DJ's 4/22/13

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Liz Anderson

Apr 22, 2013, 1:45:53 PM4/22/13

This article is about the Rape of a 5 year old girl in India. This particular rape is not the first of its kind to occur in the past couple of weeks, and even days. At one time there have been multiple children admitted to the same hospital on account of gang rape violence. Such rapes have drawn focus to the issue of sexual violence toward children in India and also its connection to the government. It is stories like these which make me thankful for my safety, at least thus far in my adolescence, and also to our justice system in the United States. Although there are various blemishes in our government it is comforting to know they do not sanction gang rape, or administer pay offs to cover them up.
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Liz Anderson

Apr 22, 2013, 1:53:48 PM4/22/13
This article and video is about the dangers of the cinnamon challenge. Naturally, having taken and failed the cinnamon challenge numorous times this article was appealing to me solely based on the fact that I was unaware of the dangers it posed. According to doctors, the challenge can collapse your lungs causing the urgent need for ventilation. This goes to show you how our YouTube culture can just as quickly end lives as it can send videos viral. Additionally, the next time I go to try a "dare" I found on YouTube I will be certain to make sure that the side effects wont potentially be fatal.
On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:


Apr 22, 2013, 3:56:30 PM4/22/13
This article is so sweet and just what the country needs to hear after the terrible week that we have had to endure. A small boy left his late father's shirt that he constantly carries on a Delta Airlines flight and the airline when out of their way to return it to him, even going as far as to radio ahead to search the plane when it landed at its next stop. This case really shows the good that is left in humanity and that not everyone who makes the news is a terrorist, murderer, burglar, etc. Although some of the comments have argued that this was just a publicity scam, it really shows just how far a company will go to treat their customers well.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:


Apr 22, 2013, 4:05:05 PM4/22/13
Ok, honestly this may be somewhat of an unpopular opinion, but I don't really understand why this guy would be annoyed because his boat has some bullet holes in it after he was an instrumental part of finding and capturing the most wanted man on American soil. I understand that this boat was an extremely prized possession, but he may have easily saved several lives and helped police capture Tsarnaev alive and therefore allow him to eventually be questioned. I do agree, however, that the boat should somehow be replaced or restored, but I do not see why anyone should be annoyed that the boat was injured in the process. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:

Ben Skalla

Apr 22, 2013, 4:44:58 PM4/22/13

Another detail of the Boston Marathon Bombing investigation was released to the public.  As pretty much everyone is aware of the major details involving the two criminals that set off bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, the chase for the two men ended Friday night when the second man was caught in a persons back yard.  The other man had been killed in a gun fight the day before.  At that time, the two men had been in a possession of a vehicle they had carjacked.  When the two men were stealing the car, one spoke to the driver saying "Did you hear about the Boston explosion? ... I did that." This is extremely disturbing, because at this point the two men had witnessed the chaos and destruction that they had caused and they were proud of it.  

News in only minutes ago, only one week from the day of the bombing of the Boston Marathon, Canadian officials just arrested two men in a plot to blow up trains.  This is a suspected terror plot that was luckily caught prior to the bombs going off.  The two men are not Canadian citizens and have ties with al Qaida.  The suspects are said to have been under surveillance for over a year now.  No people were in eminent danger at the time of the arrests.  The plot was said to be unrelated to last weeks bombing in Boston.  It is sad that its nearly impossible to turn on the news in today's society and not hear about a case where an individual or group of people attempted to harm or kill another person or people.  


Apr 22, 2013, 4:48:07 PM4/22/13

This New York Times article offers a unique presentation of the stories of those involved in the Boston Marathon bombing. An image is shown of the exact time the bomb went off and each runner in the picture is labeled with their name. These names then correspond to the stories and short videos below. Even though several hundred people were severely or moderately injured, to me, it is shocking that more people were not killed. These stories make the bombing seem even more realistic to those who were at home on their computers and watching their TVs, praying for Boston, but not truly knowing what they were going through. Whether someone was hoping to achieve their first marathon or another was abiding by an annual tradition, each story is truly inspiring in its own way. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:


Apr 22, 2013, 4:59:46 PM4/22/13

Today, two men who had been planning to derail a passenger train in Canada were arrested. Supposedly, the two men had received "guidance" from Al Qaeda elements living in Iran, but evidence has yet to be discovered or revealed. The two men were identified as Chiheb Esseghaier, 35, who was living in Toronto, and Raed Jaser, 30, who had been living in Montreal. Their nationalities are unknown, but it has been confirmed that they are not Canadian citizens. Even though the police claim that the public was never in "imminent danger," it is still so unnerving to know that this occurring behind the scenes. Yes, police caught them (unlike the recent events in Boston), but nonetheless, these terroristic threats are only becoming more frequent. The other night, Fox News noted how Al Qaeda is not carrying out these plans as a group or organization anymore, but rather plots carried out by individual radicals have become the scary reality. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:


Apr 22, 2013, 5:02:05 PM4/22/13

This article from the Huffington Post explains how the media, most notably The New York Post and CNN, are under fire for their inaccurate coverage of the Boston Marathon Bombings. On Wednesday, CNN falsely reported that there had been an arrest made and posted two inaccurate pictures of innocent people who they denoted as suspects. Although they owned up to the mistake, it is an extreme failure in their duty to the public. Newspapers have the responsibility of reporting accurate information and as a revered new source utilized by millions, CNN made a major blunder on the premise of such a catastrophic event that affected the lives of many. In my opinion, it is almost disrespectful and certainly shameful because there are a multitude of people who rely on these outlets of media to provide up-to-date and accurate information; however, The New York Post and CNN failed to do their jobs. 


Apr 22, 2013, 5:14:14 PM4/22/13

This article from The New York Times, written by Brian Stelter, captures the phenomenon that took place recently in the advertising and television world where the "Today Show", the number one news show for almost 15 years, has dropped in the ratings from first to second. Stelter states that "many people dismiss morning television as fluff, but the morning hours are where the money is." Nonetheless, this is extremely bad news for NBC who's "Today Show" lost $150 million in advertising last year, allowing their nemesis and new morning television champ ABC's "Good Morning America" to take over. Ratings of the Today Show went down due to controversy on set with Matt Lauer and Ann Curry; however, now that it is now longer "winning the ratings game", NBC will have to settle for second and work much harder in gaining their followers back. 

Matt Saba

Apr 22, 2013, 6:09:23 PM4/22/13

This cartoon displays an opinion that is held by many that in general, the legislative branch of our federal government is completely unable to commit to anything. As the doctor is saying, our elected senators and representatives all lack the backbones needed to make big decisions that are badly needed by our country.

This political cartoon caught my eye for one main reason. It is simple and has a very simple basic message. In addition to its simplicity, the message that it sends it truly heartwarming. I have seen many bigoted, prejudice, and just plain mean messages and it is nice to see a message that promotes perseverance and portrays the fight as good against evil, not the American people against any specific faction. This is by far my favorite political cartoon that I have seen in a long time.

Apr 22, 2013, 6:27:12 PM4/22/13

In this article it is discussed that the 19 year old bomber of the Boston marathon was finally charged with two federal accounts of using weapons of mass destruction to kill, injure, and cause widespread damage at the marathon. In my opinion, I think these kids are idiots. I know it might be too soon to talk of the incident this lightly, but come on. This was not in any way an inconspicuous. They were two ninteen year olds against the entire U.S.of A. Come on man. You can't hide anywhere! Either way, despite this guy's terrible condition in the hospital, I think it's awesome that the feds showed him no mercy in giving him his charges in the hospital... Even if he is is SUCH horrible condition that he can't speak. The whole incident makes me sick.

So on Sunday Christina Amphlett, the singer of the Australian disco-esque rock band Divinyls passed away due to multiple sclerosis and breast cancer for many years. I am not a fan of the band the Divinyls, although Amphlett did make a point to say that she expressed hope that her super hit "I Touch Myself" would inspire women everywhere to get annual breast examinations. So i took a listen to this song and DAMN was it catchy... "I don't want anybody else, when I think about you, I touch myself." I feel the need to go get a breast examination now.
All kidding aside, this woman singer did pave a great path in her accomplishments with the Divinyls, and she was an icon for independent women everywhere (Or just her fans) so it is indeed sad to see another rock star go. Keep rocking.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:

Orion Farr

Apr 22, 2013, 6:27:20 PM4/22/13
A man who was stuck in a lift for four days without food or water has
said he only managed to survive because he had received military

As well as there being no-one else in the building, the 58-year-old
had also forgotten his mobile phone, which meant he could not call for
help. He said: ‘The lift has never broken down before, I just hadn’t
expected anything to happen. I broke a small glass panel at the front
door of the lift and that gave me some fresh air, and tried to take
off the roof of the lift to climb out, but that didn’t help either.
Mr Fleetwood, from Sweden, only got out of his predicament when a
friend noticed a bunch of piled up letters outside the hotel and then
let himself in with a spare key to see if anything was wron He
contacted the fire service when he realised the hotel boss was
Mr Fleetwood added: ‘It was foolish to have gone in the lift in an
empty hotel without a mobile telephone, but I am proud of myself that
I didn’t panic and used my military training to get through.‘I would
talk to myself and was making my plans for the future while I was
stuck there

What an uplifting story.

NASA is getting into the 3D printing business. At NASA's Ames Research
Center, engineers and researchers are experimenting with the
technology with the hope that one day their creations will be used in
space exploration. "Space Shop is our attempt to take the best
practices and lessons learned from what we call the maker community,"
said Dave Korsmeyer, the director of engineering at NASA Ames The
program is still in its nascent stages.
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Apr 22, 2013, 7:02:52 PM4/22/13
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
This cartoon depicts lady liberty carrying the scales of justice towering over the cowering bombing suspects. This adds some humor to the subject and brings to light the spinelessness of the low-life scrubs that bombed the Boston Marathon. Essentially, the cartoon is showing justice never sleeps and no one can hide from the law, something people need to think about before they go out and and commit such acts...assuming they are capable of thinking.


Apr 22, 2013, 7:05:59 PM4/22/13
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
This cartoon sums up American border patrol efforts in the perfect depiction of governmental ignorance and naivety. Despite their "great efforts" towards keeping out aliens, the government seems to not only turn the shoulder when confronted with illegals living among us, but still manage to leave the back door open for anyone who wishes to pass. 


Apr 22, 2013, 7:26:01 PM4/22/13

This article written by Todd Leopold addresses this past turbulent week, it recalls the tragic events. I found this article interesting, because even though I was aware of all these happenings, the article addressed them in a whole new light. Its true that life doesn't stop, but we remember: the Boston Bombings, the manhunt for the culprits, the Texas explosions, the 7.0 earthquake in China, the gun legislation shot down by Congress, the Midwestern storms that flooded Chicago, the Venezuelan election, the discovery of possible life-supporting planets. All of these events become mere "blips" in the week that changed history. He concludes by recalling a 78 year-old man who finished the Boston marathon, stating "Life is a marathon, not a sprint."

To add to this weeks events, a deadly avalanche occurred on Sunday in Colorado. It was Colorado's worst avalanche since 1962, taking five lives. The snowboarders killed in this accident were prepared with avalanche beacons and proper equipment. It occurred at Loveland Pass in Colorado. All five men were in the early to mid-thirties. This tragic event is so sad, and I cannot believe all the things happening this week.

grace miller

Apr 22, 2013, 8:23:09 PM4/22/13

In this article, Todd Leopold and David Ariosto repot how Boston briefly paused in respect of the victims of the bomb. It explains the line of Boston police officers that extended out across Boylston Street and a group of first responders that surrounded the site of one blast. Hundreds of people gathered at nearby intersections. The city sat quiet until a harp's song disrupted the silence. Things like the library are starting to reopen. Signs calling for the city to "stay strong" were scattered throughout the area, as were hundreds of flowers and stuffed animals sporting Red Sox and Bruins T-shirts. This article has a respectful tone for the people who suffered.


In this article, Carol Cratty reports one of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted fugitives was picked up Saturday in Nicaragua, according to a federal law enforcement official.  He was most wanted because images of child pornography were found on a school camera he had been using. U.S. officials are working on returning him to the United States to face charges. They were offering 100,000 dollars to whoever found and reported him. This article is short and gives the facts. I find what he did disgusting and the two pictures that this article shows are very surprising because they look very different.


Alexandra Chin

Apr 22, 2013, 8:51:57 PM4/22/13

This article made me laugh out loud as the author portrays the ridiculousness of the in-production design of a ring that you place on the top of your water bottle and it let's you know your fluid intake and when you should take another drink. To quote from the article, "Because feeling thirsty simply wasn't enough." Another problem that the article pointed out is that is measures fluid, not necessarily water. Either it's a nifty little gadget and not without it's uses I suppose.

Has anyone here ever wanted to go to Mars? Well now you can! And you will never come back! A Dutch company is currently looking for astronauts/people to make a journey to live on Mars for the rest of their lives for research purposes. Despite the whole one-way ticket thing they have received over 10,000 emails regarding this opportunity, all that remains is the funding and off to Mars you go!


Apr 22, 2013, 9:13:57 PM4/22/13

This article is about the cinnamon challenge and basically how doctors are saying it's bad and not to do it. It is saying that an increasing amount of hospitalizations due to the cinnamon challenge are increasing. I've done it before and thought it was funny but now I'm kinda scared because apparantly people choke on it and get poisoned and stuff. In one year, poison control calls because of the challenge has increased from 55 to 222, so I guess it's pretty dangerous.Oh and also it causes breathing problems in the future, so this article's kind of disappointing overall.


Apr 22, 2013, 9:17:44 PM4/22/13

This Onion article presents a satiric outlook on the Boston Marathon shootings.  Writers of this piece use a hypothetical situation of Tsarnaev in shock after learning that classmates always thought of him as normal.  "It's incomprehensible."  In doing so, the authors of this piece have successfully illustrated the opinions of the majority of the people in the nation that Tsarnaev is essentially crazy.,32161/

(Shout out to Ms. Davis and Kathy Crawford, who I'm sure will greatly appreciate this article.)
I'm glad that the writers at The Onion have taken this solemn time in the nation to make fun of Taylor Swift.  The title of this piece says it all: "Taylor Swift Now Dating Watertown Boat."  By utilizing satire, the writers of this piece poke fun at Taylor Swift's boyfriend complex while simultaneously bringing comic levity to the Boston Marathon tragedy.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:


Apr 22, 2013, 9:18:20 PM4/22/13

Sorry but this article is sort of stupid because it talks about the "cupcake fad" going out of business and that cupcakes "don't have the luxurious feel they once had." Like honestly I don't think they are just going to stop making cupcakes and I don't really consider cupcakes a trend. But this article's just weird because it takes such a professional approach to a subject that is not really professional.

Mikaela Litchfield

Apr 22, 2013, 9:30:43 PM4/22/13

This article was about a new lipstick that is supposed to make your completion look better and your teeth look whiter. Most lipsticks and other forms of makeup promise similar things, but the only thing different about this one is that the color of the lipstick is blue. And the result really is good, according to Jenna Rosentein. The first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this article is the one episode of Friends where Joey is in the Japanese commercial promoting a bright blue lipstick for men called Ichiban.

This article relays the fruits that have the most pesticides. Apples, potatoes, peppers, grapes, and many other common foods are covered in chemical which, to me, only emphasizes the need to wash and rewash foods before you eat them.  

Randy May

Apr 22, 2013, 10:01:20 PM4/22/13
There are a lot of questions being asked if the Boston bomber should have received his Miranda Rights, giving him the chance to be able to plea the fifth and not talk to the investigators. I believe that he should not have received any rights at all. After what he has done, he deserves to be treated as a foreign terrorist and murderer. He forfeited his rights when he put a bomb in front of an eight year old boy and detonated. He is a monster and should be treated as a monster.
On Monday, a custodian found a live pipe bomb on the roof of the school. He quickly disposed of it and no one was hurt, but its amazing how many bad things are happening in such a short amount of time. It also amazes me how people can so easily get in contact with explosives. There are so many cowards out in the world who are willing to just drop a bomb on children. I hope they find the person who put that there and send him to jail for a very long time.


Apr 22, 2013, 10:45:20 PM4/22/13
This article was about yet ANOTHER shooting. This particular shooting took place in an apartment complex near Seattle. A man fatally shot the women he had been living with in the apartment complex. The chief of police stated that they believe the shooting occurred because of a domestic dispute. This man was shot by police officers when he was ordered to drop his weapon. What is the most strange to me about this article is that the police had refused to identify the name of the man who did the shooting or the victim. In the article they even say that they do not know why the name was withheld. It very much upsets me that these shootings are continuing throughout America and this is just one more of the many examples as to why Obama's new gun regulations should have been PASSED.
This article was about the recent arrest of Reese Witherspoon for disorderly contact. This article stuck out to me because just this weekend I was talking with one of my friends about how Reese Witherspoon's was so inpirational and how her role in Legally Blonde depicted her as such a good role model for young women. The fact that, yet again, another famous actress who was once seen as a stable and solid role model is spiraling out of control. In my opinion, it is practically inevitable. With paparazzi following every celebrities every move and with all of America just waiting, ready to pounce on anyone who makes a mistake, it would take a superhuman to make it out of a lifetime of fame with a good reputation.

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 23, 2013, 3:34:05 AM4/23/13

This article talks about the two Boston bombers.  Before the bombing both were very well-liked and friendly people.  Tamerlan the older brother was a skilled boxer and Dzhokhar was a wrestler and captain of his team.  Most believe that Tamerlan influenced his brother who was always following him around.  Over the past couple of years Tamerlan became increasingly more radical and passed this on to his brother.  It was noted that after a trip back home Tamerlan uploaded a video of a jihadist on his YouTube account.  It will be interesting to learn more about the dynamic between these two brothers and how two seemingly good kids became so evil.

It is scary to think that just after the Boston bombing more terrorist attacks could have happened.  Two men were arrested for planning to attack a passenger train coming from Canada to the US.  These men received help and support from al Quaeda in Iran.  Thankfully, the two were arrested and stopped before any more death and destruction could be piled on to this already terrible last few weeks.

Apr 23, 2013, 12:51:44 PM4/23/13
When I first began reading this article, I thought it was simply going to be mocking hip hop as a musical genre. Soon enough, I realized it was simply teasing the overused comment that "hip hop is dead" and all other types of concern over hip hop. This isn't making fun of the music itself, but rather the people who are, and have been "worried" about the direction in which this musical genre has been heading over the past 20 or so years. I find it hilarious that The Onion has taken things that people commonly say and made them into such a joke, critiquing exactly what people deem worthy enough to waste their breathe talking about.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:45:53 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:

Apr 23, 2013, 1:02:27 PM4/23/13

It's scary to think how dangerous this actually is! After seeing this online countless times, I never thought further on the fact that it was kind of a gross little stunt to play for more YouTube views. But now, I think that this trend shouldn't be allowed to fade out simply like the rest of internet trends, but should come to an abrupt halt immediately. It's dangerous! Although this wasn't supposed to be a humorous article at all, I couldn't help myself from laughing at the fact that they cautioned asthmatics and people with other respiratory problems from doing the challenge, as I can't see it as anything other than common sense that if you have problems breathing, you probably shouldn't be inhaling massive amounts of any powdered substance!!

Apr 23, 2013, 1:07:53 PM4/23/13
That boat is too good for her.....
But seriously, I thought this was hilarious. Every other day, Taylor is in the news for going after some new day, and most often it seems that it's solely to benefit her career and to increase her alleged "star power". While it simply annoys the heck out of me and most other sane people, it does get her the publicity that she so craves. 
On a different note, I think it was nice that the owner of that boat agreed to let it be destroyed, even though he cherished it so much. I've seen various campaigns to raise money to buy him a new boat, and I really hope that he gets one soon!

Apr 23, 2013, 1:13:30 PM4/23/13
After reading this article, it didn't really seem to me like the actual owner of the boat said anything about being mad about it being damaged. I interpreted this as more of friends of his speculating that he might be a bit ticked off at the fact that his boat now has bullet holes. To me, the most important fact here is that he did allow police to trash his boat in order to help with the manhunt, and I think regardless of his feelings now, he still deserves a whole lot of credit. Plus now, there's the uncertainty of who's going to replace his boat, and when. I think, thanks to social media platforms and generous citizens, this man will get a new boat soon!

Julie Daniels

Apr 23, 2013, 9:50:22 PM4/23/13

After Lance Armstrong and his real ways of winning were discovered, everything he had began to vanish. This is just another example of that, the US Postal service is filing a case against him and his team. The Justice Department made this decision because of his not honest methods to his victories. Personally, I think they deserve to sue because he doesn’t deserve the money anymore.

With the Rutgers Basketball scandal all over the news, it is almost impossible to ignore. The scandal involving the videotaped abuse of basketball players by the team's former coach, revealed a lot about the way we view athletics and value them so much. However, the University is now giving ex- athletic director $1.1 million after his resignation in the wake of it. Since his resignation on Friday, he will continue to be paid for many months after and even still receive his health benefits. I do not think this is right at all because he was fully aware for all the abuse that was happening and he is still being paid even after not reporting it. I think that they should not give him the money and put into bettering the school and the community around them to make up for this horrible discovery.

Apr 24, 2013, 4:35:40 PM4/24/13
I heard about the avalanche on the news one morning this week. It's really upsetting that the world is coming to take this many lives in so many different ways. A lot of people think that 2012 wasn't the physical end of the world, but the end of the human race. Slowly but surely there will be terror attacks, natural disasters, etc. I mean, this is just a theory which I find to be intriguing but equally as upsetting because I mean, shit like this is happening. It's really messed up.

Ben Skalla

Apr 24, 2013, 4:52:36 PM4/24/13
This article was very upsetting to read.  These snowboards had likely been on this hill before or at least hills similar to that one.  They must have never suspected that it would happen.  The scary thing about an avalanche is that there is very little warning that it is going to happen.  Once these snowboarders realized what was happening, it must have been terrifying, since it was already too late to avoid it.  Somehow, the one man was able to get to the side and was only partially buried and was able to uncover himself.  


Apr 24, 2013, 4:56:52 PM4/24/13
I completely agree with Sian. Nowadays, the media is the predominant reason for our lack of independence. I think it is safe to say that each of us use some sort of technology, whether in school or at home, at least once a day. Through this technology, we seem to always be connected with the latest news, both actual news and insignificant news, like Lindsay Lohan's newest DUI. We have come to know nothing other than this that we assume everything we see and hear is true (similar to the humorous State Farm commercial). Many times, it is true, and in essence, sources like CNN and The New York Post SHOULD be true, but that isn't always the case. And while we should not necessarily consider these "credible" sources the be-all end-all of truth and knowledge, it is their responsibility to represent what they stand for and deliver the most accurate information they can give, especially during times like these. 


Apr 24, 2013, 5:07:26 PM4/24/13
This bit of information of about Boston is similar to what happened with one of the brothers after the bombings. He had returned to his university, acting as a completely normal student, and even went so far as to comment about the sad cruelty of the tragedy to one of his classmates. Upon hearing this, I had no words and still, I am speechless. Additionally, I read how the man whose car the brothers hijacked had heard the two men speaking in Russian, and from what he as well as experts deduced was that the brothers' were most likely going to Manhattan if they were not caught. This completely disturbed me not only because we are in close proximity to NYC, but because they could have potentially carried out two massive terrorist attacks against the United States. Nothing and nowhere is truly safe; life is irrevocably unpredictable. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 4:44:58 PM UTC-4, Ben Skalla wrote:

Another detail of the Boston Marathon Bombing investigation was released to the public.  As pretty much everyone is aware of the major details involving the two criminals that set off bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, the chase for the two men ended Friday night when the second man was caught in a persons back yard.  The other man had been killed in a gun fight the day before.  At that time, the two men had been in a possession of a vehicle they had carjacked.  When the two men were stealing the car, one spoke to the driver saying "Did you hear about the Boston explosion? ... I did that." This is extremely disturbing, because at this point the two men had witnessed the chaos and destruction that they had caused and they were proud of it.  

News in only minutes ago, only one week from the day of the bombing of the Boston Marathon, Canadian officials just arrested two men in a plot to blow up trains.  This is a suspected terror plot that was luckily caught prior to the bombs going off.  The two men are not Canadian citizens and have ties with al Qaida.  The suspects are said to have been under surveillance for over a year now.  No people were in eminent danger at the time of the arrests.  The plot was said to be unrelated to last weeks bombing in Boston.  It is sad that its nearly impossible to turn on the news in today's society and not hear about a case where an individual or group of people attempted to harm or kill another person or people.  

Julie Daniels

Apr 24, 2013, 5:10:18 PM4/24/13
This week just seems to be the worst of them all. I was very surprised to hear about the avalanche as the Boston Bombings was the most prominent news story in the media so this story seemed to stay in the shadows. As a skier who loves being on the mountain I find this to be very scary because it really can happen to anyone. No one knows when nature is going to strike next and in which form.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 7:26:01 PM UTC-4, rippeyrachel wrote:

Julie Daniels

Apr 24, 2013, 5:11:59 PM4/24/13
Once people began doing the cinnamon challenge I instantly thought it was one of the silliest things out there. Now, we have found out that not only is this fad impossible, but it is also damaging and life threatening. This just goes to show that one should not do something just because everyone else is doing it, because it could end up killing you.

Apr 24, 2013, 5:12:57 PM4/24/13
I didn't hear about this until now. Whoa. Scary thing. The human race keeps proving itself evil in nature, and this is something I was dreading. It just sucks that stuff like this is happening. The more resources that are available to the public only bring more opportunities for jackasses to plan more and more tragedies. IT sucks that anybody has to go through this, however, when our generation has matured and we are now adults, what is going to be happening then? Will the world be safer, or simply more corrupt than it is now? It certainly doesn't seem like it's becoming safer.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 4:59:46 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

Today, two men who had been planning to derail a passenger train in Canada were arrested. Supposedly, the two men had received "guidance" from Al Qaeda elements living in Iran, but evidence has yet to be discovered or revealed. The two men were identified as Chiheb Esseghaier, 35, who was living in Toronto, and Raed Jaser, 30, who had been living in Montreal. Their nationalities are unknown, but it has been confirmed that they are not Canadian citizens. Even though the police claim that the public was never in "imminent danger," it is still so unnerving to know that this occurring behind the scenes. Yes, police caught them (unlike the recent events in Boston), but nonetheless, these terroristic threats are only becoming more frequent. The other night, Fox News noted how Al Qaeda is not carrying out these plans as a group or organization anymore, but rather plots carried out by individual radicals have become the scary reality. 

Ben Skalla

Apr 24, 2013, 5:15:02 PM4/24/13
This cartoon pretty accurately depicts what happened last week, except one man ended up hiding in a boat rather than beneath a rock.  Thankfully it didn't take longer than a few days until the two bombers were no longer on the loose. I am curious to see how long it is before the living brother is able to speak and the motives for this horrendous bombing are revealed.  What could it have been to drive these two young men to commit this act of terrorism?  


Apr 24, 2013, 5:58:08 PM4/24/13
This article made me smile because it was such a strange and businesslike approach on such a fun and typical subject. I, like Jamie, do not see the cupcake business going out of style soon and don't necessarly think that the cupcake 'business' is a trend. I personally think that the Crumbs, cupcakes are delicious, but at $4 each, I certainly will not be getting one very often. If the cupcake business fails, it will most likely be because of extreme prices for something so simple, not because they are going out of style. 


Apr 24, 2013, 6:06:30 PM4/24/13
This article is actually quite scary, and although I have not tried this challenge, I know several people who have. I never imagined that something that seems somewhat harmless could eventually turn into something similar to emphysema. I sincerely hope that this fad goes out of fashion soon and that no one else loses their life to this stupid stunt.  
On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:53:48 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:
This article and video is about the dangers of the cinnamon challenge. Naturally, having taken and failed the cinnamon challenge numorous times this article was appealing to me solely based on the fact that I was unaware of the dangers it posed. According to doctors, the challenge can collapse your lungs causing the urgent need for ventilation. This goes to show you how our YouTube culture can just as quickly end lives as it can send videos viral. Additionally, the next time I go to try a "dare" I found on YouTube I will be certain to make sure that the side effects wont potentially be fatal.

Matt Saba

Apr 24, 2013, 8:57:35 PM4/24/13
This last week has been the most turbulent that I remember. It is incredible that all of these events involving massive losses of life and destruction, but also moments of great progress. These events have changed many lives and hopefully will change policies. The man that Rachel mentioned could not be more correct though. Life is not something that can be rushed but must be powered through; only through overcoming all of these obstacles that hinder us can we truly be happy.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 7:26:01 PM UTC-4, rippeyrachel wrote:

Matt Saba

Apr 24, 2013, 9:09:37 PM4/24/13
I agree totally with Randy that there are many cowardly people out there who are willing to do terrible things. For example, the Boston bombers put down their backpacks and stood and watched from a distance while they killed three young people, one of them being a small child. I also agree that all of these people that have caused these terrible acts are caught and put in jail for the rest of their lives.


Apr 24, 2013, 10:10:27 PM4/24/13
I think it is wonderful that America is standing behind the people who were affected by the bombings. This article made me realize that these people could have been anyone: friends, family, loved ones. The threat of terrorism is extremely surreal, and sadly, there should be precautions at every event that happens from here on out. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 4:48:07 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

This New York Times article offers a unique presentation of the stories of those involved in the Boston Marathon bombing. An image is shown of the exact time the bomb went off and each runner in the picture is labeled with their name. These names then correspond to the stories and short videos below. Even though several hundred people were severely or moderately injured, to me, it is shocking that more people were not killed. These stories make the bombing seem even more realistic to those who were at home on their computers and watching their TVs, praying for Boston, but not truly knowing what they were going through. Whether someone was hoping to achieve their first marathon or another was abiding by an annual tradition, each story is truly inspiring in its own way. 


Apr 24, 2013, 10:13:11 PM4/24/13
I have not attempted the cinnamon challenge before, but I have watched it been done in person on several occasions. It's really very funny to watch, but even more concerning when you know the consequences. Of course when taking the cinnamon challenge you presume they are risks because there is a unnatural reaction. However you do not assume it to be extremely dangerous as this article points out. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 1:53:48 PM UTC-4, Liz Anderson wrote:
This article and video is about the dangers of the cinnamon challenge. Naturally, having taken and failed the cinnamon challenge numorous times this article was appealing to me solely based on the fact that I was unaware of the dangers it posed. According to doctors, the challenge can collapse your lungs causing the urgent need for ventilation. This goes to show you how our YouTube culture can just as quickly end lives as it can send videos viral. Additionally, the next time I go to try a "dare" I found on YouTube I will be certain to make sure that the side effects wont potentially be fatal.


Apr 25, 2013, 5:45:05 PM4/25/13
In response to Cinnamon:

This was an informational and enlightening article provided by the New York Times. The cinnamon challenge, thanks to the publicity of social media, and more specifically YouTube, has become virally popular and widely talked about. However, it was frightening to find out this can threaten your health. Dares like these can kill people, as explained in the article, yet people continue to popularize them although they are dangerous. 


Apr 25, 2013, 5:51:52 PM4/25/13
In Response to Cupcakes:

I thought this article was also funny. Although owning a cupcake store may not seem like a typical business, like any other company, it is people just trying to make a living and when the demand and sales are absent or declining, the company suffers. I must agree with Jamie on the fact cupcakes aren't really a fad the same way you wouldn't think Gatorade was a fad, but from a business perspective, there are trends and finding profitable trends is how people make money. Nonetheless, I don't think the baking of cupcakes is a lucrative endeavor; like the article mentions, people can make their own cupcakes. 


Apr 25, 2013, 8:28:25 PM4/25/13
In response to the little boy, that is so cute I love when people are nice. But I definitely think it is something good to hear after the chaos the country has been in the past week. This article highlights the good rather than the bad.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 3:56:30 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
This article is so sweet and just what the country needs to hear after the terrible week that we have had to endure. A small boy left his late father's shirt that he constantly carries on a Delta Airlines flight and the airline when out of their way to return it to him, even going as far as to radio ahead to search the plane when it landed at its next stop. This case really shows the good that is left in humanity and that not everyone who makes the news is a terrorist, murderer, burglar, etc. Although some of the comments have argued that this was just a publicity scam, it really shows just how far a company will go to treat their customers well.


Apr 25, 2013, 8:37:14 PM4/25/13
about all the Boston Marathon articles, it is a general consensus on how horrific what happened was. After reading the multiple condemning articles,one article focused more on the psychological aspect of it rather than the physical. It also brings up the whole nature vs nurture concept, and obviously the man who bombed Boston should be severely punished, but I still thought it was interesting how it explained the brain isn't fully developed until age 25, and that the man still living was essentially brainwashed by his older brother. It made me just see how unfortunate it was that the younger brother didn't grow up, essentially in a life that instilled the right frame of mind to him, because now he can possibly be facing the death penalty. 


Apr 25, 2013, 8:52:36 PM4/25/13
I like both cartoons, the first because of the humor in that no one is willing to put their reputation or political career out on the line for something that is right. It reminds me of how the last 1-2 year of a president's first term is typically dedicated to their campaign for re-election, creating a grace period of inactivity so not to ruin their chances. As for the second, it encompasses the "justice will prevail" motto that seems to be ringing throughout America now. I do like, as you said, the neutrality of the cartoon in that it mentions the battle between good and evil, and not a specific enemy. 

On Monday, April 22, 2013 6:09:23 PM UTC-4, Matt Saba wrote:

This cartoon displays an opinion that is held by many that in general, the legislative branch of our federal government is completely unable to commit to anything. As the doctor is saying, our elected senators and representatives all lack the backbones needed to make big decisions that are badly needed by our country.

This political cartoon caught my eye for one main reason. It is simple and has a very simple basic message. In addition to its simplicity, the message that it sends it truly heartwarming. I have seen many bigoted, prejudice, and just plain mean messages and it is nice to see a message that promotes perseverance and portrays the fight as good against evil, not the American people against any specific faction. This is by far my favorite political cartoon that I have seen in a long time.


Apr 25, 2013, 10:22:46 PM4/25/13
Like Doug, I found this political cartoon to be extremely humorous.  It accurately portrays the paradox that U.S. Border Security has steadily increased, yet the number of illegal immigrants has also increased as well.  The cartoonist of this piece successfully portrays this paradox while leaving the solution to this problem open to interpretation.

On Monday, April 22, 2013 7:05:59 PM UTC-4, merstriolo wrote:
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
This cartoon sums up American border patrol efforts in the perfect depiction of governmental ignorance and naivety. Despite their "great efforts" towards keeping out aliens, the government seems to not only turn the shoulder when confronted with illegals living among us, but still manage to leave the back door open for anyone who wishes to pass. 


Apr 25, 2013, 10:26:26 PM4/25/13
In response to your second cartoon:

I agree with Matt; this political cartoon is rather heartwarming and takes a different approach to the Boston tragedy.  The artist of this piece has cleanly and simply portrayed his message that good conquers evil by using minimal lines and ample negative space.  "Good" is depicted as always winning the race of evil.  Although I think that the author is successful in depicting this message, I don't necessarily agree with it.  There will always be some form of evil in society.

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 26, 2013, 5:58:12 AM4/26/13

The cinnamon challenge really is dangerous.  All the cinnamon gets caught in your lungs and you cannot breathe.  I would have to imagine it burns really badly too.  I would definitely rather partake in different food challenges.

Dylan Panicucci

Apr 26, 2013, 5:59:23 AM4/26/13

   I feel really bad for Ann Curry.  Matt Lauer was just an overall jerk, and the way she was just ostracized by the entire rest of the crew is upsetting.  If I were her I would go to a different network and try to give NBC the figurative middle finger.

This article from The New York Times, written by Brian Stelter, captures the phenomenon that took place recently in the advertising and television world where the "Today Show", the number one news show for almost 15 years, has dropped in the ratings from first to second. Stelter states that "many people dismiss morning television as fluff, but the morning hours are where the money is." Nonetheless, this is extremely bad news for NBC who's "Today Show" lost $150 million in advertising last year, allowing their nemesis and new morning television champ ABC's "Good Morning America" to take over. Ratings of the Today Show went down due to controversy on set with Matt Lauer and Ann Curry; however, now that it is now longer "winning the ratings game", NBC will have to settle for second and work much harder in gaining their followers back. 

Orion Farr

Apr 26, 2013, 12:57:42 PM4/26/13
If the point is that our school system does really dumb things - like
banning Little Red Riding Hood books and Dodgeball - then I agree.

I completely agree- the amount of questions I ask in some classes is
staggering. It's harder to get on with homework or class work if you
can't just get up and ask what you need to. Also when teachers like
you they can sometimes be more lenient with grading which is
fantastic; you can't have that benefit from an online course.
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