Post-Thanksgiving DJ's/ Week of 11/26

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Nov 19, 2012, 9:45:02 PM11/19/12

NASA: Radiation Not A Problem If Humans Decide To Live On Mars


This CNN published article reports that due to a recent compilation of data from the Mars Science Laboratory, or “Curiosity”, have revealed that past recordings of the “deadly” level of surface radiation level on Mars were incorrect and radiation levels on most places on the Red planet are tolerable to humans. This is a great step for the ground-work that is currently being constructed for the first manned-mission to Mars, and greatly increases the feasibility of a permanent station there aswell. Even though the levels on the surface may be acceptable, that doesn’t mean the planet isn’t hostile, with an atmosphere with only 1% of Earth’s density, average temperatures routinely dipping below the -200 mark, and the low gravity will still stop us from going to Mars right now. But the future exploration of the Martian surface may be years closer than the US expected mission around 2030. As a future Martian this is great news for MSL and future NASA or other space programs, and this only proves why more money should be spent on the space agency.

56% of Britons would vote to quit EU in referendum, poll finds


According to this article from the guardian, more than half the population of the British Isles would rather leave the European Union, rather than staying with it.  With the general consensus leaning towards seeing the Union as a bad thing, this could spell disaster for the EU as a whole, since Britain is one of the richest within the Union. Without the British support programs like the European Space Agency and others will risk being defunded or scrapped to cut costs in the already terrible economic climate in Europe. One may relate this drastic majority to the state of some of the countries within the EU, like Greece or Spain. With some countries going in the toilet and dragging the rest down, what will the EU decide to do? Allow Eastern European countries to join? Cut the extra weight countries? In my totally professional opinion, Britain should stay in the Union while getting rid of the problematic countries that they’ve been burning money over, no sense in severing political and economic times over a brief period of hardship.

grace miller

Nov 25, 2012, 9:47:36 AM11/25/12


In this article, Farid Ahmed reports the devastating disaster that occurred in Bangladesh on Sunday.  It was reported that 11 women and children were killed in a fire that swept through the capital of Bangladesh.  About 700 houses were burned by this fire leaving several thousand poor people homeless.  It took nearly 4 hours to diminish the flames that left many people with nothing.  Although short, this article is very somber with a sympathetic tone to those who lost their house or family members.  The purpose is to make the public aware of this disaster and let the people who lost a lot to speak their mind and reveal how serious this fire was. I think this story, along with stories like these, are so sad. the size of this fire was very surprising to me.


In this article, the CNN Wire Staff reports about the victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil platform blast. In the beginning of this article it states that there were many injuries from this oil spill and a death found on the sea floor but then goes on to talk about the survivors. There are four patients in the hospital from this explosion, two in critical condition. The tone changes from the seriousness of the disaster to the triumph of those who survived. Even the title has a little bit of both.  About 28 gallons of fuel spilled into the region yet the cause of the spill is still being investigated.  It occurred on Friday morning on a platform located 20 miles off the coast of Grand Isle, Louisiana. After reading this article you can’t help but feel happy for the survivors and their families.



Nov 25, 2012, 1:33:12 PM11/25/12


In this article, Emily Flitter reports on the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy that ravaged though the tri-state area just a couple weeks ago. Her purpose is to provide an update as to what is happening following the storm in the state of New York and inform us about the masses of debris that are building up from the apparent destruction. With shocking statistics, she verifies the reality of what has happened and how “the cleanup job is far from over.” I liked how she opened with a small anecdote that paid tribute to the New York of last summer, filled with beachgoers, sunscreen and umbrellas and then contrasts it with what it is today: an enormous waste collection site. Fortunately, Sparta didn’t fall victim to flooding and the complete destruction of houses as places on the shoreline did. It did leave many of in the dark for days, and this weekend, we had a little scare when a drunk driver hit a poll and knocked the power out once again in my neighborhood. This lead to a series of bad events in my house, such as the fire alarm going off because of the lack of power, which resulted in the fire department showing up to my house, but there was no fire, thank god, so everything turned out alright.,30427/


The authors of the onion most definitely have a wit about them and a great sense of humor. I read this article, thinking it was going to be somewhat serious, but instead, I succumbed to laughing continuously throughout the piece. Although I am a huge Twilight fan and am looking forward to seeing the final movie that will bring the saga to a closure, this article succeeded in making me laugh and seeing the stupidity in something that actually watch. They successfully disguised their humor with a rather serious tone to begin with, however, as the reported statements from Robert Pattinson started to emerge, their satire became grotesquely evident. My favorite line from this article came from Robert Pattinson when he said, “I’d love to challenge myself with more complex, harder-hitting material, maybe a vampire war veteran struggling to return to civilian life, a gay vampire living with AIDS, or a Jewish vampire during the Holocaust.” I loved this article, and it fulfilled its purpose of poking fun at the vampire series Twilight and making the audience, Twilight lovers and haters, laugh.


Nov 25, 2012, 2:14:51 PM11/25/12


This article written yesterday by Jason Koebler for, informs the people of today’s age that global warming is predicted to greatly impact life on planet earth. The World Bank has issued a report titled “Turn Down the Heat” which is supposed to shock people into action about the potential destruction if global warming isn’t stopped or slowed down. Because of the uncertainty of this event, new developing countries are strongly encouraged to consider certain aspects when building a strong economy for the future. The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim writes “A 4 degree Celsius world is so different from the current one that it comes with high uncertainty and new risks that threaten our ability to anticipate and plan for future adaptation needs.” He estimates the future comprises of flooding for cities along the coast, an increasing risk for food production as well as higher malnutrition. Also, geographically he predicts the dry areas become dryer, and wet areas become wetter and vast amounts of heat waves throughout the globe. With this comes an increase in natural disasters and water scarcity which is detrimental to desert regions. It is critical for nations to heed these warnings and act upon them for the sake of future generations.


With the recent closure of Hostess Snack Foods Company, a scramble for possession of these timeless treats takes place via internet. This article enlightens the reader on the current state of panic erupting throughout the United States (internationally known as the land of the obese and you don’t need a rocket scientist to figure out why).  With the iconic Twinkie being distributed for ridiculous, and unreasonable amounts of money through various websites, it’s no wonder Americans are fat people. I myself being a genuine Hostess fan, whether it be Twinkies, Donettes, Ding-Dongs, or Ho-Hos, deem it utterly repulsive that people would go to this length to get their hands on these snacks. Other companies should definitely invest in buying out these brands, putting an end to this internet auction of Twinkies. This event allows more light to fall on the fact that the poor Americans thrive off junk food. 

Mikaela Litchfield

Nov 25, 2012, 4:30:58 PM11/25/12

In an article titled, “10 Most Addictive Foods”, Mandy Oaklader lists the ten most binged on foods, but adds a scientific insight as to why it’s nearly impossible to stop eating these treats. The list is as follows, starting from number 10: white bread, donuts, pasta, cake, chips, cookies, chocolate, French fries, candy, and finally number one, ice cream. Honestly, I could have made this list myself with absolutely no research, but it was definitely interesting to see what exactly made these foods so addictive. As it turns out, sugar, salt, and fat are a deadly trifecta and most of these items contain heaping amounts of all three. They have the ability to release a hormone called dopamine, which is also a similar reaction to drug use. In today’s society it would be nearly impossible to avoid these things forever but one can only hope that America learns a little bit of self control to stop its constant over-indulgence.

A series of pictures depicts a surrealism that is occurring in Venice. The streets have flooded up to 63 inches and many people can be found swimming or floating on tubes down the formerly cobblestone streets. Other pictures show tourists and parents trying to work their way across the risen tide with either children or luggage in hand. This is apparently a seasonal high water. In most of the pictures people are smiling or look generally unperturbed by the water, even though it is thigh-level for most of them. I found the pictures very interesting and I was actually jealous that some people were able to swim or even canoe in the streets of their city; it’s probably a very rare opportunity. 


Nov 25, 2012, 5:07:51 PM11/25/12

“We’re living the dream; we just don’t realize it” is an article written by Steven Johnson, a bestselling author. The article analyzes human psychology and the very reasons for which we tend to believe in the negativity of our nation, rather than its ever-growing progress. In an enlightening tone, Johnson educates society about the American psyche in relation to the positives and negatives of 21st century of America. I thought this was a fascinating article because of the inherent truth in his arguments. Characteristically, the American people are complainers; we highlight the areas in which our country has failed. For example, Johnson states that despite the huge decrease in violent crime rates, two-thirds of Americans believe that crime is getting worse, year after year. Unsurprising, he relates this problem to the media, a direct source of distortion in the modern era. Even though the United States has made significant progress over several decades, Johnson makes sure to note that there is still room for improvement: no country can ever be perfect, we can only continue to strive for perfection. It is riveting how so many people believe the country is deteriorating one crisis at a time. Yet, when you look at the big picture, many of us truly have it good.

This article written by Amanda MacMIllan of Fox News details the symptoms involved with an anxiety disorder. In an extremely informative, yet concise, tone, MacMillan is able to effectively communicate to the reader the warning signs of a disorder. Almost every person experiences anxiety at one point in their life, some more so than others. However, while anxiety may be harmless, it can have a significantly detrimental impact on your physical and mental health as well as your lifestyle. I thought this was a very relevant topic considering the amount of stress many people endure on a daily basis. The victims of these anxiety disorders are not just adults; often, they are students with demanding schedules, during and after school. This article not only allows concerned men and women to educate themselves, but more crucially, it enables them to be proactive about their health and recognize their disorders.

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Liz Anderson

Nov 26, 2012, 3:20:53 PM11/26/12

Talk of Secession in Texas

This article is focused on the Texans and their movement to secede from the United States of America. This immediately stuck out to me because of the ridiculous nature of the article at all. The fact that the Texans feel it is necessary to secede simply because of the election of Barack Obama is troublesome. The man was president for four years and you're all still alive, I assure you all that you can survive another term. However, tens of thousands of Texans have signed this petition and are viciously fighting this battle headed by Larry SECEDE Kilgore. It is not to be said that all of Texas hopes to secede, but the numbers are large enough that the Obama administration needs to respond. 

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Liz Anderson

Nov 26, 2012, 3:27:08 PM11/26/12
Honoring the Twinkie

Twinkies have been used not only for consumption, but they are a valuable tool in the world of science. The twinkie is so artificially preserved that is a specimen unlike anything the world has seen. It takes great lengths to get them to burn, dissolve, explode and so on. The ingredients in the twinkie make these tasks harder and harder to preform and this is what fascinated scientists around the world. This is interesting to me because it exposes the twinkie in all its horror. Twinkies are made by way of chemicals, and chemicals alone. They are not even to be considered food as they are engineered to appear as something edible, but in reality they are far, far different. 

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Dylan Panicucci

Nov 26, 2012, 3:49:32 PM11/26/12

            This Black Friday was a record breaker.  A total of 247 million shoppers went to either stores or websites this weekend.  This was a 9 percent increase from last year’s 226 million.  With all these shoppers, the total spending also reached a new record ($59.1 billion, up from $52.4 billion).  Stores that opened up earlier contributed to this increase of customers.  According to a survey 10 percent of shoppers were at stores by 8 p.m. and 28 percent were at stores by midnight.  The whole thing is crazy.  People get trampled or attacked at these doorbusters.  Not to mention people should be spending time with their families on Thanksgiving, not leaving for the mall.

        I saw this article and wondered why it was even news.  It is an article about how China landed a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier for the first time.  It’s hard to imagine a powerful country without a Navy.  The article states that the US, Britain, and Japan launched their aircraft carriers almost 100 years ago.  The US is the only country to operate more than one carrier today with 11, but still to have just made one now?  I guess you do not need an advanced military when you rule the world’s economy.

Message has been deleted

Julie Daniels

Nov 26, 2012, 4:01:19 PM11/26/12

Iowa Scientists: Drought a Sign of Climate Change

The recent issue of climate change and global warming has presented many theories and opinions. The fact of the matter is however, that the world is changing. Something is happening to the climate and the atmosphere, and no one scientist is 100% sure on why. Recently, it has been the work of many colleges to research this and present their findings, giving a new outlook on the entire issue. More than 130 scientists from Iowa colleges and research facilities have come together to determine that the recent drought is very much due to the steady change in temperature. Also, more droughts can be expected as a result of this because the climate makes the fluctuations between wet and dry years more extreme. This will soon trickle down and cause more flooding and natural disasters. So, what is the big concern with this? The extreme variations will cause less crop growth and therefor, less to eat and less jobs. The environment effects in more ways than one may think.

How to Live Without Irony

A “Hipster” is defined in the dictionary as: A person who follows the latest trends and fashions. However, it seems in society that it is just the opposite. He or she is one who does everything they can to stay away from the mainstream and cultivate their own culture of mismatched clothes and personalities. The concept of individuality is not a foreign one to these people because they achieve it almost every day in their doings. Not to say that this is wrong in any sense, it’s what they like to do. They plan to stand out but in reality, they are hiding in the public eye. This is ironic living. Author Christy Wampole goes into detail of this way of life by almost giving a step by step process on how to become a “hipster”. She contributes much of this fad to the digital and social networking advancements while claiming that much of it is staying true to yourself while also being able to make fun of yourself by being someone else. The entire concept is very difficult to put into words. I find in this article that she seems to poke too much fun at them because they do what they want to and she cannon understand them fully. Moreover, she does understand how they live with irony and more and more people continue to do so every day. 

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:


Nov 26, 2012, 4:16:56 PM11/26/12


This article “Psychological Warfare with Missiles: Why Tel Aviv Matters” talks about the current conflict between Israel and Pakistani militants and the causes for attacks on Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is neither a political nor an economical center for Israel. What it is though is a place that is a seventh heaven for the Israelis and a place looked at with fury by the Pakistanis. According to the author, the most meaningful battle at this point is for perception and psychology. A huge reason that casualties have been so low is that Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system has been extremely effective. Throughout the article the author uses quotations, anecdotes and statistics to explain his points. I believe that this conflict is unnecessary and wasteful and should be stopped immediately.


On Friday the 16 in the Gulf of Mexico, an Oil Platform off of the Coast of Louisiana caught fire and exploded. 11 people were killed and two others were missing with search crews using boats and helicopters to look for them. BP will have to pay $ 4.5 billion to the federal government for restitution. This is the second time two years that an oil platform has exploded with both of them belonging to BP. I feel that this may be a sign that it is time to find another source of fuel. There have been to many accidents and lives lost from these oil rigs and it would probably be better for the future generations if an alternate solution is found.


Nov 26, 2012, 4:44:47 PM11/26/12

In Kathleen Mile's and Alice's Hines' Huffington Post article, a very  matter-of-fact stance is taken about the Black Friday Walmart strikes. The article explores several of the strikes, including those where several people were arrested. The article also includes several interviews of current and former Walmart employees, as well as one from a Walgreen's employee. The Walgreen's worker emphasized the fact that while conditions at her job are not much better, she, like many other low wage workers, needs Walmart and Black Friday sales for their holiday shopping. There were also several other workers from Walmart and other corporations who would like to strike, but say that their jobs are too important to risk. Walmart does an extremely good job putting down those who join unions, and threatened to fire any individual who was caught striking. Overall, the company said that there were fewer strikers than expected. Those who did strike however, may not have made as big of an impact as they wanted to. The strikers say that they were happy about how the strike turned out, but shoppers who waved and honked as they drove by often had cars full of Walmart goods. It seems as if the protests did not have a big impact on shopper's views. After reading the article, I sympathize with the Walmart employees, and although I know that conditions at Walmart are bad, I have to think about other large companies and if they are really much different. The Walgreens employee stated that she has a low wage and was expected to work on holidays also. Overall, the story provided a fact full depiction of the protests of Black Friday, as well as sharing ideas from both the striking and shopping sides. 

Michael Muscal's LA Times Article about the Macy's day parade was more than a recap of the balloon's, it told of the unofficial confetti that was somehow thrown into the crowd. Normally, confetti would not be a cause for worry, but the confetti that a few college students found was made up of Nassau County police records and contained social security numbers and information on a Mitt Romney motorcade from a few months ago. These findings cause a real threat to citizens, as having a social security number in full can easily lead to identification theft. There is an investigation of the incident being conducted, but I feel that there is still a reason to worry, as the person who threw the documents could easily have more, or have access to similar documents. I hope that the police find out a way to make safer disposables for documents with secure contents and that the confetti was all collected so nothing major happens to anyone due to a police mishap.

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Nov 26, 2012, 6:30:20 PM11/26/12

        Today, on November 26, 2012, Yahoo! News published "Zero Dark Thirty' Exclusive: OBL Manhunt Movie Based On Controversial First-Hand Accounts". Martha Raddatz and Ely Brown explain the interview they had with the writers of this films, and how it has been in production for many years before Osama Bin Laden was even assassinated. Once the assassination happened and Obama released the information, the two writers, Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal. had to completely pivot their idea for the film immediately. The two went knocking on doors, spent hours on the phone, and researched as much as they possibly could on the subject to uncover any information they could on the assassination. Some accused the two of receiving classified documents, which they both deny. However, the movie is coming along splendidly and the two are trying hard to not spark any controversy. They are creating this film not in support of President Obama (Who is only featured one brief time in the film), and not to attack the president - only for their love of the subject and film. Raddatz and Brown write to those interested in the subject of Osama bin Laden's assassination or this film simply as a film. To clear any controversy on the topic, and to explain the grounds that the film is being created on, the general idea of it is disclosed as well with an excited tone. The excitement comes from this movie supposedly going to turn our great. I don't doubt it.

Nov 26, 2012, 7:14:26 PM11/26/12
In this article, the writers at the Onion post a few tips about how to host a Thanksgiving sans stress. With statements laden with sarcastic wit, they go on to mock all of the stereotypes of Thanksgiving dinner, or any family gathering for that matter. As someone whose relatives live multiple states away, I've never had the experience of a Thanksgiving get together, so I found this article hilarious because really, I have no benchmark for how terrible these meals can be. The fact that the Onion is even able to make jokes about it being that bad leads me to believe that a Thanksgiving get together is something I'm lucky to have been able to avoid, and I think that later in my life I will take their last bullet point of advice to never host Thanksgiving dinner, because quite frankly, it sounds torturous. 

My first reaction to this is, "Why is this news?!" I find the fact that this article was one of the top stories on Yahoo to be quite unsettling. There are tremendous amounts of world issues currently, and Yahoo deems this piece more important? I think there's something wrong with that. If Justin Bieber wants to wear overalls to meet the Canadian Prime Minister, then honestly, why should anyone give a hoot? I think this article, and its placement on Yahoo's homepage just goes to show how much mainstream media and online social networking is harming our social environment. Nowadays, we can't go online without being bombarded with stories about celebrities ranging from Bieber, to the Kardashians, to One Direction (even though we all care tremendously about them because they're fabulous in every sense of the word). There's a time and place for everything, and I think that the front page of a popular internet search engine should have more world issue related stories and less on the plague that is "Bieber Fever" (sorry Grace). 

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Doug Triolo

Nov 26, 2012, 7:41:49 PM11/26/12

This article talks about Cyber Monday, and how shopping continues online throughout the workday following black Friday. She talks about the benefits and reasons why we shop online, and the mysteries behind the vanishing deals and cookies that result from it. The author suggests that shopping online is a privilege that says, “work can wait,” and invites people to procrastinate and shop to their hearts content. Throughout the article her voice really seems to come through, and she relates herself to the story using, for example, the Star Wars furniture she so desires. This is, for the reader, quite humorous and encouraging, as is the comment about shopping at work to get away from the family. Ultimately, the article makes you face the harsh reality that online shopping, or the internet in general, manipulates data to influence your decisions.,30432/

This piece, as always in The Onion, is a satirical article, discussing how bad Sesame Street is. The interviewer brings in a five year old boy who believes the show has gone downhill since 2010. The boy says he has struggled to find the “hidden gems” in the show such as the letter P since 2010, and in previous years the production of the show was much better. It makes you think; maybe we don’t need Big Bird after all…

Nov 26, 2012, 8:08:39 PM11/26/12

     Mike Krumboltz writes with a surprised tone, "Justin Bieber Responds to Overalls Critique". Holy cow! J-Biebs in overalls? I don't understand why girls are entirely swooned by his casual friday-esque appearance when meeting with the prime minister. All in all, Justin received many attacking reviews on his farmer boy look (Which is a little ironic. His hat probably costs more than my entire wardrobe. Granted, I buy my hats at flea markets). After that one faithful picture posted to his instagram, which shows off Justin with his arm around the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who is wearing the "proper attire", a suit and tie. Justin fights back to his critics, explaining he had just performed a show and didn't have time to change. Poor Justin didn't have enough time or the connections to be provided with a suit and tie (Bull shit). Some fans wrote that Justin must fire his stylist, and I agree! Writing to expose the horrible person Justin Bieber is turning into (An overalls wearing, Prime Minister Stephen Harper meeting, expensive hat buying, nineteen-year-old). To all the fan girls out there, Krumboltz is here to deliver. And Justin is here to disappoint.
Gonna be one less lonely girl.

Randy May

Nov 26, 2012, 8:09:51 PM11/26/12
In sports related news, Gene Chizik, the head coach of the Auburn Tigers football team was fired yesterday. Chizik lost every single one of his games in the SEC this year by a more than reasonable margin. And after losing to Alabama by more than three touchdowns, the Presidents at Auburn had enough of his losing streak. Although Coach Chizik lost almost all his games this season, most people forget that he had a national championship less than 28 months ago. Sports writers are saying that Chizik is one of the first coaches ever to be fired less than three years after winning a national championship. After reading this article all about Chizik's teams and there history, I do not think that they should have fired him. It does not make any sense to fire a coach that brought your school  a national championship. I believe that this shows a true lack of character in the athletic department of Auburn.  
 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. put some distance Monday between it and the clothing factory in Bangladesh that caught fire over the weekend, killing more than 100 people. More than 100 people were killed and at least 200 were injured as they rushed to escape the factory in Ashulia, police said. This incident involving Wal-Mart, creates a lot of suspiscion over labor laws. I believe that this horrible incident should be investigated deeply, because there are obvious labor laws being broken. For this amount of people to be hurt and killed, the working traditions and hours must have been terrible.



Nov 26, 2012, 8:21:27 PM11/26/12

This satirical piece by writers at The Onion hit the nail on the head in their efforts to portray the pandemonium that swept thousands of shopping malls across America this Black Friday.  Utilizing over-exaggerations to get their point across, the authors of the article state that, at midnight alone, "...13 million shoppers were reportedly trampled, pummeled, burned, stabbed, shot, lanced, and brutally beaten to death while attempting to participate in early holiday sales events."  Not only is this statement absolutely hysterical, it gets the message across that Americans will do anything within their power to buy as much stuff as physically possible, often for the sake of just doing it.  I agree with the purpose of this piece, as I believe that Americans need to tone it down in terms of their consumerism.

As a Benjamin Button enthusiast, I was surprised to see the title of this article, and it got me intrigued to read more.  The authors of this piece illustrate a disorder that many Americans probably never have heard of or thought was a mere myth: leukodystrophy.  This disorder, as described in the piece, causes the two brothers who have it to age backwards.  Although the men physically appear to be two men, their minds become less complex as they age; they literally now fight over monopoly pieces and play with legos.  The article is informative; its main purpose is to shed light on a disorder that was likely never thought of before it.  Such an article makes me depressed to think of these men and the phenomena that they suffer from.

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Alexandra Chin

Nov 26, 2012, 9:00:08 PM11/26/12

In this article the author takes an informative tone to amend a previous article which had stated that Google had bought ICOA inc. for 400 million dollars. ICOA is a provider of wireless and broadband Internet networks. With grammatically incorrect sentences and cacophonous worded phrases it was hard to see why this fake article made it through to go public on the internet. In addition to the bad writing there was also investigation into ICOA's finances to see if such an event had happened. Despite the inaccuracy of the article it brings to light other actions that the search giant has been conducting that would lead it to buying up a company similiar to ICOA. One can only wait and see.

Here the two big names of the internet are at it again. The old Facebook and Google rivalry seems heated on paper while in my personal opinion is a bit of a wash-out. With it's fail in the stock market and current stasis as a company, Face book proves to be no competition in regards to Google. They are even on the same playing field if you ask me. Facebook  is the younger brother who tries real hard to grow up and be successful while Google (with it's faults) is already there. I see no competition except for the press. While Google is still attempting to function with Google+ and Facebook being a social conglomerate it is really only one small step for Facebook. What I have to say is that while Facebook is great for communicating with friends in a pinch, I'm sick of it and it's ads and hacks, it just isn't worth the trouble for me.


Nov 26, 2012, 9:42:54 PM11/26/12

This NBC article by Jim Gold captures the effect that Hurricane Sandy had on east coast families. Gold depicts the story of a family of five that lost both it's mother and father to the storm, leaving three children to live on their own. The eldest child, a student from Rutgers, decided to leave college to care for her 14 and 11 year old siblings. Though the manner of this article gives off a depressing tone, it also captures the compassion and bonding of families over personal catastrophes. The 19-year-old daughter, Zoe Everett, in essence became thrust in the positive media light, when she held true to her statement, I now have two goals: caring for and being guardian of my three younger siblings and keeping my family in the house we grew up in." She posted her story to a hurricane relief website, and donations piled in at over $56,000. Instead of keeping all of the money, Everett kept a mere $5,000, what she needed to get by, and then donated the rest back to other families in need. This article is a perfect example of finding positives in the hardships of negatives, and how positive chain reactions can emerge from one compassionate person, and an understanding for the difficulties one is enduring. Singlehandedly, Zoe Everett demonstrated astonishing selflessness, as she considered her family "truly blessed," after losing both her parents, whereas a multitude of people ruthlessly complained at the loss of power. 

The article by Vingesh Ramachandran focuses his lens on a different perspective than the seemingly rebellious generation of teens. Among the  countless articles about teen drinking, drugs, and crimes, Ramachandrand proves that moral value in the upcoming young adults has been slowly increasing. Surveys have concluded that the level of cheating in schools has gone down from 59% to 51% in one year. Where that is still a high amount of cheating, the optimistic article presents a theory of shifting in parenting, which in turn has caused children to be more in touch with the value in being a person of good character. Describing this as "a small ray of sunshine through dark clouds," it shows progress and hope for an increase in moral value among people. 


Nov 26, 2012, 10:02:28 PM11/26/12


In this article, biology professor at the University of Alabama, Amy Bishop was charged with the murder of three of her colleagues and wounding of three other colleagues in 2010. After at first pleading not guilty, Bishop finally pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a lifetime in prison on Monday. She barely avoided the death sentence. The author of this article has an approving tone of the outcome of Bishop’s trial. She is obviously incredibly unstable and has severe mental disabilities if she is able to do something as serious as that over a matter of not getting tenure. It is frightening to think of how easy it is for someone like Bishop to just snap and do something like what she did. I am not a supporter of the death sentence, so I believe that Bishops lifetime sentence is very just. She hopefully will be able to get some sort of help through therapy in prison. 

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

Ben Skalla

Nov 26, 2012, 10:12:42 PM11/26/12

On Monday, a 64 year old man in Minnesota was charged with murder after killing two teens on Thanksgiving day who supposedly broke into his home.  He heard a breaking window and got his gun, waiting for the intruder to come downstairs.  He ended up shooting and killing a teenage boy and girl.  He admitted to having shot them more times than needed.  The shooter was charged, because this case goes beyond self defense.  The man had not known if the teenagers had been carrying weapons or not when he had killed them.  Although the teenagers were not supposed to be there, and the man did have reason to be suspicious, the manner in which he brutally murdered the teenagers was completely unjust. 

Explained by this NBC News article, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a serious issue for many soldiers returning from war.  The extensive scientific studies of the disorder leave absolutely no reason for anyone to deny that PTSD is a true affliction.  People who suffer from the effects of PTSD, can have an extremely difficult time after returning home from battle.  The constant fear that they once felt can stick with them for the rest of their lives.  The extent to which PTSD can harm a person will dramatically vary, some being able to overcome the disorder with time, while others having severe symptoms for life.  Mental health experts admit that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may be over diagnosed, but it is a pertinent problem in today's society. 

Dylan Panicucci

Nov 28, 2012, 3:55:30 PM11/28/12

I am super pumped for “Zero Dark Thirty”.  Months after the assassination I heard rumors of a movie, and the hype began for me.  Now it’s finally coming out.  It is going to be so sick.  This movie will give the common man insight as to how our government gains intelligence and carries out secret missions that people never even get to hear about.  I doubt it can ever be 100 percent accurate with everything classified, but it will still be amazing.  This movie better not disappoint me, and I doubt it will.

Dylan Panicucci

Nov 28, 2012, 3:56:14 PM11/28/12

PTSD is just one more terrible obstacle a returning serviceman or woman must face.  They have lived through hell, but hell does not want to leave them alone.  Those who suffer from it, which is basically all soldiers, are constantly jumpy and have flashbacks and nightmares among many other things.  PTSD affects everyone returning from war as no one can go through war unchanged.  It affects the whole family too since everyone feels the tension.  Many victims suffer depression, start to drink a lot, and go as a far as to commit suicide.  It is extremely sad that these terrible things happen to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Message has been deleted


Nov 28, 2012, 5:05:22 PM11/28/12
In response to: "10 Most Addictive Foods"

This article by Many Oaklader states the top ten most addictive foods, with the addition of scientific information to back the author's thoughts. The list, that, like Mikaela stated, could have easily been determined by any American teenager. Starting from number 10, there is white bread, then donuts, pasta, cake, chips, cookies, chocolate, French fries, candy, and finally, ice cream. Interestingly enough, these are the binge foods that people go to when they have nothing else to do or eat, but like Oaklader mentions, "'Nobody's binging on spinach or broccoli.'" Here, she presents nothing but the truth. It was no new knowledge to me that the combination of sugar, salt and fat are only a heart attack waiting to happen, but the role of the hormone, dopamine, which can be released in such foods, is the addictive factor. I have to agree with Mikaela that we can only hope that America is mindful of its food choices, although it may seem like and unlikely idea.

Mikaela Litchfield

Nov 28, 2012, 5:19:54 PM11/28/12
Journalist Jim Gold does a very good job conveying to the audience the compassion shown by people in the shore area. Disasters like these bring out the best and worst in humanity, and after many continuing stories about looters and other thieves it is refreshing to hear about such a wonderfully positive example in this dark situation. What is so incredibly depressing about this article, however, is that for a hurricane or "superstorm" of this magnitude in an unprotected area, not many people died, so it's is tragically unfortunate that this family lost both their mother and father. Zoe Everett is now carrying a burden no college student, but her loving determination shines through when shes states, "I now have two goals: caring for and being guardian of my three younger siblings and keeping my family in the house we grew up in."

Mikaela Litchfield

Nov 28, 2012, 5:33:51 PM11/28/12
Well first off, I found your response much more entertaining than the article itself. Honestly, I like Justin Bieber but I don't understand this mania surrounding him, or surrounding any celebrity that matter. Are people's lives so horribly mundane that they have to resort to critiquing the apparel of people they don't know? It's almost a little pathetic how someone actually wrote an article about Justin Bieber's fashion choices. It should also be noted, like it always is, how the advances in technology add to the onslaught of criticism the famous have. The end of the article though mostly had me wondering why Justin Bieber was wearing overalls during his concert to begin with.


Nov 28, 2012, 5:44:24 PM11/28/12
In response to: "Black Friday shopping hits a new record"

Writer Emily Jane Fox reported on the Black Friday of 2012 with a great deal of enthusiasm and some record-breaking statistics to show the world. The purpose of this article was to pay tribute to an increase in spending and the number of shoppers on the biggest day of the year for retailers. I thought it was interesting that a 13% increasing occurred in the total spending over the four days. It is true that many stores like Walmart, Toys R Us and Target opened as early as 8pm, which seems to be getting earlier and earlier every year. This was probably an primary reason for the increase. However, my dad works for Toys R Us as the Chief Merchandising Officer and he was telling me that this years sales were not meeting the expectations, despite all the efforts and the huge number of deals they were offering. Because my dad is so involved in the retail world, I found this article very interesting. 

Julie Daniels

Nov 28, 2012, 6:05:49 PM11/28/12

In response to “A Lot of Dough: Hostess Closure Spurs Thousand-Dollar Twinkie Sales” 

What is the current major crisis in the world? The economy? The war? The correct answer is the favorite snack the “Twinkie”. Recently, this classic treat has been in much discussion because of the fact that the “Hostess” company is shutting down. Some people have taken this much to far because they have decided to start to buy these treats from E-bay in bulk. There has even been records of a user putting up a box of 10 Twinkies for over $10,000. This may seem silly but to some people, it is the end of the world. The supply and demand of the country has gotten way out of hand. 

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 2:14:51 PM UTC-5, rippeyrachel wrote:


This article written yesterday by Jason Koebler for, informs the people of today’s age that global warming is predicted to greatly impact life on planet earth. The World Bank has issued a report titled “Turn Down the Heat” which is supposed to shock people into action about the potential destruction if global warming isn’t stopped or slowed down. Because of the uncertainty of this event, new developing countries are strongly encouraged to consider certain aspects when building a strong economy for the future. The president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim writes “A 4 degree Celsius world is so different from the current one that it comes with high uncertainty and new risks that threaten our ability to anticipate and plan for future adaptation needs.” He estimates the future comprises of flooding for cities along the coast, an increasing risk for food production as well as higher malnutrition. Also, geographically he predicts the dry areas become dryer, and wet areas become wetter and vast amounts of heat waves throughout the globe. With this comes an increase in natural disasters and water scarcity which is detrimental to desert regions. It is critical for nations to heed these warnings and act upon them for the sake of future generations.


With the recent closure of Hostess Snack Foods Company, a scramble for possession of these timeless treats takes place via internet. This article enlightens the reader on the current state of panic erupting throughout the United States (internationally known as the land of the obese and you don’t need a rocket scientist to figure out why).  With the iconic Twinkie being distributed for ridiculous, and unreasonable amounts of money through various websites, it’s no wonder Americans are fat people. I myself being a genuine Hostess fan, whether it be Twinkies, Donettes, Ding-Dongs, or Ho-Hos, deem it utterly repulsive that people would go to this length to get their hands on these snacks. Other companies should definitely invest in buying out these brands, putting an end to this internet auction of Twinkies. This event allows more light to fall on the fact that the poor Americans thrive off junk food. 

Julie Daniels

Nov 28, 2012, 6:07:23 PM11/28/12

In response to “Bangladesh Prime Minister alleges arson in deadly factory fire” 

Recently in Bangladesh, a factory fire that killed more than 100 workers was determined by the prime minister to not be a result of an accident. Two suspects were arrested because they were seen trying to set fire to the place. All apparel factories were closed because of this. Walmart also banned all purchases from these companies saying the company was no longer permitted to do this. An investigation has been started to see if the two suspects are the ones actually guilty. Local police are working as hard as they can because they never want this horrible accident to happen again. 


Nov 28, 2012, 9:01:18 PM11/28/12
In response to " 42 Million Dead In Bloodiest Black Friday Weekend On Record."

Using a satirical and hyperbole approach, The Onion successfully created a humorous article, one that was especially refreshing after reading countless others. Every year, thousands nationwide participate in Black Friday and there seem to always be the inevitable accidents due to the truly savage shoppers, a claim the Onion correctly made. Though they portrayed the event with extreme exaggeration and sarcasm, the underlying truth behind it is actually quite disturbing. Like Stephen stated, Americans are willing to do almost anything if it involves consumer products and that includes indulging in this day for the sake of just doing it. American materialism frighteningly increases every year, so it will be interesting to see if the Onion's mocking article holds true one day...


Nov 28, 2012, 9:09:55 PM11/28/12
In response to "A Lot of Dough..." 

This article was truly disturbing. It is no wonder why America is the most obese country worldwide. Unaware of Hostess' plans to close, I was that much more shocked to discover what Americans would do for this snack. I myself have never felt the need to indulge in these specific treats, but I am aware that they have become a beloved snack for millions nationwide. However, it is pathetic the panic that has erupted as a result of their announcement. I was also in disbelief that an eBay user was selling a box of TEN Twinkies for $10,000. What has come of our nation: I do not know.


Nov 28, 2012, 11:24:34 PM11/28/12
In response to "10 Most Addictive Foods"

I can completely relate to this because, these are all of the foods i either 1) crave or 2) constantly search for when I get home from school. Being an intense athlete, I can usually afford to eat whatever I want and not suffer the consequences, but, this will not always be the case. I will be the first to admit that I really have to work on my eating habits. Its interesting to read that I'm addicted to these foods because of the hormone dopamine, and that it's naturally to crave these foods. Being able to break this habit will be one of the most difficult things I'll ever do. 

In response to "Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder"

As a normal teenage student living a high stress life, I have lived through a few of these symptoms that can be grouped with anxiety disorder. However, especially in my case, I do not think I have anxiety. I think any teenager experiences these symptoms, but, not every teenager has anxiety. I think overall, if someone experiences all of the symptoms then it can be concluded that they have some sort of anxiety disorder, but if you have only a few than you are normal. I liked reading this article because it enlightened me to the possible outcomes of anxiety. 

Ben Skalla

Nov 29, 2012, 3:21:47 PM11/29/12
Black Friday is definitely the most hectic day of the year.  With prices this cheap only available one day each year,  many consumers will do just about anything to get in on the deals offered on this shopping holiday.  Black Friday is a prime example of the overly materialistic society we live in.  Americans go to great extents to save some money, when they should be spending time with their family.  Material items definitely seem to be priority for many Americans.  Time with families creates priceless memories that will be remembered forever, whereas people are obsessed with having more "Things."

Ben Skalla

Nov 29, 2012, 3:34:56 PM11/29/12
Matt makes a good point in saying that an efficient alternate fuel source should be higher on the world's agenda.  Although oil rig accidents do not occur too often, the harm one causes is tremendous.  Along with the harmful effects of burning gas has on the environment.  With all of the problems our current energy source causes, it seems strange to me that environmental issues such as finding an alternative fuel source were not talked about during the recent presidential debates.  Many important issues need to be dealt with, but it seems that topics concerning the environment would have received at least some attention during the debates.

Nov 29, 2012, 3:54:33 PM11/29/12
Black Friday Sales = Consumerism. Consumerism = Evil. Evil = America. I completely agree, Stephen! I think America DOES need to tone is down a bit with the consumerism and the materialistic drives in life. I understand that if eventually you're going to get Christmas gifts for people, why not get everything super cheap on Black Friday? And hey, if you're going out Black Friday shopping, why don't you throw this person in a headlock and then kick them while on the ground to get that pair of boots? VULTURES. YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF VULTURES. I don't go Black Friday shopping. I don't wanna risk anything that is somewhat attached to my body, because I don't think that getting trampled is worth that flat screen TV that the crazy mom is really hoping to get a bargain on. Or beat my face in. Then get a bargain on it.Black Friday = Not my thing.

On Monday, November 26, 2012 8:21:27 PM UTC-5, stephen.voc wrote:

Nov 29, 2012, 4:02:27 PM11/29/12
Never eating a twinkie again, that's all I can say. It's insane how disgusting the things are! And people are so drawn to them, because the chemicals put in them taste so great. The fact that they aren't even considered food is really shocking. Well, I wouldn't say shocking, I would just say that I didn't know that. No wonder obese people who eat somewhere around a couple twinkies a day are the way they are. They're only eating fattening chemicals. The whole thing is disgusting. Come to think of it, I'll probably go get some twinkies tomorrow, or something.

On Monday, November 26, 2012 3:27:08 PM UTC-5, Liz Anderson wrote:
Honoring the Twinkie

Twinkies have been used not only for consumption, but they are a valuable tool in the world of science. The twinkie is so artificially preserved that is a specimen unlike anything the world has seen. It takes great lengths to get them to burn, dissolve, explode and so on. The ingredients in the twinkie make these tasks harder and harder to preform and this is what fascinated scientists around the world. This is interesting to me because it exposes the twinkie in all its horror. Twinkies are made by way of chemicals, and chemicals alone. They are not even to be considered food as they are engineered to appear as something edible, but in reality they are far, far different. 


Nov 29, 2012, 5:39:30 PM11/29/12

Yeah this is actually quite surprising, and it’s very interesting that China, which is a prominent world power, doesn't have the navy to support it. As Alfred T. Mahan said, all major world powers should have a strong navy to support and protect them, but China has somehow made it without this major milestone until now. I wonder if it’s even a concern for China though because, as you said, they rule the world’s economy, and if they were to be under attack the whole world would go into economic instability. That’s somewhat of a protective aura in itself.       

On Monday, November 26, 2012 3:49:32 PM UTC-5, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

            This Black Friday was a record breaker.  A total of 247 million shoppers went to either stores or websites this weekend.  This was a 9 percent increase from last year’s 226 million.  With all these shoppers, the total spending also reached a new record ($59.1 billion, up from $52.4 billion).  Stores that opened up earlier contributed to this increase of customers.  According to a survey 10 percent of shoppers were at stores by 8 p.m. and 28 percent were at stores by midnight.  The whole thing is crazy.  People get trampled or attacked at these doorbusters.  Not to mention people should be spending time with their families on Thanksgiving, not leaving for the mall.


Nov 29, 2012, 5:54:25 PM11/29/12

It’s definitely important for us to find an alternate solution to the pressing fuel source predicament. As we run out of resources, and face the dangerous task of retrieving the diminishing oil supply, the world is getting closer and closer to a modern stone age. People take for granted, well, having energy, power, fuel, and a society that runs on these things should be attempting to resolve the crisis. BP is obviously struggling, with its major accidents and all, but it can be resolved with the discovery of an alternate source, which is quite frankly more important than many of the things that America, and the whole world for that matter, focuses on.

On Monday, November 26, 2012 4:16:56 PM UTC-5, mdsaba1126 wrote:


This article “Psychological Warfare with Missiles: Why Tel Aviv Matters” talks about the current conflict between Israel and Pakistani militants and the causes for attacks on Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is neither a political nor an economical center for Israel. What it is though is a place that is a seventh heaven for the Israelis and a place looked at with fury by the Pakistanis. According to the author, the most meaningful battle at this point is for perception and psychology. A huge reason that casualties have been so low is that Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system has been extremely effective. Throughout the article the author uses quotations, anecdotes and statistics to explain his points. I believe that this conflict is unnecessary and wasteful and should be stopped immediately.

Nov 29, 2012, 6:05:06 PM11/29/12
Wow! Without seeing this article I would have never known that this is a regular occurrence in Venice. While the people in the pictures seem to be enjoying themselves, I have to wonder how this affects the businesses of the city. After having the opportunity to visit there a few years ago, I can recall that not all doorways and such were elevated, and am having terrible images of water-logged costume shops and knick knack stores inundated with water. As interesting and fun as this seems, I highly doubt that all of the people having to carry their heavy luggage above their heads in order to get to their hotels are very happy. Some type of travel advisory should be put into place in order to warn people about the flooding before they book their airline tickets and hotel rooms. Finally, the water there isn't exactly the cleanest, so I'm surprised that people are so happy go lucky about swimming around in it...

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 4:30:58 PM UTC-5, Mikaela Litchfield wrote:

In an article titled, “10 Most Addictive Foods”, Mandy Oaklader lists the ten most binged on foods, but adds a scientific insight as to why it’s nearly impossible to stop eating these treats. The list is as follows, starting from number 10: white bread, donuts, pasta, cake, chips, cookies, chocolate, French fries, candy, and finally number one, ice cream. Honestly, I could have made this list myself with absolutely no research, but it was definitely interesting to see what exactly made these foods so addictive. As it turns out, sugar, salt, and fat are a deadly trifecta and most of these items contain heaping amounts of all three. They have the ability to release a hormone called dopamine, which is also a similar reaction to drug use. In today’s society it would be nearly impossible to avoid these things forever but one can only hope that America learns a little bit of self control to stop its constant over-indulgence.

A series of pictures depicts a surrealism that is occurring in Venice. The streets have flooded up to 63 inches and many people can be found swimming or floating on tubes down the formerly cobblestone streets. Other pictures show tourists and parents trying to work their way across the risen tide with either children or luggage in hand. This is apparently a seasonal high water. In most of the pictures people are smiling or look generally unperturbed by the water, even though it is thigh-level for most of them. I found the pictures very interesting and I was actually jealous that some people were able to swim or even canoe in the streets of their city; it’s probably a very rare opportunity. 

grace miller

Nov 29, 2012, 6:10:09 PM11/29/12

In Response to “Justin Bieber Responds To Overalls Critique”

Apology accepted. First of all I would like to say that I agree with you that it is ridiculous that news like this categorized as the most popular news. Although I say that it is also quite logical. A website like that wants the most viewers it can possibly get so in trying to do that, with the information that computers are most used by kids at hand, yahoo presents that article as the first article that is shown.  Even if it is wrong for articles about celebrities to trump articles about social issues that inevitable truth is that many people give a hoot. Being a Justin Bieber fan myself I have to admit an article like this catches my attention.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 7:14 PM, <> wrote:,18487/?ref=auto
In this article, the writers at the Onion post a few tips about how to host a Thanksgiving sans stress. With statements laden with sarcastic wit, they go on to mock all of the stereotypes of Thanksgiving dinner, or any family gathering for that matter. As someone whose relatives live multiple states away, I've never had the experience of a Thanksgiving get together, so I found this article hilarious because really, I have no benchmark for how terrible these meals can be. The fact that the Onion is even able to make jokes about it being that bad leads me to believe that a Thanksgiving get together is something I'm lucky to have been able to avoid, and I think that later in my life I will take their last bullet point of advice to never host Thanksgiving dinner, because quite frankly, it sounds torturous. 

My first reaction to this is, "Why is this news?!" I find the fact that this article was one of the top stories on Yahoo to be quite unsettling. There are tremendous amounts of world issues currently, and Yahoo deems this piece more important? I think there's something wrong with that. If Justin Bieber wants to wear overalls to meet the Canadian Prime Minister, then honestly, why should anyone give a hoot? I think this article, and its placement on Yahoo's homepage just goes to show how much mainstream media and online social networking is harming our social environment. Nowadays, we can't go online without being bombarded with stories about celebrities ranging from Bieber, to the Kardashians, to One Direction (even though we all care tremendously about them because they're fabulous in every sense of the word). There's a time and place for everything, and I think that the front page of a popular internet search engine should have more world issue related stories and less on the plague that is "Bieber Fever" (sorry Grace). 

On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

NASA: Radiation Not A Problem If Humans Decide To Live On Mars


This CNN published article reports that due to a recent compilation of data from the Mars Science Laboratory, or “Curiosity”, have revealed that past recordings of the “deadly” level of surface radiation level on Mars were incorrect and radiation levels on most places on the Red planet are tolerable to humans. This is a great step for the ground-work that is currently being constructed for the first manned-mission to Mars, and greatly increases the feasibility of a permanent station there aswell. Even though the levels on the surface may be acceptable, that doesn’t mean the planet isn’t hostile, with an atmosphere with only 1% of Earth’s density, average temperatures routinely dipping below the -200 mark, and the low gravity will still stop us from going to Mars right now. But the future exploration of the Martian surface may be years closer than the US expected mission around 2030. As a future Martian this is great news for MSL and future NASA or other space programs, and this only proves why more money should be spent on the space agency.

56% of Britons would vote to quit EU in referendum, poll finds


According to this article from the guardian, more than half the population of the British Isles would rather leave the European Union, rather than staying with it.  With the general consensus leaning towards seeing the Union as a bad thing, this could spell disaster for the EU as a whole, since Britain is one of the richest within the Union. Without the British support programs like the European Space Agency and others will risk being defunded or scrapped to cut costs in the already terrible economic climate in Europe. One may relate this drastic majority to the state of some of the countries within the EU, like Greece or Spain. With some countries going in the toilet and dragging the rest down, what will the EU decide to do? Allow Eastern European countries to join? Cut the extra weight countries? In my totally professional opinion, Britain should stay in the Union while getting rid of the problematic countries that they’ve been burning money over, no sense in severing political and economic times over a brief period of hardship.


Nov 29, 2012, 6:20:17 PM11/29/12
In Response to "Signs you may have an anxiety disorder"

While I think it important for people to be educated on things such as this in case they do in fact have some form of anxiety disorder, I absolutely detest when internet sites put out articles such as this. The internet is the home of the hypochondriac, and I'd wager that after reading through this, many people are now convinced they have some form of disorder. It's the same with any other medical-type article put online. People nowadays are convinced that the internet is capable of replacing medical professionals, and that can be very dangerous. Anyone can type in a symptom or two into Web M.D. and instantly have their diagnosis all laid out. While occasionally things like this can be helpful, they can often be incredibly dangerous. People can then turn to self medication, and build a reliance on certain types of over the counter drugs, or even heavier ones. This article is only helpful for those responsible to identify that they have some of these symptoms and seek medical help. 

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 5:07:51 PM UTC-5, isabella.cuan wrote:

“We’re living the dream; we just don’t realize it” is an article written by Steven Johnson, a bestselling author. The article analyzes human psychology and the very reasons for which we tend to believe in the negativity of our nation, rather than its ever-growing progress. In an enlightening tone, Johnson educates society about the American psyche in relation to the positives and negatives of 21st century of America. I thought this was a fascinating article because of the inherent truth in his arguments. Characteristically, the American people are complainers; we highlight the areas in which our country has failed. For example, Johnson states that despite the huge decrease in violent crime rates, two-thirds of Americans believe that crime is getting worse, year after year. Unsurprising, he relates this problem to the media, a direct source of distortion in the modern era. Even though the United States has made significant progress over several decades, Johnson makes sure to note that there is still room for improvement: no country can ever be perfect, we can only continue to strive for perfection. It is riveting how so many people believe the country is deteriorating one crisis at a time. Yet, when you look at the big picture, many of us truly have it good.

This article written by Amanda MacMIllan of Fox News details the symptoms involved with an anxiety disorder. In an extremely informative, yet concise, tone, MacMillan is able to effectively communicate to the reader the warning signs of a disorder. Almost every person experiences anxiety at one point in their life, some more so than others. However, while anxiety may be harmless, it can have a significantly detrimental impact on your physical and mental health as well as your lifestyle. I thought this was a very relevant topic considering the amount of stress many people endure on a daily basis. The victims of these anxiety disorders are not just adults; often, they are students with demanding schedules, during and after school. This article not only allows concerned men and women to educate themselves, but more crucially, it enables them to be proactive about their health and recognize their disorders.


Nov 29, 2012, 7:11:24 PM11/29/12
In response to 'Young People Cheating A Bit Less These Days'
I also found this article refreshing and interesting as opposed to the countless articles on how our generation is the worst yet. However, I do not think that the morals of our generation are any better then those of any other generation. In fact, one could argue that shows like 16 and Pregnant and Jersey Shore are degrading the morals of teens. But on the other hand, parents and teachers have been getting a lot more involved in their kids lives in recent years. It seems that parents are more on top of their kids then ever before and teachers are getting more and more involved in the after school lives of teens. This surely will have a huge impact on how teens morals are formed.

Orion Farr

Nov 29, 2012, 7:32:00 PM11/29/12
In response to your first post,

The onion always cracks me up, It's funny even though how crazy their articles are, they still present an actual problem or event that makes the reader think. This one obviously tries to show how ridiculous american's hold on consumerism is, the day after one is supposed to be thankful everyone wants more for slightly cheaper prices. All the writers at the onion should be commended for this story for shedding some light on what would happen if the prices were a steal.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:21 PM, stephen.voc <> wrote:,30517/

This satirical piece by writers at The Onion hit the nail on the head in their efforts to portray the pandemonium that swept thousands of shopping malls across America this Black Friday.  Utilizing over-exaggerations to get their point across, the authors of the article state that, at midnight alone, "...13 million shoppers were reportedly trampled, pummeled, burned, stabbed, shot, lanced, and brutally beaten to death while attempting to participate in early holiday sales events."  Not only is this statement absolutely hysterical, it gets the message across that Americans will do anything within their power to buy as much stuff as physically possible, often for the sake of just doing it.  I agree with the purpose of this piece, as I believe that Americans need to tone it down in terms of their consumerism.

As a Benjamin Button enthusiast, I was surprised to see the title of this article, and it got me intrigued to read more.  The authors of this piece illustrate a disorder that many Americans probably never have heard of or thought was a mere myth: leukodystrophy.  This disorder, as described in the piece, causes the two brothers who have it to age backwards.  Although the men physically appear to be two men, their minds become less complex as they age; they literally now fight over monopoly pieces and play with legos.  The article is informative; its main purpose is to shed light on a disorder that was likely never thought of before it.  Such an article makes me depressed to think of these men and the phenomena that they suffer from.
On Monday, November 19, 2012 9:45:02 PM UTC-5, orionfarr wrote:

NASA: Radiation Not A Problem If Humans Decide To Live On Mars


This CNN published article reports that due to a recent compilation of data from the Mars Science Laboratory, or “Curiosity”, have revealed that past recordings of the “deadly” level of surface radiation level on Mars were incorrect and radiation levels on most places on the Red planet are tolerable to humans. This is a great step for the ground-work that is currently being constructed for the first manned-mission to Mars, and greatly increases the feasibility of a permanent station there aswell. Even though the levels on the surface may be acceptable, that doesn’t mean the planet isn’t hostile, with an atmosphere with only 1% of Earth’s density, average temperatures routinely dipping below the -200 mark, and the low gravity will still stop us from going to Mars right now. But the future exploration of the Martian surface may be years closer than the US expected mission around 2030. As a future Martian this is great news for MSL and future NASA or other space programs, and this only proves why more money should be spent on the space agency.

56% of Britons would vote to quit EU in referendum, poll finds


According to this article from the guardian, more than half the population of the British Isles would rather leave the European Union, rather than staying with it.  With the general consensus leaning towards seeing the Union as a bad thing, this could spell disaster for the EU as a whole, since Britain is one of the richest within the Union. Without the British support programs like the European Space Agency and others will risk being defunded or scrapped to cut costs in the already terrible economic climate in Europe. One may relate this drastic majority to the state of some of the countries within the EU, like Greece or Spain. With some countries going in the toilet and dragging the rest down, what will the EU decide to do? Allow Eastern European countries to join? Cut the extra weight countries? In my totally professional opinion, Britain should stay in the Union while getting rid of the problematic countries that they’ve been burning money over, no sense in severing political and economic times over a brief period of hardship.


grace miller

Nov 29, 2012, 7:45:35 PM11/29/12

I think that this article is stupid and irrelevant. To base a percentage on a survey of the students, first of all, is inaccurate. Most kids will lie on things like that or don’t care enough about it to put the time into really answering the questions. Also to base something like moral value on if somebody has cheated on a test or copied someone’s homework in the past year is absolutely ridiculous. Honestly, what student, no matter how ‘moral’ or serious about school they are, has never copied someone else’s homework? I also think its really degrading to any aged person say something like this new generation is a  "a small ray of sunshine shining through lots of dark clouds" based on something as stupid as these little surveys. It’s like saying these past years teens have been really bad so we can just not care about them and focus on this new ‘ray of sunshine’. 

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 9:42 PM, jamiemelville1 <> wrote:|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/&__utmv=238145375.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Cus%20news=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Internal%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=29970044

This NBC article by Jim Gold captures the effect that Hurricane Sandy had on east coast families. Gold depicts the story of a family of five that lost both it's mother and father to the storm, leaving three children to live on their own. The eldest child, a student from Rutgers, decided to leave college to care for her 14 and 11 year old siblings. Though the manner of this article gives off a depressing tone, it also captures the compassion and bonding of families over personal catastrophes. The 19-year-old daughter, Zoe Everett, in essence became thrust in the positive media light, when she held true to her statement, I now have two goals: caring for and being guardian of my three younger siblings and keeping my family in the house we grew up in." She posted her story to a hurricane relief website, and donations piled in at over $56,000. Instead of keeping all of the money, Everett kept a mere $5,000, what she needed to get by, and then donated the rest back to other families in need. This article is a perfect example of finding positives in the hardships of negatives, and how positive chain reactions can emerge from one compassionate person, and an understanding for the difficulties one is enduring. Singlehandedly, Zoe Everett demonstrated astonishing selflessness, as she considered her family "truly blessed," after losing both her parents, whereas a multitude of people ruthlessly complained at the loss of power. 

The article by Vingesh Ramachandran focuses his lens on a different perspective than the seemingly rebellious generation of teens. Among the  countless articles about teen drinking, drugs, and crimes, Ramachandrand proves that moral value in the upcoming young adults has been slowly increasing. Surveys have concluded that the level of cheating in schools has gone down from 59% to 51% in one year. Where that is still a high amount of cheating, the optimistic article presents a theory of shifting in parenting, which in turn has caused children to be more in touch with the value in being a person of good character. Describing this as "a small ray of sunshine through dark clouds," it shows progress and hope for an increase in moral value among people. 


Orion Farr

Nov 29, 2012, 7:46:17 PM11/29/12
In response to your 2nd article
This kind of safety violations in factories drives a parallel to what we have just learned in ap history, this totally mirrors a event like the triangle shirt-waist company's fire. It seems like something was stopping these workers from escaping, either not having fire escapes or the doors being locked, I do agree that this is probably a labor law violation. Its so weird that something in the US that happened a hundred years ago happens today in Pakistan due to corporate greed. History likes to repeat it self for sure.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Randy May <> wrote:
In sports related news, Gene Chizik, the head coach of the Auburn Tigers football team was fired yesterday. Chizik lost every single one of his games in the SEC this year by a more than reasonable margin. And after losing to Alabama by more than three touchdowns, the Presidents at Auburn had enough of his losing streak. Although Coach Chizik lost almost all his games this season, most people forget that he had a national championship less than 28 months ago. Sports writers are saying that Chizik is one of the first coaches ever to be fired less than three years after winning a national championship. After reading this article all about Chizik's teams and there history, I do not think that they should have fired him. It does not make any sense to fire a coach that brought your school  a national championship. I believe that this shows a true lack of character in the athletic department of Auburn.  
 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. put some distance Monday between it and the clothing factory in Bangladesh that caught fire over the weekend, killing more than 100 people. More than 100 people were killed and at least 200 were injured as they rushed to escape the factory in Ashulia, police said. This incident involving Wal-Mart, creates a lot of suspiscion over labor laws. I believe that this horrible incident should be investigated deeply, because there are obvious labor laws being broken. For this amount of people to be hurt and killed, the working traditions and hours must have been terrible.




Nov 29, 2012, 8:28:21 PM11/29/12
In response to your second article:

The purpose of this article by writers at The Onion is very clear here: Robert Pattinson needs to play other roles besides those of vampires in order to make a career in the movie industry.  With every other series in the world today, Americans will soon grow tired of plot lines that exclusively focus on vampires.  Yet Robert Pattinson, as described in this piece, will remain faithful to his undead background.  Through sattire, the writers of this piece depict that Pattinson needs to change it up a bit in order to stand a chance against rival actors that are eager to get famous over serious roles that people, besides teenage girls, actually want to see.

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 1:33:12 PM UTC-5, sian.barry wrote:


In this article, Emily Flitter reports on the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy that ravaged though the tri-state area just a couple weeks ago. Her purpose is to provide an update as to what is happening following the storm in the state of New York and inform us about the masses of debris that are building up from the apparent destruction. With shocking statistics, she verifies the reality of what has happened and how “the cleanup job is far from over.” I liked how she opened with a small anecdote that paid tribute to the New York of last summer, filled with beachgoers, sunscreen and umbrellas and then contrasts it with what it is today: an enormous waste collection site. Fortunately, Sparta didn’t fall victim to flooding and the complete destruction of houses as places on the shoreline did. It did leave many of in the dark for days, and this weekend, we had a little scare when a drunk driver hit a poll and knocked the power out once again in my neighborhood. This lead to a series of bad events in my house, such as the fire alarm going off because of the lack of power, which resulted in the fire department showing up to my house, but there was no fire, thank god, so everything turned out alright.,30427/


The authors of the onion most definitely have a wit about them and a great sense of humor. I read this article, thinking it was going to be somewhat serious, but instead, I succumbed to laughing continuously throughout the piece. Although I am a huge Twilight fan and am looking forward to seeing the final movie that will bring the saga to a closure, this article succeeded in making me laugh and seeing the stupidity in something that actually watch. They successfully disguised their humor with a rather serious tone to begin with, however, as the reported statements from Robert Pattinson started to emerge, their satire became grotesquely evident. My favorite line from this article came from Robert Pattinson when he said, “I’d love to challenge myself with more complex, harder-hitting material, maybe a vampire war veteran struggling to return to civilian life, a gay vampire living with AIDS, or a Jewish vampire during the Holocaust.” I loved this article, and it fulfilled its purpose of poking fun at the vampire series Twilight and making the audience, Twilight lovers and haters, laugh.


Nov 29, 2012, 8:35:33 PM11/29/12
In response to your second article:

What can I say?  This piece is comic gold.  The writers at the article have taken a humorous way to depict the fact that kids nowadays watch way too much television.  By presenting the scenario of a five-year-old critiquing Sesame Street, the authors achieve their goal.  It is absolutely absurd that children can give so much insight into a half-hour maximum television show.  Whatever happened to my childhood memories of playing outside with neighbors and friends?  If all children are doing is watching TV, this country is in for an uncertain future...

On Monday, November 26, 2012 7:41:50 PM UTC-5, merstriolo wrote:

This article talks about Cyber Monday, and how shopping continues online throughout the workday following black Friday. She talks about the benefits and reasons why we shop online, and the mysteries behind the vanishing deals and cookies that result from it. The author suggests that shopping online is a privilege that says, “work can wait,” and invites people to procrastinate and shop to their hearts content. Throughout the article her voice really seems to come through, and she relates herself to the story using, for example, the Star Wars furniture she so desires. This is, for the reader, quite humorous and encouraging, as is the comment about shopping at work to get away from the family. Ultimately, the article makes you face the harsh reality that online shopping, or the internet in general, manipulates data to influence your decisions.,30432/

This piece, as always in The Onion, is a satirical article, discussing how bad Sesame Street is. The interviewer brings in a five year old boy who believes the show has gone downhill since 2010. The boy says he has struggled to find the “hidden gems” in the show such as the letter P since 2010, and in previous years the production of the show was much better. It makes you think; maybe we don’t need Big Bird after all…



Nov 29, 2012, 8:36:20 PM11/29/12
In reply to your second article

After reading about this strange disease I was thoroughly interested but also somewhat worried for these two men and their families. These two brothers were having fairly typical lives- working, married, and with kids, when the wer diagnosed with a Benjamin Button-esque disease where the are beginning to age backwards. After hearing about this strange disease, it makes me wonder if any other "fictional" (read mostly unheard of) diseases are real. I feel extremely bad for these men and the fact that their parents, who probably thought they were done raising kids, once again have to deal with the hardships of raising a child, only this time the child is easily stronger than they are.


Nov 29, 2012, 8:44:14 PM11/29/12
In response to "Venice"

I agree that this is obviously a rare and surreal opportunity but the fact that the streets are filled with boats, and in return a bunch of pollution must be kept in mind when swimming in the canals of Venice. Having visited the city over the summer, I can easily say that the city, while amazing, does not have water that I would voluntarrily swim in, in fact it can almost be compared to one of the main rivers in the US. The streets of Venice annually flood, but this year seems like an extreme version. I know that the people if Venice don't really have a choice other than to wade though the waters, but I hope that no one tries to do anything stupid to get themselves hurt. Lastly, I hope that people are only swimming in pedestrian areas because the canals are typically quite deep. The flooding is an extreme, yet very cool and rare event, and I have no problems with other people enjoying the rarity, I just hope that everyone tries their best to stay safe.


Nov 29, 2012, 9:38:20 PM11/29/12
I think that this article about China landing an airplane on an aircraft carrier is not necessarily a sign of Chinese military incompetence over the last century, but a sign of the strides that they are making. China currently has the worlds largest population ,fastest growing economy, and as this article shows, their military is also expanding. It is true that the US military is exponentially stronger than the Chinese but at the rate that the Chinese can work, that may not be true for long. 

Randy May

Nov 29, 2012, 9:46:52 PM11/29/12

I also find it interesting that Venice, I water filled city finally flooded. It makes me wonder if the city has ever flooded before at all with all of its tributaries and rivers almost in the center of the city. Although people are taking advantage of the opportunity to canoe around their city in high water, I can only imagine what kind of damage it has caused thousands of people living in Venice. Also, this may draw more and more tourists to come to the city. People are probably going to be very interested in how that a city that is already basically flooded, some how became even more flooded. I have always wanted to go to Venice, and this, even though it has probably caused many problems, makes me want to go even more.
In response to Honoring the Twinkie:
I have always known that Twinkies are completely unhealthy and in some cases directly cause obesity, but I did not know that they were basically just pure chemicals. I have eaten Twinkies all my life and now, after reading this article, I think I may stop. It disgusts me what certain food companies would do to their foods just to get it sold. They aren't ever looking out for their customers, they are just looking for more money. I have a fresh box of Twinkies that I have not opened yet in my cabinet, and I will be sure to try and sell them on the Internet. I heard that they go for a lot of money now since Hostess has gone out of business.


Nov 29, 2012, 9:47:35 PM11/29/12
I believe that the Texans plan to secede is both rash and irresponsible. Imagine if Texas were to secede, what would happen? How on earth would a desert state be able to survive independently from anyone? Texas has limited natural resources and, although it does have a large supply of oil, people cannot eat and drink oil, which means that Texas would likely need help from another nation. In addition to these reasons there are also the reason that there Texans are calling for seccession. Their reasoning is that Obama will destroy the country is utterly moronic and shows exactly how much thought went into their proposal.  

On Monday, November 26, 2012 3:20:53 PM UTC-5, Liz Anderson wrote:

Talk of Secession in Texas

This article is focused on the Texans and their movement to secede from the United States of America. This immediately stuck out to me because of the ridiculous nature of the article at all. The fact that the Texans feel it is necessary to secede simply because of the election of Barack Obama is troublesome. The man was president for four years and you're all still alive, I assure you all that you can survive another term. However, tens of thousands of Texans have signed this petition and are viciously fighting this battle headed by Larry SECEDE Kilgore. It is not to be said that all of Texas hopes to secede, but the numbers are large enough that the Obama administration needs to respond. 


Nov 29, 2012, 10:10:04 PM11/29/12
in response to:
I think this demonstrates a violation of many labor laws, and Wal-Mart has been a consistent company to be accused of sweatshops and exploiting workers in third world countries. When I saw this article the first thing i thought of the Triangle Shirt Waist incident and how it seems similar in that many people died via fire because of unsafe working conditions. It shows a repeat in history and how even though labor laws were put in effect, they are not enforced enough.


Nov 29, 2012, 10:12:50 PM11/29/12

I think Cyber Monday is kind of an ironic example of greed among people, just because it sends people insanely attached to shopping for things even if they may not need it. Just because it is so hyped up and anticipated, people will buy things they don't necessarily need, and Cyber Monday is a great way to avoid the mobbed crowds of Black Friday. It's ironic because it is so close to Thanksgiving (giving thanks for what you have) and then immediately busting down doors to get more. I think most people (me too hehe) are guilty of it, but it's strange how two opposite actions happen so close to one another.

Alexandra Chin

Nov 29, 2012, 10:33:18 PM11/29/12
In Response to Benjamin Button:

While I have never seen the movie Benjamin Button, it doesn't detract from the gravity of the article. It is not stated whether or not these people are aware of this degenerative process, but having read Flowers for Algernon I know that regardless of your consciousness of this loss of knowledge that it is painful. It is saddening to see someone who was once a part of everyday life now having to be treated like a toddler for the sake of their own safety. I hope that regardless of what obstacle might be thrown their way that these men can still live a happy life, even if it's not the one they wanted.

In Response to Minnesota Man Charged with Murder

While is was undoubtedly wrong to murder these teens under any circumstance I am curious as to what the teens were even doing in that man's house in the first place. The teens did break in which leads me to believe that there should be a second side of the story which is not being told due to the sensitivity of the situation. Regardless that man definitely needed imprisonment for such a  heinous act. However the actions of the two teens that were killed were not entirely kosher.
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