I am able to upload images and display images in a view
This is the code I placed in my helper file. This is the same code I
used to display the image in a view.
def photo_thumbnail_column (record)
img src="<%= url_for(:action => "get_thumbnail", :id => record.id)
Any help is much appreciated.
i'm searching for a example code to upload image file - do you share
your sample code to help on this?
i'm working on to use file_column plugin - not sure if you have used
teh same
I have not used the file column integration. I used the examples in
the Rails Cookbook to get me started.
Thanks again for your help.
On Nov 2, 1:43 am, "Tim Harper" <timchar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> filagan:
> First, learn ruby, it will do you much goodness.
> Second,
> def photo_thumbnail_column (record)
> image_tag(url_for(:action => "get_thumbnail", :id => record.id))
> end
> have you tried using the file column integration? If you declare an image
> with a version of "thumb", active scaffold automatically displays the thumb
> version.
> Tim
I got my examples of loading images to the database from the book
Rails Cookbook. You might be able to see excerpts of the book on the
net. The book covers everything you need including the other software
packages you need to install.
The book breaks down the process in 2 sections:
1. Loading the image from the file.
2. Displaying images from a database.
There is also a section on creating thumbnails from the uploaded
is that possible to share your code with me - to know how this is
you can email me if you don't have any issues in sharing your work-
On Nov 2, 8:58 pm, filagan <fila...@gmail.com> wrote:
> selvan,
> I got my examples of loading images to the database from the book
> Rails Cookbook. You might be able to see excerpts of the book on the
> net. The book covers everything you need including the other software
> packages you need to install.
> The book breaks down the process in 2 sections:
> 1. Loading the image from thefile.
> 2. Displaying images from a database.
> There is also a section on creating thumbnails from the uploaded
> images.
> On Nov 2, 2:40 am, Selvan <kalaiselva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > flagan
> > i'm searching for a example code touploadimagefile- do you share
> > your sample code to help on this?
> > i'm working on to use file_column plugin - not sure if you have used
> > teh same
> > selvan
> > On Nov 2, 11:10 am, filagan <fila...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am trying to display a thumbnail image from a database in the
> > > activescaffold list. Based on the documentation I have read so far I
> > > am pretty sure I need to update the helperfilebut I am not sure of
> > > the syntax for the image tag that I need to place there.
> > > I am able touploadimages and display images in a view
> > > This is the code I placed in my helperfile. This is the same code I
> > > used to display the image in a view.
> > > def photo_thumbnail_column (record)
> > > img src="<%= url_for(:action => "get_thumbnail", :id => record.id)
> > > %>"
> > > end
> > > Any help is much appreciated.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -