Pay attention to your Niyyah!

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Jun 7, 2023, 8:00:58 PM6/7/23
Pay attention to your Niyyah!

"A brother left his house for an urgent matter. On his way, not too far from his house, he saw a thick branch laying on the ground, which was clearly an obstacle. Were people not attentive they could trip over it and hurt themselves.

He thought to himself: "If I remove this branch, I could be greatly rewarded by Allah", so he decided he would remove it on his way back, since he was in a hurry.

On the way back he remembered the branch and thought about filming his good deed. "If I record myself doing it, maybe I can improve my reputation among the people."

When he reached the place where the branch was, he discovered that it had already been cleared away by an old man from the neighbourhood. The old man came up to him and said, "What kept you, as a young and healthy man, from clearing away the branch when you saw that it was a hindrance? I, at my old age, had to watch you not care, and do it myself, when this should have been your job."

The young man went home without saying anything and did not speak a word all day. His wife wanted to talk to him, but he did not answer and just sat there in contemplation. Motionless, staring at the floor.

At some point he said: "Oh my wife, I'm perishing."
She asked him, "What happened?"
He said: "I left the house and saw a branch lying on the path, I set my intention to clear it away for Allah, but since I was in a hurry I delayed it for my way home. By that time my intentions had changed to improving my reputation among the people. When I reached the place where the branch was, it was already gone. I wanted to clear the branch away to do a good deed for the sake of Allah, but changed my intention on the way home, so it is no longer of use to me. I wanted to clear away the branch in front of the people so that they could see what a good and attentive neighbor I was, but I can't do that anymore either because the branch is gone. And on top of that, the people I wanted to please are even upset with me because I didn't clear it away straight away."

The one who wants to please people with his deeds will be a loser in this world and in the Hereafter. In the Hereafter, he will be among the losers because the deeds he did not do for the sake of Allah, will be of no use to him. In the hereafter, he will again be a loser, because no matter what deeds he does for people, he will never be able to achieve people’s satisfaction."

- Muhammad Ash-Shishani

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