DJs 6/9/13

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Jun 8, 2013, 11:01:16 PM6/8/13


This article reports on the recent death of well-known feminist photojournalist Abigail Heyman, whilst acting as a tribute to her work and ideology. Author Paul Vitello notes that Heyman died at 70 years of age, but left behind a lifetime of photos that captured the essence of “marching”, although she didn’t march herself. She is most famous for her 1974 book, “Growing Up Female: A Personal Photo-Journal”, which is “a sort of illustrated encyclopedia of women performing self-limiting roles.” Sadly, this article was not accompanied by a collection of photos so I had to go and look up some of her work myself; however, I think that would have been a nice addition to the quaint piece.


The Huffington Post presents a series of videos and an article that illuminate the strange endeavors of Seattle resident and British Native, Navenna Shine, who is convinced that one can survive without ingesting food into their stomach, simply thriving on light, air and water. Therefore, she is doing this experiment herself. She has 8 cameras set up throughout her house to prove that she is not cheating. I just can’t believe that she hopes to keep this up for 6 months, which is physically impossible. However, I guess Shine is just another Crazy Brit; I hope she doesn’t take the “breatharian” ideology too far and let it get the best of her. 


Jun 9, 2013, 6:40:57 PM6/9/13
This article reports on an exceptionally sad topic and I sincerely hope that barrier that Portlanders are pushing for to prevent suicides off of the "Suicide Bridge" or Vista Bridge passes.  I personally do not agree with the several skeptics who are quoted saying that you cannot stop someone who is determined to end their life, especially since the article references two people who did not commit suicided after seeing a suicide hotline sign posted on the bridge.  Those who live around Portland hope for something to stop those who are determined to jump, not only because of the highly public area the bridge is in, but because only 10% of the those who are deterred once from committing suicide ever reattempt. The article also references the Golden Gate Bridge, which is apparently a popular location for those who want to jump, yet locals are attempting to raise money for a net.  This subject is exceptionally sad and I hope that the people of Portland succeed in their mission. 


Jun 9, 2013, 6:47:04 PM6/9/13
I knew there was a reason I liked the Queen of England and this article exemplifies why.  Often criticized for being serious, the Queen obviously has some humor up her sleeve after photobombing some news anchors during a recent visit to the BBC  (although it wasn't quite a photobomb like you would normally picture).  Surrounded by paparazzi, the Queen just happened to be in the back of two news anchors who wee on air which apparently cuased people to pay attention to her rather than the news.  Anyways, I guess this shows that nothing exceptionally exciting occured in the last few hours since this was on the front page of the Huffington Post! 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Liz Anderson

Jun 10, 2013, 10:43:11 AM6/10/13

This article written about a Jewish town titles Moises Ville was once a thriving Jewish community in the 1940's. Full of avid Jews fleeing the persecution of the Nazi's at one time it had its own school, synagogue's, and a variety of housing. Today, the numbers in the Ville are dwindling and the school has been shut down, as well as the lack of a Rabbi for worship. This article was particularly interesting to me at first glance because I am extremely intrigued by World War II. The fact that this entire community was functioning and was never captured by the Nazi's is incredible and a miracle in itself. 

This article is about the return of the cicadas this coming year. It tells the story of a woman who has a phobia of insects and struggled immensely when the cicadas last emerged not being able to leave her house. I couldnt imagine how frightening it would be to be so fearful of insects and to know that they are coming by the thousands out of the Earth. Although they are harmless, these insects can cause those who fear them much anxiety and stress. Why the article was titled, "Cicadas, though Harmless but They May Cause Paralysis". 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


Jun 10, 2013, 3:38:44 PM6/10/13

How The Human Face Might Look in 100,000 Years

This article reveals what a human face could potentially look like in 100,000 years. It discusses the evolutionary changes that have already occurred in the past 80,000 years. Dr. Alan Kwan primarily predicted a larger forehead and larger head to accommodate for a larger brain. Furthermore, unnervingly large eyes, thicker eyelids, and more pigmented skin are just some of the other additional features humans may have due to our ever changing needs. Wearable technology will still exist, but in far more subtle forms, such as discrete implants that preserve the natural human look. Photographs are included of these projections, and frankly, they are quite scary. 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


Jun 10, 2013, 3:44:40 PM6/10/13

This article summarizes the Taliban's most recent crimes. In Kabul, Afghanistan, Taliban militants beheaded two children in southern Afghanistan, one ten years old, the other sixteen. The Taliban have not commented on the report, but insurgents have carried out frequent attacks on security forces across Afghanistan in recent months. Earlier today, Taliban fighters armed with guns and explosives clashed with security forces after taking over a building near the airport in Kabul; they were targeting Americans. These attacks and motives are exceptionally scary and the crimes the Taliban are willing to commit are unfathomable. 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Ben Skalla

Jun 10, 2013, 3:59:42 PM6/10/13

This article describes how a woman in Houston, Texas fatally stabbed her boyfriend.  The strange thing about this murder case was the murder weapon.  This 44 year old woman decided to repeatedly stab her 59 year old boyfriend with a stiletto heel leaving puncture wounds all over the mans head.  Personally I did not know it was possible to do something like this, but it scares me how bad this relationship was for the woman to go this far.  

Many Chinese families face extreme hardship when their only child dies.  Because of China's one child policy, the pressure on parents who lose their child can be nearly unbearable.  This is because China has a bad social welfare system and many parents rely on care from their child when they grow old.  This is what the parents Lu Lingzi are facing right now since.  Lu Lingzi was the Chinese student who was killed in the Boston terrorist attack.  Another person in this situation is Zhang Yulan, who's son died 12 years ago.  Zhang has been recieving 22 dollars compensation each month from the government, a sum that can not even pay her Internet fee.  

Mikaela Litchfield

Jun 10, 2013, 4:13:12 PM6/10/13

In this article, Bob Greene expresses the controversy arriving with progressing technology about access to cellular devices on airplanes. This article is very matter-of-fact and it explains that cell phones are needed more and more for business and can help keep passengers calm. It is also explained by Greene that phone calls would be a bad idea on airplanes. I don’t seem to understand why people are so obsessed with using cell phones on airplanes. It is only a couple hours out of their life that they have to bear without it. People are saying it is no longer a conflict with the aircraft navigation but it is still in the safety video and so why risk putting you and everyone on the planes life in danger.

 Piper Weiss, of Yahoo News, reports a linguistic phenomenon that has been appearing in young girls and women. It’s called “creaky voice” and a study showed two-thirds of college aged women install this in their speech. Apparently, it’s incredibly annoying.  There has been a lot of speculation on why the use of this speech tool has become so prominent, and researchers say that it could be used to purposefully sound more masculine, but it instead makes women sound stupid, emotional, and insecure. This article is directed at women; the female journalist uses pronouns like “we” to appropriately connect with female readers. I’ve always wondered if I have an annoying voice, but I am fairly certain I’ve don’t use “creaky voice” on a regular basis, nor do any other girls or women I talk to. I listened to a recording of what this linguistic tool is and it did sound very stupid, but it also sounded like something that would be utilized by the stupid cheerleader character of an overdone, cliché Disney movie.  

Julie Daniels

Jun 10, 2013, 5:50:44 PM6/10/13

For some reason, I actually thought that this was the funniest thing ever. Satirical news source, The Onion, recently revealed this article poking fun at the attempt of all Americans now-a-days to look much younger than they actually are. In it, the describe the tortoise as 120 but trying to make himself seem like he was really only 90 years old. I believe that this is so funny because we all know someone just like this whom only wants to look younger.

I thought that this cartoon was a very funny (not to mention realistic) one. Because we are going to be off to college soon, the worry about how we are going to pay for it is beginning to build. The astronomical costs associated with college are something that everyone has to worry about. I know that this is going to be just like my father when my brother and I graduate! 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Matt Saba

Jun 10, 2013, 5:59:30 PM6/10/13

Not surprisingly, the United States is the country where students get the least sleep and it has the biggest effect on academic performance. Considering we get up before 6:30 to get to school, it seems like  logical step to say that, at least as SHS, students do not get enough sleep. The article points out that children need sleep to preform at their best so this lack of sleep is really setting American students behind. The author uses many facts and statistics and there is no tone.

The fact that honey bees are dying in droves is bad, and what makes it worse is that no one actually knows why. Honey bees are credited with helping produce $200 billion worth of crops per year and they are a necessity for almost all food that we eat. If bees were to die out it would almost be impossible for many other animals and humans to survive. Because scientists have not been able to pin down one specific cause for the mass deaths of bees it is impossible for them to fix the problem. The author of the article uses mainly facts and statistics but does have a tone of slight melancholy. 


Jun 10, 2013, 6:00:58 PM6/10/13

I thoroughly enjoyed this purely sarcastic piece from the ingenious writers at The Onion.  In this hypothetical article, the authors explore what Alvah Roebuck would say if he were alive today regarding the steady decline in his once booming corporation.  Ironically, writers claim that Roebuck say it was a "...dream come true to watch that turd of a company go down in flames."  After I lol'd at this statement, I appreciated this for what it really is: a testament for Sears today to slap itself in the face and make some changes or risk going out of business.

I'm writing this dialectic journal now that I have just got back from the gym.  The writers of this piece have made me, once again, burst out laughing due to their satire.  Claiming that there is a new study that proves that it is impossible to lose wait is so ludicrous that it perfectly portrays the point behind the piece.  This is clearly a telling for those who give up diets after one week to get up off their butts and stop complaining.  I like it :)

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Jun 10, 2013, 6:56:31 PM6/10/13

This is a recap of last night's Tony Awards and they were awesome. The three hour show just reaffirmed two things: firstly, Neil Patrick Harris should host every award show from now until the end of time and secondly, Broadway is seriously awesome. I seriously cannot stress how amazing this show was. Unlike most other award shows featuring large musical numbers, all of the performances were fantastic (maybe because Broadway actors perform nightly and don't rely on autotune to not sound like (and look) like a dying porpoise *cough TAYLOR SWIFT cough* ). 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Jun 10, 2013, 7:08:30 PM6/10/13

If you're in need of a laugh, go watch this video. It shows Josh Groban singing a stunning rendition of some of Kanye West's tweets. I think this goes to show how people can be in the hollywood business for awhile (Groban's been around forever, right?) and still maintain a sense of humor. I just wonder what Kanye has to say about this!

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Dylan Panicucci

Jun 10, 2013, 7:13:05 PM6/10/13

A former inmate in a New Mexico prison is being awarded $15.5 million.  Stevin Slevin was put in solitary confinement for 22 months!  The prison guards neglected him, and his mental and physical health greatly deteriorated.  It was said that he had fungus growing on his face and that he had four anxiety attacks a day.

            On a plane ride to Atlanta, 60 year old Joe Hundley slapped a crying baby, and told the mother to, “Shut that n***** baby up!”  The mother, Jessica Bennett, has said that her son is now very apprehensive around strangers, as one would imagine. Bennett also said that Hundley was drinking and became increasingly more belligerent.  What this man did was utterly appalling, and he should face the consequences.  I just cannot imagine slapping a baby, let alone calling it a n*****!  Hundley is currently suspended from his job, and he somehow plans to plead not guilty.

grace miller

Jun 10, 2013, 7:16:07 PM6/10/13

This article was about a new lipstick that is supposed to make your completion look better and your teeth look whiter. Most lipsticks and other forms of makeup promise similar things, but the only thing different about this one is that the color of the lipstick is blue. And the result really is good, according to Jenna Rosentein. The first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this article is the one episode of Friends where Joey is in the Japanese commercial promoting a bright blue lipstick for men called Ichiban.

It is still surprising to me when there is still news that claims "Global Warming is Real", as if it was a new discovery. I thought global warming has been proven for years However,  this most recent study was mostly done to "silence skeptics". Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley has reported that the Earth's temperature has warmed 1 degree since the 1950's. Journalist Jason Koebler writes is a serious tone, as global warming is a serious matter. The article did not specify that the issue was man-made or not, so there will definitely still be people who claim that it is not our fault, but is just Earth's natural cycle. This study was done on land temperatures only - and they plan that their next goal will be to measure the change in temperature in the oceans. 

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Jun 10, 2013, 8:22:54 PM6/10/13

Its nice to see Apple up on its feet after is falling stock, and death of the primary inventor. This cool new app and the new design of the new Pro is revolutionary and will probably help Apple's production and company. This video  provided visuals in accompaniment to to article which describes the new features.

The elementary public schools way of grouping is essential because it helps those who are on different comprehension levels. I know my brother sees this in his classroom today, and it is not a system for some to be offended by. It is designed to help those who need it, so the teacher can divide and conquer and make the most of the school day.


Jun 10, 2013, 9:11:31 PM6/10/13

Ben and Jerry's going healthy. not really but they're removing genetically-modified-organisms from their products. personally i don't see the real point in the article because it's so unhealthy anyways so most people will plow through a pint, regardless if there's GMOs or not.. and if someone's health conscious i don't think ben & jerry's is the best option but i mean they're making an effort to market healthiness so amen to that


Jun 10, 2013, 9:57:09 PM6/10/13

This picture illustrates a literal pie chart of the U.S. federal budget, comparing it in 2013 to the budget in 2007. As you can see the budget has grown immensely  and the deficit is increasing exponentially. In addition, the sequester is but a mere pile of crumbs, and will have next to no effect on the deficit. This illustration is effective because it takes a literal meaning to the pie chart, and is an efficient way of showing data in an aesthetically pleasing way. 

This cartoon illustrates socialism in its most rigid form. Obviously as an anti-socialist, the cartoonist shows that this plan is essentially taking money from one person's pocket to subsidize a poor person. I have to agree with the cartoonist in that socialism is ineffective, for, well i can go on and on about this, but because the government cannot subsidize the lower class without taking from the upper class. This will, in turn, inspire the upper class to not work for their earnings since, in the grand scheme of things, it ends up in the hands of people who did nothing to earn it, and before you know it, no one will be working and no money will be available for handouts at the hard-working American's expense.  

Dylan Panicucci

Jun 11, 2013, 4:30:08 PM6/11/13
I really hope the human face never looks like this.  These are extremely disconcerting and just plain goofy at the same time.  The pictures look like fish-people or aliens.  It's weird how evolution works.

Dylan Panicucci

Jun 11, 2013, 4:36:32 PM6/11/13
I have to say that if I'm going to eat Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream I'm not really going to think or care about what's in it.  It's unhealthy but delicious, and I've accepted that.  I'm actually surprised that Ben and Jerry's had GMOs in it to begin with because Ben and Jerry were both very down to Earth "hippy" kind of guys who probably would not like such unnatural ingredients in their ice cream.

Randy May

Jun 11, 2013, 9:28:01 PM6/11/13
In this article, Eric Pfeiffer explains that soon, all cellphones, iphones,and tablets will be controlled by just eye movements. It used to be just for disabled and impaired people, but now scientists and other technicians working with computers are trying to apply this same technology to the social media world. To be completely honest, after reading this article, I found this idea completely ridiculous. Sure it will make operating mobile devices and computers easy, but what could be easier than using a mouse to click on things. This technology just proves that people are slowly becoming lazier and lazier. Soon, nothing will be hand held, and everything will just require eye movements in order to operate. 
Carbon pollution in the world has slowly climbed up to 2 million pounds of carbon per second released. Most of the pollution, researchers say, is coming from China, but within the top 10 polluters are Germany and America. Last year alone, 38.2 billion pounds of carbon was realised into the worlds atmosphere, and the pollution is not getting better, it is only getting worse. from last year, the pollution rate has gone up a whopping 3 percent. Environmentalists are going crazy over the ridiculous amounts of carbon released into the air more than ever before. I also believe that this amount of carbon released by the world is totally ridiculous. Countries should have a limit to the amount of gas they let off, and of they accede that limit they should be fined immediately. The world has to find a solution to this problem and fast.


Orion Farr

Jun 11, 2013, 11:06:54 PM6/11/13
Scientists have found what may possibly be fossilized microorganisms within a completely un-contaminated meteorite fragment.  "The results of these tests, which the Cardiff team reveal today, are extraordinary. They say the stones contain fossilized biological structures fused into the rock matrix and that their tests clearly rule out the possibility of terrestrial contamination" This along with multiple other possible finds can help prove the theory of panspermia, where life is transported around the universe through comets and asteroids. This can also help prove how Earth developed life through the great orbital bombardment 4.5 billion years ago.

“Texas Petition to Secede Reaches Threshold for Obama Comment”

In this article from, an online petition on the White House website has reached the number of signatures required to receive a response from the presidential administration, but the petition is for the succession of Texas from the United States. The website requires that if a petition is to be responded to, it requires 25 thousand signers, this is a far-cry from Texas’ entire population of around 26 million people. Apparently Texas isn’t the only state to have this petition going as 17 other states have similar ones on the site as well.  Even though this site is maintained by the Obama administration, many petitions have met the required number of signers but have been denied a response or have been responded to I a negative way. I doubt 25 thousand American’s can call for the secession of their state from the US and what would it accomplish? I doubt Texas could live on forever as a sovereign nation surrounded by two giant powers peacefully.

Matt Saba

Jun 12, 2013, 3:09:07 PM6/12/13
This is just another great example of how messed up the United States penitentiary system is. Neglecting a man for almost two years?! It is just plain ridiculous that someone can just be forgotten about for this length of time. Hopefully, these kinds of institutions will take this as a sign to be more responsible because there are big consequences for those effected. I do think that Slevin deserves more for all of the suffering. 

Matt Saba

Jun 12, 2013, 3:28:39 PM6/12/13
This entire situation is completely messed up. First off, the age difference between the couple is fifteen years. This is incredible because most juniors are barely older than that. Another reason why this is so strange is because of the fact that something as common as a type of shoe can be used to kill someone. 

Ben Skalla

Jun 12, 2013, 4:26:19 PM6/12/13
This woman is definitely insane.  Somebody should probably let her know that she is NOT capable of preforming photosynthesis.  Without eating food, a person will have to glucose to break down into ATP.  They will not have the energy necessary for their body to preform the chemical reactions that keep them alive.  There are many other things that are essential to our survival that we obtain from food.  There are many amino acids that humans can not create on their own.  They must consume these amino acids in the foods that they eat.  After losing 20 pounds one month into the experiment this woman's body will likely stop breaking down body fat and begin to break down muscles and other important things.  

Ben Skalla

Jun 12, 2013, 4:34:27 PM6/12/13
This was interesting to see, but I really hope that this does not end up being true. The pictures shown were actually a little frightening.  Luckily I will not be around to find out if this prediction is accurate.  I would personally be fine if the human face staying the same.  It is pretty interesting to think about how different the world will look after that much time passes.  The idea of different species that could exist by that time due to evolution is amazing.

Message has been deleted


Jun 12, 2013, 5:41:33 PM6/12/13
I think this article from the Onion was SO accurate. The attainment of physical perfection has become the cornerstone of American society, and in reality, it is quite depressing. Plastic surgery brings in billions of dollars every year; this only strengthens this ever growing fact that age and appearance is a top priority. Like Julie, I found, as usual, the Onion's commentary very amusing, especially the comparison to a turtle. I think it validates the point that at a certain point, unfortunately, you just can't hide your age. I think it is funny how as teenagers we enjoy when others think we are older than we actually are, but as we age, this reverses.  


Jun 12, 2013, 5:47:47 PM6/12/13
I completely agree with Kathy. The Tony Awards lived up to the expectations, and of course, Neil Patrick Harris surpassed them. He is one of my favorite actors and is extremely talented, obviously. I loved each and every act they had throughout the show and having not seen many of the broadway shows they advertised, I now have a list of many must-sees. Another thing I really loved about this show was that it ended at 11; it was the perfect amount of time. When I watch the Oscar's, I stay up way too late (or fall asleep by the end). 


Jun 12, 2013, 10:02:24 PM6/12/13
Wow this is actually shocking! No wonder why people wonder why America is falling behind, its because our future leaders aren't being maximized to their full potential. Something needs to be done about this, especially at Sparta. It is ridiculous that we start so early. In fact, I haven't heard of a school who starts at the same time we do. It's crazy.


Jun 12, 2013, 10:05:55 PM6/12/13
Its very interesting that Ben and Jerry's would try to appeal to the health food freaks, who wouldn't touch the stuff in a million years. I mean, ice cream is ice cream, but maybe the removing of the GMOs will help in the long run? Like will this make people healthier in the future? If so, I think its a good excuse to only eat Ben and Jerry's ice cream for the rest of my life.


Jun 12, 2013, 10:17:41 PM6/12/13
I'm glad Ben and Jerry's is going healthy because that is defiantly the crowd that they appeal to... not.  While they may have some of the best ice-cream around, I'm pretty sure health freaks aren't going to sprint to the store to go buy a tub of supposedly healthier ice-cream.  I wonder if it's really that much healthier anyways... Ice-cream isn't exactly a diet food and quite honestly genetically modified food isn't THAT much worse for you... 

On Monday, June 10, 2013 9:11:31 PM UTC-4, jamiemelville1 wrote:


Jun 12, 2013, 10:22:21 PM6/12/13
Like Julie, I know for a fact that this will be my dad's reaction when I graduate, at least for a few years until my brother goes to college.  The extreme cost of college and the quasi-decreasing value of schooling seems to be a parent's biggest worry lately, something that is starting to rub off on kids as well.  Gone are the stories of I'm going to go to the best school that I can get into, and hello "I'm going to so-and-so's school because they gave me the most money!"

On Monday, June 10, 2013 5:50:44 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:


Jun 13, 2013, 6:45:58 AM6/13/13
I like seeing funny things and it especially recognizes that people aren't how the press makes them out to be, which is exemplified in this article. 

On Sunday, June 9, 2013 6:47:04 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
I knew there was a reason I liked the Queen of England and this article exemplifies why.  Often criticized for being serious, the Queen obviously has some humor up her sleeve after photobombing some news anchors during a recent visit to the BBC  (although it wasn't quite a photobomb like you would normally picture).  Surrounded by paparazzi, the Queen just happened to be in the back of two news anchors who wee on air which apparently cuased people to pay attention to her rather than the news.  Anyways, I guess this shows that nothing exceptionally exciting occured in the last few hours since this was on the front page of the Huffington Post! 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


This article reports on the recent death of well-known feminist photojournalist Abigail Heyman, whilst acting as a tribute to her work and ideology. Author Paul Vitello notes that Heyman died at 70 years of age, but left behind a lifetime of photos that captured the essence of “marching”, although she didn’t march herself. She is most famous for her 1974 book, “Growing Up Female: A Personal Photo-Journal”, which is “a sort of illustrated encyclopedia of women performing self-limiting roles.” Sadly, this article was not accompanied by a collection of photos so I had to go and look up some of her work myself; however, I think that would have been a nice addition to the quaint piece.. 


Jun 13, 2013, 8:14:16 AM6/13/13
Its funny that there is even a study on that because clearly people have lost weight before so it doesn't even really make any sens. i like how the onion portrays it, however, with its satirical format which really emphasizes the ridiculousness of the entire study


Jun 13, 2013, 12:58:48 PM6/13/13
In Response to Betsays Article:

This is actually funny. Go Britain! I'm pretty sure you don't catch Obama photobombing some news anchors on NBCs live feed! This is just another testament as to why Great Britain is so great. However, like Betsy mentioned, it says something that this was on the front page of the Huffington Post, which means there isn't anything super important or tragic going on in the world. I would rather see humorous headlines like this that something that alluded to another bombing or shooting. 

On Sunday, June 9, 2013 6:47:04 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
I knew there was a reason I liked the Queen of England and this article exemplifies why.  Often criticized for being serious, the Queen obviously has some humor up her sleeve after photobombing some news anchors during a recent visit to the BBC  (although it wasn't quite a photobomb like you would normally picture).  Surrounded by paparazzi, the Queen just happened to be in the back of two news anchors who wee on air which apparently cuased people to pay attention to her rather than the news.  Anyways, I guess this shows that nothing exceptionally exciting occured in the last few hours since this was on the front page of the Huffington Post! 


Jun 13, 2013, 1:04:50 PM6/13/13
In response to Matt's article:

I did one of my previous DJs on a similar subject, so it isn't surprising to me that the United States is the country where students get the least sleep. All of us AP and Honors students known how disastrous this can be, as pointed out by the article. If you are tired, you are less likely to perform well academically because of that. For example, I took the SATs after prom (huge mistake), but I'm not expecting to achieve a better score simply because I went to bed past 12. I like sleep and its sad that our academic schedules don't permit enough time for it, especially in our most formative years. 

On Monday, June 10, 2013 5:59:30 PM UTC-4, Matt Saba wrote:

Not surprisingly, the United States is the country where students get the least sleep and it has the biggest effect on academic performance. Considering we get up before 6:30 to get to school, it seems like  logical step to say that, at least as SHS, students do not get enough sleep. The article points out that children need sleep to preform at their best so this lack of sleep is really setting American students behind. The author uses many facts and statistics and there is no tone.

The fact that honey bees are dying in droves is bad, and what makes it worse is that no one actually knows why. Honey bees are credited with helping produce $200 billion worth of crops per year and they are a necessity for almost all food that we eat. If bees were to die out it would almost be impossible for many other animals and humans to survive. Because scientists have not been able to pin down one specific cause for the mass deaths of bees it is impossible for them to fix the problem. The author of the article uses mainly facts and statistics but does have a tone of slight melancholy. 

Julie Daniels

Jun 13, 2013, 3:51:50 PM6/13/13
I loved loved loved Neil Patrick Harris hosting the Tonys! I dont think they could have picked anyone better.I also loved seeing all the different performances from the various shows! But i dont think you can compare broadway to Taylor Swift... they're two different things...

On Monday, June 10, 2013 6:56:31 PM UTC-4, wrote:

This is a recap of last night's Tony Awards and they were awesome. The three hour show just reaffirmed two things: firstly, Neil Patrick Harris should host every award show from now until the end of time and secondly, Broadway is seriously awesome. I seriously cannot stress how amazing this show was. Unlike most other award shows featuring large musical numbers, all of the performances were fantastic (maybe because Broadway actors perform nightly and don't rely on autotune to not sound like (and look) like a dying porpoise *cough TAYLOR SWIFT cough* ). 


Jun 13, 2013, 3:54:02 PM6/13/13
In response to the Onion article:

I loved this article!  I thought it was so funny how the tortoise was attempting to look 30 years younger (which is paradoxical because 90 is extremely old).  The writers go a long way to expose just how messed up American's perception of beauty and the impossible feat of looking young through this piece.

On Monday, June 10, 2013 5:50:44 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:,32670/

For some reason, I actually thought that this was the funniest thing ever. Satirical news source, The Onion, recently revealed this article poking fun at the attempt of all Americans now-a-days to look much younger than they actually are. In it, the describe the tortoise as 120 but trying to make himself seem like he was really only 90 years old. I believe that this is so funny because we all know someone just like this whom only wants to look younger.

I thought that this cartoon was a very funny (not to mention realistic) one. Because we are going to be off to college soon, the worry about how we are going to pay for it is beginning to build. The astronomical costs associated with college are something that everyone has to worry about. I know that this is going to be just like my father when my brother and I graduate! 

Julie Daniels

Jun 13, 2013, 3:54:32 PM6/13/13
I completely agree with Rachel here as the grouping in elementary school is in no way intended to offend. The purpose is only to make the teacher have the easiest time possible when dealing with their class. 


Jun 13, 2013, 3:56:34 PM6/13/13
In response to the second political cartoon:

Although I do not necessarily agree with this cartoon, I found it to portray its message very clearly.  I love that fact that the cartoonist so simply uses these two frames to show how the government's current spending policy is basically just stealing to help the poor.  No matter one's opinion, there is no doubt that this cartoon is successful.

Randy May

Jun 13, 2013, 9:13:58 PM6/13/13
In response to Dylan's article about Steven Slevin, that does not surprise that stuff like this is still happening. This has happened many times before, Hollywood actually made a movie about a prisoner in Alcatraz locked away for over four years in solitary confinement. The inmate suffered the same complications and later died. This is totally unacceptable and inhumane.
In response to Orion's article, it is bizarre how some people in Texas are still trying to secede from the United States. That just shows why people from Texas are odd.


Doug Triolo

Jun 13, 2013, 9:59:20 PM6/13/13
In response to your second article, it's a shame that China has to be reduced to such terms due to their population. On the other hand, it is at least an attempt at resolving the over-population problem and is technically saving the lives of people who could not be provided for in this world of survival of the fittest. 

On Jun 10, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Ben Skalla <> wrote:

This article describes how a woman in Houston, Texas fatally stabbed her boyfriend.  The strange thing about this murder case was the murder weapon.  This 44 year old woman decided to repeatedly stab her 59 year old boyfriend with a stiletto heel leaving puncture wounds all over the mans head.  Personally I did not know it was possible to do something like this, but it scares me how bad this relationship was for the woman to go this far.  

Many Chinese families face extreme hardship when their only child dies.  Because of China's one child policy, the pressure on parents who lose their child can be nearly unbearable.  This is because China has a bad social welfare system and many parents rely on care from their child when they grow old.  This is what the parents Lu Lingzi are facing right now since.  Lu Lingzi was the Chinese student who was killed in the Boston terrorist attack.  Another person in this situation is Zhang Yulan, who's son died 12 years ago.  Zhang has been recieving 22 dollars compensation each month from the government, a sum that can not even pay her Internet fee.  

Doug Triolo

Jun 13, 2013, 10:05:06 PM6/13/13
In response to your second article: Yeah the cost of college in America is pretty ridiculous. I recall frau saying something about how in Germany students complained about paying a couple hundred dollars for books whereas now she has to pay thousands for her sons to go through college here. It's sure going to be a stressful period for our parents, but then again I have friends who are paying for their own college education so appreciate what you have.

On Jun 10, 2013, at 5:50 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:,32670/

For some reason, I actually thought that this was the funniest thing ever. Satirical news source, The Onion, recently revealed this article poking fun at the attempt of all Americans now-a-days to look much younger than they actually are. In it, the describe the tortoise as 120 but trying to make himself seem like he was really only 90 years old. I believe that this is so funny because we all know someone just like this whom only wants to look younger.

I thought that this cartoon was a very funny (not to mention realistic) one. Because we are going to be off to college soon, the worry about how we are going to pay for it is beginning to build. The astronomical costs associated with college are something that everyone has to worry about. I know that this is going to be just like my father when my brother and I graduate! 

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:01:16 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


This article reports on the recent death of well-known feminist photojournalist Abigail Heyman, whilst acting as a tribute to her work and ideology. Author Paul Vitello notes that Heyman died at 70 years of age, but left behind a lifetime of photos that captured the essence of “marching”, although she didn’t march herself. She is most famous for her 1974 book, “Growing Up Female: A Personal Photo-Journal”, which is “a sort of illustrated encyclopedia of women performing self-limiting roles.” Sadly, this article was not accompanied by a collection of photos so I had to go and look up some of her work myself; however, I think that would have been a nice addition to the quaint piece.


The Huffington Post presents a series of videos and an article that illuminate the strange endeavors of Seattle resident and British Native, Navenna Shine, who is convinced that one can survive without ingesting food into their stomach, simply thriving on light, air and water. Therefore, she is doing this experiment herself. She has 8 cameras set up throughout her house to prove that she is not cheating. I just can’t believe that she hopes to keep this up for 6 months, which is physically impossible. However, I guess Shine is just another Crazy Brit; I hope she doesn’t take the “breatharian” ideology too far and let it get the best of her. 


Jun 14, 2013, 8:55:17 AM6/14/13
I agree that this is a solid way of teaching, as it is necessary to reach all of the students in the classroom.

Orion Farr

Jun 14, 2013, 7:04:24 PM6/14/13

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced that they plan to protest
the funeral of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman. Since the announcement,
many Slayer fans have begun organising a counter picket to drown out
the controversial religious organisation, with some suggesting arming
themselves with red-paint-filled water balloons to throw at the group.
Jeff Hanneman's funeral arrangements are yet to be made. Hanneman,
aged just 49, died from liver failure in a California hospital on the
morning of May 2.

Russia and the United States announced on Tuesday that they would
seek to convene an international conference aimed at ending the civil
war in Syria, jointly intensifying their diplomatic pressure on the
combatants to peacefully settle a conflict that has taken more than
70,000 lives and left millions displaced and desperate. Mr. Kerry’s
visit also came as Washington has talked more and more about
intervening in the conflict. The effort to seek a diplomatic solution
with the Russians suggested the Obama administration at least wanted
to make a public push in that direction first. Mr. Kerry said both
Russia and the United States wanted to hold the conference “as soon as
practical, possibly, hopefully as soon as the end of this month.”

Orion Farr

Jun 14, 2013, 7:06:21 PM6/14/13
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired.

I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a preemptive strike to avoid being
fired with cause, which likely would have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.

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