DJs- Week of AP Exam

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May 7, 2013, 3:24:28 PM5/7/13


This article, written by Denise Lavoie, reports on a lawsuit involving Toys R Us where they a looking to repeal a charge of $18 million punitive damages for the slide death of 29-year-old Robin Aleo. She slid down the inflatable pool slide head first, the slide partially collapsed and she suffered fatal injuries and died at a Boston hospital. The jury, five years later, awarded Aleo’s family $22 million in compensation; however, Toys R Us argues the $18 million in punitive damages is “grossly excessive”. Lavoie revealed that there was controversy as to whether Aleo was using the slide incorrectly, but the witnesses that testified said that she simply slid down the slide.


In this article from the NY Times, Brooks Barnes unveils that “Iron Man 3” has set off Hollywood’s summer season to a good start with a “superheroic” $175.3 million in ticket sales in North America, which totals a global grossing of $680.1. Between the first weekend in May and Labor Day, 40% of annual movie ticket sales are accounted for, a statistic I found very interesting. It makes sense when you think about it because throughout the summer, people have more free time, but only so much disposable income to spend on movies, which makes some movies huge successes, but others may fall short. This Friday after the AP exam, I am looking forward to seeing the very much-anticipated Great Gatsby, which will be phenomenal to say the least, especially since it cast Leonardo DiCaprio and so many other good actors and actresses.

Julie Daniels

May 7, 2013, 5:54:47 PM5/7/13

Recently, The Turkish Airline has changed their dress code policy and the flight attendants are more than mad. Now switching to longer hemlines and more basic colors, they also banned any bright lipstick and hair dye. Dubbing it “The Red Lipstick Movement” it’s employees have spoken out on twitter and Facebook mocking the airline and attempting to get back the freedom to wear more colors and make up. I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that they have made this a policy as I do not see the logic in banning these things at all.

I thought that this cartoon was a very funny (not to mention realistic) one. Because we are going to be off to college soon, the worry about how we are going to pay for it is beginning to build. The astronomical costs associated with college are something that everyone has to worry about. I know that this is going to be just like my father when my brother and I graduate! 

Matt Saba

May 7, 2013, 6:27:47 PM5/7/13

The fact that honey bees are dying in droves is bad, and what makes it worse is that no one actually knows why. Honey bees are credited with helping produce $200 billion worth of crops per year and they are a neccessity for almost all food that we eat. If bees were to die out it would almost be impossible for many other animals and humans to survive. Because scientists have not been able to pin down one specific cause for the mass deaths of bees it is impossible for them to fix the problem. The author of the article uses mainly facts and statistics but does have a tone of slight melancholy.

A nightmare among many Americans, President Obama probably included, is that extremist militants like Al Qaeda will get a hold of weapons more deadly than conventional explosives: chemical or nuclear. And now, these terrible people have the opportunity to get their hands on them thanks to the brutal civil war being waged between Bashar al-Assad and his country. Top White House employees have said that it is time to get worried about the threat. Syria currently has many tons of chemical weapons all across the country. Al-Assad has used these weapons during the civil war which proves that he willing to use them. The author has no tone but uses many quotes and statistics to stress the dire situation.

Orion Farr

May 7, 2013, 6:44:14 PM5/7/13

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced that they plan to protest
the funeral of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman. Since the announcement,
many Slayer fans have begun organising a counter picket to drown out
the controversial religious organisation, with some suggesting arming
themselves with red-paint-filled water balloons to throw at the group.
Jeff Hanneman's funeral arrangements are yet to be made. Hanneman,
aged just 49, died from liver failure in a California hospital on the
morning of May 2.

Russia and the United States announced on Tuesday that they would
seek to convene an international conference aimed at ending the civil
war in Syria, jointly intensifying their diplomatic pressure on the
combatants to peacefully settle a conflict that has taken more than
70,000 lives and left millions displaced and desperate. Mr. Kerry’s
visit also came as Washington has talked more and more about
intervening in the conflict. The effort to seek a diplomatic solution
with the Russians suggested the Obama administration at least wanted
to make a public push in that direction first. Mr. Kerry said both
Russia and the United States wanted to hold the conference “as soon as
practical, possibly, hopefully as soon as the end of this month.”
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Dylan Panicucci

May 7, 2013, 6:53:08 PM5/7/13

This is a very upsetting story.  A limo carrying women from a bachelorette party suddenly caught on fire.  Five women, including the bride died.  In an interview with the driver one can see how saddened and sick he is from the whole situation.  I was mad at the interviewer because she was hinting at this guy that he was incompetent or did not do enough.  I felt really bad for him.

A group known as Defense Distributed created a functional gun from a 3-D printer.  The instructions were then put online and concerns about crime and terrorism were raised.  The guns are plastic so they do not show up on metal detectors.  These guys seem like anarchists themselves so it will be interesting how this all develops.

May 7, 2013, 7:00:31 PM5/7/13

I found this article to be quite humorous because it's entirely poking (punching ha)  fun at Chris Brown. Of all the people on Earth, I think he deserves lots of jokes at his expense, and this Onion article doesn't disappoint with the jabs. While I don't think domestic violence is something that people should joke about, I like the fact that this completely mocks the existence that is Chris Brown and all the terrible things he's done.

I love articles like this because they show the fun side of living in America. Where else do you get to ride in a hot dog car for being old and loving bacon? Nowhere. This kind of thing just shows the niceness in people and how bacon brings the world together. I hope that Pearl (awesome old lady name) lives for years to come and continues to enjoy bacon- one of life's most precious gifts. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

May 7, 2013, 7:35:11 PM5/7/13

Personally I thought this political cartoon was hilarious. Maybe just because I am a huge fan of AMC's Breaking Bad. However the combination of the AMC drama and the current state of economy is humorous to me because the two are in no way connected. It shows a cartoon of Walter White, an unstable, successful emperor of the meth industry. A speech bubble explains, "I can't stop cooking..." He is also holding up a "recipe" for a fiscal crisis. Obviously the statement is clear when his jacket reads "Congress." I really just thought the comparison between Walter White and the government and economy's fiscal cliff was interesting. Pop culture is becoming extremely prominent in almost everything now.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

May 7, 2013, 7:36:29 PM5/7/13

         In this article, Susanna Kim and Alyssa Newcomb write in a disappointed tone of a woman who was found dead. Amanda Clayton was discovered having died of an overdose in an Ecorse, Michigan home. However, results are still coming in with an awaiting autopsy. The story was more so about what had been discovered about Clayton, rather than the reason of her death though. Clayton had become a millionaire last September after winning in a Michigan state lotto game show. What the medical and food insurance didn’t know, was that she was continuing to receive more than two hundred dollars monthly in food aid from the state of Michigan. Clayton had not reported her winnings and employment to the state. Almost $5,475 was given to her. To all those who don’t receive the necessary aid in food and medical insurance, Kim and Newcomb write to expose this selfish act. Some need to see where the money that could help so many people is going. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 7, 2013, 8:30:12 PM5/7/13
I honestly cannot believe that a company would be so discriminatory against their customers. Although I personally never really shopped at Abercrombie, I find it very hard to believe that the CEO could implement such restrictions. After reading the article, I was a little stunned by the fact that he said that he was targeting to the 'cool' kids and didn't care what other people thought of it. Plus, the fact that the only reason the sold XL male clothing is for larger athletes is a little messed up in my opinion. I guess it works for them however, as they seem to do somewhat well sale wise. Personally, I feel that the company could probably make a larger profit by expanding their horizons away from stick-like people, but who knows, maybe that would make them too "vanilla" 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 7, 2013, 8:35:35 PM5/7/13
I love Hillary Clinton and think she would make a pretty decent president, but I do agree with former president Bill Clinton when he states that the US should stop focusing on the next election (come on guys, there is still another 4-years) and focus on some of the bigger problems the country is currently facing. However, the article brings up the fact that the Clintons are enjoying being out of the spotlight a bit, so could Clinton saying that Hillary isn't planning to run possibly be a coverup for a high profile campaign? This article definitely presents the facts in a straight forward way and is short and concise on what Clinton has recently said. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 7, 2013, 9:21:16 PM5/7/13
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
This cartoon shows a homeless man abusing the system by living off of the benefits America provides for the poor. It also says that he will only start working once the benefits are used up, therefore implying that he won't work until us taxpayers stop providing him with food. This is just a whole other level of dishonor far beyond what you could even call a respectable hobo, if there is such a thing, because nowadays people are just taking advantage of government policies to get by with minimal effort.


Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
This cartoon portrays Spider Man tracking down an everyday criminal: the Congressman. This bit of humor is not only effective in attracting a wide audience but also calling to attention the injustice and corruption in our own government. The man represents those that we depend on to regulate our country and for him to be running from justice is not only ironic, but scary for the common American.  


May 7, 2013, 9:31:14 PM5/7/13

This Onion article is not only satirical but it also makes its readers feel as though they are there on the scene of the hypothetical report.  Writers of this piece poke fun at Lindsay Lohan in light of her recent failure to appear at her court-ordered rehab center with an interview of a rehab worker who is taken by surprise to find that Lohan has escaped.  The sheer image of Lohan running out the rehab center combined with this satirical tone is enough to make anyone laugh out loud.

Amy Levin-Epstein uses a matter-of-fact tone to educate her readers about the do's and dont's of resumes.  By presenting her information in a clear and concise format, Levin-Epstein illustrates not only the points of her piece but also what a sample resume should look like.  Such an article clearly is a reflection of careful consideration on the part of the author.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 7, 2013, 9:35:39 PM5/7/13
Betsy, I do not agree with you.  Although you as well as the article make valid points, I do not feel that everyone should cease all of the hype regarding Hillary for president.  The article is clear and concise, but it argues something that is inevitable.  People will always predict who will potentially run for president, especially when liberal-minded and graceful women such as Clinton are around.  #Clinton2016


May 7, 2013, 9:36:22 PM5/7/13
This article is about President Obama's recent reactions to North Koreas constant threats of nuclear attacks. Obama pretty much states that North Korea has failed not only in it's attempts to become a respected and feared world power, but also in it's attempts to drive a wedge between the United States and South Korea. I think Obama has handled everything that has been going on regarding North Korea very well. Many Americans have been making a big deal about all of North Korea's threats, but the President has done a very good job of neutralizing any panic and putting into perspective just how little of a threat North Korea really is.
This article is about Beyonce and Jay-Z's recent trip to Cuba to celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. This may seem like a trivial matter at first glance, but it actually is very controversial due to the fact that is it currently against the law for American citizens to spend money in Cuba. Although Obama's 2012 administration made it legal to travel there with a strict itinerary and for educational purposes, apparently that is not what Beyonce and Jay-Z did and the Castro regime is now using it as propoganda. I am undecided on how I feel about this article. I very much believe that one should not be able to consider themselves 'above the law' just because they are famous, but restricting people's ability to travel around the world seems unfair and even un-American.


May 7, 2013, 9:40:45 PM5/7/13
Doug-E-Fresh, the political cartoonist of this piece is both blunt and to the point in his efforts to prove that too many people take advantage of governmental benefits.  Although the cartoonist's purpose is indisputably accomplished, I do not agree with its message.  Unfortunately, there will always be people who take advantage of the system, but that does not mean that we need to do away with these programs altogether.

Mikaela Litchfield

May 7, 2013, 9:56:54 PM5/7/13


This article, written by the CNN Wire Staff, is very urgent. It is written in to tell the story of these two children and to inform people that if they have seen or are taking care of these children that they need to inform the police. The tone of this article is very urgent and serious to capture the tone of the actual situation.  This article makes its audience more scared for the children than sad about the whole situation. It is more about the missing children than the burnt house and their grandparents who died in the fire.  I feel for the parents of these children because they have hope that their kids survived the fire but there has to be part of them that thinks they could not have survived that fire.  This also makes me wonder where these children could be and if they are staying with someone else why they have not reported it to the police.


In this opinion article, “Why bias holds women back”, I was expecting it to be angry but was surprised to read that the tone was not angry at all. Since it was written by Meg Urry, a woman, I was expecting it to express all of the unfair treatment that women get but this article more explained why this unfairness happened. This author clearly did not like that women do not get as fair a shot as men in some fields but this article was not to get back at them but to express that this happens because of society and how men have always been considered leaders and tradition of men being the bread winners. I agree with this author and was happy to see that there was not an angry tone. I think it is hard to break tradition and even though more women are attending college than men today, society tells us that certain genders are better at certain jobs.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


May 7, 2013, 9:58:06 PM5/7/13

A girl went missing just before her 17th birthday 10 years ago, and she was recently discovered along with two other girls. This video report includes a phone call with the girls aunt who claims she never lost hope. And after all these years, she's still grateful as anything for her niece's safe return home. It's very scary to think of what this poor girl has had to go through. I'm very happy that this girl was found, and she will go on living the rest of her normal life.

This video is of the neighbor who found the missing girl Amanda Berry. His reaction to the incident is included on this video. He is very expressive, and his mannerisms are very humorous and made me laugh. I recommend everyone watch this video because it was informational as well as funny.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

grace miller

May 7, 2013, 10:07:27 PM5/7/13


Men and women were hired by the government to work on various assignments documenting American history and American life. One of those assignments, vast in scope, came to be known as the Slave Narratives, which had more than 2,000 first-hand accounts from slaves. What is so scary about these documents is that even midway into the 20th century, there were people who could still matter-of-factly describe how a slave auction worked. We often view slavery as an abstract, remote piece of history but it was barely one hundred and fifty years ago that this atrocity was still going on.

This article was written very factually and describes an Australian teenager that was found in the bushland after being missing for two months. He was reportedly covered in mosquitoes and leeches, and suffering for gangrene, dehydration, and emaciation. He is supposed to have been in the brush for the entire two months he was missing, and his starvation caused him to lose around 50 percent of his body weight. As informative as this article was, it does not say how or why he was there, or if he was abducted.



May 7, 2013, 10:09:45 PM5/7/13

In a new app, a mobile breathalyzer is available for people to measure their blood alcohol content and of course, share it with everyone else in the world, friends and strangers alike. What a surprise. To me, this is the lowest of the low in iPhone apps and sadly epitomizes the declination of society's morals. As usual, technology is the root of the problem as the entire world seeks to make everything and anything social news. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

Randy May

May 7, 2013, 10:12:14 PM5/7/13
Cleveland officials are investigating the handling of a call from kidnapping victim Amanda Berry to 911 on Monday. three victims of a kidnapping were finally rescued after ten years of confinement. They were found because one of these women that the three kidnappers captured managed to escape and finally alert authorities. Several times before, police officers visited to check on the house of the kidnappers due to suspicious behavior reported by neighbors. It is great that these women were finally set free. It is terrifying that people have the ability to just with hold people from their families and loved ones for ten years. These three men who kidnapped these poor women need to be sent to jail for a very very long time.
I found this article very interesting. A group of college under grads developed this thing called a 'black box for humans' that has the ability to record the surroundings of the person who has it. It is completely hack proof and can be used in a legal court of law. These students who made this box were inspired by the Trayvon Martin case.

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:58 PM, rippeyrachel <> wrote:

Ben Skalla

May 7, 2013, 10:14:12 PM5/7/13

A very active volcano in the Philippines spewed rocks towards a group of unsuspecting climbers.  Five people were killed and more were injured by the "living room" sized rocks that emerged from this volcano.  One member of the group had to rush back to their base camp at 3,000 feet to get help for the wounded.  Helicopters were needed to rescue the climbing group.  The volcano, Mayon, is a favorite among tourists, as the top of the volcano can be seen lit by flowing lava at night.  The area around the volcano will be temporarily off limits, as there is still threat of a sudden eruption.  

The cause of the massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas last month is said to be ammonium nitrate.  This explosion occured on April 17, in West, Texas.  The blast was powerful enough to leave 14 dead and more than 200 injured.  Although the cause of the explosion is now known to be ammonium nitrate, investigations are still taking place to figure out why the explosion actually happened.  Its scary that an explosion as destructive as this can occur for reasons that investigators are still unable to determine almost a month afterwards.  


May 7, 2013, 10:14:54 PM5/7/13

This article explains how hundreds of high school athletes across the country are not vocalizing their injuries, specifically, concussions. Concussions are one of the leading injuries in football and other sports and can pose very dangerous threats to the lives of athletes, teenage and adult. Most teens recognize the danger in what they are experiencing and some report it to the coaches, but too many often continue to play, despite traditional and worsening symptoms. To me, this explains how the pressures in high school sports can be overwhelming and demanding, consequently resulting in student athletes hiding any forethought of an injury that could irrevocably impact their lives in the long run. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:

May 8, 2013, 2:08:24 PM5/8/13
Contrary to your beliefs, Isabella, I think this is a brilliant idea. Not only does it encourage safety, but the ability to post your BAC online increases awareness of the problem. Adding a social media aspect to this device only encourages more people to drink safely.


May 8, 2013, 5:22:36 PM5/8/13
I thoroughly enjoyed this article by the Onion poking fun at Chris Brown, who has tarnished his reputation in recent years with charges of assault and being abusive toward his girlfriend Rihanna. I think its disgusting that they are back together, so in some ways, she's the idiot who got back together with her abusive boyfriend; but hey, it ain't nobody's bidness but her and her baby (reference to one of her songs). I agree that although it is somewhat inappropriate to joke about domestic violence, this article illuminates the foolish existence of Chris Brown and all of the horrific things he has done, like Kathy says. 


May 8, 2013, 5:29:39 PM5/8/13
I agree with Olivia on the premise of President Obama's handling of the situation with North Korea and the consistent threats they have been making towards the United States. Instead of shifting into a state of panic, Obama has assuaged any tense feelings of the American public in regard to the subject. While it may seem threatening that North Korea are hinting at nuclear attacks upon American soil, North Korea has failed to separate the ties between the U.S. and South Korea and humiliated their country, diminishing any chance at becoming a superpower. I don't think it is wise for a country like North Korea to be flexing their guns at the most powerful nation in the world since the end of WWII. Go America!

Dylan Panicucci

May 8, 2013, 7:58:21 PM5/8/13
This is so true, and it gets me so mad that there are people that live off the system.  The cartoon shows this message loud and clear.  Although, welfare programs cannot be entirely done away with, there needs to be serious, serious reform to make sure this doesn't happen anymore.

Dylan Panicucci

May 8, 2013, 8:04:25 PM5/8/13
I cannot believe this guy at all.  He actually discriminates against fat people.  What a jerk!  Maybe he should realize that doing this only hurts his own company.  Oh and as the article states, he does look like a freak.  I looked him up and he looks like a male version of Joan Rivers.  Way too much plastic surgery!


May 8, 2013, 9:26:02 PM5/8/13
High school athletes are typically very dedicated to their sports so I can easily see why they would be hesitant to stop playing for a bit, especially if there is a possibility for receiving a college scholarship based on athletics. I know many people who have played through injuries, and after a while reporting that they were worse off than they initially were. I hope that high school athletes learn that they need to be careful and protect their health before continuing to play with an injury, especially one to a vital organ such as the brain. 


May 8, 2013, 9:28:12 PM5/8/13
I totally understand Pearl's love of bacon. Obviously doctors have no clue what they are talking about when they say that you should stay away from such meats because Pearl seems to be doing just fine. I think its fantastic that she continues to live life to its fullest, even into her 100s and I hope her love of bacon never goes away!

May 9, 2013, 10:30:37 AM5/9/13
I don't know... I think this is kind of funny. So, iPhone has a breathalyzer now to judge blood alcohol content. That could be useful to people in many ways. I'm sure there is some sort of setting to not have you BAC displayed on the map that this app apparently has. I think it could be fun if you are into, too. If you don't wanna use it, don't us it and don't complain about it. It's a matter of opinion. I'm sure there are a ton of people who would love this app, regardless. And like I said, it can be very helpful when judging if you can drive home or not after a couple drinks, maybe.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 10:09:45 PM UTC-4, isabella.cuan wrote:

May 9, 2013, 10:35:41 AM5/9/13
AH. I love this! Bacon is nearly the center of my universe. I think it's great that Pearl here is being rewarded for her love of bacon. It is about time people are appreciated for it rather than discriminated against. I'm sick of the segregated water fountains pertaining to bacon lovers and bacon haters. I'm sick of sitting in the back of the bus because I love bacon. Pearl shows true character is embracing the love of bacon, and she deserves every ride in that hot dog car.
I'm not sure if any of that made any sense at all.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 7:00:31 PM UTC-4, wrote:

May 9, 2013, 1:04:00 PM5/9/13
I found this cartoon to be really funny because it's so true. Cost is such a massive factor when it comes to college, and can often prevent people from going to the best school they can get into, solely because of the fact that they can't afford it. While it's funny to joke about, the idea of the massive cost of college is such a scary thing that I think we'd all like to avoid for awhile longer.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 5:54:47 PM UTC-4, Julie Daniels wrote:

Recently, The Turkish Airline has changed their dress code policy and the flight attendants are more than mad. Now switching to longer hemlines and more basic colors, they also banned any bright lipstick and hair dye. Dubbing it “The Red Lipstick Movement” it’s employees have spoken out on twitter and Facebook mocking the airline and attempting to get back the freedom to wear more colors and make up. I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that they have made this a policy as I do not see the logic in banning these things at all.

I thought that this cartoon was a very funny (not to mention realistic) one. Because we are going to be off to college soon, the worry about how we are going to pay for it is beginning to build. The astronomical costs associated with college are something that everyone has to worry about. I know that this is going to be just like my father when my brother and I graduate! 

Matt Saba

May 9, 2013, 1:48:42 PM5/9/13
As a person who experience with a 3D printer, I can attest to their value in engineering. The idea that this technology can be put to use to make a functional gun out of plastic though, is ludacris. Many different intracate parts are neccessary to create a gun, and many of those cannot be made of plastic (like a spring and firing mechanism).People can make different parts for guns but the finished product cannot be obtained without extraneous resources.All of the hype about these things in unneccessary and pointless.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 6:53:08 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

A group known as Defense Distributed created a functional gun from a 3-D printer.  The instructions were then put online and concerns about crime and terrorism were raised.  The guns are plastic so they do not show up on metal detectors.  These guys seem like anarchists themselves so it will be interesting how this all develops.

Matt Saba

May 9, 2013, 1:53:18 PM5/9/13
This is a great example of students using their inginuity to better the world. If a device like this could be used to help even one person, it would be worth the effort put into it. This device would be of great help in a court especially since it can provide tangible evidence even when there are no eye-witnesses.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 10:12:14 PM UTC-4, rjmay43 wrote:
I found this article very interesting. A group of college under grads developed this thing called a 'black box for humans' that has the ability to record the surroundings of the person who has it. It is completely hack proof and can be used in a legal court of law. These students who made this box were inspired by the Trayvon Martin case.
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:58 PM, rippeyrachel <> wrote:

A girl went missing just before her 17th birthday 10 years ago, and she was recently discovered along with two other girls. This video report includes a phone call with the girls aunt who claims she never lost hope. And after all these years, she's still grateful as anything for her niece's safe return home. It's very scary to think of what this poor girl has had to go through. I'm very happy that this girl was found, and she will go on living the rest of her normal life.

This video is of the neighbor who found the missing girl Amanda Berry. His reaction to the incident is included on this video. He is very expressive, and his mannerisms are very humorous and made me laugh. I recommend everyone watch this video because it was informational as well as funny.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:24:28 PM UTC-4, sian.barry wrote:


This article, written by Denise Lavoie, reports on a lawsuit involving Toys R Us where they a looking to repeal a charge of $18 million punitive damages for the slide death of 29-year-old Robin Aleo. She slid down the inflatable pool slide head first, the slide partially collapsed and she suffered fatal injuries and died at a Boston hospital. The jury, five years later, awarded Aleo’s family $22 million in compensation; however, Toys R Us argues the $18 million in punitive damages is “grossly excessive”. Lavoie revealed that there was controversy as to whether Aleo was using the slide incorrectly, but the witnesses that testified said that she simply slid down the slide.


In this article from the NY Times, Brooks Barnes unveils that “Iron Man 3” has set off Hollywood’s summer season to a good start with a “superheroic” $175.3 million in ticket sales in North America, which totals a global grossing of $680.1. Between the first weekend in May and Labor Day, 40% of annual movie ticket sales are accounted for, a statistic I found very interesting. It makes sense when you think about it because throughout the summer, people have more free time, but only so much disposable income to spend on movies, which makes some movies huge successes, but others may fall short. This Friday after the AP exam, I am looking forward to seeing the very much-anticipated Great Gatsby, which will be phenomenal to say the least, especially since it cast Leonardo DiCaprio and so many other good actors and actresses.

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Ben Skalla

May 9, 2013, 4:21:44 PM5/9/13
It's pretty scary to me that this car instantly caught fire without a known cause.  The interviewer was rude to the driver of the car, as he must have already felt extreme guilt because of the whole situation despite there was nothing he could do.  The way the interview hinted that the driver was partly to blame wasn't right, after he had seen this occur and was lucky to be alive himself

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 6:53:08 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

This is a very upsetting story.  A limo carrying women from a bachelorette party suddenly caught on fire.  Five women, including the bride died.  In an interview with the driver one can see how saddened and sick he is from the whole situation.  I was mad at the interviewer because she was hinting at this guy that he was incompetent or did not do enough.  I felt really bad for him. 

Julie Daniels

May 9, 2013, 4:25:50 PM5/9/13
I agree with Dylan this is a very sad story. Its heartbreaking that the bride was just about to start the rest of her life with her husband! Not to mention the time and money that probably went into planning the wedding and that night! I feel bad for the driver but my heart breaks even more for the husband to be!

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 6:53:08 PM UTC-4, Dylan Panicucci wrote:

This is a very upsetting story.  A limo carrying women from a bachelorette party suddenly caught on fire.  Five women, including the bride died.  In an interview with the driver one can see how saddened and sick he is from the whole situation.  I was mad at the interviewer because she was hinting at this guy that he was incompetent or did not do enough.  I felt really bad for him. 

Julie Daniels

May 9, 2013, 4:28:56 PM5/9/13
I think this new black box is one of the coolest things ever! This has the potential to change the course of history by helping find who is guilty and who is innocent in the court law! However, I hope that this unhackable box remains just that-- unhackable. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 10:12:14 PM UTC-4, rjmay43 wrote:
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Ben Skalla

May 9, 2013, 4:30:51 PM5/9/13
The way that this company attempts to sell their product seems pretty screwed up.  According to the article, they try to hire attractive workers, because they will attract more good looking people to buy their clothes.  This means that they do not want to offer their clothing to larger people, because it will not look as good for their brand.  Their mindset is that, if consumers notice attractive people wearing their clothing brand, then they will want to wear those clothes as well.  I think its wrong for this CEO to have said that many people don't belong in their clothes because they are not cool enough.  

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 8:30:12 PM UTC-4, elizabeth.smith.24 wrote:
I honestly cannot believe that a company would be so discriminatory against their customers. Although I personally never really shopped at Abercrombie, I find it very hard to believe that the CEO could implement such restrictions. After reading the article, I was a little stunned by the fact that he said that he was targeting to the 'cool' kids and didn't care what other people thought of it. Plus, the fact that the only reason the sold XL male clothing is for larger athletes is a little messed up in my opinion. I guess it works for them however, as they seem to do somewhat well sale wise. Personally, I feel that the company could probably make a larger profit by expanding their horizons away from stick-like people, but who knows, maybe that would make them too "vanilla" 

Orion Farr

May 9, 2013, 8:16:13 PM5/9/13
The aspect of this that really sucks is I believe Rutgers' athletic
budget comes out of their general fund; i.e. the athletic dept is not
self sufficient or booster-backed like at many Div 1A schools, so in
this case, you're right, this really does not only screw the students
but also the tax payers of NJ whose money goes towards the school and
paying this guy for being fired.

I'm guessing his 'resignation' was a preemptive strike to avoid being
fired with cause, which likely would have given the school an out from
his contract.

The idea he was "caught beforehand" is ridiculous; there is no
description of "caught" in this article. Police called or not, he
could have tried to take out anyone or everyone in his immediate
vicinity before the police were present. There were plenty of people
there and he could have harmed many.
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May 9, 2013, 8:53:09 PM5/9/13
It's funny, back in STEP, i believe it may have been 5th or 6th grade, we were assigned research projects and I opted to look into potential apocalypse theories. Oddly enough, one of the theories was the death of the honey bee, and with it the lack of pollen necessary for many, if not all, of our foods. At the time I didn't think much of the theory nor the potential for it, but with this it seems to be a proven possibility.

The fact that honey bees are dying in droves is bad, and what makes it worse is that no one actually knows why. Honey bees are credited with helping produce $200 billion worth of crops per year and they are a neccessity for almost all food that we eat. If bees were to die out it would almost be impossible for many other animals and humans to survive. Because scientists have not been able to pin down one specific cause for the mass deaths of bees it is impossible for them to fix the problem. The author of the article uses mainly facts and statistics but does have a tone of slight melancholy.


May 9, 2013, 8:59:13 PM5/9/13
I'm not sure if you've seen the video taken by a local bystander of the incident but man was that a massive explosion. It seems to be that with the advancement of technology there is a greater potential for disaster, so it becomes more and more important to abide by proper safety procedures and codes. Modern science may have its perks, but whether it be a fertilizer plant exploding or some other disaster the risk may sometimes outweigh the rewards.

Randy May

May 9, 2013, 9:43:54 PM5/9/13
In athletics, if there is ever a head injury at any point that player should sit out immediately, no matter how tough that player may be. Everyone always talks about receiving athletic scholarships, but playing through an injury, especially an injury to the head, is not a good idea. People can only play sports for so long, and I'm pretty sure you need your brain to function after an athletic career.
After reading Ben's article, that is why I would never go rock climbing on a real mountain ever. For the fear of being crushed by giant rocks, let alone lava from a giant volcano. It doesn't make sense to me why someone would want to put themselves in that type of danger just to say they climbed a volcano. Seeing the lava in the mouth of a volcano is not worth risking your life over.



May 9, 2013, 9:59:40 PM5/9/13
I think it's interesting how the Clinton's are still so deep into politics, but I do think that Hillary's possible campaigning will spark lots of emotion both good and bad. I feel like with her it's either you adore her or hate her so I feel like that could definitely make for heated campaign


May 9, 2013, 10:01:32 PM5/9/13
I think that is obviously bad for the most part, but I also think that having a mobile breathalizer could have its benefits if the purpose is tweaked. If people are drinking and have the ability to quickly see whether they are able to drive, or have others do it for them, it could be a safety booster with regards to drunk driving


May 9, 2013, 10:11:58 PM5/9/13

This article about the old lady who loves bacon is really very funny. I personally love bacon, but I rarely eat it, so when I do its the best day ever. I think the tone of this piece is very joyful, portraying a happy woman who has lived through life doing what makes her happy.


May 9, 2013, 10:15:35 PM5/9/13

Oh my gosh, this is so sad.. This tragic story really makes me realize you can never take a day for granted, because you never know when your time is over. Because it could close to the day of you wedding, and then what? It makes me feel very badly for the husband as well as the driver. 

Alexandra Chin

May 15, 2013, 6:25:30 PM5/15/13

Google has announced a new music subscription service akin to that of Spotify and Pandora. It's claim to public attention is that it is unlike Pandora, which is an internet radio that picks songs based on a song, genre, or artist. Unlike Spotify it is an internet radio putting in league with Pandora and below Spotify, which promotes creating your virtual playlist based on songs you want and do not want. It will cost $9.99 a month and there is no free version, which is what I assume to be the application's greatest downfall.

Here we are able to see the great leaps in technology that man has made via the Solar Impulse, an entirely solar powered plane that has the ability to fly on nothing but solar powered batteries. Despite the fact that we are years away from a solar powered plane for commercial use this is still a huge leap in engineering and science. This breakthrough innovation can help lower the amount of fuel planes use, which is an astounding amount of around 36000 gallons of fuel in a ten-hour flight. The breakthrough plane has enough power stored in the energy cells to power itself through night-trips and cloudy days. I think that this piece of technology is a wonderful application for the solar energy we have been attempting to turn into our next fuel source.

Alexandra Chin

May 15, 2013, 9:01:47 PM5/15/13
RE: Missing Australian Teen

It is indeed very fortunate that this boy was found and that he was able to survive for so long out in the wilderness. I find it impressive that he was able to survive for so long without society and civilization, as far as we know. I hope that this boy is able to recover from the both mental and physical injuries that such exposure has caused him. Amazingly he was able to survive off of a creek bed that was running dry. The police predict that he had been in the brush for about 9 weeks during a massive heat wave where temperatures reached over 45 Celsius which is equivalent to 113 degrees Fahrenheit!

RE: Abercrombie

One time I walked into Abercrombie and I was afraid that I was never going to get out and that my soul was being sucked away. Since my body and my mind have not returned to such a place. Hearing this news about the CEO and his choices regarding the management of his stores honestly surprised me and shocked me. There is really no words to describe such actions. If they don't want the extra customers, fine by me, it is their own financial mistake.
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