scratched from the entire game itself. Four women collaborated on this project of a character and brought her to life. I went ahead and id some more research and was able to find a video breaking down how this character was made. One woman worked on the basic design of the character and her overall development. Another was the voice of the character. The third was used for motion-capture in order to well capture the character's movement. Last but not least in order to get the face just right they needed a model who fit the bill. That model was actually a cosplayer who had seen photos of Elizabeth and cosplayed her on her Facebook. The amount of work put into this character was well spent and I am very excited to see the outcome.

Facebook has announced that on Monday (today?) that they are rolling out a new feature which allows people to reply directly to comments instead of adding more to the overall post and giving the conversation a sense of organization instead of having all of the comments in one thread. This is a great idea and I only wonder why they didn't do this sooner. Such changes, while not awe-inspiring and innovational, will be a help and improve the user experience on Facebook. 


Mar 25, 2013, 8:59:42 PM3/25/13

This TODAY article describes how there is now an alternate theory on the incidents regarding Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno. People are claiming, even Sandusky himself, that Joe Paterno had know knowledge of the events that went down. I think its interesting how the story has been warped and changed and unveiled so much, yet the full story is still cloudy. If Mr. Paterno didn't have any knowledge of Jerry Sandusky being a child predator, it is actually really sad how so many people lost all respect for him and began to ostracize him, and it's a little depressing that he died knowing that's the opinion people had of him. But more than anything this article just makes me want the truth to be crystal clear, because I really really hate gray areas so much. 

Ben Skalla

Mar 25, 2013, 9:05:42 PM3/25/13

This article describes a recent video starring comedian Jim Carrey that angered a lot of people.  This video was made to mock gun enthusiasts and targets former NRA president, Charles Heston.  In the video, Jim Carrey sings a song with the help of famous peace advocates such as Mahatma Ghandi, John Lennon, and Abraham Lincoln.  The title of the song "Cold Dead Hands" makes fun of Heston's famous quote, "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands."  I'm going to quote the article on this because i do not know any better way to put it, but the song "hit male gun owners below the belt, suggesting that they are overcompensating for an anatomical deficiency."  I could see how this video may be found slightly offensive to some people, but I thought it was pretty funny.  Jim Carrey definitely released this video in full awareness of the backlash he would receive for the video and was willing to accept it.

The mess in Syria does not seem to have an end in sight. Recently, government forces in Syria killed two and injured more than twenty rebels with chemical weapons.  The chemicals were reported to effect the nervous system and cause a lack of consciousness.  The article mentions how difficult it is becoming for news reporters to report from inside Syria, due to the worsening conditions there.  The government forces and the rebels are continuing to accuse each other of using firing missiles containing chemicals.  If I were a news reporter, there is no chance that I would be willing to report the news from inside a country as unstable and unsafe as Syria is.  


Mar 25, 2013, 9:22:02 PM3/25/13

This article stood out to me because it's about the powerball winner not coming forward yet. If I won that I would be there the day of, but it makes me think there's a back story as to why no one came forward. 


Mar 25, 2013, 9:27:04 PM3/25/13
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Yes! I love it. This is by far the best political cartoon I've posted for dialectic journals. Obviously this is in support of the second amendment and alludes to the most interesting man in the world featured on dos equis commercials. I couldn't agree more with this cartoon because quite honestly, those in favor of gun control are just ignorant. That's all there is to it...

Mikaela Litchfield

Mar 25, 2013, 9:28:14 PM3/25/13

This article was written very factually and describes an Australian teenager that was found in the bushland after being missing for two months. He was reportedly covered in mosquitoes and leeches, and suffering for gangrene, dehydration, and emaciation. He is supposed to have been in the brush for the entire two months he was missing, and his starvation caused him to lose around 50 percent of his body weight. As informative as this article was, it does not say how or why he was there, or if he was abducted.

It is still surprising to me when there is still news that claims "Global Warming is Real", as if it was a new discovery. I thought global warming has been proven for years However,  this most recent study was mostly done to "silence skeptics". Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley has reported that the Earth's temperature has warmed 1 degree since the 1950's. Journalist Jason Koebler writes is a serious tone, as global warming is a serious matter. The article did not specify that the issue was man-made or not, so there will definitely still be people who claim that it is not our fault, but is just Earth's natural cycle. This study was done on land temperatures only - and they plan that their next goal will be to measure the change in temperature in the oceans. 

Julie Daniels

Mar 25, 2013, 9:30:26 PM3/25/13

The harmless (but annoying) Harlem Shake seems to be the next dance craze popping up all over the world. Millions of Youtube videos portraying people from all over doing this silly dance are being added each day. However, in Egypt and Tunisia, the younger generation is using this as an act of defiance. After kids from a school in Tunisia posted a video of them doing said dance, it were immediately taken to the government and they are still attempting to investigate it. This prompted back lash and led to more and more people doing it now in the form of a protest. Who would have thought such a short song can lead to such problems!

The obsession with Facebook has been taken to a whole different level now. Gone are the days were someone just checks their profile once a day or maybe even once a week but now, people are on it continuously. Journalist Steve Almasy explains a hostage situation where the suspect was on Facebook the entire time! He was messaging people and paying more attention to that rather than working with the negotiation team. As a result, police were forced to shut down his Facebook simply to get him to concentrate to the matter at hand. The suspect surrendered and the hostage came out unharmed but this just further indicates how technology obsessed and dependent we are in this day in age. 


Mar 25, 2013, 9:36:09 PM3/25/13
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

These cartoon creates a comparison between weapons of mass destruction and Obamacare, those of which are one in the same. It depicts three miners coming across Obamacare and its regulations which are asinine in that they take money from hard-working Americans to assist those who just aren't pulling their weight. I couldn't have depicted it better myself. 

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 25, 2013, 9:56:47 PM3/25/13

North Korea is still at it.  They are making direct threats of blowing up the White House and Congress and attacking US bases in the Pacific.  They also renounced a 60 year-old armistice.  The article notes that it is hard to take Korea seriously when they are constantly streaming crazy.  However, this time “it is not normal” and these threats are very direct.

This article is sickening.  Shooting a baby is unthinkable.  These were kids too, the same age as us!  I believe the crime is so terrible that they should be tried as adults.  They knew what they were doing, they made this awful choice.  Now they should face the strictest of consequences.

Mar 25, 2013, 10:21:34 PM3/25/13

I'm not prepared to offer an article that anybody remotely cares about in this group. However, today, my favorite band, The Wonder Years, released a new song on and a full length interview on the website as well, preparing for their new album, "The Greatest Generation" release this coming May.
I understand that this is not "newsworthy" news, but to anyone who has ever taken time to listen to The Wonder Years' past records, such as "The Upsides" or "Suburbia I've Given You All And Now I'm Nothing," know that their songs and Soupy's lyrics throughout their records tell a story that can reach almost anybody, and they have a message that rings loud and clear in every single track. The Wonder Years have told interviewers that the album is the third release in a trilogy telling Soupy's story of his battle against himself internally (The Upsides), his battle against the world around him and trying to find his rightful place (Suburbia), and finally, his realization that it is not the battle or the war that matters, it is "the peacetime." The band tells their views on coming of age, and coming to terms with where you are and where you want to be in this world through their personal stories and feelings. 
This band changed myself, and many others I know in this school who I've shown this band to or have found them themselves. I hope that everybody checks out "The Greatest Generation" on May 14th. You can also stream their brand new song "Passing Through A Screen Door" (It's fucking awesome. No joke.) on the link above, if you're interested. I would strongly recommend it. 

This political cartoon shows a humorous picture of Barack Obama with two signs on both sides of him. Both are crumbling. One says jobs, one says economy. This is an obvious interpretation of the cartoon, and it shows that Obama is not helping either situation in America (Jobs or the economy) and is doing nothing about it. The true situation is given away in the speech bubble, however. "I'll be fine - as long as the teleprompters don't go out" Obama says. Clearly, this is a shot at his method of running office. This shows that everything Obama says is written and decided by other people, and he is simply a useless figurehead. Do I agree with this? No, however, those who dislike Obama certainly would.

Ben Skalla

Mar 27, 2013, 7:32:25 PM3/27/13
This article brings to light the conditions in other countries and what rights people are not always allowed that Americans would take for granted.  In America, Harlem Shake videos became extremely popular in very little time span, and more videos were popping up all over the internet constantly.  The article explains the situation for kids in other countries who are being arrested and investigated simply for making one of these videos.  It makes a person think more about the rights that we have that many people are often denied in other parts of the world, even if its as simple as posting a video on youtube.

Mar 27, 2013, 7:32:40 PM3/27/13
Henri, you told me about the new single in class and I DID go home and look it up. (It was pretty sick) While I'm not a Wonder Years fan, many of my friends are, and I've honestly never heard someone say anything bad about their music. From what everyone says, their lyrics are fantastic, and I know that their sound is awesome.They appear to be a pretty great band, and I know that the one song I have on my iPhone by them "Don't Let Me Cave In" is super awesome, so I think I'll spend my spring break looking more into them! Thanks for the recommendation, Henri!

Ben Skalla

Mar 27, 2013, 7:45:23 PM3/27/13
After spending so much time discussing the atomic bomb between english and history classes, this map is pretty scary to look at.  There are a handful of countries that are known to have nuclear weapons and a few that are trying to get them.  This map makes it extremely easy to find information about each country that possesses nuclear weapons and the countries that are trying to have them.  Hopefully no country expects to have to use these weapons, because of the destruction they are capable of causing.

Mar 27, 2013, 8:22:55 PM3/27/13
I found the map of the world's nuclear weapons/powers to be really intriguing! I don't think it's something you think about all that often, at least in the sense of other countries, not threatening to attack America (yeah, I mean you, little Kim Jung). For instance, I had no idea that France had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Perhaps that's just me being ignorant, but I was actually shocked to learn that, probably because I haven't really heard France's nuclear technology mentioned much in the media. This was a very interesting piece, and I feel much more informed!

On Monday, March 25, 2013 5:06:16 PM UTC-4, rippeyrachel wrote:


Mar 27, 2013, 11:21:54 PM3/27/13
I find it very interesting/amusing that people on social media sites have been so obsessed with sloths. I laugh at the various tweets or pictures posted, even though I dont really understand the big deal. I liked viewing these videos for the same reason I like laughing at sloth jokes, because it is pointless and entertaining. 


Mar 27, 2013, 11:24:35 PM3/27/13
I got a good chuckle out of Randy's last sentence because it has truth to it. People nowadays are preferring technology and connection to the world through cell phones, rather than essential every day needs. It shows what kind of mindset people in modern society throughout the world have developed towards the need to be constantly in touch with everyone. 


Mar 28, 2013, 12:08:53 PM3/28/13

Matt Saba

Mar 28, 2013, 6:48:41 PM3/28/13
Fortunatly, North Korea still has a long way to go until they can blow up congress or the White House, but America and many other civilized, sane nations should be looking over their shoulders. It is a well known fact that Kim Jong Un is crazy, but sometimes crazy people manage to do crazy things so we all really must be careful to watch that screaming infant across the pacific otherwise he might just light the world on fire.

Matt Saba

Mar 28, 2013, 6:55:18 PM3/28/13
In the words of Forest Gump, "stupid is as stupid does", and boy was this guy was stupid. Seriously? How on Earth did a college professor in Russia manage to get his hands on 14 pounds of radioactive material? And he thought that he could use it to essentially nuke himself and live forever? This folks, is why America was the first to develop nuclear technology and put a man on the moon:  we don't have college professors running around collecting uranium.
> email to

Alexandra Chin

Mar 28, 2013, 9:16:18 PM3/28/13
In response to Nuking for Immortality

This article is definitely a case of "what the hell did I just read?" Even if the man had a solid explanation as to why he even fathomed that he could make a man immortal via nuclear radiation would only make this article a fraction  less strange and silly. The entire story is absurd and comical but it does warn us of the craz thigns people will do for crazy reasons. 

In Response to Cold Dead Hands

I thought the video was very funny and the point it was trying to make definitely got across to the viewer. It was interesting his responding tweet regarding the freedom he felt after making the said video while at the same time he was despised. I guess it is just expected that if you express your opinion you will always find someone who disagrees with you.


Mar 28, 2013, 9:18:00 PM3/28/13
The article about the countries with nuclear power was very thought provoking and also very scary. Having just finished studying the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, and knowing that only one tenth of one tenth of the power was released, and that new technology means much stronger bombs, this article made me really think about how powerful counties really are and how absolutely devastating a nuclear war would be. With the recent scares of nuclear war from Korea at the United States and the rising tensions in the Middle East, I hope there is no reason to use these weapons and that if necessary, a conclusion could be come by in some other way. 


Mar 28, 2013, 9:20:52 PM3/28/13
What did I just read? I, like Matt and probably most of you, am throughly confused on why anyone would think this would work. Isn't radiation proven to be cancer causing? and isn't cancer proven to be deadly in some cases? Okay, whatever you want to believe though. I guess my only other major thoughts would have to be, where in the world would anyone obtain that much radioactive material and how were two people convinced that this would work?

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 28, 2013, 10:45:59 PM3/28/13
I'm pretty sure exposure to radiation kills you, not make you immortal.  Something like this would happen only in Russia.  I have one question, was vodka part of this equation?  Anyway, I'm really excited to go there this summer, but I hope no Russian guy wants to nuke me even if I will become immortal.

Dylan Panicucci

Mar 28, 2013, 11:01:27 PM3/28/13
I really don't understand what people are trying to achieve with gun control.  There can be all types of new legislation passed and regulations put in place, but in the end nothing will change.  People will still have guns illegally, and those who want guns will still get there hands on them.  Not to mention, that if guns could somehow be successfully regulated, there are still an infinite amount of weapons out there and violence will still occur.  I don't believe criminals and mental health patients should be able to walk into any gun store and buy a gun, but is anyone going to stop them from buying a knife or baseball bat?  I feel it is  a waste to spend so much time and energy on something that probably won't yield results.  

Orion Farr

Mar 29, 2013, 2:41:38 PM3/29/13
In response to your first article

Thats just plain gross, It's not even like they are trying to hide the fact that they are selling very unhealthy products to children nonetheless  It seems like its their job to get kids addicted on caffeine and such. This underscores the responsibilities of parents to refrain from buying such products, but as we can see from Appalachia, this drink will be popular.

Why would you even need 200 dollars a month if you had won the lottery and became a millionaire? That amount of money is so worthless is comparison. It probably had something to do with the drugs she was using and involved in. It's sad to think that people can be so selfish, and can steal from the government like that,

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