DJ's 12/9/12

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Dec 7, 2012, 1:51:13 PM12/7/12

Dec 7, 2012, 2:02:16 PM12/7/12
I was extremely shocked to read this article, as I'm sure everyone else will be. It's so terrible that there's a constant media circus surrounding the royal family, and that people have gone to such lengths to try and get the inside scoop. Jacintha Saldanha's untimely death was a direct result of the royal media frenzy, and I can only imagine how William and Kate, as well as the rest of the royals feel about this. Also, the radio DJ's, as misguided as their little prank was, don't deserve the hate that they're getting in comments on their Facebook and website and such. They were wrong to do what they did, but how could they have any idea that it would result in a woman taking her own life? Hopefully, this event will show all of the reporters that constantly stalk and try to get intel on the royals, that their actions have negative affects. We can only hope that this event will cause everyone to be more respectful of the couple's privacy, and use less insane tactics to try and get some information on the royal couple and their new family.

On Friday, December 7, 2012 1:51:13 PM UTC-5, wrote:


Dec 9, 2012, 11:50:13 AM12/9/12


The New York Times articles “Suffer. Spend. Repeat.” Puts an interesting twist on the holiday season, enlightening its readers on the awful tactics used to make people buy more in the store. Oliver Burkeman offers the notion that there is evidence for the reason that retailers try to make you so uncomfortable on purpose, based on evidence it makes shoppers spend more money. Loud music, piping smells and inconvenient purchase points are all part of their plan “that leads to overstimulation and ‘a momentary loss of self-control, thus enhancing the likelihood of impulse purchase.’” Although this may seem immoral and unfair, Burkeman’s not so condescending or outraged tone suggests that we Americans are responsible for this because we let it happen. Because most of America waits until December to do their holiday shopping is why these tactics work and are ultimately effective. By the end of the article, I gathered that although these practices are somewhat predatory, unfair and annoying, we let them happen, therefore, we have to deal with them. Procrastination is what we do best, so unfortunately, we have to pay a small price of “The Little Drummer Boy” on replay.  

Mikaela Litchfield

Dec 9, 2012, 12:02:33 PM12/9/12

Since the Onion is known for posting untrue articles, I really don't know if this is accurate or not. In "Boy Meets World' Spin Off To Focus On Difficulties Of Raising Autistic Child", writes about the "plot" of the spin-off from Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World. The journalist depicts as a horribly depressing story-line, wherein Cory and Topanga are struggling to raise an autistic child, Eric has died in the Afghanistan war, and Mr. Feeny has developed Alzheimer's disease. The article does not mention anything about Shawn's fate in this new show, but then again, this article could (and most likely is) total nonsense. I personally hope that it is because I used to love watching Boy Meets World and this plot would make this spin off terrible, perhaps more terrible than spin-offs usually are. 

It is still surprising to me when there is still news that claims "Global Warming is Real", as if it was a new discovery. I thought global warming has been proven for years? However,  this most recent study was mostly done to "silence skeptics". Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley has reported that the Earth's temperature has warmed 1 degree since the 1950's. Journalist Jason Koebler writes is a serious tone, as global warming is a serious matter. The article did not specify that the issue was man-made or not, so there will definitely still be people who claim that it is not our fault, but is just Earth's natural cycle. This study was done on land temperatures only - and they plan that their next goal will be to measure the change in temperature in the oceans. 


Dec 9, 2012, 1:04:16 PM12/9/12


The Huffington Post, in their article, “The Best Movies of 2012”, explained that narrowing down the top movies of this year “is a more difficult task than you might assume.” This fall release movie collection was full of great material, unlike previous years in which there has been a fair share of horrible ones. With big names like “Lincoln”, “The Avengers”, “21 Jump Street” and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, 2012’s movie selection was clearly amazing. The funniest thing about this article to me however, was that one of the notable names was not the Huffington Post’s candidate for best movie of the year. Instead, “Zero Dark Thirty”, a movie I haven’t even heard of, debuts at number one in their selection. Sadly, I’ve never seen a trailer, haven’t seen any advertisements, but apparently, it’s a good movie. One thing is for sure, this list was created upon the number of sales because there would have been a few sure hits that would have taken over number one if that had been.

Julie Daniels

Dec 9, 2012, 2:52:52 PM12/9/12

In the very satirical newspaper called “The Onion” they recently seemingly made fun of the twitter world and how people overuse it and often take it too seriously. Here, they referenced Pope Benedict XVI and his recently established twitter account. Whether he actually has his own personal twitter account is unknown. The article then goes onto say how on it, he tweeted a picture of him an God. Yes, you heard that right, God. They were shown in the picture shirtless on the Pope’s Yacht seemingly enjoying themselves. It also claims that under the picture he tweeted, “Just getting some sun and sipping cocktails #loveit” It was later told that this remarkable picture was retweeted by people such as Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift. Of course, this very silly tweet is made up and I personally don’t think it is offensive to anyone. They are simply trying to make a joke out of the social networking site.

Recently, the winners of the Powerball Lottery have been announced and the winners are claimed to be some of the most fortunate people in the world. One couple in Arizona has won over 200 million in cash before taxes are taken out. They are very thankful for the gift they have been granted and they did comment on how some of the winnings would be donated to charity. They also assembled a legal and financial team to help guide them through the process of handling all the money. Although they did come forward, they did opt to keep their identity private. The other winners have not even come forward due to fear. Whomever it is, seems to be very lucky and hopefully they will spend it wisely. 


Dec 9, 2012, 6:23:06 PM12/9/12

Not sure if this is what we're suppose to do, but:

This is a cartoon making fun of Obama Care, and how, in this skewed opinion, it left people hurt. Then it presents the elephant (republican party) which is apathetic towards it's patients and is helping people despite its efforts not to. Thus, The creator of this cartoon is saying that Obama Care did more harm than good, and it seems as though the alternative is out to get people.

This article talks about the epidemic of suicide in the military. It presents statistics that are shocking, such as that suicides were the leading cause of death this year of U.S. soldiers. The military was tending to this epidemic by enforcing gun responsibility with personal weapons, but their ability to do so was removed in the NDAA. It's important that  the military works with Congress and the Defense Department to get recognition of this issue, and take steps to resolve it.

grace miller

Dec 9, 2012, 6:26:34 PM12/9/12


This article by the CNN staff, explains that a Mexican singer was declared missing when the airplane she was flying in lost contact with air traffic controllers in Mexico early Sunday morning. Her name is Jenni Rivera and she was on her way to a northern Mexican City and is now missing with two pilots and four other passengers. It was suspected that it was a plane crash but that is not confirmed. This article has a serious tone just like any other missing person’s article would. It is scary that the plane lost contact because it tells us that that could happen to any plane. The purpose of this article was to report a missing person and let all of her fans know why she missed her own concert!


This article reports how a 12 year old boy rescued 3 toddlers from a fatal car crash. The driver drove off the road and ended up flipping the car. In this panic, the 12 year old boy kept calm and removed all three toddlers from that car and then made his way to get help for the driver. The driver died at the scene but all of the kids were okay. At the beginning of this article the tone was very positive and heroic because of what this young boy did. The tone never transformed to melancholy but at the end the reporter began to talk about the woman who died and how she was a great woman. It is very sad that this woman died in this car accident but hearing how this young boy handled the situation took me by surprise. He is only 12 years old and he was able to keep calm and rescue the toddlers and get help. I agree with the drivers husband when he said he categorizes this boy as a hero for his courage.


Ben Skalla

Dec 9, 2012, 6:55:54 PM12/9/12

This article explains the worsening condition of Greenland's ice.  As if it was not melting quickly enough, now the soot that has fallen from wildfires is darkening the surface of the ice.  The darkening color of the ice's surfacing is causing much more sunlight to be absorbed than before.  The Greenland ice sheet has already experienced a record high melt this year.  With this added problem,  the amount of ice melting will definitely increase.  This melting ice will also have an effect on the rising sea levels.  The issue of ice melting is becoming a more serious problem.  Issues concerning the environment do not get the attention they need in today's society.  Further efforts should be made to help save the environment.  

The New York Times article talks about the quality of the air in many cities throughout Asia.  Due to the air pollution in many of these Asian cities, the quality of the air is severely decreasing.  The number of deaths due to outdoor air pollution is about 1.3 million each year.  Almost 75% of cities are experiencing fast growing pollution levels.  These numbers are expected to greatly increase in the near future.  The levels of pollution have become severe enough to pose serious health issues to people who live in cities.  China and India are the two cities that have the most polluted air and they are expected to remain this way.

Dec 9, 2012, 8:51:49 PM12/9/12

In this political cartoon, it displays the economic state that America is currently in, or rather the greater point the cartoon is trying to represent, is what got us here in the first place. The cartoon has a classic "fiscal cliff" robot about to run rampant on whatever lies ahead. It's causing damage and it's ruining it's surroundings: our country. Next to it, there is an elephant and a donkey (The republican and democrat signs) saying that they built it. What I believe this cartoon is saying is that it was neither the republicans or democrats that put our country in the economic state we are in. This fiscal cliff was set up by Obama and his predecessor, George Bush. There is not one party or president to put the blame on. Our country's state of turmoil is caused by every aspect that has affected it in the past years, including both parties. THEY BUILT THE ROBOT

 In this article, Susanna Kim and Alyssa Newcomb write in a disappointed tone of a woman who was found dead. Amanda Clayton was discovered having died of an overdose in an Ecorse, Michigan home. However, results are still coming in with an awaiting autopsy. The story was more so about what had been discovered about Clayton, rather than the reason of her death though. Clayton had become a millionaire last September after winning in a Michigan state lotto game show. What the medical and food insurance didn’t know, was that she was continuing to receive more than two hundred dollars monthly in food aid from the state of Michigan. Clayton had not reported her winnings and employment to the state. Almost $5,475 was given to her. To all those who don’t receive the necessary aid in food and medical insurance, Kim and Newcomb write to expose this selfish act. Some need to see where the money that could help so many people is going. The question stands, was it truly right for Clayton to continue to take money from the state? Officials are still unaware of her living circumstances or what her real reasoning was, but it is being said by Michigan Attorney General Bill Chuette in a statement, “It’s simply common sense that million dollar lottery winders forfeit their right to public assistance.” Public assistance programs in Michigan require participants to report income and employment to the state to either qualify or not.

Randy May

Dec 10, 2012, 9:33:18 AM12/10/12
Football was not the only thing on the mind of the Dallas Cowboys yesterday at their game with the Bengals. A day prior to the game, scout team linebacker Jerry Brown was killed in an auto accident . The Cowboys organization honored their fallen teammate with a moment of silence before the game. Before the game, members of the team said that the whole day leading up to the kickoff of the game was emotionally exhausting. Head coach Jason Garrett told his team that they had to channel all of their emotions into the game that they had brewing inside of them. He said that this game gave the players an opportunity to look past the accident, and just play football. After the game, players held up Brown's jersey, signifying that Brown will always be in their hearts.  
In this political cartoon, the picture depicts Uncle Sam pushing Obama, his administration, and Congress over the fiscal cliff. The crude symbols and stars over the people being pushed over the cliff represents the bickering Congress and the Obama administration have been doing about paying taxes and spending money over the past few months. Coming closer and closer to January first, it is looking like nothing is going to be changed in the way Obama is handleing the economy, which is why politicians are already falling off the cliff in this political cartoon. I have seen more political cartoons on this one topic in the past few months than i've seen actually cartoons in the past few months. Obama and his administration better work things out with Congress dealing with the fiscal cliff and fast before it is too late.  

Liz Anderson

Dec 10, 2012, 1:04:48 PM12/10/12

A Breakthrough Against Leukemia Uses what causes AIDS virus to treat young girl

Emma, who was six years old had relapsed twice from leukemia and doctors felt they were out of options. Doctors used a disabled form of the virus that causes AIDS. This reprogrammed her cells to kill the cancer cells and ultimately treat her cancer. They feel they are on their way with this experimental treatment to finding a cure. However they dont like to use the word cure because you cant be sure with all cases, especially such a tricky disease like cancer. This article is really interesting to me because it is crazy to think that you can cure a virus with another deadly one. The fact that scientists are becoming so advanced that they are able to mutate cells to one virus to cure an entirely different one will give many patients hope in the future.


Dec 10, 2012, 3:24:30 PM12/10/12

Maia Szalavitz writes “Drugging Poor Kids to Boost Grades in Failing Schools: One Doc Says Yes” to inform the public about a not-so-conventional method of improving the education of poor children. Pediatrician Dr. Anderson has begun to prescribe drugs, medications to treat ADHD, to try to boost kids’ grades and give the most disadvantaged students a level playing field in the country. “We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid,” he reasons. As well-intentioned as this may be, the medications seem to be doing more harm than good. One eleven-year-old boy, Quintn, participated in fights at school, saying that others were insulting his mother. However, they were not and Quintn was rather seeing and hearing people, a rare but recognized side effect of Adderall. Despite his outbursts, the family continued to medicate the rest of Quintn’s siblings. Side effects of drugs like Adderall include growth suppression, raised blood pressure, possible increases in heart attack and stroke risk and, rarely, psychosis. The other drug being prescribed, Risperdal, typically causes weight gain of 5 lbs. to 13 lbs., increases the risk of diabetes by 50%, and is linked with increased risk for heart disease, stroke and sudden death. It can even cause some teenage boys and men to grow breasts. Dr. Bruce Perry vocalized his opinions and outrage at this new phenomenon, mourning over the sad deterioration of the medical field. I completely agree, and as mentioned in the article, poor children need better schools and less chaotic neighborhoods and homes. While this is a very difficult task to fulfill, I in no way believe that altering the mental, physical, and emotional stability of a child is the correct solution.

In this informative Time article by Belinda Luscombe, the underworking of the process of employment is revealed for what it truly is, not what others make it out to be. Through her detailed analysis of the employment evaluation process, Luscombe underscores the unfairness inherent in companies and their morals. Rather than recruiting men and women based on their ability, skill, and knowledge, many job seekers have been found to hire those with the most likeability. A study, conducted and published in the American Sociological Review, examined the interview and hiring techniques of three high-paying professions, law, banking, and management consultant firms. After conducting 120 interviews with job interviewers, researcher Lauren Rivera discovered that “fit” is one of the three most important criteria they use to assess candidates in job interviews, and more than half reported it was the most important criterion, rating fit over analytical thinking and communication. However, the true definition of “fit” is somewhat ambiguous. The study, however, does not come as a surprise; it is similar to the media and entertainment industry where landing a job comes down to who you know and the connections you form. Life is just not fair. 


Dec 10, 2012, 3:59:37 PM12/10/12
So personally I believe that 2012 was filled with some pretty memorable quotes, most of which, were condensed into John Chritofferson's Yahoo! article of the best quotes. Topping the list, to almost no surprise was Romney and his 47%, and my personal favorite about Romney's "Binders full of women" was a close second. Some of my other favorites belonged to Obama, "we also have fewer horses and bayonets," or Eric Fehrnstrom's campaigns are "like an etch-a-sketch" but really, I feel like senatorial candidate Todd Akin, "If its a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try and shut the whole thing down." Hahahaha, I can't believe that these people are running the government. But on a more serious note, the majority of the quotations in this article had a said purpose and accomplished their mission (although I'm not totally sure what "Oppan Gangnam style's" mission was. 

This NY Times political cartoon depicts the new baby of Prince William and Princess Kate arriving in front of the entire world. The typical stork is flying in front of the Parliament building while sweating as he is accompanied by several helicopters attempting to get the best TV angle for their viewers. Before he has even arrived at mom and dad's he is in the bright lights of the media and looking somewhat startled. I feel that this depiction is an accurate representation of what this baby's life will be like and I sincerely hope that the paparazzi is kept under control so the family does not suffer another tragedy like Diana's.


Dec 10, 2012, 5:05:21 PM12/10/12

This is absolutely appalling, that in this day and age that people still resort to violence and murder for racial prejudices. The article expresses an informative account, written towards people who aren't racist, and also to people who live in Mississippi and the deep South. The writer takes the side of the man and the family affected by this hate crime. Seeing this makes me realize, some things in this country will never change. We can only hope for the best. 

This video was actually hilarious, I think it was a great spoof on politics. Also, the video is a parody on the issue regarding the fiscal cliff. The SNL video made it very funny, and I was actually curious and researched the problems with the fiscal cliff. SNL promoted the president as an easy going guy who gets along with people even from the Republican party. 

Dylan Panicucci

Dec 10, 2012, 5:33:37 PM12/10/12

             No joke, Pizza Hut Canada created a Pizza Hut perfume.  Only a hundred bottles were made, but it is very possible that many more will follow.  Now anyone can smell like the inside of Pizza Hut.  With Brad Pitt as a prospect for spokesperson, who knows where this venture will go.  Pizza Hut Canada also created a hot dog stuffed crust pizza.  What will these Canadians think up next? 

            With all the “Gangnam Style” hype out there right now, PSY came out and apologized for his anti-American lyrics he rapped in 2004.  Due to events in Iraq and South Korean an anti-war, anti-American sentiment was proliferated.  Regardless of what happened though the lyrics are hateful, sickening, and inexcusable, and this would be the case if the song was about any country.  The lyrics were translated as, “Kill those f--ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives and those who ordered them to torture.  Kill them all slowly and painfully," as well as "daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers."  This is something you would find on a hate website.  I love the “Gangnam Style” song and music video, but all of this makes me look at PSY a whole lot differently.

Dec 10, 2012, 5:38:30 PM12/10/12

I find this article to be very refreshing, because nowadays, younger girls are always told that no man is needed in our lives, and that independence is key. This idea of self sufficiency sans males is so drilled into our minds that I think we sometimes forget that just because we don't necessarily need those things (a husband, kids, a white picket fence) doesn't mean it's not okay to want them. In this article, Tracy McMillan really defends herself from her critics, and highlights through simple, logical arguments, that no, women don't need men to survive, but they love having them around anyways. The same could be said for both genders. It's not necessary to be codependent and rely on your significant other to do things for you and make your life a bit easier from time to time, but isn't that the point of a significant other? McMillan has adapted the outdated feminist belief to better serve the upcoming generations, by toning it down a bit, and letting everyone know that while women are equal to men, that doesn't mean they're the same. 

Read more:


Dec 10, 2012, 5:57:38 PM12/10/12


This article, “Gangnam Rile: PSY’s Past Anti-American Performances Stir Controversy” describes how before PSY’s time of international stardom, he sang some less than favorable things about the United States. PSY’s record in the past has not been perfect. He dropped out from Boston College and Berkeley School of Music, he was fined for using inappropriate lyrics in his first album, and was investigated for failing to do his mandatory military service duty in South Korea.  Now new bad news has come to light; during the first five years of the 21st century, there were several instances when PSY used anti-American lyrics in his songs. One of the major instances was a protest for an Al-Qaida kidnapping of a South Korean minister. This, among other occurrences, cannot be overlooked easily, especially since PSY will be performing at the White Houses’ Christmas in Washington event. This article gave me a completely different opinion on PSY and the music that he created.


This article is one that I found immensely entertaining. It is a fictional description of how the second American Civil War would go and was written by a marine involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Using many different statistics, the likelihood of which states would of victors in this hypothetical war was calculated. Factors such as population and location were factored in and it was theorized that the top three states would be California, Texas, or New York. These three would form large coalitions and, according to the marine,  the conflict between the three would end in almost total annihilation of almost everything before a peace conference would ensue ending the fight. I found this article extremely interesting due to not only the comprehensiveness of it, but also the fact that it was entirely fictional but based on real facts and statistics. The idea that this could truly happen is a sobering one however. Living in New Jersey we would have first been conquered by New York and then by Virginia. It is unlikely that we would last that long due to two successive subjugations, but if we did, it is likely that almost all of the buildings would be decimated by the war. This article was an interesting and imaginative way to look at this insane situation.


Dec 10, 2012, 6:43:05 PM12/10/12

This cartoon by Dave Granlund portrays the chaos experienced by most Americans during the holiday season in regards to decorating.  The image consists of two separate religious sects: one of Christians and one of Jews.  These two groups of people are split down the middle of the screen in an intense battle in front of town hall, as each side tries to decorate the building according to their own religious customs.  Granlund's purpose in creating this scene is clear; he wants to prove how incredibly ridiculous the holiday decorating battles truly are.  I wholeheartedly agree with Granlund.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that here in America we have something called "Separation of Church and State."  Why then, are there even any fights occurring across the nation over decorating a public facility that is not supposed to favor one religion over another.  This image is a perfect example of one of the most ironic of flaws in American society.,30636/

With the holidays upon us, the writers at The Onion have taken full advantage of poking fun at corny Christmas traditions through their article, "Sitcom Characters Still In Shock After Christmas Episode Proves Existence Of Santa Claus."  This authors claim in this piece that The Middle, a popular modern-day sitcom, portrayed a typical instance in which the parents could not afford toys for their kids, but Santa Claus came to the rescue.  The parents went on to say that they were utterly shocked and could no longer believe anything anymore, as they stated that "'... I feel like I’m losing my f***ing mind.' Sources confirmed the shaken couple then refused to help their oldest daughter Sue prepare for an upcoming school dance, claiming that 'none of this bulls**t matters anymore.'”  Clearly, the writers at The Onion wrote this satirical piece to simply make fun of the corny sitcoms that are constantly on rerun from the past by creating a hypothetical situation that might transpire if Santa were to be proven real today.  Not only do the authors make fun of society in this concise article, they make their readers laugh in the process.  Happy Holidays!

Liz Anderson

Dec 10, 2012, 9:46:41 PM12/10/12
Robotic Gadgets are Becoming Within Reach of Average Consumers

This new "affordable robot" is being sold for $250 dollars to holiday shoppers in December of 2012. This creation is called a hexy with six crab like claws which can navigate and even respond to humans with a wave or guessture. He was able to lower prices by using free softwares, and molding the products in Massachusetts instead of in China. His goal was to create the Ikea of Robotics, and manufacture these robots out of Massachusetts rather than shipping them from wholesalers or from foreign countries. This article was particularly interesting to me because robotics in general seems futuristic, but these are robots which are accessible to middle class americans and could become prevalent for any technologically-savvy, and not so savvy individuals. 

Alexandra Chin

Dec 10, 2012, 9:46:46 PM12/10/12

This cartoon, as drawn by David Fitzsimmons, depicts a donkey, representing the Democratic party peering over the edge of the 'fiscal cliff'. The elephant, representing the Republican party, is telling the donkey to meet it halfway which appears to be physically impossible due to the fact that the elephant is defying gravity by standing horizontally to the ground had the picture been orientated to how we normally perceive the world. this comic is addressing the problem of the national debt, where Obama is asking Congress to let him raise the debt spending to allow for more free spending. Here the comic is making the statement that the debt ceiling would have to be raised regardless of the circumstances and that the amount that Obama is asking for is reasonable. Even the sun looks down, worried about the situation (although the birds don't seem to give a darn). This was intended for those unsure of the President's actions regarding hitting the debt ceiling.

This emotional article gives outsiders an update on the damage inflicted by Hurricane Sandy and how people are still trying to clean up though the story of a young boy in eighth grade. His state of the art school will not be open at all this year yet classes still take place. While the effects of Hurricane Sandy might be old news for us it is still a thing that people are struggling with in the harder hit areas. I can still remember that one week we didn't have power and how these people are still out of a necessary shelter and winter is setting in. My thoughts go out to those still be affected by the storm.


Dec 10, 2012, 9:55:30 PM12/10/12

This ABC article details a frightening article with regards to the young ages of the children who attempted a carjacking, armed. The mere fact that a 7 year old was in possession of a handgun is a fact that represents the decreasing amount of innocence in kids. Personally speaking, at age 7, a gun was something so distant and almost an intangible idea, but these two children are holding one, and using it as a threat. Colleen Curry presents this story in a tone that captures the askew youthfulness of the two boys. She describes that they were attempting to steal at truck that they weren't even big enough to physically drive. 

With an immediately attention-grabbing title, this story, as Gregory Katz speaks of the identification, or lack thereof, of a man who fell from the sky. It originally seemed to me that the title was just a bombastic way to grab one's attention, but as I read into the story, a stowaway on a plane, literally fell out. Presented in a solemn tone, Katz speaks of the still unknown identity of the man. Apart from the actual details of the article, I think this piece as a whole demonstrates a quite random tragedy, and how the titles of news articles highlight stories in a way that sounds them most interesting.

Orion Farr

Dec 11, 2012, 6:12:37 AM12/11/12
The National Post posted:

The world's number 1 tennis player, Novak Djokovic has bought the entire worlds supply of  an expensive donkey cheese only produced on one farm in Serbia. Apparently it takes 25 liters of fresh donkey milk to make a kg of donkey cheese, thus the 500$ per pound price tag. Novak did all this not to make a monopoly on donkey cheese, but to open a restaurant.


Orion Farr

Dec 11, 2012, 6:19:03 AM12/11/12
A new delivery system for all your Mexican food needs is here, the "Burrito bomber", a buritto delivery system developed by Darwin Aerospace, has been introduced in a video on youtube. This system of loading a birrrito onto a remote controlled plane and sending it out to its target and releasing it by parachute, still needs to be approved by the FAA. The Bomber may be approved as soon as 2015, giving a whole new name to fast food.
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Dec 11, 2012, 2:09:04 PM12/11/12
This is very interesting to me. I actually just finished reading a book entitled, "Eric." Eric is about a young boy diagnosed with leukemia, and his battle against it. The story is set in the 60's, so the amount of treatments that were offered were pretty limited, and something so simple to today's times would be so risky and complicated to the times displayed in the book. I find it extremely interesting that they are progressing it seems in the field of the cure of leukemia, as it is a horrible disease. I also find it ridiculous that they use one disease to cure another, without any consequences.

Dec 11, 2012, 2:20:05 PM12/11/12
It is true that some things in this country, and life, will simply never change. People will always be cruel, there will never be a complete absence of hate. However, some people are way behind on today's times. Whoever is low and ignorant enough to pull off a hate crime against another race in 2012, going on 2013, is simply pathetic. I would understand something like this happening decades ago - not accept it, but understand it - and with this happening in today's decade is, much like what Rachel said, absolutely appalling. 

Julie Daniels

Dec 11, 2012, 4:46:06 PM12/11/12

At the age of seven I would presume that most people were very innocent and didn’t know what a lot of bad things were. These two little kids however not only possessed a gun, but were also prepared to fire it. In an attempt to hijack a car in Oregon, they somehow attained a .22 handgun and the worst part of it all is that they were prepared to use it. I find this to be so appalling that it is almost disgusting to a point. No child should ever be in possession of such a deadly weapon due to the fact that they don’t understand the consequences behind it. They could potentially end someones life at such a young age and that is such a scary thing to consider. 

Julie Daniels

Dec 11, 2012, 4:54:57 PM12/11/12

Just a few years ago, the thought of one being able to own their own robot seemed almost unthinkable and very “Back to the Future” like. However, manufacturers in Massachusetts have made this attainable to everyone this holiday season. With the ability to purchase one for around $250 seems very exciting to most. Personally, the article surprised me. I never dreamed of a ROBOT becoming a common household item. This might as well be the first step to a new age. One where gadgets like these are available to everyone and they make life so much easier on the human being with their ability to perform various tasks.

Dec 11, 2012, 6:00:30 PM12/11/12
Its funny how these predatory shopping tactics have just become a part of the American way of life. You would think that if stores were that bad and that uncomfortable, that people would simply shop online or shop earlier, not continue to wait until the last minute and end up buying even more. But alas, the marketing teams of stores across the country have perfected the art of manipulation during the holiday season to use people's own annoyance to increase sales. In this article, Burkeman could have come off as looking down upon the part of the population that falls victim to these tactics, but instead, he seems to sympathize with the American public, making this article far more pleasurable to read. As a way to combat these tactics in the future, I would encourage people to try online shopping instead. It's so much more convenient! First off, you don't even need to put real pants on to shop. How great is that? Also, you can just have all your gifts shipped directly to their intended recipient, limiting the tedious social interaction and gift exchanges that come with the holiday season. Plus, it's more cost effective because this time of year, almost every site offers free shipping, so you're saving gas money, time, and the stress of having to listen to Michael Buble's Christmas album being played in literally EVERY store on a seemingly endless loop. 

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 11:50:13 AM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


The New York Times articles “Suffer. Spend. Repeat.” Puts an interesting twist on the holiday season, enlightening its readers on the awful tactics used to make people buy more in the store. Oliver Burkeman offers the notion that there is evidence for the reason that retailers try to make you so uncomfortable on purpose, based on evidence it makes shoppers spend more money. Loud music, piping smells and inconvenient purchase points are all part of their plan “that leads to overstimulation and ‘a momentary loss of self-control, thus enhancing the likelihood of impulse purchase.’” Although this may seem immoral and unfair, Burkeman’s not so condescending or outraged tone suggests that we Americans are responsible for this because we let it happen. Because most of America waits until December to do their holiday shopping is why these tactics work and are ultimately effective. By the end of the article, I gathered that although these practices are somewhat predatory, unfair and annoying, we let them happen, therefore, we have to deal with them. Procrastination is what we do best, so unfortunately, we have to pay a small price of “The Little Drummer Boy” on replay.

Dec 11, 2012, 6:12:01 PM12/11/12
The thought of two little kids walking around with loaded weapons is just disgusting to me. Someone must have either given them the guns as a toy, or left them out where the kids would have access to them, and either way acted careless and irresponsibly. 7 year olds shouldn't have the ability to load or fire a gun, and I think that more attention should be paid to stories like this in order to ensure the safety of America's youth. Furthermore, although these kids are so incredibly young, I think more should have been done than to just return them to their parents. There needs to be some sort of more severe punishment for crimes like this, even for children. They need to learn that what they did is terribly wrong, and that they can never do something like it again. More action should be taken in order to reprimand young offenders, so that they don't grow up to be hoodlums who are always in and out of jail cells. 

On Monday, December 10, 2012 9:55:30 PM UTC-5, jamiemelville1 wrote:


Dec 11, 2012, 6:47:17 PM12/11/12
In response to: "Drugging Poor Kids..."
Isabella has captured the explanatory tone of this article perfectly.  Szalavitz uses his piece to shed light on yet another growing trend in America that seems to have many more converse effects than it does beneficiary ones.  Although it is true that the drug Adderall is commonly prescribed to children with ADHD can help alleviate the symptoms of this disorder, the drug should not be used on children who do not need it to treat a medical condition.  Following this same logic, one may argue that it is perfectly acceptible for doctors to prescribe Adderall to any AP Lang & Comp students that are falling behind.  This is absolutely ludicrous.  The health risks are simply too great; I was surprised to read that the drug "...increases the risk of diabetes by 50%."  Although the pediatrician had high moral purpose in his actions, he should have his license to prescribe medicine suspended due to his negligence.


Dec 11, 2012, 7:24:12 PM12/11/12
In response to: A breakthrough against Leukemia uses what causes AIDS virus to treat young girl

After reading this article from the NY Times, I felt quite inspired, obviously thankful for my health, but also shocked by the irony of the treatment used to cure this young girl's Leukemia. To me, it was strange to learn that Emma, who had relapsed twice from after chemotherapy, was treated with a disabled form of the virus that causes AIDS that ultimately got rid of it. Miraculously, the addition of this virus into her system allowed for the reprogramming of her cells in which the cancer cells were killed and she was cured. Liz made an interesting observation on the fact that doctors don't like to use the word "cure" because cancer is such a tricky and complex disease, with a multitude of types and variations. Because you can't be sure with all of the cases, they refrain using this word when patients rid themselves of the cancer through treatment, like in the case of Emma. One would cease to think that such a fatal and harmful virus that causes AIDs  could cure a cancer, but in this situation, it did. I was lovely to find out at the conclusion of this article that Emma is back at school, enjoying her childhood. 


Dec 11, 2012, 7:35:51 PM12/11/12
In response to: Let's call it a truce in the war on men

Like Kathy, I also found this article quite refreshing. There has been an abundance of feminist ideas that stress independence and the need for detachment from the male subjects of our lives. It has been hammered into our minds that equal in the relationship of men and women, means sameness. However, I agree with author Tracy McMillan on the fact that women are "equal, but different" to men. Although many women don't like to fall into the nurturing, dependent, stay-at-home mom category, the truth is that many women still portray characteristics that are more inherent to females. Of course, women aren't in need of a husband, but they could still want them. McMillan successfully argues that women can be independent and don't need men to survive, but they like hanging around them. I really like this approach to feminism, that doesn't spark hatred for the male gender, it just accepts that fact that males and females don't have to be the same to be equal. 


Dec 12, 2012, 4:44:23 PM12/12/12

The boy must have been so focused on getting the toddlers to safety, he failed to realize the horrible situation at hand. I would say that the boy had nerves of steel to navigate through the wreckage, and help the little ones out. I sincerely believe that everything just came as a shock to him, so he moved almost effortlessly with one thought in mind, get them to safety. Its truly horrific that the children had to go through this, and I would agree that this boy is a hero for his courage.


This article reports how a 12 year old boy rescued 3 toddlers from a fatal car crash. The driver drove off the road and ended up flipping the car. In this panic, the 12 year old boy kept calm and removed all three toddlers from that car and then made his way to get help for the driver. The driver died at the scene but all of the kids were okay. At the beginning of this article the tone was very positive and heroic because of what this young boy did. The tone never transformed to melancholy but at the end the reporter began to talk about the woman who died and how she was a great woman. It is very sad that this woman died in this car accident but hearing how this young boy handled the situation took me by surprise. He is only 12 years old and he was able to keep calm and rescue the toddlers and get help. I agree with the drivers husband when he said he categorizes this boy as a hero for his courage.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:,30624/

In the very satirical newspaper called “The Onion” they recently seemingly made fun of the twitter world and how people overuse it and often take it too seriously. Here, they referenced Pope Benedict XVI and his recently established twitter account. Whether he actually has his own personal twitter account is unknown. The article then goes onto say how on it, he tweeted a picture of him an God. Yes, you heard that right, God. They were shown in the picture shirtless on the Pope’s Yacht seemingly enjoying themselves. It also claims that under the picture he tweeted, “Just getting some sun and sipping cocktails #loveit” It was later told that this remarkable picture was retweeted by people such as Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift. Of course, this very silly tweet is made up and I personally don’t think it is offensive to anyone. They are simply trying to make a joke out of the social networking site.

Recently, the winners of the Powerball Lottery have been announced and the winners are claimed to be some of the most fortunate people in the world. One couple in Arizona has won over 200 million in cash before taxes are taken out. They are very thankful for the gift they have been granted and they did comment on how some of the winnings would be donated to charity. They also assembled a legal and financial team to help guide them through the process of handling all the money. Although they did come forward, they did opt to keep their identity private. The other winners have not even come forward due to fear. Whomever it is, seems to be very lucky and hopefully they will spend it wisely. 

On Friday, December 7, 2012 1:51:13 PM UTC-5, wrote:



Dec 12, 2012, 5:03:48 PM12/12/12

That is so ridiculous that doctors think its necessary to go and prescribe medications to kids who have rough lives in and out of school in poor neighborhoods. Just look at the side effects! I think this was a twisted idea, like honestly what difference does it makes if the kids life is still the same but their grades are better? I think there is only so much science can do, and the rest has to be left to fellow humans who want to reach out and make a better life for these kids.

On Monday, December 10, 2012 3:24:30 PM UTC-5, isabella.cuan wrote:

Mikaela Litchfield

Dec 12, 2012, 5:47:18 PM12/12/12
In response to: "A Breakthrough Against Leukemia Uses what causes AIDS virus to treat young girl"

This article caught my eye because my grandfather passed away a few months ago from Leukemia. It's amazing to think how far science is progressing, and how something so deadly and awful can be utilized to save people's lives. I've seen the before picture of this girl, and she really looked like she was going to die. Now her face went from being gaunt to being fully of vitality. I am afraid for this developing new treatment to backfire, what if somehow she develops AIDS as a result of this? 

On Monday, December 10, 2012 3:24:30 PM UTC-5, isabella.cuan wrote:

Mikaela Litchfield

Dec 12, 2012, 5:52:03 PM12/12/12
This article was so ridiculous, but only because it is true. I cant't stand going to the mall during December because I detest the consumerism-driven crowds (although I am just as much of a consumer as any of the people who partake in crazed holiday shopping). It's almost unbelievable the lengths stores will go to to persuade the public to buying more. What's even more unbelievable is how easy we all fall for it. Especially around the holidays, companies become puppet masters and have the power to manipulate us into purchasing more and more and more. 

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 11:50:13 AM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


The New York Times articles “Suffer. Spend. Repeat.” Puts an interesting twist on the holiday season, enlightening its readers on the awful tactics used to make people buy more in the store. Oliver Burkeman offers the notion that there is evidence for the reason that retailers try to make you so uncomfortable on purpose, based on evidence it makes shoppers spend more money. Loud music, piping smells and inconvenient purchase points are all part of their plan “that leads to overstimulation and ‘a momentary loss of self-control, thus enhancing the likelihood of impulse purchase.’” Although this may seem immoral and unfair, Burkeman’s not so condescending or outraged tone suggests that we Americans are responsible for this because we let it happen. Because most of America waits until December to do their holiday shopping is why these tactics work and are ultimately effective. By the end of the article, I gathered that although these practices are somewhat predatory, unfair and annoying, we let them happen, therefore, we have to deal with them. Procrastination is what we do best, so unfortunately, we have to pay a small price of “The Little Drummer Boy” on replay.  


Dec 12, 2012, 5:52:18 PM12/12/12
I completely agree with Sian and the writer's opinion about the holiday season. Typically and expectedly, we Americans spend unnecessary amounts of money, most of the time on nonessential junk. Consumerism is the cornerstone of 21st century America so the tactics used to encourage this very principle comes as no surprise. As stated in the article, it is not the fault of the perceivable "corrupt" or "dishonest" retailers; rather it has and always will be ourselves to blame. If we had not encouraged this idea of materialism and stuff, retailers would not have such a reason to do this in the first place. Nonetheless it is a part of culture, accepted and excepted, but we must always look at ourselves before pointing our fingers at someone else. 


Dec 12, 2012, 6:01:06 PM12/12/12
It is not everyday you learn about a hero, let alone one that is twelve-years old. I was shocked to learn what he had done immediately following the car crash. Placing myself in his shoes, I don't know how I would be able to remain so calm and level-headed. However, envisioning an incident is significantly more different than actually being involved in the incident; the human being can do miraculous things when faced with life or death situations. Despite the woman's tragic death, the boy's actions made all the difference in the outcome. It is people and children like this boy that epitomize the true meaning of hero. 

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:26:34 PM UTC-5, grace.miller07 wrote:


This article by the CNN staff, explains that a Mexican singer was declared missing when the airplane she was flying in lost contact with air traffic controllers in Mexico early Sunday morning. Her name is Jenni Rivera and she was on her way to a northern Mexican City and is now missing with two pilots and four other passengers. It was suspected that it was a plane crash but that is not confirmed. This article has a serious tone just like any other missing person’s article would. It is scary that the plane lost contact because it tells us that that could happen to any plane. The purpose of this article was to report a missing person and let all of her fans know why she missed her own concert!


This article reports how a 12 year old boy rescued 3 toddlers from a fatal car crash. The driver drove off the road and ended up flipping the car. In this panic, the 12 year old boy kept calm and removed all three toddlers from that car and then made his way to get help for the driver. The driver died at the scene but all of the kids were okay. At the beginning of this article the tone was very positive and heroic because of what this young boy did. The tone never transformed to melancholy but at the end the reporter began to talk about the woman who died and how she was a great woman. It is very sad that this woman died in this car accident but hearing how this young boy handled the situation took me by surprise. He is only 12 years old and he was able to keep calm and rescue the toddlers and get help. I agree with the drivers husband when he said he categorizes this boy as a hero for his courage.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:,30624/

In the very satirical newspaper called “The Onion” they recently seemingly made fun of the twitter world and how people overuse it and often take it too seriously. Here, they referenced Pope Benedict XVI and his recently established twitter account. Whether he actually has his own personal twitter account is unknown. The article then goes onto say how on it, he tweeted a picture of him an God. Yes, you heard that right, God. They were shown in the picture shirtless on the Pope’s Yacht seemingly enjoying themselves. It also claims that under the picture he tweeted, “Just getting some sun and sipping cocktails #loveit” It was later told that this remarkable picture was retweeted by people such as Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift. Of course, this very silly tweet is made up and I personally don’t think it is offensive to anyone. They are simply trying to make a joke out of the social networking site.

Recently, the winners of the Powerball Lottery have been announced and the winners are claimed to be some of the most fortunate people in the world. One couple in Arizona has won over 200 million in cash before taxes are taken out. They are very thankful for the gift they have been granted and they did comment on how some of the winnings would be donated to charity. They also assembled a legal and financial team to help guide them through the process of handling all the money. Although they did come forward, they did opt to keep their identity private. The other winners have not even come forward due to fear. Whomever it is, seems to be very lucky and hopefully they will spend it wisely. 

On Friday, December 7, 2012 1:51:13 PM UTC-5, wrote:



Dec 12, 2012, 8:50:53 PM12/12/12
In response to: "Let's call a truce..."
Unlike both Sian and Kathy, I found this article to be completely disturbing.  After all of the progress women have made towards gaining their own voices, it was unsettling for me to read some of McMillan's viewpoints.  Not only did I find it counterproductive for the feminist movement, I also found, but was not surprised by, some of the biased messages in this Fox News article.  I could not wrap my head around this statement: "You begin by accepting that men and women are different. Equal, but different."  I am a firm believer that, besides having the physical qualities that differentiate between male and female, both men and women are not different.  Our societal standards have limited women to "feminine" jobs, such as housework, whereas men are expected to perform "masculine" duties, such as pursue a career, play sports, and put on fake macho masks.  McMillan states that: "Females, in general, are nurturing and relational beings. They like to gather and nest and take care of people."  How can one so easily generalize one half of the entire population of the world?  In my opinion, gender roles are irrelevant to this day and age.  All that matters is what the individual prefers.  If you happen to be a man or woman who enjoys staying home with the kids, then focus on doing that.  Everyone is always so caught up in the feminist movement that they lose sight in the fact that men should be able to do any and all of the same tasks that women have traditionally done because, aside from their reproduction organs, men and women are not so different after all.  But I digress...

Randy May

Dec 13, 2012, 2:59:30 PM12/13/12
In response to Child Carjackers:
 It is almost terrifying to think that kids at this age can even get their hands on a loaded gun, let alone try to steal a car. Plus, what were these kids trying to steal a car for anyway? It's not like they can drive it. They can barely see over the dashboard. I'm sure that there is much more to this story that his not come out yet. These kids may have been told by somebody to do the job. Money is scarce and it looks like people will do absolutely anything to get some doughe. No matter what the age.
In response to Robotic Gadgets are Becoming Within Reach of Average Consumers:
It is great to see people making things in the US rather than sending their products over seas to have them made by a foreign country. Not only will this be easier for him, it is giving people the opportunity for a job and to make some money. Also, I was never into having those robot things that always come out around Christmas time, but this one actually looks pretty interesting and I think i might even recommend my mom to buy it for some of my cousins.  

Liz Anderson

Dec 13, 2012, 3:24:25 PM12/13/12
In response to Drugging Poor Kids To Help boost Grades in Failing Schools

This article was very interesting because it seems absurd to use potentially harmful drugs on perfectly healthy children. To attempt and "change the kid" instead of the school was one of the quotes from the article that was extremely frightening. The side effects of these drugs could potentially be harmful yet parents would subject their children to them in an attempt to make them smarter? It all seems very strange, and in a sense almost Brave New World-esque in its practice. 

On Monday, December 10, 2012 3:24:30 PM UTC-5, isabella.cuan wrote:

Maia Szalavitz writes “Drugging Poor Kids to Boost Grades in Failing Schools: One Doc Says Yes” to inform the public about a not-so-conventional method of improving the education of poor children. Pediatrician Dr. Anderson has begun to prescribe drugs, medications to treat ADHD, to try to boost kids’ grades and give the most disadvantaged students a level playing field in the country. “We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid,” he reasons. As well-intentioned as this may be, the medications seem to be doing more harm than good. One eleven-year-old boy, Quintn, participated in fights at school, saying that others were insulting his mother. However, they were not and Quintn was rather seeing and hearing people, a rare but recognized side effect of Adderall. Despite his outbursts, the family continued to medicate the rest of Quintn’s siblings. Side effects of drugs like Adderall include growth suppression, raised blood pressure, possible increases in heart attack and stroke risk and, rarely, psychosis. The other drug being prescribed, Risperdal, typically causes weight gain of 5 lbs. to 13 lbs., increases the risk of diabetes by 50%, and is linked with increased risk for heart disease, stroke and sudden death. It can even cause some teenage boys and men to grow breasts. Dr. Bruce Perry vocalized his opinions and outrage at this new phenomenon, mourning over the sad deterioration of the medical field. I completely agree, and as mentioned in the article, poor children need better schools and less chaotic neighborhoods and homes. While this is a very difficult task to fulfill, I in no way believe that altering the mental, physical, and emotional stability of a child is the correct solution.

In this informative Time article by Belinda Luscombe, the underworking of the process of employment is revealed for what it truly is, not what others make it out to be. Through her detailed analysis of the employment evaluation process, Luscombe underscores the unfairness inherent in companies and their morals. Rather than recruiting men and women based on their ability, skill, and knowledge, many job seekers have been found to hire those with the most likeability. A study, conducted and published in the American Sociological Review, examined the interview and hiring techniques of three high-paying professions, law, banking, and management consultant firms. After conducting 120 interviews with job interviewers, researcher Lauren Rivera discovered that “fit” is one of the three most important criteria they use to assess candidates in job interviews, and more than half reported it was the most important criterion, rating fit over analytical thinking and communication. However, the true definition of “fit” is somewhat ambiguous. The study, however, does not come as a surprise; it is similar to the media and entertainment industry where landing a job comes down to who you know and the connections you form. Life is just not fair. 

Liz Anderson

Dec 13, 2012, 3:27:09 PM12/13/12
This article is seriously frightening due to the fact that the air traffic controllers lost contact with the plane. To think that with all the advancements in technology that have been made thus far, it is still possible to loose a plane in transit is very disheartening. That also forces you to pose the questions could there be more to the story? Something we do not know which has to do with the singer herself? Not necessarily what I believe just something to think about as this does not happen often. 

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:26:34 PM UTC-5, grace.miller07 wrote:


This article by the CNN staff, explains that a Mexican singer was declared missing when the airplane she was flying in lost contact with air traffic controllers in Mexico early Sunday morning. Her name is Jenni Rivera and she was on her way to a northern Mexican City and is now missing with two pilots and four other passengers. It was suspected that it was a plane crash but that is not confirmed. This article has a serious tone just like any other missing person’s article would. It is scary that the plane lost contact because it tells us that that could happen to any plane. The purpose of this article was to report a missing person and let all of her fans know why she missed her own concert!


This article reports how a 12 year old boy rescued 3 toddlers from a fatal car crash. The driver drove off the road and ended up flipping the car. In this panic, the 12 year old boy kept calm and removed all three toddlers from that car and then made his way to get help for the driver. The driver died at the scene but all of the kids were okay. At the beginning of this article the tone was very positive and heroic because of what this young boy did. The tone never transformed to melancholy but at the end the reporter began to talk about the woman who died and how she was a great woman. It is very sad that this woman died in this car accident but hearing how this young boy handled the situation took me by surprise. He is only 12 years old and he was able to keep calm and rescue the toddlers and get help. I agree with the drivers husband when he said he categorizes this boy as a hero for his courage.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:,30624/

In the very satirical newspaper called “The Onion” they recently seemingly made fun of the twitter world and how people overuse it and often take it too seriously. Here, they referenced Pope Benedict XVI and his recently established twitter account. Whether he actually has his own personal twitter account is unknown. The article then goes onto say how on it, he tweeted a picture of him an God. Yes, you heard that right, God. They were shown in the picture shirtless on the Pope’s Yacht seemingly enjoying themselves. It also claims that under the picture he tweeted, “Just getting some sun and sipping cocktails #loveit” It was later told that this remarkable picture was retweeted by people such as Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift. Of course, this very silly tweet is made up and I personally don’t think it is offensive to anyone. They are simply trying to make a joke out of the social networking site.

Recently, the winners of the Powerball Lottery have been announced and the winners are claimed to be some of the most fortunate people in the world. One couple in Arizona has won over 200 million in cash before taxes are taken out. They are very thankful for the gift they have been granted and they did comment on how some of the winnings would be donated to charity. They also assembled a legal and financial team to help guide them through the process of handling all the money. Although they did come forward, they did opt to keep their identity private. The other winners have not even come forward due to fear. Whomever it is, seems to be very lucky and hopefully they will spend it wisely. 

On Friday, December 7, 2012 1:51:13 PM UTC-5, wrote:



Dec 13, 2012, 3:58:34 PM12/13/12
In response to Obama care:

In this cartoon, the elephant (republican) has done his job as the doctor and patched up his patient (Obamacare) despite his efforts to ignore and kill the program. He then leaves the room and states that he "hates days like this." I personally believe that this is a cleaver interpretation of the way that they majority of Americans feel about Obamacare and how they believe it hurts the country. Even after it is all patched up and fixed, it is ultimately not good for the majority of people and even still it is unable to be killed. 

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:23:06 PM UTC-5, merstriolo wrote:,r:49,s:0,i:238

Not sure if this is what we're suppose to do, but:

This is a cartoon making fun of Obama Care, and how, in this skewed opinion, it left people hurt. Then it presents the elephant (republican party) which is apathetic towards it's patients and is helping people despite its efforts not to. Thus, The creator of this cartoon is saying that Obama Care did more harm than good, and it seems as though the alternative is out to get people.

This article talks about the epidemic of suicide in the military. It presents statistics that are shocking, such as that suicides were the leading cause of death this year of U.S. soldiers. The military was tending to this epidemic by enforcing gun responsibility with personal weapons, but their ability to do so was removed in the NDAA. It's important that  the military works with Congress and the Defense Department to get recognition of this issue, and take steps to resolve it.


Dec 13, 2012, 4:05:55 PM12/13/12
Like Julie, when I was 7, or even 11, I don't think I even knew what a carjacking was. I'm throughly confused by not only how an 11-year-old could obtain custody of a weapon, but how they knew how to attempt hijacking a car, and especially where their parents were throughout the entire event. Personally, when I was younger my parents would not allow me out of their sight for long enough to get myself into typical trouble, let alone anything that is as extensive as a car hijack. I'm very glad that no one ended up hurt as I can't imagine having to live with the thought that I killed someone at such a long age, although at 7 or 11 I do not know if I would have understood the true nature of the situation. 


Dec 13, 2012, 4:50:49 PM12/13/12
Upon learning this information about PSY, I definitely looked at him in a very different light. The idea that he had sung about things like this in the past is a fact that should not be overlooked, especially since he is scheduled to preform at the White House Christmas concert. It is true that some people can change but to change this much would be a stretch. Thats not so say that PSY is a bad guy though. It is definitely possible that he has different beliefs now than he did 8 years ago. This incident should not be totally ignored but PSY should not be judged on his old decisions. 

On Monday, December 10, 2012 5:33:37 PM UTC-5, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

             No joke, Pizza Hut Canada created a Pizza Hut perfume.  Only a hundred bottles were made, but it is very possible that many more will follow.  Now anyone can smell like the inside of Pizza Hut.  With Brad Pitt as a prospect for spokesperson, who knows where this venture will go.  Pizza Hut Canada also created a hot dog stuffed crust pizza.  What will these Canadians think up next? 

            With all the “Gangnam Style” hype out there right now, PSY came out and apologized for his anti-American lyrics he rapped in 2004.  Due to events in Iraq and South Korean an anti-war, anti-American sentiment was proliferated.  Regardless of what happened though the lyrics are hateful, sickening, and inexcusable, and this would be the case if the song was about any country.  The lyrics were translated as, “Kill those f--ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives and those who ordered them to torture.  Kill them all slowly and painfully," as well as "daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers."  This is something you would find on a hate website.  I love the “Gangnam Style” song and music video, but all of this makes me look at PSY a whole lot differently.


Dec 13, 2012, 5:01:56 PM12/13/12
Without a doubt, suicides in the military is a huge problem facing us today. It is also true that not enough is being done to prevent it. A large majority of veterans of the armed services return home with a crippling mental illness like PTSD. Of those who get this mental illness, many have recurring flashbacks and terrible memories of war that they cannot forget. Too many of these men and women go untreated for so long until something tragic happens, at which point it is to late. There must be action taken to help our veterans because just as they served us, we must in return serve them.  

Dylan Panicucci

Dec 13, 2012, 6:12:29 PM12/13/12
There will always be racism in this world.  Sadly, it affects innocent people like the victim of this story.  What these kids did to this man is utterly appalling.  The violence and hatred displayed is crazy.  Nothing can be done to fix racism.  It is a genetic disease that passes from racist parents to new racist children.  It is a never-ending cycle and nobody will ever move past it.

Ben Skalla

Dec 13, 2012, 6:21:28 PM12/13/12
A controversy such as the one described in this article seems to not really be a common thing to hear about.  PSY became popular recently after releasing his song "Gangam Style." Since July 15th when the song was released, the youtube video has gotten almost 1 billion views.  It seems insane that he could have been so extremely famous for about 5 months before this news came out.  I am not really sure why PSY would be preforming at the White Houses' Christmas in Washington event in the first place, but if he made these anti-american comments, he definitely should not be allowed to preform.  
On Monday, December 10, 2012 5:57:38 PM UTC-5, mdsaba1126 wrote:

This article, “Gangnam Rile: PSY’s Past Anti-American Performances Stir Controversy” describes how before PSY’s time of international stardom, he sang some less than favorable things about the United States. PSY’s record in the past has not been perfect. He dropped out from Boston College and Berkeley School of Music, he was fined for using inappropriate lyrics in his first album, and was investigated for failing to do his mandatory military service duty in South Korea.  Now new bad news has come to light; during the first five years of the 21st century, there were several instances when PSY used anti-American lyrics in his songs. One of the major instances was a protest for an Al-Qaida kidnapping of a South Korean minister. This, among other occurrences, cannot be overlooked easily, especially since PSY will be performing at the White Houses’ Christmas in Washington event. This article gave me a completely different opinion on PSY and the music that he created.

Dylan Panicucci

Dec 13, 2012, 6:29:43 PM12/13/12
This article is so upsetting.  It is so hard to imagine the entire destruction of these children's innocence.  Like Jamie says, at age 7 a gun was such a distant idea.  I think I might have just gotten a toy gun at this age, and I was not imagining myself using it to rob someone.  This shows the sad truth of the streets, even kids are willing to kill.  As suburban kids we would never be exposed to this environment.  Something needs to be done to save kids from the cycle of the streets.

Ben Skalla

Dec 13, 2012, 6:30:42 PM12/13/12
I agree with Jamie that this story is mind boggling.  Where could two kids that are that young get hold of a hand gun? Although they probably are too young to have known how serious their actions truly were, one would expect them to know that is very wrong.   You have to wonder what kind of parents the kids have for them to do such a thing.  I was not exactly sure what the kids planned on doing if the woman gave them the car. I wouldn't expect that either knew how to drive.  I never would have expected two children would attempt such a crime.

On Monday, December 10, 2012 9:55:30 PM UTC-5, jamiemelville1 wrote:
Message has been deleted


Dec 13, 2012, 7:08:10 PM12/13/12

In General a Response to both Articles:

I find it ironic how now that we have the science to really see the influences of humanity’s actions towards the earth, we are doing less and less to stop it. It is because of the demand for energy and the manufacturing of products in factories, influenced by consumers, that humans are having more of an effect on nature, and with it, their own health. In the grand scheme of things, people need to realize that if we destroy the Earth there won’t be a need for all those useless Iphones, which in themselves encourage a throw-away society, because we’ll all be dead.    

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:55:54 PM UTC-5, Ben Skalla wrote:

This article explains the worsening condition of Greenland's ice.  As if it was not melting quickly enough, now the soot that has fallen from wildfires is darkening the surface of the ice.  The darkening color of the ice's surfacing is causing much more sunlight to be absorbed than before.  The Greenland ice sheet has already experienced a record high melt this year.  With this added problem,  the amount of ice melting will definitely increase.  This melting ice will also have an effect on the rising sea levels.  The issue of ice melting is becoming a more serious problem.  Issues concerning the environment do not get the attention they need in today's society.  Further efforts should be made to help save the environment.  

The New York Times article talks about the quality of the air in many cities throughout Asia.  Due to the air pollution in many of these Asian cities, the quality of the air is severely decreasing.  The number of deaths due to outdoor air pollution is about 1.3 million each year.  Almost 75% of cities are experiencing fast growing pollution levels.  These numbers are expected to greatly increase in the near future.  The levels of pollution have become severe enough to pose serious health issues to people who live in cities.  China and India are the two cities that have the most polluted air and they are expected to remain this way.  


Dec 13, 2012, 7:43:28 PM12/13/12
This is a classic example of Ad Hominem where the author of this article attacks PSY’s person and uses it to detract from PSY’s musical credibility. Not to mention, PSY’s music has always been a facetious act, and his comments about America are no different than Colbert poking fun at everyday America, for our country is founded (and it is also stated in the first amendment) on the freedom to express our opinions, especially when it comes to the government. Despite the ignorance of this writer, PSY’s Gangnam Style is, and should still be, respected as a masterpiece of both musical and comical genius. Hopefully it will reach 1 billion views by 12.21.12, perhaps that’s the big event that Nostradamus predicted. 


Dec 13, 2012, 8:10:56 PM12/13/12
I think this definitely capitalizes on reporters overstepping their boundaries, and how the constant media bombardment for celebrities causes major issues. On a side note I think that it is a bit ironic how people blame celebrities for acting how they do sometimes, when it is almost ineveitable with a camera in your face 24/7. I think the whole media hub not only can twist stories but also blatantly neglect peoples' privacy.

On Friday, December 7, 2012 2:02:16 PM UTC-5, wrote:
I was extremely shocked to read this article, as I'm sure everyone else will be. It's so terrible that there's a constant media circus surrounding the royal family, and that people have gone to such lengths to try and get the inside scoop. Jacintha Saldanha's untimely death was a direct result of the royal media frenzy, and I can only imagine how William and Kate, as well as the rest of the royals feel about this. Also, the radio DJ's, as misguided as their little prank was, don't deserve the hate that they're getting in comments on their Facebook and website and such. They were wrong to do what they did, but how could they have any idea that it would result in a woman taking her own life? Hopefully, this event will show all of the reporters that constantly stalk and try to get intel on the royals, that their actions have negative affects. We can only hope that this event will cause everyone to be more respectful of the couple's privacy, and use less insane tactics to try and get some information on the royal couple and their new family.


Dec 13, 2012, 8:14:12 PM12/13/12
Personally, I am okay with with people dropping food off at my house by plane. I think that if that debuts, it well most definitely change the food industry, but I think it must undergo many tests and will have to avoid many obstacles in order to make this successful, so I do have my doubts.

On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 6:19:03 AM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:
A new delivery system for all your Mexican food needs is here, the "Burrito bomber", a buritto delivery system developed by Darwin Aerospace, has been introduced in a video on youtube. This system of loading a birrrito onto a remote controlled plane and sending it out to its target and releasing it by parachute, still needs to be approved by the FAA. The Bomber may be approved as soon as 2015, giving a whole new name to fast food.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Orion Farr <> wrote:
The National Post posted:

The world's number 1 tennis player, Novak Djokovic has bought the entire worlds supply of  an expensive donkey cheese only produced on one farm in Serbia. Apparently it takes 25 liters of fresh donkey milk to make a kg of donkey cheese, thus the 500$ per pound price tag. Novak did all this not to make a monopoly on donkey cheese, but to open a restaurant.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 9:55 PM, jamiemelville1 <> wrote:

This ABC article details a frightening article with regards to the young ages of the children who attempted a carjacking, armed. The mere fact that a 7 year old was in possession of a handgun is a fact that represents the decreasing amount of innocence in kids. Personally speaking, at age 7, a gun was something so distant and almost an intangible idea, but these two children are holding one, and using it as a threat. Colleen Curry presents this story in a tone that captures the askew youthfulness of the two boys. She describes that they were attempting to steal at truck that they weren't even big enough to physically drive. 

With an immediately attention-grabbing title, this story, as Gregory Katz speaks of the identification, or lack thereof, of a man who fell from the sky. It originally seemed to me that the title was just a bombastic way to grab one's attention, but as I read into the story, a stowaway on a plane, literally fell out. Presented in a solemn tone, Katz speaks of the still unknown identity of the man. Apart from the actual details of the article, I think this piece as a whole demonstrates a quite random tragedy, and how the titles of news articles highlight stories in a way that sounds them most interesting.


Orion Farr

Dec 13, 2012, 8:42:56 PM12/13/12
In response to your second article

It's really amazing that a 12 year old could have the courage and the quick thinking to rescue the 3 babies from the wreck. It's very tragic that the mother died but the toddlers surviving helped lighten this story. It's defiantly important to see how the human brain reacts to situations like this, even in a 12 year old's mind the first thought was "I have to help those people in the car".

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 6:26 PM, grace miller <> wrote:


This article by the CNN staff, explains that a Mexican singer was declared missing when the airplane she was flying in lost contact with air traffic controllers in Mexico early Sunday morning. Her name is Jenni Rivera and she was on her way to a northern Mexican City and is now missing with two pilots and four other passengers. It was suspected that it was a plane crash but that is not confirmed. This article has a serious tone just like any other missing person’s article would. It is scary that the plane lost contact because it tells us that that could happen to any plane. The purpose of this article was to report a missing person and let all of her fans know why she missed her own concert!


This article reports how a 12 year old boy rescued 3 toddlers from a fatal car crash. The driver drove off the road and ended up flipping the car. In this panic, the 12 year old boy kept calm and removed all three toddlers from that car and then made his way to get help for the driver. The driver died at the scene but all of the kids were okay. At the beginning of this article the tone was very positive and heroic because of what this young boy did. The tone never transformed to melancholy but at the end the reporter began to talk about the woman who died and how she was a great woman. It is very sad that this woman died in this car accident but hearing how this young boy handled the situation took me by surprise. He is only 12 years old and he was able to keep calm and rescue the toddlers and get help. I agree with the drivers husband when he said he categorizes this boy as a hero for his courage.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Julie Daniels <> wrote:,30624/

In the very satirical newspaper called “The Onion” they recently seemingly made fun of the twitter world and how people overuse it and often take it too seriously. Here, they referenced Pope Benedict XVI and his recently established twitter account. Whether he actually has his own personal twitter account is unknown. The article then goes onto say how on it, he tweeted a picture of him an God. Yes, you heard that right, God. They were shown in the picture shirtless on the Pope’s Yacht seemingly enjoying themselves. It also claims that under the picture he tweeted, “Just getting some sun and sipping cocktails #loveit” It was later told that this remarkable picture was retweeted by people such as Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift. Of course, this very silly tweet is made up and I personally don’t think it is offensive to anyone. They are simply trying to make a joke out of the social networking site.

Recently, the winners of the Powerball Lottery have been announced and the winners are claimed to be some of the most fortunate people in the world. One couple in Arizona has won over 200 million in cash before taxes are taken out. They are very thankful for the gift they have been granted and they did comment on how some of the winnings would be donated to charity. They also assembled a legal and financial team to help guide them through the process of handling all the money. Although they did come forward, they did opt to keep their identity private. The other winners have not even come forward due to fear. Whomever it is, seems to be very lucky and hopefully they will spend it wisely. 

On Friday, December 7, 2012 1:51:13 PM UTC-5, wrote:



Orion Farr

Dec 13, 2012, 8:48:14 PM12/13/12
In response to you first article,

It's really scary to think how quickly Earth's environment has been changing in comparison to 50 years ago, ships are now just able to cross the arctic sea to get from Russia to the Atlantic. What's even worse is the inaction from governments around the world, especially in ours who deny that change in climate is occuring, when its right i nfront of our faces.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Ben Skalla <> wrote:

This article explains the worsening condition of Greenland's ice.  As if it was not melting quickly enough, now the soot that has fallen from wildfires is darkening the surface of the ice.  The darkening color of the ice's surfacing is causing much more sunlight to be absorbed than before.  The Greenland ice sheet has already experienced a record high melt this year.  With this added problem,  the amount of ice melting will definitely increase.  This melting ice will also have an effect on the rising sea levels.  The issue of ice melting is becoming a more serious problem.  Issues concerning the environment do not get the attention they need in today's society.  Further efforts should be made to help save the environment.  

The New York Times article talks about the quality of the air in many cities throughout Asia.  Due to the air pollution in many of these Asian cities, the quality of the air is severely decreasing.  The number of deaths due to outdoor air pollution is about 1.3 million each year.  Almost 75% of cities are experiencing fast growing pollution levels.  These numbers are expected to greatly increase in the near future.  The levels of pollution have become severe enough to pose serious health issues to people who live in cities.  China and India are the two cities that have the most polluted air and they are expected to remain this way.  


Alexandra Chin

Dec 13, 2012, 10:10:14 PM12/13/12
In Response to "Donkey Cheese"

The title of this article is, for once, actually correct by saying he did buy up the world's supply of donkey cheese. I honestly don't know what I was expecting when I clicked on the link. The title had a hyperbolic feel about it yet, to my amusement, I found myself reading about a man who bought this delicacy to supply his new restaurant chain that will be opening shortly. What I want to know is why donkey cheese is so badly needed? What dishes is he making that requires him to buy up the only producer of this strange food?

In Response to "Suffer.Spend.Repeat"

While most view this time of year for shopping as the worst thing to face mankind, I can't help but confess that holiday shopping is one of my favorite things to do. Perhaps it's because I just one of those people who are insane, but regardless the marketing that goes into the Christmas and holiday season really is remarkable. As I walk through the store trying to find that one last piece I often times do spot five other potential, wanna-be presents that just need to be put together in some equally expensive wrapping paper, if you have ever been to Home Goods or little antique shops you know that feeling. You see everything you want and can't have and end up buying it anyway because you can spare a few bills. Really, it's quite ridiculous what we go through to find these gifts for people who might forget them in ten months time.
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