End-of-Year Thank You | Executive Board Applications due TODAY | Murafest 2011

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Apr 29, 2011, 7:50:45 AM4/29/11
to acunyu

Hey ACU Members!

Thanks to everyone who came out to our End-of-Semester Open Mic & Mocktails event this past Wednesday! We had a great time with you all and hope you enjoyed the wonderful food, the mock champagne and shirley temples, and the great performances by fellow club members. We had a great time and would like to thank you all for the support you have given us throughout the year. We hope that you have enjoyed the events that we have hosted and participated in and that you will all come back to us next year as we welcome the class of 2015 to NYU.

With that in mind, please submit any final Executive Board applications to us by tonight at 11:59:59pm. Just as a reminder, our three current open positions are Treasurer, Secretary, and Webmaster. Here is an overview of the duties associated with each position:

Officer appointed to manage all organization expenses.
Required to attend NYU-mandated training session at beginning of fall and spring semesters.
Must be highly organized and punctual.

Responsible for taking official minutes at all Executive Board meetings.
Also charged with sending out weekly listserv emails.

Must maintain the club website and update on a weekly basis.
Strong knowledge of HTML suggested.

To apply for any of these positions, please fill out the following form:


Again, thank you for all of the support that you have shown ACU throughout the academic year.
We will be working diligently throughout the summer to ensure that next year's programs are even better!
Keep an eye out for us!

Executive Board 2011

PS: Our friends in Japan International are hosting a benefit concert and festival this Saturday that ACU will be co-sponsoring. The event will act as a celebration of Japanese culture and will take place in the form of various game booths, performances (including spoken word by our own Co-President Ben Dumond), raffles, and TONS of free, delicious food! So please make an effort to come out and support Japan!

Saturday, April 30 | Kimmel E&L Auditorium | 12:30-4pm

Tickets are now at Ticket Central for $7.

PPS: ACU will soon be sending out a survey about this year's events that we'd like you all to fill out for us if possible.
One person will randomly be chosen from those who complete the survey to win a prize (details will be sent out along with the survey).
We hope to make your year an even more memorable one in the upcoming fall and spring semesters, so any feedback is appreciated.

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